Returning from the 900th floor

Chapter 88 Seemingly useless rare props

Chapter 87 Rare props that seem useless

Theoretically, there are props on every floor of the World Tower.

It's just that there are some things that Wang Wen doesn't know, and there are some things that he has forgotten.

In my previous life, I worked for the First Consortium, and I was familiar with all kinds of information from the intelligence department. Coupled with the experience gained from climbing towers for many years, I have a good understanding of the locations where props may appear on most tower levels.

But the World Tower is too big.

Even if it is the same type of level, the terrain environment will be strange and ever-changing.

Not to mention some special levels that are so unpopular that you won’t encounter them even once in hundreds of times.

Rote memorization simply doesn't work. Wang Min relies more on past experience to first find similar key points, and then use these points to draw inferences and derive the most likely answer.

This grassland right now.

It's not familiar to Wang Wen.

But it’s not that I have no clue.

Ordinary scattered number layers are not worth the effort, but integer layers like 30 are still worth it.

He led the two of them in a random direction, sprinkling some special powder on the ground and observing the soil along the way.


After observing the road for a while, he adjusted his direction and walked to the left.

This time, a small lake with pits and bumps quickly appeared ahead.

The lake is very shallow and has very little water.

As a result, there was a lot of mud on the edges, like puddles made by raindrops on a rainy day.

Many creatures drink water around this small lake.

Those who are powerful drink directly towards the lake.

The weak ones can only lick the muddy puddles at the edges.

Wang Wei took out a bottle of healthy water and drank a few sips with her. She looked at the lake in front of her and said to the two people around her: "If by chance there are props at the bottom of the lake, do you have a way to dry up the lake?"

Zhu Xingguo and Ren Ruanruan were a little stunned.

No matter how shallow this lake is, it is still as big as a playground. If you want to dry out so much water, you need to use a high-power pump.

It is simply impossible to rely on human power alone.

Wang Min nodded and said: "Then there is nothing we can do."

The two thought he was planning to leave.

Unexpectedly, when he closed and opened his eyes, a transparent circle seemed to appear around him.

Wang Wen jumped directly into the lake with the circle. When he first entered the water, he could still see that the lake was divided into a spherical space. It was not visible until the water line covered his head.

After a while, the center of the lake was churning, as if a giant hand was stirring the bottom of the water, and ripples appeared on the water surface one after another.

The two of them looked worried.

Zhu Xingguo changed his coat and prepared to go into the water to help.

As a result, before he could take off his pants, Wang Wei slowly came ashore not far away, covered in mud.

The two of them rushed up to meet him, only to hear him say with a smile: "There is a big crocodile down there that is very difficult to deal with. Fortunately, I am lucky. It is a rare item."

Opening his palm, there were several round pearl-like things lying on his palm.

Ren Ruanruan curiously called the aircraft to scan and view the prop information.

Several pearls are named [She Shuizhu].

It feels soft to the touch, a bit like gummy candy.

After squeezing it flat, put any liquid into it, as long as it does not corrode or melt away, it will be absorbed until it returns to fullness. If you want to absorb it again, just squish it again.

The small beads can absorb about a thousand liters of liquid once they are flattened in a large space.

To release the absorbed liquid, you need to tear the bead in half and throw it out. All the liquid it has absorbed will be released the moment it hits an object and stops.

But the released She Shui Beads are also broken, which means they can be absorbed without limit and released at once.

Ren Ruanruan looked at the prop information and wondered: "The function seems very powerful at first glance, but when I think about it carefully, I don't know how to use it. Especially the one-time release is very restrictive. Even if it is used to store drinking water, it can only be used once." Sexual.”

She looked at Wang Wen's face and said cautiously: "It seems a bit tasteless?"

Wang Wei smiled and said nonchalantly: "There are eight beads in total. The number is too small to divide. Let's sell one to get points later. If you want, you can also exchange points with me. Just deduct 10% of the points in advance to make up for the difference.”

Zhu Xingguo said in a muffled voice that he didn't care, anything would do.

Ren Ruanruan was a little curious.

After all, it bears the title of [rare].

No matter how useless it is, it is a rare item produced by the World Tower!

Carrying it with you can give you some confidence.

She asked curiously: "How much does the captain think one is worth?"

Wang Wen thought for a while and said: "As you said, this kind of useless-looking prop generally does not sell for a high price in the market. Unless someone has a special purpose and charges a high price, I guess it is at best the same as ordinary props [Healthy Water]. ] About the same price.”

"Rare props are only sold for 2,000 points??" Ren Ruanruan stuck out his tongue and lost the last bit of interest.

He stopped paying attention to the rare props and turned to the aircraft to learn about the level progress.

Finding that although the progress was slow, less than 20%, it was still moving, she exclaimed with an unexpected expression: "Those two are so strong, they are still alive?"

Zhu Xingguo laughed a few times, not knowing what he meant.

Wang Wen put away [She Shuizhu] and raised her head in surprise when she heard this: "Really?"

He thought for a moment, clapped his hands and decided: "Then let's eat!"

Those who climb the tower day and night do not know what breakfast, lunch and dinner are.

You can only eat when you are hungry or when you have time.

The last meal the three of them had was instant noodles boiled with wild vegetables in the stream on the 21st floor.

An unknown number of hours have passed.

At this time, hearing Wang Wen mention eating, Zhu Xingguo, Ren Ruanruan and the other two people suddenly felt hungry and cheered in agreement.

It didn't matter whether two guys who looked like teammates were being attacked by a group of lion monsters.

Zhu Xingguo looked around and analyzed the surrounding terrain: "We need to find a flat, dry place. I'll go clean up the surrounding weeds. It can be used as a fire starter and clear the field of vision."

Ren Ruanruan looked at the water in the lake: "Those animals are drinking it, so it shouldn't be poisonous? I'll get some charcoal to filter it later and it can be used to boil water for drinking."

Just do it.

Zhu Xingguo was a man of action, so he directly picked a dry, flat area away from the lake and started clearing weeds.

Ren Ruanruan found a dead tree trunk nearby and dragged it to the fire point, split it bit by bit with a machete and put it into the fire.

I saw the two of them having sex in full swing.

Wang Wei thought for a while, then turned and walked towards the lake: "You guys try to get a barbecue grill. You can have some barbecue today. I'll get the ingredients."

Zhu Xingguo was sweating profusely from mowing the grass. He stood up and looked at the captain jumping into the lake. He asked Ren Ruanruan in confusion: "Why do you go to the lake to eat barbecue? Do you want to eat fish?"

Ren Ruanruan shook his head in confusion at first.

Then he seemed to suddenly remember something.

She covered her mouth in shock.

It didn't take long.

The center of the lake was churning again.

It seems like a giant hand is catching "fish" under the water.

Ren Ruanruan's face was filled with such an expression as expected. He looked at Xiaohu and sighed: "That guy is also unlucky. It's not easy to mess with anyone who messes with our captain."

"Who are you talking about?" Zhu Xingguo, who was still mowing the grass, looked up from the grass and asked.

There is no need for Ren Ruanruan to answer this time.

Wang Min has dragged a long black shadow from the lake onto the shore.

Zhu Xingguo took a closer look and was startled: "What a guy! Such a big crocodile??"

Ren Ruanruan drooled: "It's really big, I feel appetizing just looking at it!"

Zhu Xingguo asked with a solemn expression: "Can this thing be eaten? Will it stink?"

Ren Ruanruan looked at him as if he were a god: "Brother, don't you know that crocodile meat is a great supplement? Outside the tower, it is really a good food that only rich people can afford!"

"Oh, really?" Zhu Xingguo also drooled instantly.

I couldn't wait to run forward and help the captain clean and deal with the big crocodile.

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