Revival of the Gods

Chapter 1266: Resonance of the sunspot

"Master..." Lu Shushen fell on the disc and released his thoughts and laughed. "This is the transmission of fairy ware. If the lord wants to enter the real inheritance, he must use this thing!"

"This..." At this time, Fang Jian and Zhao Jianfeng and others hesitated. After all, all the facts have already hit their faces. This is not the place where Zhao family inherits. They are already superfluous people. What are their faces? Going on?

And when they are most scared, the secret has been discovered here. How could Xiao Hua let them leave alive?

"Good!" Xiao Hua waved his sleeves and fell on the disc with Xiaoyan Mo and Zhao Ting. He said to the people faintly, "You wait for it..."

"Yes Yes……"

Xiao Hua’s words are not worthy of the killing order. Fang Jian and Zhao Jianfeng are as earth-like, and the party’s Jane even looks around and thinks whether it is hands-on!

“Fang Jian...” Xiao Hua replied, “At this point, do you dare to have another idea?”

Xiao Hua screamed, and Fang Jian’s mind was like a favorable sword, and the sound of “啪啪” was crisp, and some of the secrets of the ancestors were broken in this scream.

The party was stunned, until then he really understood the strength of Xiao Hua, and people wanted to kill themselves... but it was a scream!

Fang Jian did not dare to sneer again, and his body shape urged to fly to the disc.

The party was moved, Xue Yudong and so on naturally followed, Zhao Jianfeng looked around, dusty seas and cents have already flew away, themselves... can you not leave?

Everyone stood in the disc, Xiao Hua Chong Lu Shu made a look, Lu Shu urged Xian Li.

"Booming ......" On the disc, there are nine thunders, such as dragons flying, crossing in the air, still in the weird knot to protect the fairy.

The disc doesn't look too big, but all the immortals stand on it, but it's more than enough.

"Oh..." The disc fell, but for a moment, the time has begun to reveal the elongated flare! But Xiaohua was surprised that he did not notice any feeling of being transmitted.

Seeing that only nine thunders were twisted into light arcs around him, Xiao Hua tried to release the thoughts, but the tears were shattered as soon as the disc was removed. It was obvious that Xiao Hua could not easily provoke Taikoo immortality outside the disc.

"Oh..." The arc of light that had been condensed by the nine thunders disappeared, and the discs added by Xiao Hua and others began to be transparent.

"Silver..." Xiao Hua’s eyes swept away, but he did not know when to start. When he saw that it had begun, his head had become a piece of pale earth, and above the sky, a star did not The standing of the group!

Look at the stars under the stars, surrounded by the centuries, 18 large copper cast iron cast huge temples like eighteen ancient animals in the starlight, eighteen different, but feel the ancient existence of the breath in the stars Under the time, do not succumb to time.

The smell of this star is similar to that of 筱梅柊, but there is more light gold in the space. These filtes are somewhat familiar, but they can be carefully seen and strange. This golden light ribbon chills and dies, leaving the whole space with a horrible horror!

As for the eighteen temples, each has some pale gold spots, and the spots are like the erosion of time, obscuring the bronze.

Xiao Hua and other people are in the shape of one of the temples!

The thunder of the temple is like a wave of water, and the majestic dragon phase swims in the water!

Everyone is falling like a meteorite, getting faster and faster, and the disc under the foot appears again. The loud noise of "Boom...", the disc fell to the square in front of the temple, and the disc turned into a bronze totem on the high platform!

Naturally, there are also thunders on the high platform. The thunder light rushes into the fairy body like water, and the silver light of all the fairy human body is washed!

“Hey...” Xiao Hua smiled slightly and looked at a missing fairy in the crowd. He said, “Ghost King, it’s not easy to find you!”

The leaked eyes saw Xiao Hua look at himself, his face changed slightly, his backhand shot his own door, "啪..." a soft bang, a heavy flame swept down from his top door, the flame process, a young fairy !

Isn't it the way the ghost king was before his death?

" brother??"

To everyone’s surprise, Xiao Hua’s side, Xiao Xiaomo cried incredulously, “How...what is going on?”


The ghost king was also surprised. He looked at the unrecognizable Xiaomomo and exclaimed, " are not dead?"

Xiao Hua smiled slightly, raised his hand and photographed it on the top door of Xiaoyanmo, and opened the fairy on Xiaomomo to reveal her appearance.

"I... I am not dead naturally..." Xiao Yanmo’s voice shook a little and said, "Yes...the old man saved me, he...he died when you went to save you, you... How did you escape??"

"Hey..." The ghost king looked at Xiao Hua and smiled slightly. "Xiao Zhenren, you see me missing, is it particularly disappointing?"

"What do you mean?"

Xiao Hua was somewhat puzzled, but when he saw the ecstasy on Xiaolan's face, he suddenly realized that he was cold and cold: "I understand that you kept the memory of past lives when you reincarnation, you... you actually recognized it. Xiaomo Mo, you just want to borrow Xiaomou to find even... want to kill Xiaomou!"

"Haha, Xiao Dazhen..." The ghost king laughed and said, "I am just a little dust fairy. How dare I have such a luxury? I just want to escape from your trap!"

"My trap?" Xiao Hua was a slap, and immediately smiled, nodded. "You are smart, although you are in the game, but you have seen the moment of Xiaomo, you have realized that it is not right, but you Guess wrong, I am not a layout, the layout is someone else! Now, I understand why you can avoid robbery in advance, you... are ready!"

"Don't say that the fairy is not laid by you, let alone the two strange mountain villages that you didn't make, and sent the old man and the reincarnation in the late autumn..."

"Master..." Xiao Yanmo was confused, and looked pitifully at Xiao Huadao. "This... What the **** is going on? Black boy, is he really true?"

"This is too long..." Xiao Hua hesitated and looked around. "The unrelated immortals should avoid it!"

"Predecessors..." Although Fang Jian is a member of Ju Yuanxian, after he was stabbed by Xiao Hua's soul, he was obedient than the dust fairy. He said in a hurry, "I am still waiting for Qi's situation, or the space of the predecessors. Fairy, everything but listen to the predecessors!"

“Everything enters Qi’s realm!” Xiao Hua said faintly. “With Zhao’s disciple, when the old man goes out from here, he will let you wait!”

"Predecessors..." Zhao Jianfeng flew out of the sky, and was shocked. "Is the younger generation into the Qi dynasty, isn't it a dead place?"

:. :

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