The filming of the film is getting smoother and smoother.

After filming the footage of the villa, it was transferred to three other companies, followed by footage of two hotels.

Of course, there are a lot of deep city scenery fragments or something.

There are even small snippets by the sea.

Han Qing was busy shooting and didn’t do anything else.

Zhong Xia returned from an inspection tour of Guangcheng and brought back many clothes for Han Qing.

Neatly placed in her room.

I also put a lot of the hotel’s presidential suite.

So that Han Qing can change new clothes at any time.

However, she never went to Han Qing’s villa.

Time flies by quickly.

After Han Qing revised the past, ten days finally passed.

At this moment, Han Qing was sitting on the sofa of the Imperial Villa One.

There is no one else around.

He took out his phone and clicked on the game.

The game starts instantly.

A magnificent picture appeared.

Then a dialog box surfaced: “Pass the trial period, the human brain is bound!” ”

“It turns out that the first time I modified the past was a trial period? Can the human brain be bound after qualification? ”

Han Qing was stunned, and felt the magic of this game more and more.

And he didn’t have time to think about it too much, his brain was numb, and a strange voice sounded: “Modify the past system binding successfully…”

Almost at the same time, a system panel surfaced in front of Han Qing’s eyes.

Exceptionally magnificent.

[Modify the past], [Memory Archive].

Achievement Points

And almost at the same time, the game on Han Qing’s mobile phone disappeared like a ghost.

It was as if it had never appeared.

“It turned out to be a system. Now it’s completely tied to me. Never worry about your phone falling out again. ”

Ecstasy appeared on Han Qing’s face.

He had read a lot of systems novels and was no stranger to systems.

He immediately clicked on the three buttons and began to study.

It’s very different from the game state.

【Memory Archive】This feature is super powerful.

If you modify the past, if you choose to archive your memory.

That is tantamount to storing all the memories of today in the mind of the past self.

It is equivalent to adding decades of future memories out of thin air, including all the knowledge and knowledge learned.

It is certain that any lost opportunity can be grasped, and how much can be achieved is simply impossible to predict.

[Achievement points] is the achievements you have obtained to this day after modifying the past, and converted into achievement points in a special way.

When modifying the past, if you consume achievement points, there is an efficiency bonus.

Now Han Qing has achieved 992 achievement points.

Ten days ago it was 990 points, and these days it has increased by 2 points.

Han Qing clicked the “Modify the past” button with his mind.

Pop-up dialog: “Do you want to modify the past a second time?” ”


Han Qing said in his heart.

“Do you want to archive the memories after the first modification of the past?”


“Do you retain the character of obsessive learning?”


Han Qing did not hesitate to choose no, because his memory was archived and he had already mastered so much knowledge and knowledge.

This time we have to spend our time on something else.

“Please select what you need to modify in the past.”

“Already remembered and archived, then any bad things will be avoided.” Doesn’t seem to be worth modifying? At this moment, Han Qing was a little confused.

Memory Archive is too powerful!

“You can add two new hobbies.”

The system’s voice sounded, “One in each of the leisure and research classes in the following options.” ”

Leisure class:

【Calligraphy】【Painting】【Music】【Novel】【Martial Arts】【Film】【Cooking】…….

Research Class:

【Chip Research】【Artificial Intelligence】【Robots】

【Communication Technology】【Aerospace Science and Technology】【Nuclear Energy Research】

【Longevity Technology】【Organ Cloning】【Human Potential】


Countless options, densely packed, made Han Qing dizzy.

I was also overjoyed.

He studied these options in detail.

I chose to practice martial arts first.

Having a good body is more important than anything else!

A dialog pops up: Do you want to use Achievement Points to purchase the system’s exercises?


A Gong Fa panel pops up.

Nine Yang Divine Skills: 1000 Achievement Points.

Nine Yin Zhenjing: 1000 Achievement Points.

Descending Dragon Eighteen Palms: 1000 Achievement Points.

Limbo Microstep: 1000 Achievement Points.

Nine Swords of Solitude: 1000 Achievement Points.


“I lean on, I seem to be about to become a legendary martial arts master.”

Han Qing was extremely excited.

But these exercises are not affordable now.

So he stepped back.

Ticked the line musically.

Another dialog pops up: whether to buy songs, one achievement point: 10 songs!


Then the names of countless classic songs popped up.

“I know these songs, most of them can be sung, and I still want to buy them with you?”

Han Qing’s face was full of strange expressions.

“If you buy these songs, they will disappear from your time and space and belong only to you. You sing it, you create it, it’s yours. ”

The sound of the system sounds.

“I’m leaning on, this is too good, isn’t it?”

Han Qing was stunned and shocked.

Without hesitation, he bought 300 classic songs and spent 30 achievement points.

(The second more to ask for flowers, thank you).

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