Revival of the Gods

Chapter 1406: Xue Xue’s crisis

This brilliance will cover the entire million mega-mountain. Xiao Hua can clearly see through the sorcerer's mark that millions of Mengshan is really a piece! But the whole piece is different from Yuanling Mountain!

This fragment has both sides, the opposite side is the cloudy side of the **** sea, and the front side is the white side of the white bones!

Seeing this scene, Xiao Hua suddenly rang something, hurriedly looked up at the sky, and sure enough, the previously invisible Shoushan did not know when it had reached the top of his head!

"Oh..." Under the Mt. Miyama, many of the fragments that flashed the blue light from the Xiaoyu mainland, and the mainland of the mainland, broke through the air, apparently attracted by the huge fragments of millions of Mengshan. Xiao Hua saw clearly that several of the soul relics that he had seen before were within these fragments!

"Holland..." Inside the witch mark of Xiao Hua, and the bone section of the central bone column, suddenly an old sigh rang, exactly the same as Xiao Hua’s engraved witch mark!

With this sigh, the days are broken and everything is covered!

Xiao Hua was a spirited and shocked. "When is the time to wait?"

In my heart, Xiao Hua’s mind was released with the blue mark of the witch mark, and instantly covered the entire million Mengshan!

"Receive..." Xiao Hua’s heart whispered, and Wushan in the space bloomed brightly. This light broke through all the imprisonment and shrouded millions of Mengshan!

"Brush..." Xiao Hua felt that his head was sinking, and a million Mengshan was included in the Wushan space!

"Boom..." Millions of Mengshan disappeared, the law around them was immediately disordered, and the madness of the heavens and the earth became a hurricane. Xiaohua’s robe was wrapped in a roll of Jiu Xia and Xiao Mao’s whisper.

Xiao Hua has just applied the law to teleport, "Boom..." Another sound of lightning and thunder, another bronze thunder is mixed with bright silver plaques and light and shadows, and straight into the sky disappeared!

"Hey!!" Xiao Hua's figure is revealed from hundreds of thousands of miles away. He looks at the water and the only remaining light in the sky. He said coldly, "I will say no matter who suppresses the soul." Repair, how can you not leave behind? Look at the bronze and bright silver, no accident is the combination of the ancient family and the fairy world Tianzun!!"

After that, Xiao Hua looked around and applied the secrets of Qingqiu Mountain to fly away in the distance!

Seeing the vicinity of Yu Leizong, Xiao Hua only received the martial arts, and found a mountain peak. He did not dare to release Xiao Mao, and his heart directly took him into the Wushan space!

When Xiao Hua’s mind enters the space, Yu Xi’s Xiao Hua is somewhat psychologically prepared, but he is still amazed at what is happening in the space. [This chapter is the first launch - love - have - sound - novel network, please remember the URL]

Millions of Mengshan fall into the Wushan space is nothing, millions of Mengshan turned into a continent, flashing the blue sky, the madness of the millions of Mengshan can not perceive this change, one by one on the ground, desperately Shantou, the name of the twelve great gods and the emperor in the mouth!

Most of the soul beasts are still lying between the peaks of millions of Mengshan. They are flashing in the whole body and enjoying the fresh sun and moon essence!

Although the Wushan space has been formed, the initial rules in the space are still there. These soul beasts, as well as the Terran, are definitely benefiting!

Although the Wushan space has changed, the attention of Yuhua Xiaohua is not here, because the space of the mega-mountain of Mengshan falls into the shadowy face like a boulder at this time, and the **** sea and the undead beasts enter. Xiaohua Space The entire masculine face is like a detonation, and it is expanding wildly.

This expansion is not only the expansion of the million-mountain landscaping, but the expansion of the whole space up and down, bone mountains, reefs, sap trees, even the mainland, etc., which are not controlled by the jade Xiaohua!

The most unacceptable thing for Yuxi Xiaohua is that the vast amount of blood in the ghostly blood of the entire space rushes into the Nether Lotus. Xue Xue has already condensed the human form and can't bear it. The whole Nether Lotus is shaking!

"Damn..." Yuhua Xiaohua's face changed slightly, whispering, "How did you think of this section of the poor road?"

Yuhua Xiaohua has the heart to ban the Nether Lotus, but unfortunately he fell into the space and the shadow is also the stone statue, this stone statue in addition to the mouth of the jade tears nourish Xue Xue, really can't do anything!

"No, no..." Yuhua Xiaohua looked at the moment, and gradually realized some enlightenment. Some of them were anxious. "The entrance of the million-faced Mengshan fragments is not the key to the change of the space. The key is the previous Xiaomou. After sending too many souls to enter, the Qiankun Xuan Shui can make the population of the immortal world more prosperous, which also increases the burden of the space. The space of Xiao’s space has not yet been fully formed, and the previous round of reincarnation relies on the automatic space of the space. Finished, and now there are too many souls, too many undead beasts and strange ghosts come in, the space has changed more than the limit..."

"What should I do?" Yuhua Xiaohua looked at the messy space and was overwhelmed!

"Booming and banging..." The crisis of the space has not been countered. The Shenhua continent, the fairy space, the heaven space, the demon space, the dragon space, etc. all began to vibrate slightly, and the expansion of the entire space accelerated again!

"This..." Yuxi Xiaohua rushed out of the space and looked at the space of the fairy world!

In the space of Xianjie, the disciples of Chenghua have returned, and the situation of the disciples outside the team of more than 10 million squadrons has been cultivated.

And in the vast fairyland space more dust fairy has been bred!

Looking at the space of the demon space, etc., are similar to the space of the fairy world, more births are born, and space expands with the proliferation!

Looking at the changes in the fairyland and everywhere, Yuxi Xiaohua thought thoughtfully. "The fairyland space of the poor road was previously poor, and then the poor road managed to increase the population. After a period of accumulation, the population of the fairy world will finally break out. The stage, of course, hundreds of years is still very short for the immortals of the immortal world. If no soul is introduced by Xiao, the fairy world will not grow so fast, and the soul of the fairy world is not necessarily a reincarnation, the demon, Dragons are possible!"

The change of the sunny side of the space is only a trend, and the Yuhua Xiaohua can also control, so the jade Xiaohua look, the figure falls into the Wushan space!

Yuhua Xiaohua is still the original witchcraft of Xiaohua, but this witchcraft is so tens of thousands of times as it was before. Millions of Mengshan are big, and Yuxi Xiaohua is there to fight. All souls can see it. Be clear! Unspeakable heaven and earth will come to the surface!

"I am waiting for the Witch Emperor..." The witches and the Jimans stumbled first and shouted in the mouth. "Thank you for the Witch to lead me into the Wolverines. This is the legend of the ancients left by the Witch. I am fortunate." I can actually enter in my lifetime!"

Then all the soul-study people bowed down and thanked them.

Yuhua Xiaohua smiled slightly and raised his hand. All the souls were raised at the same time. Yuhua Xiaohua said, "I am enshrined in the 12th Goddess, and this is the thirteenth god." Built, since today, Er and so on have thrived here, no fear of any suppression, what to attack and kill!"

. [This chapter is the first. Love. Have. sound. Novel Network, please remember the URL]

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