Revival of the Gods

Chapter 1241: Qiankun Xuan Shui

"Oh, yes, good!" Xiao Hua shot his forehead and stunned. "Xiao Mou really forgot, the color world is different from the world of desire, and it is the place where Wu’s predecessors explored. Some places are related to the place where the immortal is born. Let's understand the seniors of Wu..."

"No problem, Wu is innocent, not afraid of this!" Wu Zhan waved his hand, "and Xiao Xianyou is so, let Wu rest assured."

"So..." Xiao Hua smiled. "Xiao Mou also understands that the problem of Wu’s predecessors is not the method of casting souls, but the confusion of the soul, the imprint of the fairy **** spirit has too many impurities, so Xianying is overwhelmed, seniors The method of solving the soul by the method of fear is not successful, it is not a cure for the symptoms, and the soul will also increase the impurities, even more harmful than this."


Wu Zhandeng had no idea. He did not expect that he had troubled his own problems for so many years, and he even found the wrong direction.

However, when Wu Zhan looked at Xiao Hua, his heart trembled, because Xiao Hua smiled, it seemed to be well-informed!

"Please also Xiao Xianyou to save me!"

When Wu Zhan took the initiative, he immediately got up and said.

"Good to say!" Xiao Hua also got up, and Wu Zhanfu got up. "Since Xiao has a relationship with his predecessors, he naturally tries his best!"

After that, Xiao Hua took out a crystal bottle, and there was a rhyme garden Xuan Shui who knew the Xiaoyuan of the Yunyuan. He said: "The name of this object is Yunyuan Yuanshui, and it is possible to clean the spirit of the predecessors with Xiao’s opinion. The seniors may wish to try it. If it is not, Xiao has other methods..."

Xiao Hua’s other methods are naturally Huang Quanshui, but Huang Quanshui’s cleaning of Wu Zhan’s souls is really too dangerous. Xiao Hua dare not try it easily.

"Dry... Qiankun Xuan Shui?" Wu Zhanyan read it, almost screaming out, "Xianyou has been suffocating and cultivating the sky"

"What do you mean?" Xiao Hua was confused and wondered. "What is the relationship between Qiankun Xuan Shui and Qi Yu Yu Yutian?"

"It is said that there is a river in the sky during the days of suffocating, and the immortals of the world of color are coming out of this river!"

Xiao Hua thinks that this is also true. After all, the female celestial in her own space can conceive in the case of the primordial and immortal body without damage!

“How do seniors know that this is Qiankun Xuan Shui?”

"Wu met on the celestial emptiness of a emptiness in the sky..." Wu Zhan laughed. "When the Yuan Dynasty had a fairy, he took out a drop of Qiankun Xuanshui, and Wu had also explored it, but Wu did not have There is enough money for Jingjing to buy, and I don’t know if this thing is useful for Wu. When Xianyou just talked about washing the soul, Wu first thought of Qiankun Xuan Shui! But Wu did not expect..."

Say Wu Zhan to see the crystal bottle, which can not only be a drop of Qiankun Xuan Shui!

Xiao Hua nodded: "So, Wu predecessors know how to use this thing, then ask the seniors to cast their own!"

"This kind of usage Wu knows a little..." Wu Zhan’s face was solemn and said, "But please also ask Xiao Xianyou to protect Wu for Wu!"

"Well, let's say!" Xiao Hua smiled, and the figure was slightly flying, standing in midair!

Wu Zhanxian was on the knees for a long time, and then took a deep breath and took out the crystal bottle. He raised his hand and flew out a drop of water.

Wu Zhan looked at Xiao Hua, Xiao Hua nodded to him, Wu Zhan, this time again, Qiankun Xuan Shui flew into his eyebrows!

"Brush..." The place where Qiankun Xuan Shui was located, Wu Zhan's two fairy marks were opened at the same time, and pieces of rust spots of different sizes poured out like fountains. The rust spots fell on Wu Zhanxian's body, and the silver brilliance began to flash.

Xiao Hua said: "Wu predecessors must also protect the fairy body, otherwise even the body of the law may be corroded."

Wu Zhan hesitated a moment, immediately urging the exercises, silver light began to swim, blocking the rust spots outside the body!


It’s very weird. On the top of Wu Zhan’s head, a strange wind suddenly rises. This strange wind is like a whirlpool falling in the door of Wu Zhanding. A virtual shadow like a mysterious cloud slowly flies out!

"A drop is not enough!" Xiao Hua blinked his eyes and said again, "A drop of Qiankun Xuan Shui can only inspire the spirit of the predecessors..."

"Good!" Wu Zhan should have a voice, the mouth began to mourn the weird truth, this mantra fell into Xiao Hua's ear, Xiao Hua brow does not feel a slight wrinkle, this mantra is somewhat similar to the green essay!

As the mantra sang, Wu Zhan once again dumped a drop of Qiankun Xuan Shui, and this drop of Qiankun Xuan Shui fell into the air, immediately giving birth to a red halo, and there was even more inexplicable fluctuations in the inside.

Wu Zhan's cautious hand, the water drops again in the eyebrow! !

"Oh..." At the moment when the water droplets disappeared, a red cloud of water suddenly appeared on the mysterious cloud on the top of Wu Zhan's head. This water cloud touched the mysterious shadow of the mysterious cloud, and immediately turned into a heavy water curtain!

Xiao Hua can see clearly, dozens of different sizes, and the illusory shadow of the mysterious cloud of incompleteness is washed out from the mysterious cloud of Wu Zhan, like the rock on the mountain peak!

Wu Zhan's face was born with a happy color, just about to talk, those mysterious clouds that fell in the air were turned around in the air, and flew toward the mysterious cloud of Wu Zhan, just like there is endless suction!

Wu Zhan's face changed slightly, and once again raised his hand, "brushing brush..." There is a water curtain falling in the water But those mysterious clouds are once again washed out, but... still Sucked back!

"Oh, Xiaomou understands!" Xiao Hua secretly said, "Yunkun Xuan Shui is the raw water, it can certainly wash away those scattered spirits, but also need to kill the secrets or spirits of these spirits, Otherwise, these soul fragments will be sucked back by the mysterious clouds!"

Killing the soul fragments is difficult for others, but for Xiao Hua, it is just a hand-to-hand effort. Whether it is Huang Quanshui or Nether Force is the supreme means!

"Ha ha..." Seeing Wu Zhan's expression is frustrated, Xiao Hua laughed. "Wu predecessors are in a hurry, you will wash away those broken spirits, Xiaomou will help you!"

Wu Zhan was overjoyed, and once again, he saw the appearance of the soul fragments, and Xiao Hua’s original force was released. “Brushing...” These mysterious clouds and fragments fell into the Nether Force, showing a broken human form and laughing into the space!

"Oh..." Wu Zhan’s soul once gave birth to a brilliant light, and slowly fell into his body!

"Call..." Wu Zhan took a long breath and surprised, "What is the means of Xiao Xianyou? Wu thought it would be a Buddhist mantra!"

"Oh, yes, there is a Buddha's nine-character mantra available!" Xiao Hua did not use Buddha's magical power for a long time, and it was a bit stunned at this time.

"This is Xiao secret, Wu predecessors should not ask more!"

"Sorry, it’s Wu’s smashing!” Wu Zhan repeatedly nodded and said with a smile. "This is the day when Yuan Xiaoyou has a loss, otherwise Wu will be defeated. It is no wonder that when Yuanshi’s predecessor bidding for Qiankun Xuan Shui said he Only half completed, it is still necessary to kill the fragments of the soul!"

Xiao Hua hurriedly reminded: "Wu's predecessors are very careless. You also have the imprint of the messy spirits on your deeds. You will wash them quickly, otherwise it will affect your spirit..."

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