Reverse Growth Superstar

: One thousand two hundred and ninety-eight: Link wants it all

The Houston Rockets seem to be not as good as before.

A few years ago, if the Grizzlies wanted to defeat the Rockets, they still needed Link's 50+15+15 data.

The combination of Chris Paul and Harden really gave Rockets fans hope.

But now?

As the Pelicans coach Alvin Gentry said, the Houstonians have become less and less useful.

Easily, the Grizzlies won 25 consecutive victories on the Rockets-the league's third-longest winning streak record.

By the way, the 26-game winning streak of the league’s second-longest winning streak also belongs to the Grizzlies.

Since there is no Heat's 27-game winning streak in this history, the Grizzlies have almost completed a monopoly on the winning streak.

While people are so disappointed with Houstonians, everyone is at risk.

The current grizzly bears are almost unstoppable, which also means that whoever meets the grizzly bears next will be unlucky!

Since the victory over the Jazz on November 27, the Grizzlies have torn everything in the way to pieces. Among them, there are many tycoons such as the Lakers, Bucks and Clippers.

Do you think you can stop a grizzly bear? Go ahead, but you can only pray that God will give you good luck.

Of course, not everyone is so scared. Some people also think that bad luck will not happen to them.

This year's top pick Zion Williamson is one of them.

After the game with the Celtics, he, who led the team to victory, naturally became the subject of interviews by reporters on the sidelines.

Because Zion Williamson was injured in the summer league last year, he actually just returned a few days ago.

People originally thought that after experiencing injuries, he would experience a period of downturn before he could adapt to the intensity of the NBA. As everyone knows, this guy started the killer mode when he came up.

Zion's excellent performance coupled with his destructive play style made him extremely popular.

In terms of popularity, Zion, who has only played a few official games, even surpassed Brandon Ingram, who has played the All-Star level this season.

Today, when Zion once again played an excellent performance, he naturally became the most watched star again.

Facing the camera, Williamson did not feel nervous. Although he has only played less than 10 official games in the NBA, this kind of big battle was no surprise when he was in college.

No, he was already a household basketball star in high school.

This feeling of being famous at a young age is something that Link has never experienced before losing a draft.

"Congratulations, Zion, this is the third consecutive win the Pelicans have won this season. You are on the right track and are getting closer and closer to the top eight in the West. You think you have a chance to reach the postseason this season. Match?"

After three consecutive victories, the Pelicans are only 2.5 wins away from the eighth Mavericks in the West. Whether these young Pelicans can fulfill their talents and achieve results in the first year is a matter of great concern to many people.

"We will work hard. The playoffs have always been our goal. Next, we will continue to speed up." Zion's answer is very calm, dripping, and so mature that he is completely invisible to him as a rookie.

"Although your determination is worthy of respect, the next game you will face may be the strongest opponent of your career so far. Are you ready for this? Do you think the team's Can the winning streak continue?" After a painless question, the reporter finally started to focus on the key points.

Today Zion beat the Celtics just to warm up.

What people really look forward to is the duel between Zion and Link in three days!

The whole world is watching Zion, and everyone wants to know what he will say.

Is it timid? Or will it be arrogant?

However, Zion did not show either of the two attitudes: "Link is a formidable opponent. Although he and I do not yet have any intersection, I respect the legend very much."

Zion's answer is very "behaved", it will inevitably make the fans feel a little boring.

"However, no matter how strong the opponent is, we will do our best to win. That's right, we will do our best to fight the Grizzlies."

Sure enough, everything has a but.

Zion’s answer made the fans extremely excited. He not only expressed his respect for Link, but also expressed his determination to win.

It is simply the standard answer!

Zion said he would fight the Grizzlies with all his strength...Well, the collision of the old and new superstars has become more and more noticeable.


Although Link's performance this season is still strong, making him the eighth consecutive year of the All-Star vote, he is still firmly in the league's first position.

But the fact is that this is the last season of Link.

He did not leave his old state to the fans like Kobe, Jordan and others, he seems to be able to maintain his peak state for several years.

But at least for now, Link still has no intention of changing his mind.

Therefore, this season, the duel between Link and the new generation of stars has become particularly eye-catching.

A Uranus superstar who is about to retire to fight against the alliance's future Uranus superstars is indeed a very gimmick.

So from Doncic in the early regular season, to Kendrick Nunn, Antetokounmpo, Simmons, Embiid...

Every time Link plays against a new generation of stars, that game will become very hot.

As a result, when Link played against Durant, James and other old opponents, the heat was not so high.

This time, by tying the 26-game winning streak with Dongfeng, I ran into a new generation of champion Zion Williamson.

How much attention this game has received can be known.

People wanted to see if Zion, who was rampant, unstoppable, and wild like a beast, could make Link feel crisis.

However, the matchup between Link and Zion is just wishful thinking of the fans.

The day after the game with the Rockets, Georgel made it clear in the tactical meeting: "Link, your goal in the next game is Brandon Ingram. As for Zion Williamson. ......"

As Georg said, his eyes fell on Jie Michael Green.

Green immediately twitched his whole body, and suddenly felt that his life was dimmed.

Why me again...

"Green, in the next game, you need to smash Williamson at the fourth position. Don't put pressure on him, he is just a kid. I believe you can limit him."

"Oh, oh..." Jie Michael Green nodded silently, he was indeed worried.

Don't say I can't, you can do it, you go...

With a nervous mood, Green stepped into the training hall to practice the tactics of the next game.

Georgel’s tactical arrangement is actually understandable. Although Zion has been very popular recently, Ingram is the real core of the Pelicans.

Averaged 25.5 points, 38.7% from three-pointers, and 46.6% overall. This is definitely a pretty good personal statistic. On the court, Ingram has become more and more like his template Kevin Durant.

And this season, Ingram has also played 40 points in a single game and 49 points in a single game. Facts have proved that if you underestimate the former Lakers prince, you will definitely suffer.

Besides, Link is the most suitable defense for Ingram.

Let Brooks guard, the height and arm span are too far away. Brooks' physical condition is enough to defend the second position, and Georg didn't dare to mention him on the front Let Green defend Ingram. The flexibility and speed are a bit worse.

Therefore, if you want to limit the core of the Pelicans, you can only use Link to defend.

Green knows the truth, but when he thinks that he is about to face a monster of nearly 260 kg...

Green rubbed his chest. Why did he feel a faint pain in his ribs before he hit?

"Hey, don't worry." At this moment, Link came up from behind and patted Green on the shoulder.

He seemed very aware of Green's current troubles.


"Tomorrow, I will try my best to help you defend Zion. You just need to remember, don't back down easily," Link finished, blinking at Green.

Either Ingram or Zion?

No, kids make choices, Link wants them all!

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