Revival of the Gods

Chapter 1431: Tears of angels

How can ordinary immortals have the opportunity to go deep into the night spirit world! Even if it was a dead gold, it attracted a lot of immortals. Now Xiaohua’s mind is open to the people, and immediately mobilizes the monthly and daily surplus exercises. The golden light flashes and the body starts with 130,200 small dots. Give birth to crystal!

"Brush..." Seeing the giant scorpion inside the squad, there is a sacred light, and Xiao Hua’s heart is a volume. I want to introduce the Holy Light. I know that the Holy Light is extremely powerful and directly penetrates the heart of Xiao Hua!

"Well, it looks like I need to go up!"

Xiao Hua urged his body to fly down to the giant scorpion!

Of course, the first thing Xiao Hua has to do is to see if the mind can fall into the abyss and continue to search. After knowing that he can, he will split some of his mind and continue to do what he likes. Other minds will push the exercises!

Because the light is strong, Xiao Hua does not dare to sit directly under the light, but chooses the edge of the waiting.

"Boom..." The light fell, and Xiaohua didn't hurry to get close. At this time, he saw it clearly. The trapped inside the giant scorpion was a thing like a drop of water. There are countless angels in the water. These phantom angels seem like tears, and they are like angel wings!

Tears of Angels? ?

Xiao Hua is a bit stunned!

However, at this time, he could not find out the details inside, and after thinking a little bit in his heart, the body shape went forward, and it was the light that touched the light. In an instant, Xiao Hua urged the exercises, "brushing..." the spirit of the night spirit Sure enough, it was attracted by the exercises, and the holy light fell into Xiaohua!

"Zi Lala..."

"Hey, hey..."

A variety of abnormal sounds sounded one after another in the thirty-six light spots tried by Xiao Hua, and then a dozen light spots were dim!

Xiao Hua’s inner vision has long been seen. Two of the light spots are extremely balanced with the light of the Holy Light and the Dark Spirit. Xiao Hua understands the moment and waits for the Holy Light to pour again. Xiao Hua draws a certain amount of Holy Light. And the spirit of the night spirit is sent to the body again!

Sure enough, the dozens of spots were calm.

Xiao Hua was overjoyed and hurriedly urged the meditation to refine. After the success, the body's 130,200 light spots were cultivated at the same time!

About half a year later, Xiao Hua’s body was shaken by golden light, and his body gradually moved into the light of the sun. The color of golden light gradually became darker!

After the physical cultivation is solid, Xiao Hua thinks of refining the soul. After all, this is the foundation of the cultivation method of the immortal world!

When he re-applied again, he found that the amount of different kind of aura of the Holy Light and the Night Spirit is not the same as that of the body. When his soul is dark, although he feels weird, Xiao Hua still urges the Moon and the Devil. Start a new practice!

For 18 years, Xiao Hua’s Xianli has not recovered much, but the Japanese-invested tactics have made great progress. As for the scent of the singer’s refining, the yingyu is beyond the expectations of Xiao Hua!

The most important abyss is also bottoming out!

As for Xiaoyin, Xiao Hua almost has to help the amount, but this is a famous treasure hunt! The real name is not false, except for the first time I got a sword, the second time I brought back a black stick, the third time I brought back a broken Bilong, the fourth time was a shape of pine cone, the body of the thorn, Xiao Hua I don't know what it is to send into the space. As for the fifth time, it is an inexplicable crystal ball!

It is a simple little gold, every time I come back with Xiaoyin, with Xiaojin, Xiaoyin has never been hurt! Xiaojin is scarred, and Xiaojin brings back something different from Xiaoyin. There are so many things that are common in the night spirit world. Xiao Hua is sent into the space. These countless are all in the night spirit world, and there is no obvious mountain.

The night has long absorbed the black water drops of the gyro contour, and the figure has risen to over 100,000 feet! But the night is still hanging under the outline, letting the black thunder fall, as if digesting the previous income...

On this day, Xiao Hua was practicing, and suddenly he was shocked. A very dark consciousness swept through the abyss like a breeze!

"Hey..." The night is full of lightning like a fireworks!

Xiao Hua was shocked and hurriedly said: "Fast, hide..."

"Hey..." Can't Xiaohua's heart finish, the huge embryo on the top of his head is low!

"Booming and banging..." The original is like a breeze, and the consciousness is suddenly angered. A whimsical dark and fine grain is rolled out to the night!

"Oh..." Xiao Hua snorted, and the law of the full moon was displayed!

"Booming ......" Two senses collided together, the rushing sky before!

Xiao Hua’s brain sinks, and a huge giant is appearing in his mind, and then Xiao Hua’s figure is like a fallen leaf, and the unspeakable pain is born from his soul!

"Oh..." The dark consciousness was also blown down by Xiao Hua. Only the anger that Xiao Hua could hear rang in Xiao Hua’s ear!

"Fast..." Xiao Hua bleeds and screams, screaming, "Xiao Jin, Xiao Yin, come back..."

Then Xiao Hua looked at the creeping embryos in the abyss, and the mind was covered. If you don’t do it, the “bang” shocked the space!

"Little night?" Received the giant embryo, Xiao Hua found out that the night is gone!

Xiao Hua was shocked, above the high outline, the angry scream of the night rang!

Xiao Hua hurriedly urged his figure to fly again. He knew that it was because of the impact of the giant singer that he rushed to the top of the silhouette!

Waiting for Xiao Hua to fly to the top of the outline, I don’t think it’s a big surprise!

I am afraid that because of the attack of the giant python, I ate a big loss in the Now it opens its wings, and the crazy shadows of countless nights of the empire bats smash into the huge skeleton, nine hundred and eighty A bone knot trembled under the shadow!

Xiao Hua hurriedly released his mind to cover the whole skeleton. Sure enough, the skeleton never released a dark flame. "Hand..." Xiao Hua whispered, and immediately stunned, because he couldn’t put the skeleton away, the skeleton seemed to be like Take root in the void!

"Boom..." At this time, another light was shot, and Xiao Hua thought about it and sent the path!

"Oh..." When the cherubim appeared, it immediately sprayed the light on the skeleton mouth, and the light inside the skeleton oozes like a spring, coming toward the cherubim!

Xiao Hua still wants to wait, but he has already felt that the giant python is rushing! So he once again released his mind to cover the path and the night, and cried in his heart: "Receive!"

The night and the path are naturally obedient, and the heart of Xiao Hua goes down to the space. It is not beyond the expectation of Xiao Hua, whether it is the skeleton of eighty-one giant skeletons or the sacristy of the skeleton. Behind the night and the path, take the initiative to fly into your own space!

"Boom..." When he saw his head in front of him, Xiaohua’s own body shape could not be controlled, and once again fell toward the abyss.


"Mother's mother-in-law..."

Xiao Jin and Xiao Yin also escaped from Cangjie. After all, the idea of ​​the giant cicada is too horrible!

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