Revival of the Gods

Chapter 1777: Shen Xianxian got into a calculation

The latest website: "But," Shen Jianmeng has to argue, Shen Mei frowned. "The old man is pressed for time, so there is no need to say more. Let the old man look at your situation in Qianling Garden, and these miscellaneous students ..."

Not to mention that Shen Jianmeng accompanied Shen Mei to inspect the Qianling Garden, and only said that Shen Yunxian returned to Dongfu, Shen Zhenhong and Shen Yucheng just took out the immortal wine. When Shen Yunxian came back, Shen Yunhong said: "Why so fast? What's wrong? Yet?"

"It's okay." Shen Yunxian said in a voice. "That uncle sees me imprinting the immortal marks, and let me come back to meditate."

"Oh, yes," Shen Yucheng suddenly remembered something, a forehead said, "Brother, have you forgotten? We disciples of the Shen family can't carve immortal marks in Huang Zengtian, you really have to sue the elders and send them away Yin goes to Taiming Yu to finish the day. "

"Why go to Taiming Jade to finish the day?" Shen Yunxian was a little puzzled. He was supposed to fly back by himself, and then stopped and asked.

"My disciples from the Shen family are not allowed to appear in Huang Zengtian!"


"I don't know for the teacher," she said with a smile. "Go to the retreat and take a moment with your uncle for the teacher and go to Elder Tong Ming!"

"Okay!" Shen Yunxian nodded and flew away.

"This child is still a bit silly!" Shen Yunhong smiled bitterly.

However, before Shen Zhenhong and Shen Yucheng drank the immortal wine, some disciples had already come over and passed on the elder order, so that Shen Yunxian could immediately clean up and return to Yu Wantian with the other disciples.

"Immediately?" Shen Yunhongqi said, "Why return to Yuwantianzuo immediately?"

"Uncle, the disciples are not clear," the messaging disciple shook his head, "Uncle Mei returned from the Qianling Garden to the elders, and then an elder order came!"

"I see!" Shen Xunhong raised his palm, and said joyfully, "It must be that Uncle Miao saw that Xian Xian was about to engrave the immortal marks, and the disciples of the Shen family traveled to and from Taimingyu very troublesome. For example, when a group of disciples returned, Let ’s take back Xianxian together, this is a great opportunity! "

Shen Yucheng had some hanks, and while Shen Zhenhong went to call Shen Yunxian, he pulled the disciples to ask him. The disciples were also surprised by Shen Yunxian's cultivation progress, but he didn't know why some disciples suddenly returned to Taimingyu to finish the day. It's Fanxian. As for Shen Mei, he left after Elder Lu Ming.

Shen Yucheng always felt that there was something weird inside. He wanted to remind Shen Yucheng of it, but when he saw that Shen Yunxian's toes were high, he had to wait for Shen Yunxian to follow the disciples, and he didn't say anything. Instead, he toasted and said, "Master, Congratulations, there will be a disciple who will miss the immortal soon, and it will probably be immortal soon. At that time, the younger brother will screw down his head and make wine for you! "

"Haha" Shen Yunhong laughed. He wanted to follow it, and at this time he had to raise a glass and said, "Master is kidding!"

Shen Xunxian didn't think too much. After all, Shen Xunhong muttered a lot of taboos about engraving imprints. He was a bit tired, as if no one had ever engraved them.

Before coming out of the hall, the disciple disciple had already taken out the space fairy and ordered all the disciple disciples to fly in.

Shen Yunxian was a bit resistant to this move, but before she arrived, Shen Yunhong had made it clear that the disciples of the Shen family could not appear in Huang Zengtian, and Fan Xian wanted to return to Yu Wantian, and could only enter the space fairy to let high-level disciples take the fly return.

"It is really troublesome to be a disciple of the Shen family!" Shen Yunxian has secretly made up his mind. After engrave the imprint, he must find an opportunity to leave the Shen family. Not only is his identity trouble, but there are too many miscellaneous errands, which really affects cultivation.

The space fairy used by the disciples of Yanxian was naturally low-level. Shen Xunxian fell into the middle and immediately lost consciousness. When he woke up again, he was already in a cold sea of ​​ice. Shen Xunxian slightly released his thoughts and suddenly panicked: "No, this ... ... this is not Yu Wantian !! "

The color world is more empty, and after about half a month, Jiang Meihua returns with Guan Tianyue, watching Guan Tianyue look downcast. Jiang Meihua smiled and said, "Sir, Lao Guan feels that he is weak and somewhat discouraged It's up! "

"Oh?" Xiao Hua smiled and pointed at the jade chair next to him. "Sit down first and say slowly ..."

"Master," where does Guan Tianyue dare to sit? He accompanied the smiley and said, "I thought I was still qualified and had good luck. I stepped up in Tianzun Mansion, but I was sitting in the position of deputy in the state of Qi. But ... look at Binger now , She is all immortal, look at Jiang Meihua, in the team will soon be handsome, I ... I am not as good as them ...

"Sit!" Xiao Hua couldn't help crying, knowing it was time for him to do ideological work for Guan Tianyue.

"My lord is up, I dare not sit down ..." Guan Tianyue hesitated for a moment and replied.

"Old ginger, you sit!" Xiao Hua smiled at Jiang Meihua.

"Yes, sir!" Jiang Meihua smiled. When there were no outsiders, he had no particular scruples.

Guan Tianyue watched Jiang Meihua sit down, looked at Xiao Hua, and finally sat down.

"Come and have a drink." Xiao Hua smiled and waved. Two jade cases were put in front of Jiang Meihua and Guan Tianyue, and then two glasses of fine wine also appeared in front of them.

"Sir," Jiang Meihua looked at the wine in front of her, and smiled unconsciously. "This is the situation ..."

"Are you going to chant a poem?" Xiao Hua blurted out.

"No." Jiang Meihua shook her head. "At the end I think of Qiling Mountain, and I think of listening to the snow. May I drink together?"

"Yes, yes!" Xiao Hua looked at the huge arc of light outside Xianzhou, like a cracked ice mark on the ice lake, and nodded. Come, my husband toast you! "

Xiao Hua also toasted.

Jiang Meihua and Guan Tianyue hurriedly toasted and laughed, "Master Xie Jiu!"

Guan Tianyue wondered with a glass of fine wine: "Sir, is this a pint bar?"

"Yes, this is a drop of fairy wine!" Xiao Hua nodded.

"Lian Xiuyuan's predecessor gave me a drop of fairy wine," Guan Tianyue said with emotion. "I haven't seen him for more than a hundred years. I may not have tasted this good wine for a long time."

"We were hearing Tianxue seeing Lian Xiuyuan." Xiao Huahan smiled. "Remember when you saw Shuo Bing?"

"Of course I remember," Guan Tianyue nodded. "At that time, my heart was going to break. I really wanted to put the demon seed on myself, to eat the bitterness for Binger, and suffer from those ..."

"Suo Bing suffers more than that!" Xiao Hua said, "I remember that she should be the first fairy who gave me justice or encouragement after I first landed in the fairy world. She changed my attitude towards the fairy world. Knowing it has eliminated a lot of my anger ... "

"Well, this Binger told me ..."

"Actually, at that time, she already knew that there were monsters on her body. She was still struggling and wanted to change ..." Then, Xiao Hua said to Jiang Meihua, "I remember Xuan Yiguo's dazzling pet monster, You also rescued Shuo Bing. At that time, she was almost captured again by Qing Yunshan's teacher. "

"Yes, sir." Jiang Meihua nodded. "At that time, Shuo Bing had just fled from Qingyun Mountain. The teacher of Qingyunshan took her as a bait and wanted to capture the demon behind her!"

"They miscalculated!" Guan Tianyue said coldly, "the demon who saved him is me !!"

"Oh, Laoguan, do you still have such heroic feats to save the beauty?" Jiang Meihua smiled at Guan Tianyue.

"Of course!" Guan Tianyue smashed his mouth and said, "Dang Yuanri ..."

"Master," Jiang Meihua said with a grimace. "There is a story in Laoguan, what about your wine?"

"Here, here!" Xiao Hua looked back again, and another glass of fairy wine appeared.

"Oh?" Guan Tianyue was surprised when he smelled the wine. "Master, this ... is this second-grade fairy wine?"

"Yes, in the words of Lian Xiuyuan, this is an old liquor with two money!" Xiao Hua raised his hand, "Please ..."

"Master Xie." Jiang Meihua was overjoyed, feeling that it was too cost-effective to point out Guan Tianyue once.

After drinking two-dollar old wine, Guan Tianyue told what happened to Yuanri in Qingyun Mountain, and finally said, "I haven't said anything about this, but looking at the other day, Binger rushed to Qingyun Mountain. Killing Qiu Yicheng directly, I think ... Qingyumen never dared to mention it again. "

"Well." Xiao Hua answered, "As for listening to Tianxue, you and I have all experienced it. You know in your heart what kind of pain is Shuo Bing, which is comparable to purgatory?"

"Yes!" Guan Tianyue nodded.

"Then," Xiao Hua asked again, "if it is you, can you keep your original heart under such sharpening, can you not go into the demon?"

"It's not easy to say." Guan Tianyue lowered his head for a moment and shook his head. "That's a bad idea, it's easy to fall."

"Yeah!" Xiao Hua said with emotion, "Only a strange woman like Shuo Bing can have the will like iron, the faith like steel, and stick to her own bottom line! Then you say that she has what she has achieved today, shouldn't she? Is there any eccentricity in heaven? "

"No, absolutely not!" Guan Tianyue said in a hurry ~ ~ Tiandao Zhigong! "

"Then I will ask you again," Xiao Hua replied sharply, and asked, "when you saw Shuo Bing, did you have a trace of self-confidence?"

"Yes, more than one ..."

"Did you see that Shuo Bing killed Qiu Yicheng? Do you feel that Shuo Bing has made you unspeakable?"

"Yes ..." Guan Tianyue hesitated, then nodded after a moment, "Yes!"

"When you come to the Palace of Desires, you see a lot of fairy officials, and a lot of war generals are better than you," Xiao Hua said speedily, and asked, "Do you feel more inferior? Especially when you see your husband and Jiang Meihua again. ? "

"Yes, that's a little bit!" Guan Tian took a deep breath.

Before he finished speaking, Xiao Hua said again: "Finally, Shuo Bing saw the old man, who said that she cut off the cause and effect and wished to be paid. Did you suddenly lose something?"

"I," Guan Tianyue stuttered ...

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