As soon as he entered the ancient tomb, Xu Lang immediately discovered that this should be an annex.

Because Xu Lang had seen many annex chambers in ancient tombs when he was editing the inventory video.

So he had a better understanding of the structure of the ancient tomb.

This should be a large tomb in the shape of the letter"甲".

In addition to the annex chambers on both sides, there are also structures such as the main annex chamber and the rear chamber.

The top of the tomb is a dome structure.

Then Xu Lang lowered his head again, pinched a little dust from the bottom of his feet, and put it in front of his nose to smell it.

The skill of smelling the earth and identifying the dragon is activated

"It looks like a tomb from the Song Dynasty."

Xu Lang said immediately.

The tomb in front of him was almost the same as the Jin Dynasty general tomb in Yerengou, Heifengkou, which Xu Lang had edited before, but with slight differences.

In addition, the skill of smelling the soil and identifying the dragon can roughly distinguish the smell characteristics of the soil in tombs of various dynasties. Xu Lang immediately confirmed that this tomb was a Song Dynasty tomb.

Xu Lang said it very easily.

But Tang Xue, who was walking in front of Xu Lang, stopped after hearing it.

Xu Lang had just entered the ancient tomb for a few minutes.

Even the age has been confirmed?

Tang Xue is a newcomer in the domestic archaeological community.

He has done quite good research on dating ancient tombs.

But even so, Tang Xue estimated that in the ancient The tomb is rich in burial objects. If it is not damaged, it will take at least a month to determine the age of the ancient tomb.

Did Xu Lang see some artifacts that directly recorded the year number?

Tang Xue looked around.

But she didn't find anything.

It is very likely that they entered an ear chamber, and it was empty.

Tang Xue was about to ask Xu Lang, but found that Xu Lang suddenly stared at the tomb wall in front of him with a focused expression. He seemed to be thinking about something.

Tang Xue naturally did not disturb him.

But what Tang Xue didn't know was that Xu Lang didn't see anything extraordinary.

Instead, he heard the system prompt sound.

The system prompt sound came really quickly.

"Congratulations to the host for uploading the video successfully"

"The system is calculating influence"

"The influence of the last video is accumulating"

"After the settlement, the host can choose one of the following rewards."

The system reward options soon emerged in my mind.

"First: Physical strength attribute increased by 10 points"

"Second: Physical agility attribute increased by 10 points"

"Third: Special Equipment Vajra Umbrella"

"The diamond umbrella is one of the most sophisticated equipment of the tomb raider."

"The ribs are made of special alloy and are extremely tough."

"The umbrella is made of special materials, which are fireproof, waterproof and acid-resistant."

"It can even block attacks from swords, guns, bows, crossbows, and hidden weapons."

"At the same time, the tip of the diamond umbrella hides a spear tip, which can be used as a spear to stab, or to break the mechanism."

"The edge of the umbrella also has a sharp blade, which can be used for attack or defense"

"A phosphorescent barrel can be placed in the umbrella handle to provide long-term lighting in the dark tomb.."

"It is a powerful tool for tomb raiding."

"Fourth: Special equipment: Fa Qiu Tian Guan Yin"

"The legendary first of the four major tomb-robbing schools, the inheritance token of Faqiu Tianguan"

"It is a copper seal with a unicorn button"

"The eight characters of the Heavenly Official's blessing without any taboos are inscribed"

"Wear it with you, and you will be blessed by the heavenly officials and full of yang energy"

"It can give early warning of the evil things that are about to appear."

"It has a great effect on people who go to graves to rob."

"At the same time, the Fa Qiu Tian Guan Seal has a strong suppressing effect on all evil things and corpse-transformed zombies."

"Fifth: If you choose none of the above, your influence will accumulate to the next video and you can redeem it for rewards together."

After hearing the system prompt, Xu Lang's eyes suddenly emptied.

At the same time, his mind began to work rapidly.

(That's why Tang Xue thought Xu Lang was observing and thinking about something carefully)

The main reason is that the rewards this time are really shocking.

Xu Lang has experienced the benefits of accumulating influence.

This time, the points rewarded for character attributes alone are directly points.

The average attribute value of an ordinary adult male is ten points.

In other words, if Xu Lang chooses character attributes, he can directly make one of his attributes reach twice that of an ordinary person.

This attraction is quite large.

However, Xu Lang's attention hardly stayed on the character attribute rewards.

Because the other rewards provided this time are really special.

Vajra Umbrella!

Fa Qiu Tianguan Seal!

These two special equipment can be said to be the most famous top-grade equipment in the world of tomb raiders.

Although the Vajra Umbrella is the equipment passed down by Zhang Sanlian, the gold-grabbing lieutenant, it really shines in the hands of Partridge Whistle and Shirley Yang.

Especially the Partridge Whistle, it can be said to be a ghost blowing the light. The ceiling of the tomb robbers' combat power in the world.

The Vajra Umbrella also played a big role.

Chief of Staff Yang was even more heroic, with a Vajra Umbrella, and formed an iron triangle with Hu Bayi and Wang Pangzi.

How many big tombs and huge buckets have been buried.

It can be said that it is well-known.

So when Xu Lang saw the reward option of the Vajra Umbrella, he almost made a choice at once.

But Xu Lang still held back.

Because Xu Lang heard the next option.

Fa Qiu Tianguan Seal!

This thing is too powerful.

As the saying goes, there are talismans for tomb raiding, seals for Fa Qiu, techniques for moving mountains, and armor for removing mountains. (To read the violent novels, go to Fulu Novel Network!)

Guanshan Taibao has eighteen gold medals of Guanshan Taibao bestowed by the Ming Dynasty. The tomb raiding lieutenant had twelve tomb raiding talismans at the beginning.

Later, he was attacked by Guanshan Taibao and only three were left.

The Fa Qiu Seal was completely lost in the Ming Dynasty.

Moreover, after the Fa Qiu Seal was destroyed, the inheritance of the Fa Qiu Tianguan lineage was also broken.[]

Although in another tomb-robbing world, the tomb-robbing notes world, Brother Zhang Qiling is very likely to be the descendant of Faqiu Tianguan.

But after all, it is a parallel world.

At the same time, Brother Zhang Qiling does not have the Faqiu seal.

So Xu Lang does not know what the Faqiu seal looks like.

Unexpectedly, the option of the Faqiu Tianguan seal appeared in the system's rewards.

This is too attractive to Xu Lang.

Think about the treasure that the masters in the tomb-robbing world have not found, and it is also the token of the Faqiu Tianguan, the leader of the four major schools.

This identity symbol alone is attractive enough.

Not to mention from the description given by the system.

The strength of the Faqiu Tianguan seal itself is also quite powerful.

This thing is definitely not just a token.

The Faqiu Tianguan seal itself can actually make the wearer full of yang energy. When going to the tomb to rob, the most worrying thing is that the yin energy in the ancient tomb will attack the body.

And this kind of thing is almost impossible to avoid.

Those tomb robbers who have been doing it for a long time will definitely face such a problem.

But with the Faqiu Tianguan seal, it is different.

There is no need to worry about the problem of yin energy in the tomb.

At the same time, the Fa Qiu Tian Guan Yin also has an early warning function.

If there is an attack by evil spirits, the Fa Qiu Tian Guan Yin will give an early warning, letting the wearer know in advance.

More importantly, this thing can also be used as a weapon.

It has a strong restraining effect on all evil spirits and zombies.

The Fa Qiu Tian Guan Yin is much stronger than the black donkey hoof in warding off evil spirits.

So Xu Lang immediately chose the Fa Qiu Tian Guan Yin as a reward.

After choosing, Xu Lang immediately found that he had an extra Kirin button copper seal on his body.

It was hanging on his chest.

But there are still many archaeologists around him now.

Xu Lang was embarrassed to check.

At this time, Tang Xue and other archaeologists have entered the tomb passage, and also found an ear chamber on the other side.

Some burial objects are piled in this ear chamber.

When they saw this, all the archaeologists were very excited to enter the ear chamber.

Xu Lang naturally followed in.

However, Xu Lang did not check the burial objects in the ear chamber.

After Xu Lang went down to the tomb, the treasure night eye skill was activated.

He could see the surrounding situation clearly.

At the same time, he could also see the treasure aura on these burial objects.

After entering the ear chamber, Xu Lang only needed to take a quick look with his Night Eyes to know that there was nothing particularly valuable here.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Xu Lang immediately edited the next video in his mind.

Editing the next video is quite difficult.

Because Xu Lang plans to play a trick in this video.

After all, the inventory of the top ten rare treasures in the tomb-robbing world is coming to an end.

The remaining treasures are extremely rare and extremely important.

Xu Lang already had a plan in mind.

Think about it, after seeing this episode of the video, the people in the tomb-robbing world will definitely be very shocked.

Naturally, the influence will not be small.

Xu Lang immediately began to lean against the corner wall of the ear chamber of the ancient tomb and edited it attentively.

Tang Xue suppressed her inner shock and amazement at this time.

There are quite a lot of burial objects in this ancient tomb.

And it is indeed a Song Dynasty tomb.

Any cultural relic (Ma Wang Zhao) taken out is worth quite a lot.��

Tang Xue remembered that there was another Xu Lang who entered the ancient tomb with the archaeological team.

Although Xu Lang did not act like a greedy person, Tang Xue still took a look at Xu Lang.

After all, as the leader of an archaeological team, Tang Xue was still responsible for the cultural relics and personnel in the ancient tomb.

After taking a look, she found that Xu Lang had no intention of going forward to check these cultural relics. He was actually concentrating on observing the wall of the ear chamber.

Tang Xue followed Xu Lang's gaze and found that there were some murals on the wall of the ear chamber.

Tang Xue's face flushed after seeing it.

After all, as a professional archaeological team member, he was only concerned about these burial objects and actually forgot about the murals that might exist in the tomb.

You know, the cultural value contained in these things may be much higher than some gold and silver treasures.

It seems that I was too suspicious. Xu Lang is definitely a pure and professional historian.

Tang Xue still felt a little embarrassed. She didn't know that Xu Lang didn't care about the things in the ear chamber at all.

And Xu Lang was not studying any murals.

Instead, he was editing the video in his mind.

This time the editing took a little longer.

After about half an hour of editing, it was finally finished.

Then he chose to upload it.

After that, Xu Lang breathed a sigh of relief.


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