Revival of the Gods

Chapter 1724: Chuang Wei's Weird Fourth Generation

It seems that Shen Zhenhong's reaction to Shen Yunxian was not surprising. He didn't care about Shen Yunxian at all, and also urged his figure to go in the other direction!

"Okay ..." Jiang Haochen and Xiaoman Huanhuan didn't realize the danger was coming. Jiang Haochen watched the slight fluctuation of the shade in front of his head and laughed, "Here it is, the foothills are weird, remember when you came It ’s nothing special, I do n’t know when there is some free thunder light imprisoned Xianzhou, I also asked it, it seems that there are some abnormalities in the near distance, all the mountains and mountains are destroyed, and there will be residual thunder light afterwards ... ”

Just now Jiang Haochen said, a green leaf in front of "Brush" suddenly flew up, as if the shade was shaking. Jiang Haochen just stunned, "嗖 ..." Three weird monster heads rushed out of the green leaves and flew towards Jiang Haochen faced the door, chest and Dan Tian!

"Not good!" Jiang Haochen's complexion changed greatly, and he didn't want the immortal body to hit directly into the dim man Huan, at the same time, he raised his hand and patted his brows!

Jiang Haochen's eyebrows opened with fairy marks, silver light shone, and a light gold gossip flew out, "Buzz ...", split the beast head that hit the door directly into two halves. At this time, Miao Manhuan was also bumped in the air by Jiang Haochen. Miao Manhuan naturally knew that Jiang Haochen was protecting himself, so although his body was unstable, he opened his mouth earlier and a small gun-like fairy came out. This small gun color is black, with inexplicable fine lines on it.

Wu Miao Man Huan did not attack Shen Haohong who attacked Jiang Haochen. He looked around and watched for someone to attack!

"Ah ..." At this time, Jiang Haochen screamed, and one of the three beast heads had hit his lower abdomen, biting it!

"Kill ..." After the head of the beast, Shen Zhehong has already shown his figure, and his panther head shot across the sky, setting off a thunder light and hitting Jiang Haochen's immortal mark directly!

"Damn ..." Seeing that Lei Guang was born around him, his eyebrows were more like a thousand needles piercing. Where did Jiang Haochen didn't know that Shen Zhenhong had determined that the thunder light was free all around?

"Woo ..." At this point, Jiang Haochen had no time to think about it. The whole body was impressed by the immortal force, the gossip fairy gear turned rapidly, and the eight hexagram elephants came out and rushed to Shen Yunhong. ! "

"Good!" Miao Manhuan knew that his strength was too far apart, he responded, his body shape urged, and flew directly.

However, at this moment, "Boom", behind Jiang Haochen, a green light set off in the other direction, this time is a multicolored sword light, which also flashed a thunderbolt, tearing the space and piercing Jiang Haochen's head!

The thunder sword used by Shen Yucheng arrived here, and the power was three points stronger. This is also the reason why Shen Yunhong invited Shen Yucheng. Sure enough, Lei Jian had never approached, and there was already a thunderbolt. "Zilaa" will protect Jiang Haochen's body silver. Light shreds.

"噗 ..." Jiang Haochen was too late to defend, Shen Yucheng Thunder Sword had penetrated!

"嗷 ..." Jiang Haochen screamed in pain, and the whole body of the fairy force suddenly burst out!

"Boom ..." The gossip was broken, and she directly knocked Shen Panhong's panther head shot down. Shen Panhong lost to Jiang Haochen with a rage. The silver light flashed around him, flying backwards in mid-air. Huan Huan ...

At this point, Xiaoman Huanhua had already flew up, and when she saw that Shen Huanhong came over, Xiaoman Huanhua gave a sneer, her left hand was swiped around her waist, and she was slightly in her robe. Small and medium-sized guns pierced Shen Hong's heart!

"Huh, Xiaochen Chen also dares to be arrogant?" Xiao Manhuan's small gun was just approaching, and Shen Yehong turned his head abruptly, and a murderous force appeared in his eyes. A rush of coercion swept away like a mountain. Tremble.

After all, the dust fairy is a child in front of Yanxian, not to mention anything else, the fairy body alone is too much worse!

However, just as the silver light on the body of Miman Huan was about to explode, "嗖 ..." Man Man Huan lifted his left hand, and a plume of light like a serpent reversed the coercion of Shen Haohong. Strike Shen Shenhong with a thunderbolt!

"This ... what is this means?" Shen Yunhong felt that his soul was trembling in this light feather, as if he was inherently afraid, there was no way to resist it. His soul was flying out of the sky, and he never thought that he would die in a dust anyway. Fairy hands!

However, at this moment, not far from "Boom ...", a flashing thunderbolt rushed out, suddenly knocking Shen Xunhong's upper body, and Lei Guang stopped in midair. It was Shen Xunxian, and Shen Xunxian naturally wanted to make Shen Xunhong She hit the fly, but Shen Zhenhong is a Yanxian, there are two hundred Zhangxian body, Shen Yunxian is not more than dozens of feet, he only knocked Shen Yunhong's upper body crooked, but this crook is enough, "噗 ......" Zheng Zhengxian hit the eyebrow of Zheng Zhengzheng!

"Ah ..." Shen Yunxian screamed and fell out of thin air!

"沣 贤 ..."

Shouted Jian Shenhong, who also didn't expect that this stupid kid would save himself in a panic!

"Go to death ..." Shen Yanhong turned his eyes, looked at Mo Man Huan Huan, and roared, "Boom bang ..." Mo Man Man Huan Xian's body piece burst, and even Yinguang never gave birth!

What Shen Zhenhong didn't know was that, in the flesh and blood splash of the corpse of the corpse, his eyebrow flashed with a colorful spot, and a thin human figure flew from the inside in the blood. A wrap directly burst into the blood and flint like lightning!

Just, Jiu Cai just flew out of a thousand feet, and then suddenly shivered and turned the direction and rushed to the ground! On the ground, Shen Yunxian's body was lying on his back and pulled out. Shen Yunxian's eyes were open, just like looking at Yan Miri, there was a surge of thunder in his eyes, but ... the eyes were no longer there!

"Brush ..." Jiu Cai didn't stagnate, and rushed into Shen Yunxian's heart and disappeared.

Let's say that Shen Zhenhong killed Xiao Manhuan and could not see Shen Yunxian. The panther head gun flew out again and hit Jiang Haochen.

However, just at this instant, Jiang Haochen flashed blood all over his body, and saw his hands beating an inexplicable method. When the magic force surged, the blood around him condensed into a more weird impression. Jiang Haochen turned his head to glance The blood-stained dim world was unfortunately revealed in his eyes, and then his body turned into a twisted light and shadow, rushing into the mark ...

"Hmm ..." Jiang Haochen's body just disappeared, Shen Zhenhong's panther head gun, and Shen Yucheng's spotted sword have struck. "Ah ..." A faint scream came from the imprint, and then the imprint The figure wrapped in Jiang Haochen disappeared!

"Damn ..." Shen Yunhong was frightened, and hurriedly released Yannian to investigate, exclaiming, "What kind of fairy art is this?"

"Disease ..." Shen Yucheng didn't dare to neglect. He also sacrificed a small sword, and the sword became ten directly into the void. Out.

"Brother ..." Shen Yucheng gritted his teeth and said, "This time, there is a residue of thunder, and the void cannot be detected!"

"Stop ..." Shen Yanhongyan swept around, but found nothing, and sighed, "The nagging has been seriously injured, and he forcibly entered the void with the help of mystery. This time there is no thunder, and he must be fierce. . I wait for the slaughter to have attracted the attention of Liang Yizong, hurry up ... "

He said, Shen Yehong raised his hand, took Shen Yexian in his hand, Shen Yucheng looked around, covered up some traces, and the two hurriedly flew up high.

In the wind, Shen Yucheng's voice came: "It's a pity you stupid disciple ..."

"Don't say he's stupid again!" Shen Yunhong said with some sadness, "If he's stupid, he won't give up his life!"

"Oh, no, he ... he has a breath ..."

"Quickly ..." Shen Yunhong was surprised, "You ... you urge Xianzhou, I feed him to take lifelong elixir ..."

"Huh ..." Shen Yucheng also laughed, "Just hit him to save you, a life-long elixir is also worth ..."

"This ... where is this ????"

Jiang Haochen opened her eyes, and there was an incomplete basalt shadow on her face. Then, the thundering sound of "Booming" seemed to be in her ears and in her body, and then she felt that the whole world was a thunder.

"Roar ..." Another roar, the earthy yellow unicorn ghost image rushed over again, and the Yuanling ghost image was equally broken.

"That's right ..." Jiang Haochen's immortal body was also broken, and his brain was sore. He remembered after a while, "I went to Liangyi Zong to find the Manwan Manhuan, and was attacked by an ambush. ~ I use the mystery of Xuanyuan space to escape. I find there is a free thunder in the foothills of Hongxun Mountain. Could this be the root of thunder?

Jiang Haochen curiously surveyed the surroundings. On the fairy boat driven by Shen Yucheng in the distance, Shen Yunxian opened his eyes and looked blankly: "This ... where is this?"

"Did I reincarnate again?"

"I'm really unlucky, is this the fourth generation, right? Except for the first, second and third generations, Lao Tzu has not even engraved ..."

"However, the previous two reincarnations were all mortal, and they both started to grow up as children. How was this time on a small boat? Is this going out to sea or a river?"

At this time, Shen Yunhong noticed such movements, and hurriedly squatted down and concerned: "Yunxian, are you awake?"

"Ah ?? You ... You ..." Shen Yunxian exclaimed.

"Brother ..." Shen Yucheng's voice also came, saying, "Xian Xian's spirit was wounded again, leave him alone, let him rest for a while, and then talk to Zongmen."

"Okay!" Shen Yanhong looked at Shen Yanxian with a smile on her face and said, "Xun Xian, don't be afraid, it's all right. The dust fairy who hurt you has been killed as a teacher. Let's return to the door ... "

"Oh, oh, yes, Master ..." Shen Weixian flashed a strange expression in his eyes and said casually.

"Ah?" How could she know that Shen Yehong exclaimed like a cat with a tail on his tail? "Yunxian, you ... you call me Master?"

"Ah, ah ..." Shen Yunxian didn't know what to say.

"Yu Cheng, Yu Cheng ..." Shen Yunhong exulted, "He Xian called me Master!"

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