Revival of the Gods

Chapter 1033: Tu Shanxiu's choice

Although Tu Shanxiu was in a coma, but the convex and concave lines wrapped in the pale yellow robes, and the white and innocent face fell into the eyes of the breeze, the breeze could not help but swallow the mouth, whispered: "Mo ... is not the three masters The legend of the Qingqiu Mountain is... is it true?"

As I said, the breeze reached out and rubbed it in Tu Shanxiu's body. Then I took a deep breath and tried to raise my hand in Tushanxiu's eyebrow!

"Hey..." Tu Shanxiu has not blinked yet, and the sound of the breeze is hard to resist. The breeze can really perceive some fire in his eyes!

However, the breeze still said faintly: "You don't have to reinvent it in front of me!"

"Ah?" Tu Shanxiu opened his eyes and saw the breeze. He exclaimed his body and retired. Then he embraced his chest with his hands and panicked at the breeze.

"You don't have to look at me like this!" The breeze was cold and cold. "Since you have been taken by me, if I want to do something, I have already done it. Why wait until now?"

"Big...Adult..." Tu Shanxiu trembled, and said poorly, "I don't know how to offend the adults. The adults are so hot and ruined, that...the Shen family's application is a wife... ..."

"Oh..." The breeze smiled slightly. "You don't think that I have nothing to do with Shenjia, but I have occasionally encountered Shen Hao, and this has some cause and effect..."

"Causal?" Tu Shanxiu had a touch of color in the depths of her eyes, but she did not dare to ask more, just nodded, "Since the adults know, it is the best, all over the body... some complaints with Shenjia, it is They have to kill them..."

The breeze interrupted Tu Shanxiu’s words and gently asked: “What kind of grudges does Tushan’s Qingshan Mountain have with Shen’s family?”

Tu Shanxiu's face changed sharply. She looked at the breeze and looked at the surrounding stars and the sky. Some of them were awkward and whispered: "The original adult has a history..."

"Look at this!" The breeze raised his hand and the bluestone sacrifice was in the air.

Seeing the bluestone that destroyed his own mysterious marks, Tu Shanxiu changed color again, and fear appeared in his eyes. Only this time, the bluestone did not fall, but a slight shock in the air, the "call", a hundred times without any warning!

"This... this is..."

Looking at the blue stones, there are hundreds of millions of names, and there are hundreds of millions of words that are dying. There are hundreds of millions of air movements, and Tu Shanxiu is completely stunned.

"Do you know what this is?" asked the breeze.

"No..." Tushanxiu, who had come back to God, shook his head instinctively, but just said a word, immediately woke up and immediately nodded, "or...maybe..."

"Can't say!" The breeze immediately stopped the voice of Tu Shanxiu. "It can be said that the Qingqiu Mountain can be said to be a nine-tailed fox. It can be said that any secret of the fairy world can only be said of the three words!"

"Yes, adults..." Tu Shanxiu's face gave birth to a blush, and he flew over and sighed in front of the breeze. "I understand!"

"You..." The breeze resisted the impulse of the heart, and the fingers slammed on Tu Shanxiu's eyebrows, feeling the slippery fingertips, and the sound of the breeze was a little trembling. "Is it still hurting?"

"Pain..." Tu Shanxiu is just a word, actually has the effect of wearing a heart, the breeze feels that his heart hurts.

"You can rest assured, I... this will help you mend..." The breeze raised his hand and pointed to the bluestone, and there was a blue light on the bluestone...

"Adults have to pity their bodies..." Tu Shanxiu slightly closed his eyes, and the eyelashes on his eyelids trembled slightly, like a trembling wing.

"Well... um..." The breeze of the breeze is even worse, and the glaze of Tu Shanxiu's pale yellow robes is gradually transparent...

Is there still a stronger backing in this fairy world than the Moban Mountain?

No! Absolutely no! !

Tu Shanxiu’s decisive decision is even far beyond Jiuxia!

Unfortunately, Tu Shanxiu can only see the future, she can never see the future of the fairy world!

Xiangqing does not care about the future of the fairy world. He only wants to protect the fairyland and resist the aggression of the demon. At this time, he was urging the Xia Xing River to break into the yellow Zengtian from the jade end of the interface barrier!

Looking around like a mountain rock, after darkness was thrown into the fairy boat, Xiang Qing smiled and said: "Xiao brothers, when the year of the world is chasing the wolf from here to Huang Zengtian, who thought that at that time, I saw the brothers with Xiao. Nowadays, I am more likely to meet again, and I will go to Huang Zengtian to get the spirits and monsters again!"

"Yes!" Xiao Hua looked at the Xia Xing River under him and sighed. "I didn't expect to meet the big brother, and the Star River was also well repaired."

The seven warriors who guarded the surrounding of the Xingxing River talked about Xiaohua early, and now they are all along the way. Seeing Xiaohua’s approachable people, they are all happy, knowing that following this tiger, they will definitely have a promising future, so they Although I didn't speak, I looked at them with a smile.

Instead, Jiang Meihua, sitting cross-legged in the middle of the Shuxing River, has a dragon-shaped condensate to make the dragon phase slowly hovering, seems to be exploring the whereabouts of Linglong.

Looking at Jiang Meihua's movement, Xiao Hua asked: "How big is the big brother, how can the color world be the battlefield of the demon league and my fairy world? I can't think of this dream, no wonder why you didn't tell me the origin!"

I thought about it for a moment, and said: "Why is it the battlefield in the world of color, but I don’t know that it’s the dragon rider and the hunting hunter. I can do it... I want to kill the monsters as much as possible and prevent them. Enter the fairy world."

"Xiao Zhenren..." next to a fairy will explain, "This reason, I have thought about it before, but because the two barriers collide with each other, resulting in a staggered, the fairy world and the demon space overlap, this has In the boundary, there is a fairy spirit in the boundary, and there are also stars and moons, and the Yaozu will easily invade my fairyland from here."

Xian will want to call Xiaohua an adult, but Xiao Hua feels that he can't count as a tiger now, and that the fairy will be the sky, and it is not appropriate to call himself an adult, so Xian will only call Xiaozhen.

"The law of the demon league is different from the law of my immortal world. Can they come to my fairyland to be comfortable?" Xiao Hua asked.

"This..." The fairy will shake his head. Where does he know the difference between the two rules?

"Xiao Zhenren, I heard that the power of the demon singer and the moon is violent!" Another singer will rush to answer, "And there are more battles between the demon squad, where is the peace of my celestial world?"

"Right..." Xiao Hua remembered, and asked, "Can our Tian Tian Xian be used in the boundary?"

"Most places can't be used!" Xiangqing shook his head. "You can only replenish before the war. Of course, if you can meet the usable place, it is a great fortune..."

Speaking of this, Xiangqing looked at the front and said: "Go out from the heavens..."

"Don't worry..." Jiang Meihua, who has never spoken, suddenly said, "Go ahead, I feel like there is dragon blood in the distance..."

"No, no!" Mo said that it was Xiao Hua, that is, Xiang Qing and so on, and the surprise was abnormal. I thought that the most difficult task, I did not expect that there would be clues to Huang Zengtian.

"Yes!" Jiang Meihua nodded. "The predecessors had previously exchanged a drop of exquisite dragon blood in the fairy scorpion. Although the breath in front is weak, it can be no more!"

"Yes, yes, ten military exercises are not in vain!" Xiangqing laughed and closed his mouth.

After a scent of incense, the Shixing River stopped, and Jiang Meihua’s body was saved, and in the left-handed circle, the dragon claws were torn and the void was torn.

"Linglong dragon must escape from here!" Waiting for Jiang Meihua to open, Xiang Qing said, driving the Xinghe River out of the void.

At this time, the green moon in the mainland was like a gauze, and it was light and sleek. Jiang Meihua couldn’t look more at the surrounding scenery. One pointed to the direction of Shen Fei’s flight and said: “Where!”

"Go..." The Xingxing River flew up and went straight away. Xiaohua stood on the top of the fairy boat. He thought about moving to Gaotian, and the soul of the soul of the soul was hanging there. It looked a little shy. .

"It’s strange..." Xiao Hua squeezed his chin. "How do you feel a little restless?"

However, Xiao Huaduo can't help but think that the Xinghe River has already flown tens of thousands of miles.

"Bad!" Jiang Meihua suddenly stood up and looked at the distance. "The trail of Linglong has disappeared!"

"This is normal!" Xiao Hua smiled. "If Linglong is taken by us, are Xiao Fan and Chang Yue are not crying?"

"Haha, too!" Xiangqing was even more suffering than Xiaohua. At this time, she laughed. "So, I will wait until I find it first!"

Flying another meal, the voice of the crying in the mountains in the distance.

Xiao Hua’s thoughts have been swept away. He has seen a young dust fairy being caught by a flamingo. The flamingo sharp is like a flying sword, and the bird’s toad easily penetrates the young man’s tortoise and bites and swallows!

"Hey..." All the celestial beings must be shot, or Xiaohua’s flying star sword is swift, killing the flamingo with the night sky, and turning with the young fairy!

Young immortals saw people who were several times taller than themselves. They knew that they were all seniors. They hurriedly smashed their gimmicks. Xiao Hua lifted him up and said with a cheerful voice: "You don't have to be polite, I have something to do, I can't delay. You took the treatment of Xiandan and went to yourself!"

"Late...the younger generation does not have an immortal!" The young immortal was very shy.

"Trouble..." Look at the fairy, smile and say, "I don't want Xiandan to be a dust fairy!"

Think about it too, the worst of all the immortals are the two scent, who will have the evil fairy to take the elixir?

"Oh, Xiaomou here!" Xiao Hua smiled, took a few crystal bottles from the space a brain handed to the young fairy, "I will give you!"

"More... Thank you for your predecessors!" The young immortal was overjoyed and carefully earned his income.

"You don't even have a bag or not?" Xiao Hua looked more like a young man.

"Cough, yes..." The young fairy had a fever on his face.

Xiao Hua said nothing, took out a hundred bags and handed it to the young immortal: "Give you one!"

“Thank you for your predecessors!” The young immortal hesitated for a moment, and collected the bag of Baina, and said, “I still hope that my predecessors will give their names. After they have been able to...”

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Who is this young man?

Please remember the first domain name of this book: Wonder House

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