Revival of the Gods

Chapter 1774: Power

The latest website: "Oh, really!" Xiao Hua took a look at Mo Xiantong, and then gave it back to Yao Zhaoxing. "Otherwise, that little fairy official said that there are talents every year, and there are so many in this world!"

Yao Zhaoxing took Moxian Tong, his heart was more calm, and then he destroyed Moxian Tong.

"Okay," Xiao Hua laughed. "You go and do it yourself. The old man is in a hurry. Deputy Master Yin should be done now! I let off ..."

"Guan Tianyue!" Guan Tianyue hurriedly laughed.

"Well, let Guan Tianyue Guantang take me to the Nether Passage!"

"Yeah!" Yin Zhaohong came out when he heard that, Yao Zhaoxing hesitated, and nodded, "The humble job will go back, and the humble job wishes everyone success!"

"Huh!" Xiao Hua nodded, and Yao Zhaoxing instructed Guan Tianyue Road: "Tianyue, you must listen to the orders in the account of Lord Xiao, Yao has a plan in mind, and you will surely have your work in the future!"

"Yes, yes, thank you, Lord Yao!" Guan Tianyue bowed and seemed thankful.

Yao Zhaoxing then bid farewell to Xiao Hua and hurried away.

Xiao Hua looked around and turned into Zhuanji Dian, but he saw a lot of fairy officials in Zhuanji Dian, all looking at a beautiful fairy in the distance.

Xiao Hua looked at the fairy fairy, and did not pay special attention. After glancing at the back of the fairy officials, he turned and came out again. At this time, another fairy official followed and flew out, holding a messenger fairy in his hand. Say something.

As soon as Xiao Hua moved, secretly performing Tianertongtong, he could hear the fairy official whispering: "... Master Tao, here is the temple today ... Yuyingge Yuan, humble investigation ... Tianxian Beginner, oh, it's a fairy ... Yes, write down the humble job ... Check the details of the humble job ... the thunder, sentenced ... you always received it? Well, humble job understand ... The humble masters are staring at these horrific cultivation geniuses ... "

The immortal official said, turning around and entering another hall, Xiao Hua's eyes turned, he didn't follow, and he heard enough about this thought in one move!

There are fairy officials in the heavens who are concerned about the genius who cultivates the horrors of entering the country! !!

Who is following?

Who is Master Tao?

What does he care about these geniuses?

"Sir," Guan Tianyue cautioned behind him, "the channel of the Nether is not in this direction ..."

"Oh," Xiao Hua stopped, knowing that he could no longer be blind in this palace of desire, otherwise he would be suspected by others, he thought for a moment, and said, "The old man is thinking whether he should go to the lower world now, or is he in a state of nothingness? Hengtian turns around ... "

Guan Tianyue understood and laughed: "It's okay for adults if they want to turn around, but the humble job is the transformation of the spirit fairy, and there is no way out of the palace of desire."

"It's okay," Xiao Hua said. "The old man's fairy boat should be able to resist one or two. If it really doesn't work, you can enter the old man's martial arts weapon."

Since it is acting, then play the role, so Guan Tianyue accompanied the laughter: "Lord's martial arts fairy or the Lord's Majesty, let's go in. The humble job is the Celestial Officer of Tianzun Mansion, I am afraid that he is not qualified to enter."

"Well," Xiao Hua nodded, "you take the old man out of the palace of desires, and the old man goes to the void to see the balance!"

Guan Tianyue took Xiao Hua out of the hall according to the words, and the light curtain was like a water curtain outside the hall. Guan Tianyue accompanied the laughter and said, "Good masters know that flying out from here will lead you to nothingness."

"Good!" Xiao Hua smiled, sacrificed the fairy boat, took Guan Tianyue, Qian Yuhan, and Su Shi to the fairy boat, and instructed the disciples of the fortune-telling to take charge of the boat.

Xianzhou flew into the light curtain, and an arc was born in front of Xianzhou's head. After waiting for a large number of days, these light arcs were broken one by one, and the fairy boat "snapped". Flying out, the flames in front of me are just a great sighting day!

"This is the emptiness of the balance?" Guan Tianyue looked around and said, "Why is there nothing?"

"Hey," Xiao Hua laughed. "You are still a magical fairy. The immortal body is not condensed. There is no immortal washing in the body. If you are not on the old man's fairy boat, you may not even see it!

"This ... so amazing?" Guan Tianyue's eyes glowed!

"Yes!" Xiao Hua nodded. "If you are willing, the old man will send you out for a while, it should be a little inspiration for you to go from law to law.

"But by adults!" Guan Tianyue respectfully said.

Xiao Hua turned to Qian Yuhan and Su Shi and said, "You two go back to meditate, this time the old man is a tour!"

Although Xiao Hua didn't say anything to Qian Yuhan, but Qian Yuhan already knew something from Xiao Hua's indifference and Su Shi's expression, so she wasn't surprised and smiled lightly: "Yes, lord!"

Xiao Hua sacrificed Kun Lun's mirror and collected Qian Yuhan and Su Shi, and then looked away from Xianzhou. For a long time, he didn't understand, and he didn't dare to ask more. After about half a cup of tea, Xiao Hua smiled slightly. Raise your hand a little, "Brush ..." A Hongqiao flew out of Xianzhou, rolled straight in one direction, and said, "Since it's here, can't you come up yet?"

"Binger?" Seeing Shuo Bing coming from the end of Hongqiao like a fairy fairy, Guan Tianyue was surprised, "You ... aren't you waiting for me in Moyitian?"

"She's waiting for you in Mo Yitian?" Xiao Hua froze and wondered, "I thought she came to you from the Palace of Desires!"

"Ha ha" Guan Tianyue looked at Shuo Bing, his eyes were straight, and he smirked, "Thanks to the real person's instructions, Binger was able to go to Huang Zengtian to save Guan ..."

Xiao Hua's eyes glowed and he looked at Shuo Bing with interest. He never told Shuo Bing about Guan Tianyue. Shuo Bing could easily find Guan Tianyue in Huang Zengtian. What does this mean?

"Honor!" Shuo Bing flew down Xianzhou, and Yingying bowed down.

"Silk ..." Xiao Hua glanced at Shuo Bing and took a breath of air, because the Buddha's light in Shuo Bing's body overflowed with water, as if full, a ray of Buddha's light turned into a mandala shape!

"South Buddhism has great compassion and great compassion ..." Xiao Hua recited the Buddha's name and laughed, "Congratulations!"

"It's all God's providence, it's all the Supreme Master's arrangement!" Although Shuo Bing still looked cold, but the unspeakable treasure light was shining inside her skin.

In a word, Xiao Hua already understood.

Is the psychic demon species, even the jade phoenix and phoenix taboo, a psychic demon species common?

Xiao Hua had heard of Susie in Tianxue that year, and had seen Suesi's fierceness for a long time. Now seeing Shuo Bing, he had learned Suss's unparalleled sense.

Guan Tianyue was in Huang Zengtian's forbidden ground. Xiao Hua didn't know it, Shuo Bing didn't know, but Shuo Bing could arrive in time by relying on the perception of Shuo Bing. Shuo Bing rushed to Qingyun Mountain to kill Qiu Yicheng. Shuo Bing returned to Zhudan Peak halfway, and she also felt that Ouyang Zhenhua had fallen.

As for He Lanyu, Shuo Bing still felt that Guan Tianyue was coming to the Palace of Desire, and he was also waiting for Xiao Hua outside the Palace of Nothingness and Balance.

"Let's sit." Xiao Hua had Ming Wu in his heart, and smiled to Shuo Bingdao. "Stay for a while, I will send you back to practice, but now that you are causal, it is a great help to practice."

"Yes." Shuo Bing nodded and agreed, sitting beside Guan Tianyue.

"Really ... really!" Guan Tianyue puzzled, "this ... what's going on?"

"It's nothing!" Xiao Huahan smiled. "This is the chance of Shuo Fairy, and it should also be your blessing. The grudges in her heart have been eliminated, her state of mind has been fulfilled, and her state and strength will improve in a short while."

"Real person, real person!" Guan Tianyue anxiously said, "I can't always let Binger ascend, what should I do?"

"You can do it!" Xiao Hua grinned, "I will give you a chance before going to the lower bounds."

"Holy Lord ..." Suo Bing said suddenly, "You don't have to go to the lower world, you should keep nothingness and balance!"

"Oh?" Xiao Hua smiled and asked, "How do you know?"

Shuo Bing blinked and replied, "I don't know, but I can feel that the Supreme Master should stay in the color world!"

"Oh, no!" Xiao Hua patted his forehead. "I forgot that I should let you help. Well, let's turn around. If I have something, Tianyue or something, I will look for you. If you are in trouble, know how to find me ... "

"Yes, Your Excellency!" Shuo Bing got up and folded his hands again.

While Xiao Hua sacrificed the Kunlun Mirror, Shuo Bing said to Guan Tianyue: "At this time, you should follow His Holiness. If there is something in Tianzun Mansion, don't hesitate to do it. If I look back, I will seek you!

"Okay, you ... you're also careful!" Guan Tianyue nodded hard.

Xiao Hua collected Shuo Bing and looked around at random. There was always a place where the ice was cold, and he instructed the disciples of the fortune to say, "Go there!"

"Yes, master!" The disciples promised, turning Xianzhou to the cold place.

"Real person," Guan Tianyue couldn't help asking, "what exactly happened? Why is Binger so?"

Xiao Hua asked, "Is this good?"

"Okay!" Guan Tianyue laughed. "Why not? This is so good. Guanmou will wake up smiling in his dreams."

"So, why bother asking?" Xiao Hua replied.

"And be more specific about the four major continents ~ ~ Xiao Hua was about to speak, and thought of something, and said," Wait a moment, it won't be too late to get there! "

When Xianzhou flew into the shape of the ice lake, Xiao Hua put down the ban on the immortal, and asked Qiao to wait for the Xianzhou to arm around, and then he sacrificed the Kunlun mirror and closed Guan Tianyue to enter the space fairyland.

The place where Jade's Xiao Hua landed was exactly where Xu Zhi waited. With a moment of thought, Jade Xiao Xiaohua had changed his face before Guan Tianyue. He said to Guan Tianyue, "Tian Yue, here It's the old man's fairy space. Mo said Tianzheng and Yubo, even the master of their temple, couldn't detect it. You will say things about the four continents again and again ...

"What is this senior?" Guan Tianyue looked at Xu Zhi, who was unfamiliar, and asked tentatively.

Yuhuan Xiao Hua was not dissatisfied, but rather satisfied that Guan Tianyue was careful and said, "He is an old man's friend. You don't need to know his identity for the time being, I will let you know in the future!"

"Okay ..." Guan Tianyue nodded, followed Yubo himself, and later encountered things like Tianzheng and Zhong Li originally said.

After speaking, Yuhua Xiaohua laughed, "Tianyue, I will send you out to realize!"

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