Revival of the Gods

Chapter 1707: I will pay at all costs!

"Yuan Shao, Master Xiao is also a team warrior ..." Zhan Xiu laughed. "He heard that Yuan Shao needed a sacred lotus, and he came here deliberately!"

"Hmm ..." Yuan Shaowen heard and nodded with a smile, "Thank you so much, Lord Xiao, but the adult may be mistaken. What Yuan needs is the medicine for detoxification, not Shenglianzi!"

Xiao Hua smiled bitterly, and simply pushed the boat down the river: "I don't know what detoxification medicine Yuan Shao needs?"

"Let's talk later!" Yuan Shao seemed to have lost confidence and waved with a smile.

"Look at the immortal friends ..." In the course of speaking, Qiong Qiong has handed a Naxuan ring to the Warframe immortal, "Is this the right number?"

"Yeah, yeah!" The Warrior Fairy looked and nodded. "The number is not bad, thank you!"

The immortal warrior received the virtual ring and handed it to the other Qixian pupil: "Please see the master!"

"Ah?" After watching Qiong Qiong, he was startled. "This ... this battle will be so fierce? I ... why haven't I heard of it?"

"Yeah!" The war shrugged. "If not, how could the dragons within the realm be frightened? As for the origin of this war general, I am afraid that only Yuan Shao will pass it to the master in the future!"

"Uh, uh, my husband understands that!" Qiong Qiong carefully closed Moxian Tong, and said to Yuan Shaodao, "Can I use Yuan Shao's messenger array?"

"So anxious?" Yuan Shao frowned.

"I don't know about Yuan Shao!" Wu Qiong hurried to accompany the laughter. "The battles in Jiechong gradually came to an end. The news will soon come out. It can be passed to Yuxian as soon as one yuan a day. Lee ... "

"Come on, go, go!" Yuan Shao waved, and the Xianxu who was waiting beside him hurried down the stairs with the dome.

The figure of Wu Qiong just disappeared, and five more immortals came up one after another, sitting at three tables each.

"It's okay ..." Yuan Shao smiled at the immortals and said, "It's over ten, or Yuan will set a record. Come, Yuan Mou respect everyone, thank you for visiting the Golden Cave."

Toasts raised their toasts and drank together.

After the wine glass was lowered, the male immortal who came with the Qiongqiong stood up, took out a Moxian pupil and handed it to Yuan Shaodao: "Yuan Shao, it is the purpose of selling the golden caves here. Turning to the King of Shooting ... "

"Hmm ..." Yuan Shao answered, and picked it up, but his face changed dramatically after seeing it, sneer, "What do you mean by this fairy friend? Are you doing a transaction with Yuan, or do you want to hurt Yuan?" This is clearly ... how dare I give it to the King of Sound? "

"Hey ..." The male fairy laughed, "I think it's best to leave this matter to Yuan Shao!"

"Xian You can trade with any of the friends who are present ..." Yuan Shao said, pointing at Xiao Hua at will, "Even Xiao Xiao, you can't give it to me!"

"Why?" The male fairy asked a little puzzled.

因为 "Because of me ..." Yuan Shao grinned. "There are not enough money crystals to trade with you."

He said, Yuan Shao threw Moxian Tong in his hand to the male fairy.

"Hmm ..." At this point, Zhan Xiu, who was next to Xiao Hua, hummed, and said, "This male immortal must be the body of the immortal general who died in my Terran team, otherwise Yuan Shao could not!

"The corpse?" Xiao Hua was startled, not only thinking of an underground bidding meeting in a certain big city in the world.

"Hmm ..." Zhan Xiu nodded, "The King of Shooting doesn't let Yuan Shaozhan get into the clan, the body is naturally counted."

The male fairy took Moxian Tong and shrugged, "Okay ..."

"Xianyou ..." Xiao Hua watched the male fairy want to collect the pupil of Moxian, and hurriedly raised her hand to signal, "Can you see it next?"

怎么 "What?" The male fairy laughed. "Adult wants?"

"I'll take a look and talk!" Xiao Hua didn't answer directly.

"Oh ..." The male hesitated for a moment, apparently not convinced that Xiao Hua could pay enough!

"It's always okay to see?" Zhan Xiu understood coldly, and said coldly.

"Hehe, my lord please!" The male immortal laughed and hurriedly handed Mo Xiantong to Xiao Hua.

Sure enough, Xiao Huayan's face changed slightly, Moxian's pupils wrote a lot of handwriting, but the first line was "the body of a billion warriors"!

Xiao Hua no longer has to look at it, naturally it is the price of exchanging these corpses.

"Hoo ..." Xiao Hua took a deep breath, looking at the male immortal with his eyes, saying, "Can I see things?"

"Did you pay enough?"

"I ..." Xiao Hua said, "It will be at any cost!"

"Xianyou ..." At this time, a newly arrived Xuanyi immortal stood up and said to Xiao Hua, "This fairy, can I see it?"

I didn't say anything at all, Xiao Hua turned her head and said, "No!"

"Why ... what do you mean?" The Xuanyi immortal froze and looked at Yuan Shaodao. "Are there such rules?"

Yuan Shaolao looked at Xiao Hua with interest, and smiled: "This lord, even if you decide to trade, others are qualified to bargain. This is my rule of selling golden caves!"

Xiao Hua slightly thought about it ~ ~ nodded: "Since it is the rule of selling golden caves, the old man said that he must not be obeyed. However, no matter who watched or bid, the body of a billion soldiers must be given to the old man They were buried one by one! Otherwise, the old man led the team to kill him ... "

"This immortal friend ..." Next to Xuanyi immortal was a warrior in a blue armor. He stood up and said coldly, "Who do you think you are? He spoke with his soldiers, not to mention whether you are so Many private soldiers, even if you come to the door, I am afraid that you will not succeed? "

As usual, Xiao Hua may not talk to these unknown warriors and immortals, or even Yuan Shao, who is obviously related to the King of Sounds, but the body of a billion immortal soldiers really stimulated him and took out Moxian This male immortal of Tong is clearly the dragon clan of Longyu.

While Xiao Hua can still bear it, he squints his eyes coldly: "Old man Xiao Zhen, if you don't agree, you can report it!"

"Ah?" Without waiting for the blue armored warrior to speak, the earliest Warrior Fairy came out exclaiming and jumped up, shaking the immortal imprisoned table, he could hardly believe his eyes, low Exclaimed, "Xiao Zhenxiao Xiao Yuexiao, descending dragon Yuexiao ...?"

"Xiao Zhenren?" At the staircase, the voice of the master of the Qiongqiongqiang also screamed, and the radio rushed up, and the whole body flashed a reddish halo, apparently the immortal prohibition in the restaurant. Master Xiao ???? "

"What's going on?" The other immortals and the generals were all stunned. I don't know why Xiao Hua's name is so loud.

But a "Xiao Yuexiao" bluffed the other two generals and did not dare to sit up. They hurriedly stood up and looked at the exclaimed general in doubt.

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