Revival of the Gods

Chapter 1020: Father, can you have a dream?

Whether it is Cui Wei or the ceremony, the same lightning flashes, and it is also the thunder of Yu Leizong!

However, intentionally or unintentionally, ruthlessly flies faster, and the figure falls on the other side of the ceremony, which is a distance from Cui Wei.

Seeing that it is flying far away, I don’t see Huo Peng to chase, the three small speeds are a little slower, and the ceremony is to look at the ruthlessness, smile bitterly: "Little teacher, but a fire, actually chasing you, I am three Wolverine!"

"Oh..." The ruthless head didn't come back, sighing, "Yes! You and I are just cockroaches in the eyes of this fairy. It is only by the fairy sent by the brothers that he will fly him. He wakes up and naturally wants to jump like a thunder. of!"

When he mentioned Xiao Hua, the bitterness of the ceremony disappeared like a wind. He raised his right hand and revealed a thunder like a mountain. He said, "Yes, the righteous father is really amazing. The magic weapon that his old man gave us in the realm of the world went to the fairy world. It’s so powerful! I really don’t know where the old man got the fairy weapon!”

"Yes, yeah!" Cui Wei said at the side of the voice. "At the time of the robbery, all my magic weapons were shattered by thunder and robbery. Only this Moyun Leijin is safe and sound, and it is more and more baptized by thunder. Like a fairy, I really can't imagine that without this Moyun Leijin..."

Said Cui Wei sneaked into the ruthless, seeing ruthless words, Cui Wei's voice gradually disappeared.

Shaking his head helplessly, look at the ruthless, said, "Little Master, just your voice is more intense than I called..."

"Oh..." The ruthless expression is unchanged, whispering, "There seems to be a fairy in front!"

"First hide!" I don't want to think about it. The body shape "呜" slammed into the flame-condensed rock, and looked at Cui Wei ruthlessly, but also rushed into another rock.

Cui Wei hesitated for a moment, biting his lips and escaping behind him.

"吼 吼 吼 ...... ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ”

"Grandma's!" Waiting for the fire beast to fly far away, to the ceremonial fly out of the mountain rock, rushing to the back of the fire beast almost invisible back, "but it is a few strange strange fire beasts, actually so scared Laozi Look at it, wait for Laozi to find the righteous father, don’t cut you into a skewer and eat it!”

"Brothers..." Cui Wei also flew out and reminded, "The sound is smaller, and I am disturbed!"

"Oh, okay!" The ceremony was like a blistering blisters, sitting in the air and shouting in one direction. "Father, where are you old? Can you have a dream!" ”

"Xiao Shixiong practiced the Yuan Ying, and it was flying in the West Sea. If there was no accident, the old man's pick-up pool should be in the Mingdaoxian domain. There are eight continents in the Mingdaoxian domain!" ruthlessly said, "His old man is a dream." Is it too far away?"

"You said it is also strange!" The ceremony came to the spirit and said, "How do you and me, three people, fly to the purple mysterious land of the Qing Dynasty? Not only with the righteous father, but with the success of the disciples Is the lead pool different?"

"This is not a weird thing!" Cui Wei said with a grin. "The most weird thing is that when I was in the Lingchi, the Koi sect took the eccentricity of the disciple!"

"Yes!" Nod to the ceremony, "Ten is a great example of how to promote the Koi sect, and invited me to join the Koi, but suddenly his face changed sharply, his face looked extremely weird, I had a fragrant time to turn, gave me a sign of lightning, let me go to the penalty palace..."

"I am a little half an hour!" said ruthlessly. "That leads me to see that I don't want to go to the Koi sect. I want to use it. Who knows that I am going to see the ghost, I met the ghost. Send me the same brand and invite me to use them to send the fairy tales..."

"I am the shortest!" Cui Wei said, "There is only half a cup of tea..."

"That is!" said to the ceremony, "There are two in succession, and then another oil bottle, they are not so fast!"

"What drag oil bottle!" Cui Wei drums.

"When I was waiting for you in the Koi sect, I also knocked on the side!" The ruthless face showed a puzzle. "They don't know what the brand is. They only know that when there is a corresponding sign, the brand will automatically come out!" So they asked us to go to the penalty palace to ask..."

"Isn't it a teacher uncle?" Cui Wei hurriedly echoed.

"Should not!" Unrequitedly, I didn't look at Cui Wei. I only said, "In the view of the fairy world, Xiao brother flies up to the fairy world... but in the 60th century, taking ordinary immortals as an example, Xiao brother has never been to miss the fairy... ”

I was not convinced, and said: "The righteous father is a genius, how can you look at it in an ordinary way?"

"Well, my brother is really powerful, so his old man should be a singer now!" He nodded ruthlessly. "Even if it is a sinister, in the koi sect, it is only a low-level disciple. What the elderly are doing!"

Cui Wei hurriedly said: "That is the dry cloud master of my Royal Leizong creation!"

"You don't want to use your brain?" A ruthlessly beautiful stunned Cui Wei, "How long does the dry cloud master fly? How can the old man not be a true fairy, it is impossible to influence the koi sect!"

Although ruthlessly ridiculed Cui Wei, but Cui Wei's heart is still sweet, she smiled and said: "The most unfortunate, our dry Yunshi ancestors are also the punishment of the Palace of Immortals!"

"I am most afraid of what bureaucrats!" To the ceremony, he shook his head. "I don't want to go."

"Go to the brothers first!" said ruthlessly. "Unfortunately, we don't have any money in our hands, otherwise it is best to sit on the line."

"There is a strong wind on the edge of the dongdong continent, and it is impossible to pass the fairy tales!" The sorrowful cry of the sorrowful sorrow, and called out in the sky, "Is the father, can you have a dream? The child wants to die..."

I don't wait for the ceremony to finish嗡嗡..." The earth shakes, the mountain near the Wanli Mountains is dumped like a pile of sand, the flames are rolling up, the three small horror, the ceremony is full of thunder and light. Out, but it has just flew a thousand feet, and there are fire waves, he hurriedly sacrificed his own fairy thousand Thunder Ridge, heavy Leiguang turned into a mountain shape to protect him.

Ruthlessly, I was rushing to the sky, but when I saw Cui Wei’s body tremble, he didn’t dare to think too much. He grabbed her arm and flew out, and Cui Wei’s face flew red, and hurriedly took Mo Yun Lei Jin’s sacrifice and ruthlessness. It is to protect.

"噗噗" Flint like a meteor rushing out, seeing to tear the thundercloud, ruthlessly rushing a mouth, "噗" a thunder and thunder, it is the ruthless fairy Wanleihai!

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