Revival of the Gods

Chapter 1713: Mysterious Dragon Ring

"Ah?" Long Qi was startled, and he shouted, raised his hand and pointed at Xiao Hua: "What are you doing? Get it out?"

"Take it out?" Xiao Hua looked innocent, wondered, "Why did Xiao take it out? Didn't you say that? As long as you take out enough immortal wine, these dragons and shellfish will let Xiao take away?"

"You," Long Qi said anxiously, "I haven't watched it yet!"

The master of Qiongqiong laughed and said, "Long Xianyou, it doesn't matter if you don't see it. There is a quantity of immortal wine you want to trade in the pupil of Moxian, and there is an immortal wine to be delivered to you in Lord Naxuan's ring It ’s too late for you to see now! If it ’s not right, let Xiao Xiao return you! ”

"Cocoa" Long Qi was a little bitter. [This chapter starts-love-you-sound-fiction net, please remember the URL]

"If Xianyou wants justice," Qu Shengjie laughed, "Let the shopkeeper help you!"

"Let me see it for myself!" Long Qi finally wanted to understand. Picking up a few Naxuan rings, for a moment, Long Qi's face suddenly changed.

"How?" The shopkeeper fairy asked quickly, "If it's not right, you can help the guest officer to return."

"No need!" Long Qi didn't have the joy of trading, but he looked like he gritted his teeth and waved, "Xiao Xianyou gave enough!"

"My God!" Exclaimed Master Qiongqiong, "Master Xiao, aren't you always good at wine? Why do you keep so many good wines? No wonder you don't seem to care about Gu Yaoqiang at all "

"Oh," Xiao Hua laughed, "The old man met a self-identified Jiuxian, this is the old man who gave the old man when he was bored for so many years! The old man did not drink around, and took out something to change!"

"Master Xiao" Qiongqiongzhu said in a hurry, "If you do n’t use Longyu's things, you can trade with me Yuxian, and guarantee to the adult just 30% more price!"

Xiao Hua looked at some of the dragons who didn't keep their minds, and laughed, "let's talk!"

"Good" shopkeeper fairy looked at Long Qi Dao, "If you have no objections, you can proceed to the next round of transactions."

"There is something here," Zhan Xiu hurriedly took out a few Naxuan rings, put them on the table, and said, "I was going to trade with Yuan Shao. Now I can only see who you want! Now you can set the price. Reduce by 10% "

Dongfang Yushan was also crying a bit, it seemed that he and Zhan Xiu were full of hope, but now he can only disappointed and left.

Since Zhan Xiu came with Xiao Hua, the Lord of the Qiongqiong naturally also gave face. First, he took a Naxuan ring to investigate, and Zhao Er and several other generals also took it separately.

However, Xiao Hua didn't care much. He made up his mind. If no one wanted it, he bought the two's things, but it was Qian Jing, and Xiao Zhen was no worse than Qian Jing!

I took advantage of the gap, Xiao Hua glanced back at the calm dragon, and his mind entered the space.

There are seven dragons containing shellfish, six of them have a lot of dragons, and there are a lot of things in the dragon domain. It looks like nothing special. The last dragon contains shells with some broken dragon scales, and some have dragons. The key of the pattern, and dozens of weird dragon images, this dragon image is either black, white, or golden, but each one is not a jade, Xiao Hua can detect!

"Nn" Yuhua Xiaohua understood it and yelled, "Long Qi really wants these dragons with Yuan Shao. It seems that there are some secrets in Xiaogu worry that are not known to outsiders!"

"The poor road cut off again, fearing that it would cause trouble." Yu Huan Xiao Hua's eyes flickered, and he secretly said, "But fortunately, the poor road had a good relationship with Yuan Shao, and it was a big wait for Yuan Shao to come out. When Tao is rewarded, return these things to him, and change them for some teams! "

Xun Yuxi thought Xiao Hua, secretly calling Yuxi into space.

I do n’t know if I have n’t seen Jade after a while. I think it ’s something important for Jade ’s real person, so Jade Xiao Xiao Hua is not ready to wait any longer. To a dragon!

This dragon is shaped like a semicircle with dragon scales on it!

"Strange!" Yuhua Xiaohua seemed to think of something, hurriedly beckoned, a dragon scale engraved in his hand, and after watching it, Yuhua Xiaohua laughed and said, "No wonder this thing is not this thing When did the Yuanyu jade puppet ask for the dragon wares for the sacrifice of the poor road? But the poor road was weak at the time, the means of sacrifice was lacking, and there was no suitable material. "

Xun Yuzheng Xiao Hua watched for a while, and could not see anything. He simply sealed these things and waited for Yuxi to come.

Xiao Yuxi Xiao Hua got out of the space and was seeing Zhan Xiu and Dongfang Yushan squeezing and winking, and her eyes were widened and smiling.

"Hey," Zhan Xiuchong gave Xiao Hua a wink, and whispered, "It's all up to the face of an adult!"

Xiao Hua looked up, no matter whether the lord of the Qiongqiong or Fan Yi and others, nodded slightly at himself.

Well, Xiao Hua only nodded with a smile, indicating that this sentiment he acknowledged!

"Get rich, brother Zhan" Dongfang Yushan looked very happy, got up and said, "Brother to send a message."

"Vitality" Zhan Xiu is also excited, but she still holds her heart ~ ~ "Why?"

"Hey, as for," Dongfang Yushan said, got up and went to the stairs.

I watched Dongfang Yushan go, not long away Longqi also got up, and without looking at the crowd, went straight to the stairs.

Xiao Xiaohua looked at Long Qi's back and felt unconscious.

Then the immortal next to Zhao Er got up and said, "In Niu Niu Ba, there are also some things that you need to deal with Yuan Shao today, but now Yuan Shao is not here, I will show it to all the fairy friends"

After saying that, Niu Ba sent out several Naxuan rings on the table and sent several Moxian pupils to several tables.

Xiao Hua didn't do anything, Zhan Xiu smiled at Mo Xiantong and said, "Master, please."

"You're rich, don't look at it yourself!" Xiao Hua shook his head, "There is nothing to trade on my husband"

Zhan Xiu had to pick up Moxian Tong himself, looked at it for a moment, and pouted, "It's just something inexplicable, but the price is so high, it seems to want to find the injustice!"

Although Zhan Xiu didn't say who the injustice was, Xiao Hua could hear that the injustice in Zhan Xiu's mouth was Yuan Shao.

Xiao Hua thought for a while, still did not escape the temptation, reached out and took Moxian Tong, and then swept away, and immediately saw two things he was interested in: two Wanhua Tianjie tokens.

Xiao Xiaohua thought for a moment, and said, "Niu Xianyou, what is the Wanhua Celestial Token?"

Yak Bazheng was negotiating with Zhao Er to hear Xiao Hua's inquiry. He raised his hand and pointed at a virtual ring. Two crystal cards flew out of it, one shaped like a daffodil and one shaped like a camellia. [This section starts. Love. Have. sound. Fiction Net, please remember the URL]

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