Revival of the Gods

Chapter 1272: Long-lasting secret

"...Huan Ji is a cult of the celestial secrets. There are some weird methods in it. For example, the gods of the gods can split the spirits, and the edema of the springs is to use the water of Huangquan to condense the spirits and preserve the memory. Secret technique! However, this sorcerer has another serious drawback. It is the need to obtain the water of Huangquan from the Forgotten River. It is not easy to obtain the water of the Yellow Spring. It is not easy to re-condense, but also the newly condensed ghost spirit. Extremely fragile..."

"...In fact, I have no retreat. In order to stay with Geng Ji, I can only practice the technique of crusting the spring! The poem you just heard is the first time I condense a new ghost. , Huan Ji wrote to me..."

"...As for the Necromancer you said, he should also be surnamed Chong. I can’t remember who he met when he reinvented the ghost spirit. He was going to devour me, but the same blood, let him put it. I am a horse, and in the future... I am still looking at it. He is as dead as I am, but what is his entanglement, I am not sure, I guess... it is the annihilation of our family! In fact, it is also from his mouth. I only know that we are worshipping... After the Taikoo fairy, my ancestor should be called Chong Houhu..."

Speaking of this, Chongyuan looked at Xiao Hua and asked: "I explain this, can the guest be satisfied?"

"The dusty sea and sea city also has a Huanji, is a fairy, I heard that it has been in the dusty sea for a long time..." Xiao Hua pointed to the axe, said, "This axe ... should be Chongyun... ”

"Dust and sea?" Chongyuan thought for a moment, shook his head slightly and said, "I don't know very well. If that is Huanji, that is the spirit that she used to separate the gods! She told me that she It is a fairy corpse. It is different from the ordinary immortal. If you split a sacred spirit, you will lose a glimpse. If it is not a last resort, she will not display it. As for Chongyun, it should be the missing son of the dead king, but how do you know this? Is the board axe dry?"

"What about Zhao Ting?" Xiao Hua did not answer Chong Yuan, but looked at Zhao Ting.

"...well..." Chongyuan hesitated again, and finally smiled bitterly. "It seems that the curiosity of the visitor is very heavy. I have to hold it out!"

Xiao Hua was not moved by it. He replied: "Take your life for your life, and even the life of Geng Ji. I think you are taking advantage of it!"

"The last time I applied the springside crusting technique, I was condensing the spirits in Qiling Mountain in the enlightenment of the mainland, because the strength is too shallow to dare to leave..." Chongyuan said, "I later felt that the lower bounds of the sky had drastic changes, causing Qiling Mountain. The spirit of the fairy spirit changes, knowing that it will cause the attention of Tianzunfu, and will take the first step to leave Qilingshan and prepare to return to the Palace of Bliss. Who knows that he has encountered a change halfway, and he also meets Xiao Dazhen, and he has to fall into the reincarnation..."

"...I knew that I wanted to reincarnate. It was really my heart, because I thought I couldn’t remember the Palace of Paradise in my own life. I can’t remember Geng Ji! Fortunately, after I became a sunspot, I found myself still remembering..."

"... Of course, I also know that the price of keeping the memory... is that you are raised, especially when I see the woman named Jasmine..."

"... Finally, I feel that the fairy wants to start, and I will first escape from the peak of the fire. Of course, in order to avoid your exploration, I used the secret technique of the spring side, you are afraid to find only alive. Immortal, neglecting the dead souls, so I can escape to the Palace of Bliss..."

"...When I arrived at the Palace of Bliss, I couldn't contact Huanji. I thought there would be problems. After all, when so many years passed, I did ghosts as usual. She did the corpse as usual. I have changed here. She... can’t say anything but change...”

"...I know the difference between Qi Yunling. After all, there is some connection with the Palace of Bliss, but I can't go straight and can only explore on the ground. There is no message for a long time, until I see Xiao Dazhen again..."

This "Xiao Dazhenren" heard Xiao Hua extremely depressed, he really did not notice the exploration of Chongyuan!

"...When I saw Zhao Ting, although she was not like Geng Ji, I had a strong hunch, so I followed behind you and mixed into the disciples of Zhao. I was seen in the hall. The lock of the bliss palace, I immediately understood that Huan Ji may also be reincarnation!"

"Listen to what you said is easy, like a reincarnation is to drink cold water!" Xiao Hua sneered.

"Oh, if the reincarnation...may not be very appropriate..." Chongyuan thought for a moment and explained, "Huan Ji once told me that there is a purple weiwei for the dead, she can not reincarnate, even the soul It is impossible to leave the celestial body. What is even worse is that if the celestial annihilation is annihilated, the sage is invalid, and she will be smouldering. However, there is a possibility that the celestial annihilation, or the wilting of the wilting will be invalid, the bliss palace There is a molded embryo I once said that if it is the first day, I will find one for her! She shook her head, it is not her, she does not..."

Xiao Hua frowned, said: "In other words, when Zhao Lei and Jiang Tang came, Huan Ji happened to encounter the Ziwei for the dead, or the celestial annihilation, so her soul went smoothly into the **** body? That... that lock How did the head take it? Doesn't she say that she doesn't want to occupy other people's embryos? And... the celestial body is not annihilated, and the crape myrtle is also effective! The most important thing is that at that time... the dusty sea Still happy..."

"I don't know this!" Chongyuan smiled and shook his head. "This can only ask her..."

Say that Chongyuan looks to Zhao Ting!

Zhao Ting blinked and did not speak.

Chongyuan went on to say: "Even she doesn't even know why?"

"Is there anything else to say?" Xiao Huabo asked without hesitation.

"Nothing!" Chongyuan shook his head. "I wanted to die with Geng Ji. But her fairy corpse will be turned into dust for a while, then... trouble Xiao Dazhen also puts me down!"

"Tinger..." Xiao Hua looked at Zhao Ting and asked, "It's your turn! I don't know if you are you, but I can tell you clearly, the so-called Geng Ji spirit, the old man can kill it." Will not have any effect on you..."

"Oh..." Chongyuan did not agree, and snorted, "Who do you think you are!"

"I..." Zhao Ting said a word, then took a deep breath and stumbled in front of Xiao Hua, swearing, "Master, I am Huan Ji, I just woke up when I was mourning poetry." The little bit of the previous life... I remembered it, so the disciple asked the lord to let the disciples and Chongyuan... leave!"

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