Reverend Insanity

: Section 356: The Star Trek

Seeing that the ancestors of the sea and the sea will be surrounded by the four phases of the water, wood and fire, at the crucial moment, an eight-turn singer will kill.

As the celestial beings see it, they will see that this celestial body is wide and strong, with a tall nose, wearing a golden dragon scale, a dragon amber, and a pair of golden coral dragon horns on the forehead.

It is the dragon man Wu Shuai who is one of the three major sources of Fangyuan!

Wu Shuai just fell into the Chinese Cave, and he followed up with two members of the Tianting Temple, the Golden Soul Fairy.

Wu Shuai was entangled with them both, but did not completely get rid of them.

Whether it is the ancestors of the sea, or the war division, or Wu Shuai has a breakthrough in strength, the strength of the ancestors of the sea and sea jumped to the level of the dragons at the end of the fateful war, and the warfare division added a lot of locusts, and the means became comprehensive. . As for Wu Shuai, it was originally just like a Tianting, but now it is above the two heavens.

"According to this trend, in time, Wu Shuai will certainly grow into Yaxianzun!"

"Stop Wu Shuai quickly, don't let him save the ancestors!!"

Tianting 蛊仙君神光 first rushed up, followed by Jiu Ling Xian Gu, Mei Gong, Tong Gong.

Wu Shuai suffered from the attack of the five or six heavenly courts, and the danger was like a ring.

He can only protect himself first, surrounded by countless army ants, densely packed, tens of millions, no matter how much is destroyed, can be added at any time, as if it is endless.

"Give me a drive." The ancestors of the sea swelled in a big sleeve and once again set off a hundred feet of air.

The four people who formed the four-phase offset array changed their faces and felt that they were like a mortal, but they were on a sin dragon.

The four 蛊 拼 拼 拼 拼 拼 拼 拼 拼 拼 拼 拼 拼 拼 拼 拼 拼 拼 拼 拼 拼 拼 拼 拼 拼 拼 拼 拼 拼 拼 拼 拼

"Come and support me." Bai Shushui called for help.

"Not good! Help them quickly."

"This array can't be lost!"

The heavens are immortal, and Tonggong, Meigong and the rest of the celestial beings are all going to attack the ancestors.

The ancestors of the sea and the sea are still moving, and they are always stable and smiling. They calmly calm down: "And how many times can you keep it?"

Because of the ancestors of the sea, Wu Shuai got a breather.

He directly reached out and pointed out that the large-scale army ants condensed into a giant eagle, and attacked the Chinese cave.

"Stop!" Chinese old fairy 睚眦 睚眦 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

The entire Chinese cave was trembled violently, and there were legions of ants smashing everywhere, giving out a dense and incomparable chewing voice that infiltrated people.

"Quickly save the Chinese Cave, it is the last pillar of the sky-filled actuarial array!" Chinese old fairy sorrow.

Tianting Zhu Xian had to draw people to protect the Chinese Cave.

As a result, the pressure on the ancestors of the sea is less, and it is easier to capture the fighters.

Because of the need to protect the sky and the stars, Tianting is in a very passive position.

This disadvantage was exploited by Fang Yuan's three major avatars, and there was almost no gasping opportunity for the heavenly priests.

The Chinese Cave is already a landslide, and the spirits are terrible. Ants are everywhere. Many places have been drilled through and formed a passage that can leave the Chinese Cave and go outside.

However, this is by no means an escape route. Most of the sergeants do not have the ability to fly. If they escape from the cave, they will fall to the ground and die. This is true of the priests, not to mention mortals and other beasts.

"Xiaobai, take my daughter, go quickly!" Su Shangshu is a seven-turn celestial being in the Chinese cave, and now he is in front of Li Xiaobai and Su Qihan, protecting them.

"No, I want to continue fighting! This is my home..." Li Xiaobai has been seriously injured. At this moment, the voice trembles and sheds tears.

Su Shangshu violently turned his head and yelled at Li Xiaobai: "The erect! At this time, you can be arrogant and brave? The Chinese cave is fierce and fierce, but you are our hope. The people who remain in your fairy tales are the fires of Chinese caves. Fast rolling, fast rolling!"

"Father, let's go together!" Li Xiaobai pulled Su Shangshu.

Su Shangshu slammed his hand and angered and replied: "I am a court minister, but you are not. So you go, I must not go. The community will die, how is it dead? Hahaha!"

Su Shangshu laughed and put Li Xiaobai into the Chinese cave, then turned and flew into the ant colony to set off a fierce battle.

"爹-!" Su Qihan shouted, the voice was sobbing, tears fell, Li Xiaobai forcibly dragged, and left the hole in the hole.

But just when the two had to escape successfully, the change happened.

The entire wall of Huawen Dongtian collapsed instantly. Instead, it was a dark brown barrel-shaped huge earth wall with potholes on the soil wall.

There are countless caves and ramps in the soil wall, just like a labyrinth.

Li Xiaobai and Su Qihan were able to escape their lives when they were almost dead. The result was that they were bounced back by the soil wall.

"What is this?!" For a time, almost all the immortals were shocked.

"A battlefield killing move... is actually more rapid than my rumor!" Zhou Xiongxin changed his face.

The other members of the court are also very ugly.

They have not completely trapped the ancestors of the sea, and found that they were first loaded into a battlefield.

"It’s Wu Shuai’s killing trick.” Haihai’s ancestors smiled.

Before the war, they have exchanged their strengths and means.

Qihai ancestors know: This is Wu Shuai’s Wanjun ant colony battle.

The core immortal used is the eight-turn ant colony. This move is based on the land of Futian and Dongtian. First, it dispatched numerous army ants to erode. Only after reaching a certain level can it be launched.

Once launched, it can quickly collapse the original Fudi Cave and transform it into an ant colony. The process of launching is very fast, but the previous savings will take a long time.

Therefore, the fastest building of the battlefield killings is still rumors.

After Wu Shuai rushed out the Wanjun ant colony, he directly smashed all the existence of Huawendong Tianzhong and included it in this battlefield.

He immediately mobilized the army ants, like a torrent of water, killing the immortals everywhere. At the same time, many ants were dispatched, constantly squandering the resources and carrying out the rapid propagation of the army ants.

The Heavenly Emperor and the Immortals have been attacked by the Legion Ants. They saw that the Legion Ants and this battlefield are so complementary, and they all come to realize that Wu Shuai is the master of this battlefield!

"We still underestimated him."

"Fangyuan's three avatars have many novel ways to improve almost all the killings. What about Fangyuan's ontology?"

"Now, when we are not counting the stars, we must quickly break this battlefield!"

The Tianting monks quickly communicated and reached a consensus.

But it is not easy to find a person in this vast ant colony battlefield that is comparable to the Chinese space.

Tian Ting Yu Xian tried a variety of means at one time, but it was fruitless.

Wu Shuai hid in a corner, began to leisurely dispatch the army ants, along the countless martyrdom, from all sides to the heavens and four immortals.

The four immortals of Heaven formed a battle, temporarily trapping the ancestors of the sea, but at this moment they were attacked by the outside world.

The ancestors of the sea and the sea saw the machine and incited thousands of airflows, so that the four gods of the heavenly courts were attacked by the enemy, and they were killed and killed.

Tian Ting Yu Xian, temporarily looking for Wu Shuai, can only concentrate on suppressing the sea ancestors.

After several rounds of confrontation, the four emperors of Tianting vomited blood, and the momentum re-emerged. In contrast, the ancestors of the sea were still full of energy and full of enthusiasm.

"If this array is a collection of four genres, the power should be better. Unfortunately, there is one less strong wind." The old ancestors laughed, the longer he saw, the more things he saw.

"The sea, look at the hoop!" Jin Hing Xian Wang flew down, urging hundreds of gold hoops, flying in the air.

The golden hoop tried to fall on the sea of ​​gas, but it was resisted by the airflow around the ancestors of the sea.

The eyebrows suddenly appeared, and the white brows were like snow, suddenly growing, piercing the airflow, and entangled the arms of the ancestors of the sea.

The ancestors of the sea and the sea sighed low, and the airflow burst, like a vast expanse of arrogance, collapsed mountains and gravel, destroyed and ruined!

The air current impacts the golden hoop fairy king, the eyebrow and the heavenly four cents.

At the crucial moment, Jun Shenguang, Zhou Xiongxin and others have taken shots to help the six heavenly members.

The seven-Yuanyuanjun giant rushed over, a giant hand like a hill, according to the head of the sea ancestors fell!

At the crucial moment, the ancestors of the sea and the sea smiled lightly.

Immortal killing tricks - return to the sea Qizong!

This move is improved by the return of the three gas, with the weather and the two big eight turns of the fairy scorpion as the core. All the life within the scope of the killing can be gradually transformed into airflow, which belongs to the ancestors of the sea and the sea. For airway traces.

Therefore, this is not only a means of attack, but also a practice of self-cultivation and gaining the scale of the airway track.

This kind of recruitment can be huge, secretive, but there are two huge drawbacks.

The first item is that it takes a lot of life.

The second drawback is that once this move is motivated, regardless of success or failure, within a hundred days (the time of the ancestors of the sea) can not be motivated for the second time.

Under the murder of the sea, the heavenly priests were first bound and could not move.

Subsequently, the eyebrows suffered first, first eyebrows, then skin, flesh and blood, and finally bones, internal organs, etc., all melted into airflow, absorbed by the gas sea ancestors.

When the eyebrows melted into the skeletal stage, the golden hoop fairy king began to melt into gas, and eventually turned into nothing.

The eyebrows and the golden hoops were killed in succession. After that, they were Jun Shenguang, Zhou Xiongxin and others, and then they were the farthest in the heavens.

The first thing I can't hold is the red purple, then the phoenix prince, and finally the white water and the peak.

The ancestors of the sea whispered four people: "You still lack tacit understanding. What's more important is that the two of them have recently resurrected. The locusts are incomplete and the state is broken. It is the biggest flaw in the battle. I want to trap me, I am delusional!"

Tianting Sixian insisted on sticking, and there was no room for talking.

The seven-year-old monarch is not flat. He has been halved, but he still raises his broken fists and wants to smash his ancestors.

"You seem to have forgotten Wu Shuai's voice is conveyed, the army ants are densely packed, and they are attached to the body of the Seventh Yuan.

The next moment, the seven-year-old giant collapsed.

"The body is coming, we won this battle!" Wu Shuai laughed.

He saw that he didn't have to shoot himself, as long as he smiled again, and the ancestors of the sea could make the four gods completely ruined.

"Is it?" At the end of the battle, Prince Fengxian suddenly showed a smug smile. "You counted, the ancestors of the sea."

The voice did not fall, the center of the four-phase offset array, the gas sea ancestors suddenly shocked.

The airflow around him changed rapidly, and it turned out to be the shape of Lin Jianxing, based on the ancestors of the sea.

The forest sword formed by the airflow is vivid, but it is a facial expression.

The next moment, he stepped forward and walked into the body of the ancestors.

The gas sea old Zu Dun was hit hard and the defense fell apart.

Not far from the battlefield.

In the embroidered building, the star will suddenly smile, regardless of the front of the war, throwing a star board: "Now, let you look at the real secret of the stars of the stars!"

The sky-filled actuarial array collapsed, and the rest of the stars blew themselves out, and a burst of brilliance emerged. Under the cooperation of the stars and chessboards, this force directly smashed the battlefield of the ant colony, and bombarded the heavenly emperor, such as the phoenix prince, into a powder, and finally sealed the ancestors of the sea.

"Go!" The sound of the star's will is heard in the chessboard.

The star chessboard spins at the top of the ancestors of the sea of ​​sea, shoots a star, always covers the ancestors of the sea, and drags him to fly quickly to heaven.

The opening of the heavenly gateway is obviously long-awaited.

Fangyuan's ontology will come, see this scene, suddenly reveal the color of anger: "Stars Xianzun, it turns out that all this is your conspiracy calculation!"

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