Revival of the Gods

Chapter 1389: The third fairy makes?

"Shen Penggang and Ice Feather Wang and other deliberations, ready to propose a few candidates, the wolf ancestors took out the dragon's son before flying to the magic of the tokens, there are some secrets of the Tianmeng, hey, it seems that the wolf ancestors returned to the Wan Yao community, Even without the existence of Shen Peng, the wolf ancestors will go to the descendants of the dragon god. Since Meng Pingqing is the descendant of the dragon god, the wolf ancestors naturally have to push the boat."

"Damn, this dragon **** has a secret of the day, but unfortunately the secret is in the mainland, Meng Pingqing has not had time to find..."

"Since there is the token of the Dragon God, and the ridicule of Xuan Dasheng, plus the guarantees and promises from the immortal immortals, Meng Pingqing does not deal with the creation of the door, that is a strange thing."

"Shen Peng first came to the Wan Yao community for two purposes. One is to find the truth about the application of the murder. The second is to find the missing Shen family to take up the singer. After finding the traces left by the prince, Shen Peng probably knows The task of being the ambassador of the predecessor. Damn, the power of heaven, the Shen family actually smashed the so-called power of heaven!"

"Shen Peng smashed nine space passages, that is, he wanted to break the source of the Wanxue people's race, and prepared to use Meng Pingqing to kill and kill the door as a primer, to provoke the civil strife of the Terran, and then let the Yaozu Dasheng rate demon to destroy my human race, he Introduce other interfaces to the human race and rekindle the fireworks of the Terran."

"With the power of Shen Peng, killing the Terran is easy, but he does not dare to cause cause and effect, only let Meng Pingqing shoot, or even create the door, he only gave Meng Pingqing Gongfa and Xianyu, he did not kill any creation door. Fan disciple..."

"Oh, no, Shen Peng didn't kill me and made millions of disciples..." Seeing here, Yu Xiao Xiaohua only frowned, and his eyes were full of doubts, and immediately he looked at the shadow of Meng Pingqing not far away. After seeing it, Yu Huan was surprised to see that "Meng Pingqing also has no blood sacrifices to make a million disciples, and that...what is the hand of my millions of disciples?"

Immediately after Yuhua Xiaohua saw the remnants of the wolf, the ice feather king and the fire phoenix three saints, it is a pity that they did not see a truth about the extinction of millions of disciples from all their memories. In the snorkeling pool of Qing Tianfeng, countless bloodshots were smashed and millions of disciples were killed in an instant, and the blood was condensed into a **** vortex and disappeared.

The hearts of the people are full of ghosts, and Shen Peng is still hidden behind Meng Pingqing. Everyone thinks it is the hand of the other party!

"Is there any other black hand behind this thing?"

Yuhua Xiaohua sneered, "I can kill millions of people in front of Shen Peng, so that Shen Peng thought that it was Meng Pingqing who started the man... The Wan Yao world would not have it? Is it difficult to have other immortals?"

Then Yuhua Xiaohua carefully explored Shen Peng's fairy marks. After a while, Yuxi Xiaohua sneered again: "Sure enough, in addition to Shen Jia, Jiang also sent the immortals to the lower bounds, but Jiang Jiaxiao married Shen Jia, then Jiang Jiaxian In the lower bound of the Yuanshen, and it is still a Yanxian, how could it be Shen Peng’s rival? However... it seems that the immortal of Jiang’s family is the night of the night, and the family’s night come to Biqiong’s real person to send a letter to the Hanshan Mountain. It is after the creation. After the event, he could not be the true murderer of the millions of disciples, so both..."

Said, Yuhua Xiaohua looked at the broken fairy boat, saying one word at a time: "The **** hatred of the millions of disciples of the creation of the door has not been reported, Xiaomou can return to the fairyland??"

Previously, Xiao Hua wanted to return to the fairyland, so he was in a hurry. On the Optimus Peak, there were not many time to think about the millions of low-ranking disciples. Nowadays, although the Great Saints have already been in vain, the millions of disciples have been The real murderer still did not surface, and Yuhua Xiaohua naturally calmed down.

Taking a deep breath, Yuhua Xiaohua looked at Shen Peng's fairy mark again, and then his face changed slightly again: "Hey, Jiang family is also bold, they even smashed a million sacred souls, damn, some poor roads To the effect, since the suppression of the million mondhills of Mount Miyama disappeared, the soul repair will of course attract the attention of the fairy world. Since the Jiang family knows, Tianzunfu will naturally have movements, but the Mishan disappears but it is only a hundred years old. I have never really started, there should be time in the poor road..."

Soul repair is a matter of the taboo of the immortal world. The immortal fairy is known, but why the soul repair is a matter of the taboo of the immortal world. All the immortals are not clear, even true immortals, and they know each other. Therefore, the things that have been repaired by millions of people in Xiaoyu on the mainland have certainly spread to the fairyland, but they have not really caught the attention of Tianzunfu. However, since the Jiang family has already started, Shenjia, Wenjia, and even Tianzunfu naturally will soon Will shoot.

The question is, how did the matter of the disappearance of the Miyama array come to the fairy world?

"Huang Jia and Feng Jia??"

Yuxi Xiaohua’s eyes flashed a glimpse. "They should have gone down the border and took Huang Mengxiang, but they are ancient families. How can they report to Tianzunfu?"

Suddenly, Yuhua Xiaohua realized that it was not appropriate, and the ancient family seemed to be as simple as he thought.

It is also a fairy tale that saw Shen Peng in a moment. Shen Peng is certainly a high-level of the Five Elements, but within the space of the fairy world, there is no cover for Yuhua Xiaohua, Shen’s business, Shen Peng’s own affairs, and even There are Shen, many things can be seen by Xiaohua Xiaohua, but at this time, Yuhua Xiaohua is somewhat confused. Unintentional look, immediately take out the space.

Sitting cross-legged under the fire of the Wan Yao world, Xiao Hua brows his eyes and locks his eyes, looking through the long white clouds to the vast land of Wan Yao.

"Who is it?"

"Is not only the means of Shen Peng, but also the blood of millions of disciples?"

"By the way of Shen Peng, this person can destroy millions of people! But if this person is like Shen Peng, do not dare to contaminate the cause and effect of killing millions of people, why are they still hands-on? The bloodshot is not laid by this person?"

"Since this person dares to take the fire, it is obviously a scruples, but ... what does he care about?"

"Afraid to be discovered by Shen Peng? Or afraid of being discovered by the demon world??"

"If this is the case, then it can only be another immortal! Xiaomou had a high-profile killing of Shen Jiaxian, but it was a stunned snake. It is not easy to let the immortal show up in a short time. This is Xiaomou's mistake!"

Xiao Hua did not expect that Biqiong really went to the Yanhan Mountain to inform the Jiang family, and Jiang Jia immediately sent the immortals to come over. If Jiang Jiaxian did not disturb Shen Peng, I was afraid that Xiao Hua would not know that there was Jiang Jiaxian’s lower bound. So there is still a third immortal, Xiao Hua did not feel too strange!

Moreover, Xiao Hua also got some of the things that Shen Jiaxian made from the memory of Shen Peng. It is also the trace of Wen Jiaxian from the mouth of the fire and phoenix. He is definitely another lower fairy.

"Want to find another trace of the immortal, nothing more than two methods, one is to lead the snake out of the hole, Xiaomou's pretense has returned to the fairyland, let the immortal relax and vigilance, may be able to reveal the horse's foot, another way, hehe..."

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