Revival of an Elite; the Fiery Wife Rules

Chapter 1101: Ruthless killer

Chapter 1101: Ruthless Killer

At the time of the birth of Miyuki Bono, Ye Xiao was five or six years old. At that time, Ye Xiao was mischievous every day. Only when he was next to Susuo Ran would he be at peace.

From the time of birth, Susukino Suo was troubled and troubled, and almost grew up in a medicine jar.

At that time, the night owl was still young. He didn't know that the death of the Susukino couple was caused by Susuo Tou, or that there was a small dumpling in this world. He only knew that he must one day become a powerful person.

Such a powerful character as Brother Ran.

Of course, the night owl at that time also heard a lot of rumors about Susuke Wano, but I haven’t seen Susuke Wano, so I didn’t care about it.

The only meeting between the two was the first runaway of Suo Yewan!

Of course, the so-called running away from home is just leaving Wanyuan, but she is still in Susukino.

When Xiaoye Xiao met Xiaowaner, Xiaowaner was crouching under a cherry tree and was crying heartbrokenly. The little girl was crying terribly, and her shoulders looked pitiful.

Xiaoyue Xiao, who dreamed of becoming a big hero, saw Xiao Waner and thought that Xiao Waner was bullied, so there was a desire for protection in her heart, "Eh... don’t cry, tell me who bullied you, I will avenge you!"

Xiao Wan'er heard the voice of a little brother and looked up at him. The tearful glance made Xiao Ye Xiao look dumbfounded!

This... looks great too, right?

The eyes are so dark, so bright, so beautiful!

Xiao Ye Xiao stuttered for the first time, "You... why don't you talk?"

Hearing this, Xiaowan'er cried even more sad.

Xiaoye Xiaoyu was anxious and quickly patted her on the back to comfort her, "Hey, I haven't treated you yet, how come you are crying? What's your name? Who are your parents? What position do you hold? There is... who made you cry?"

Xiao Waner hadn't spoken, and Xiao Ye Xiao didn't know how to comfort the girl, and she seemed a little helpless when she stood aside.

The cherry blossoms are blooming in April. When the wind blows, the cherry blossoms will dance with the wind and surround the two small figures.

After a while, Bo Ye Wan'er stopped crying and raised her eyes again to Ye Xiao. She reached out and gestured a few times. Ye Xiao realized that the little girl in front of her was a dumb girl.

Immediately guessed the identity of Wan Ye Wan'er.

After all, all the children in the Susukino family are very healthy. Whether it is a child of the Susukino family or a child of the next generation, the only mute who can't speak is Susukino.

"You... are you Uncle Tou's child?"

Xiaowaner nodded.

"Then why did you come here? Why cry?"

Susukino's identity is not comparable to those of the Susukino family, and no one dared to provoke Susukino, who actually bullied her like this?

Hearing Xiao Ye Xiao's words, Xiao Waner lowered her head slightly and felt sad.

After a while, she began to draw again.

Xiaoye Xiao has a big head and two big heads, because she doesn't even know what Xiaowaner is doing, she can't understand it!

The communication between the two created obstacles, and Xiao Wan'er felt sad when she saw Xiao Yexiao's blank expression.

It didn't take long for the people around Bo Yetuo to come over and take away Xiao Wan'er.

Later, the night owl learned that Xiaowaner ran out of the house that day because he heard that the servant who had been taking care of her was scolding her for being a little dumb, saying that if she was not born to live in Susukiya, she would have died. Category.

Perhaps the words may be more unpleasant than this, otherwise Xiao Wan'er will not be sad like that.

Of course, the maid naturally couldn't survive, but her words shed a lot of trauma on Xiao Wan'er's heart.

When she realized that she couldn't open her mouth, Xiaowaner didn't feel anything, but since then, Xiaowaner had a low self-esteem.

After hearing this, Xiaoyue Xiao was going to learn sign language.

When I was about to learn, just when Xiaowaner's fifth birthday, Xiaoye Xiao followed her father to Wanyuan...

Xiao Waner's eyes lit up when she saw Xiao Ye Xiao, but she quickly looked away.

No matter how good the little brother understands her sign language, they cannot be friends.

Xiao Ye Xiao was a little angry about Xiao Waner pretending not to know Xiao Ye Xiao. After all, he learned sign language for her, so he finally waited for the opportunity to talk to her, but she ignored her.

But I thought that Xiao Waner couldn't speak like a normal person, and Xiao Ye Xiao's anger dissipated. When the adults went to socialize, Xiao Ye Xiao secretly pulled Xiao Waner, who was sitting on the sofa, and ran out. hall.

Xiao Wan'er was surprised and frightened, but she didn't get rid of Xiao Ye Xiao's hand.

The two came under the cherry tree they met for the first time, and Xiao Ye Xiao worried that Xiao Waner would think he was a bad brother, so he quickly greeted with sign language, "Don't be afraid, I won't hurt you."

Xiaowan'er's eyes lit up when she saw that Xiaoye Xiao could sign language.

The two of them were very happy that day. Xiao Wan'er was never so happy, so she told Xiao Ye Xiao what she had put in her heart.

Xiao Ye Xiao was also the first time to communicate with Xiao Waner in sign language, so when she was excited, she forgot the time. When the adults thought that the two children were almost sent by the Qiu family and sent elite bodyguards to find them, they did not expect to find them under the cherry tree. Two people playing crazy.

That night Xiaoxiao was inevitably cleaned up by his father, who wouldn’t be abducted, but who wanted to abduct Bosudou’s daughter.

But Xiao Ye Xiao, who was beaten, did not sever ties with Xiao Wan'er. As long as she was free, she would go to Xiao Wan'er to play.

Xiaowaner often stays at home and has no friends except for babysitters and bodyguards, so there are not many games, but the night owl is different. There are many brothers around him, and the games named by him will be played.

Ye Xiao often teaches Waner to play games, and sometimes also plays some games in the house, Xiao Ye Xiao is the groom, Xiao Waner is the bride...

Everything was fine until... the night owl gradually grew up and was brought to the base by Susukino...

While at the base, Ye Xiao will occasionally think of Xiao Wan'er, and is also very worried about whether Xiao Wan'er will be bullied by other people, but as Ye Xiao's out of society, more and more people around him, plus Knowing that Susano's death was related to Susino, and that he and Susano were almost dead in Susino's hands, gradually, the night owl was estranged from Susano.

Time is the most ruthless killer. A loved couple will have gaps if they don't see each other for a year or two, not to mention that Ye Xiao and Wan Ye Wan'er are just little playmates who played a few games as a kid...

Time flies, the vicissitudes of the sea, those carefree days are long gone, and the insurmountable gap between them...

What's more, the night owl now likes Jane Canaan!


PS: The transition chapter. Tomorrow Gu Sange and Jia Jia will meet... All kinds of open fights, all kinds of conspiracy routines will be presented one by one.

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