When Xu Lang woke up, it was already the next morning.

Not long after waking up, he heard a system notification sound.

"Congratulations to the host for uploading the video successfully"

"The system is calculating influence"

"After the settlement, the host can choose one of the following rewards."

The system reward options soon emerged in my mind.

"First: Physical strength attribute increased by 5 points"

"Second: Physical agility attribute increased by 5 points"

"Third: Special Skill: Cross-sea Star Pulling"

"The ability to identify directions and find the direction in the sea by using the star map in the sky is a unique skill passed down by the Banshan Taoist lineage. In the Ming Dynasty, a Banshan Taoist joined Zheng He's voyage to the West and used the star-pulling technique to navigate the fleet, making great contributions."

"Fourth: Special Skill Kuixing Kick Fighting"

"The unique skills of the Taoist monk Partridge Whistle"

"He stretched out his hand very quickly and kicked the zombie in the Dazhui with his leg."

"Paralyze zombies and make them unable to move"

"Similar effects are seen for other targets"

"It is said to be inherited from the secret technique of the Jin Dynasty, Tianguan Fushi Technique"

"Fifth: If you choose none of the above, your influence will accumulate in the next video and you can redeem the reward together."

After seeing the system's selection panel, Xu Lang immediately smiled.

This is something that doesn't need to be thought about.

Although the star-pulling technique is also a skill, the application range of this skill is still too small. It can only be used at sea.

Xu Lang knows that there are indeed some large tombs at sea.

But compared with land, there are still much fewer.

Even if you have to choose a skill, you should choose one that can be used on land first.

Learn all the tomb-robbing skills on land first.

Not to mention that Xu Lang also learned about it before.

In the tomb-robbing world, there is actually another skill.

It is also the skill of the tomb-robbing lieutenant.

It is called the falling star acupuncture technique.

This technique is performed according to the feng shui of the stars. It is similar to the gold-dividing acupuncture technique performed according to the Dragon Hunting Technique.

The only difference is that the scope of this skill is much wider.

Whether it is in a dense Whether in the forest or in the desert, on the grassland or on the vast ocean, it can be performed.

Even if you have to choose a skill, it is better to choose the Falling Star Acupuncture Technique.

At the same time, the Kuixing Kick Skill is definitely Xu Lang's self-protection skill in the ancient tomb.

Xu Lang remembers very clearly the heroic figure of Partridge Whistle performing the Kuixing Kick Skill in The Wrath of Xiangxi.

Xu Lang quickly chose the Kuixing Kick Skill.

After choosing, Xu Lang immediately felt that his legs were suddenly filled with heat.

Feel the blood flowing rapidly in his legs.

At the same time, his legs were full of strength.

Then Xu Lang jumped in his room.

He found that his jumping height had become higher and more flexible.

Xu Lang looked up at the incandescent bulb above the kitchen.

After thinking for a few seconds, he gave up.

He picked up a paper cup and put it on the window.

Then he raised his leg.

The paper cup that was more than one person high was easily kicked away by Xu Lang.

Then it landed on the dining table next to him, steadily.

After seeing this, Xu Lang nodded with satisfaction.

This strength, this control, is indeed worthy of the name of Kuixing Kick.

At the same time, Xu Lang also thought of a problem.

That is his basic attributes, which should indeed be mentioned.

The two-finger acupuncture skill and the Kuixing Kick skill, both of these skills can be used in combat.

After improving attributes such as strength and agility, the power of these two skills can definitely be greatly improved.

Very cost-effective.

At the same time, skills such as identifying treasures with night eyes, identifying tombs by listening to thunder, and identifying tombs by smelling soil are also based on Xu Lang's own senses.

If the mental attributes are improved, the effects of these skills will definitely be greatly improved.

At the beginning, Xu Xu Lang has no skills, so it is not worthwhile to improve his basic attributes.

But now Xu Lang has quite a few skills.

It is time to improve his basic attributes.

Xu Lang was thinking about his reward.

At this moment, he suddenly heard the phone ringing.

After answering the phone, he immediately heard Tang Xue's voice on the other end of the phone.

It turned out that Tang Xue asked Xu Lang if he wanted to go to the excavation site.

Today's excavation site still encountered a little problem.

Xu Lang agreed immediately.

He went out soon.

In the taxi, Xu Lang closed his eyes and rested.

He began to conceive the next video of the treasures of the ancient tomb.

It was rush hour, and there was a little traffic jam. It took more than 40 minutes to get to the excavation site of the ancient tomb on campus.

But in these more than 40 minutes, Xu Lang was not idle.

He had already completed the production of the next video of the treasures of the tomb world.

Xu Lang himself couldn't help but sigh.

With the system, the efficiency is indeed high.

As long as you mobilize various video materials in your mind, you can complete the editing.

After Xu Lang finished editing the video, he immediately chose to upload it to the parallel world of tomb robbery.

At the same time, Xu Lang was also thinking about a problem.

The video of the top ten rare treasures in the tomb-robbing world is about to enter the top three.

There are many things worth counting in the tomb-robbing world.

In addition to various treasures, there are also various monsters, zombies, organs, genius treasures, spiritual beasts, buildings, etc.

Xu Lang walked towards the school's construction site while thinking about what to count next.

The system settles rewards according to the influence of the inventory video.

In other words, the greater the impact on the actions of people in the tomb-robbing world, the greater the influence, and the richer the reward.

The influence of the top ten treasures is still good.

Because it will definitely affect the actions of many characters in the tomb-robbing world.

In addition to this?

Like genius treasures, it may have a relatively small impact on the characters in the tomb-robbing world.

For example, the thousand-year meat yam, ninety-nine pearl grass, blood bait, and the fruit of the living are also very precious.

But few people in the tomb-robbing world went for these genius treasures at the beginning.

They all encountered these genius treasures in the process of tomb robbing.

They just got them by chance.

It certainly won't have much impact on the characters in the tomb-robbing world.

Thinking of this, Xu Lang immediately decided on the next item to be counted.


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