The ninth peak, inside the cave.

"Are you only at the eighth level?"

Feeling the calmness in his body, Zhang Yun still had some unfinished thoughts.

The wave of returned energy brought to him by Xu Ming's breakthrough to the foundation building stage directly raised his level from the peak fifth level to the peak eighth level, but it was a little less than he expected.

According to what he thought, this wave would reach the peak of the tenth level.

But after reaching the peak of the fifth level, the energy absorbed by each level was much more than he expected, and he couldn't go up to the eighth level...

"It seems we have to wait until Xiaopang breaks through the foundation!"

Zhang Yun breathed out.

Wu Xiaopang is still unable to break through.

Unlike Xu Ming, although Xiaopang had directly reached the peak of the Qi Refining Stage before, his state was not solid. In his early years, Xu Ming had reached the fifth level of the Qi Refining Stage. After that, his spiritual roots were taken away and his cultivation level regressed. However, he never fell behind in his cultivation. Later, he awakened the second spiritual roots and the Dragon Blood Sacred Body, and rushed forward with his accumulated strength. The entire realm is very stable. With the resources available, it can be said that breaking through the foundation building is a matter of course.

If Wu Xiaopang wants to break through the foundation building, he still needs some accumulation.

"You have to prepare some resources for Xiaopang to build the foundation!"

Zhang Yun thought for a while and couldn't help but look outside Lingxian Sect.

Next, he had to make a trip to Zong.

Because many of the resources obtained from this exchange trip are temporarily unavailable to him and his two apprentices. He wanted to go out and get something that could be used immediately.

Thinking about it, Zhang Yun immediately took out the special sound transmission stone: "Ming'er, Xiaopang. I am going to be in seclusion for a few days. Don't disturb me for the time being. Practice well. I will notify you when I am released!" "

"Yes, master!"

Soon, Xu Ming and Wu Xiaopang came back one after another.

Zhang Yun put away the sound transmission stone and was about to leave, but after thinking about it, he disguised himself.

The Lin family, Nanshan Sect, and even the Nanzang Treasure Pavilion may now have the idea to take action against him. If his face were exposed publicly, it would probably lead to a series of pursuits.

It is very dangerous for him to travel now, so he still needs to take some safety precautions!

Wearing a bamboo hat, a mask, and a commoner...

Looked in the mirror.

Then he was satisfied and walked to the side of the bed, moved the bed with his spiritual energy, reached out and lifted up a piece in the middle of the floor, revealing a downward staircase.

This is the secret passage left by the previous killer, which can lead directly to the outside of Lingxian Sect.

He walked down a few steps and stepped hard on the fifth step.


When the mechanism was touched, the lifted floor and removed bed immediately moved back to their original positions.

After doing this, Zhang Yun lit a torch and headed out along the underground passage.

Within a few minutes, he approached the exit, which was the mouth of an upward tunnel. He turned off the fire and flew the sword all the way out.

Zhang Yun stopped before reaching the ground, groped around on the wall, found a place and pressed down. A notch appeared, and a round stone was placed inside.

Inject a trace of spiritual energy into the stone.

A ray of light suddenly emerged from the stone body, forming a picture in front of him.

The picture shows a forest.

Seeing that there was no one in the woods, Zhang Yun dissipated the spiritual energy on the stone, then lifted the floor cover above and flew out.

Above this is the forest in the picture just now.

He flew to the bushes on a big tree nearby and found another identical stone embedded in the tree.

This kind of stone is called a video stone. If you input spiritual energy into it, the image near the video stone can be played back in real time, just like a camera. The piece in front of me is connected to the piece underground, and it was his predecessor who arranged it here. Every time you come out of the underground passage, you can confirm the situation outside through these two connected video stones.

I checked the video stone. I didn't pay much attention to it at first, but suddenly I was startled.

Because there was a trace of hook marks on the video stone.

Realizing something, he looked stern.


Almost at the same time, a sharp edge cut through the bushes behind him and pointed directly at the back of his neck.

Zhang Yun immediately dwarfed.

This sharp edge suddenly passed over his head, allowing him to see clearly the appearance of the sharp iron hook.

This is an iron hook embedded in the arm.

"Nineteen, your strength has dropped, but your reaction is still quick!"

The owner of this hand hook is a bald middle-aged man with an eyepatch on his left eye and a hooded black robe.


Zhang Yun's expression darkened.

The bald middle-aged man swung his hook directly towards his head.


Zhang Yun immediately drew his flying sword and blocked the hand hook with his sword.

There was a trace of contempt in the eyes of the bald middle-aged man, and a sharp spiritual energy burst out from his hand hook, and he pressed down hard.

I saw a crack appearing on the flying sword.

The next moment, it broke with a 'click'.

The hand hook slashed down, but only cut off some green leaves among the trees.

"My skills are not diminished!"

The bald middle-aged man looked at Zhang Yun who jumped to the ground below and chuckled.

Zhang Yun stared at this person with a cold face: "You want to kill me?"

"A useless person who has regressed in cultivation and foundation building is not worthy of being in our Aurora Tower. The key rankings are still on my head!"

The bald middle-aged man laughed and said, "I've wanted your position of nineteen for a long time!"

Zhang Yun took out the Yuntian Sword directly.

"What, you still want to resist?"

The bald middle-aged man smiled and said: "You know me, you should know that, with you now..."


Before he could finish speaking, Zhang Yun slashed at the opponent with his sword.

"Fearless struggle!"

The bald middle-aged man smiled disdainfully and raised his hand to draw.

However, at the moment when the hand hook and the Yuntian Sword were about to come into contact, the Yuntian Sword suddenly disappeared in front of the hand hook like a bubble. Also disappearing at the same time was Zhang Yun in front of him.

The bald middle-aged man was stunned.

Where are people?

"not good!"

The next second his expression changed suddenly, and he quickly ducked to one side.


But Zhang Yun's sword flashed to his side and cut off his hooked arm.


With a scream, the bald middle-aged man fell to the ground from mid-air. He covered his bleeding right shoulder and looked at Zhang Yun in disbelief: "You... what kind of swordsmanship are you doing??"

In his knowledge, Zhang Yun does not have this skill!

"You are here to kill me. Is there someone in the building who has appointed you?"

Zhang Yun didn't reply, he just scratched the ground with the blood-stained Yuntian Sword and walked towards the opponent step by step.

The bald middle-aged man didn't even think about it. He covered his shoulders and stood up, wanting to run away.

call out!

Zhang Yun directly threw the Yuntian Sword forward.


More than ten meters away, the Yuntian Sword pierced directly into the opponent's left thigh like a javelin.


The bald middle-aged man screamed and fell to the ground.

At Zhang Yun's feet, Qing Yuan stepped in front of the fallen opponent, pulled out the Yuntian Sword inserted in the opponent's thigh, and pointed it directly at the opponent's neck: "Answer me, die happily. Or, die slowly!"

The bald middle-aged man looked pale.

As the same killer in Jiguang Tower, he knew very well the other party's methods of torturing people.

"I didn't expect that I would fall into your hands today. It seems that my information is not in place!"

The bald middle-aged man laughed miserably, closed his eyes and said, "The owner of the third floor asked me to come!"

"Third floor owner?"

Zhang Yun raised his eyebrows and chopped off the opponent's head without hesitation with the Yuntian Sword in his hand.

“I really can’t wait!”

His eyes narrowed slightly.

Aurora Tower, this is the killer organization where his former killer belonged. This building is very mysterious. There are only twenty-seven members in total, named from one to twenty-seven. This is both a name and a strength.

He is nineteen, and the bald middle-aged man in front of him is twenty.

Ranked 19, he looks good, but in fact his knowledge of this building is very limited.

Because only the top five members can truly know the exact information about this building. These people are the top killers, and they are also called the owners of the Aurora Tower.

The sixth to twenty-seventh killers all need to follow their orders.

The third poster mentioned by the bald middle-aged man is the third poster among them.

Zhang Yun was not too surprised that the other party wanted to kill him.

In Aurora Tower, it has always been a system of elimination based on strength. If you have the ability, kill the killer at the top of the ranking, and then your ranking will be able to take his place.

In addition, Aurora Building will also take cleaning measures for some killers that have been determined to be useless.

Generally speaking, the cleaning time will be two months later, and the specific time will depend on the situation. Because in history, there have been cases where a killer was disabled for a period of time, but then recovered after a while, and now that his cultivation level has fallen for less than half a month, the third floor owner is anxious to let Twenty Lai kill him...

"It's so fast to eliminate dissidents!"

Zhang Yun sneered.

The interior of Aurora Building is not a peaceful place. The first five building owners have many conflicts with each other, especially the second and third building owners.

Each of the killers from the 6th to the 27th took orders from a different poster. It can also be said that they are in the camp of a different poster. He is in the camp of the second floor owner.

His predecessor entered the Aurora Building and was promoted very quickly. He reached the 19th place at a young age. He was regarded as the emerging killer of the younger generation in the Aurora Building.

In the memory of his predecessor, the owner of the third floor recruited him privately, hoping that he would switch to the camp, but he refused.

This was obviously remembered by the third floor owner.

It’s not too surprising to be anxious to kill him right now!

"We have to improve our strength as soon as possible!"

After letting out a breath, Zhang Yun felt anxious in his heart.

Since the third floor owner sent people to kill him and failed to kill him now, there will definitely be another wave in the future.

These posters are basically people who are determined to retaliate against others. As long as you are remembered, you will be hunted endlessly!

The only way to solve the problem is to kill the opponent!

He didn't know the specific strength of this third floor owner, but he had assassinated Yuanying Stage!


Shaking his head, Zhang Yun dug a hole for the bald middle-aged body on the ground and buried it before heading out of the woods.

The master on the third floor will come to take revenge, and it won't be too soon. Because every assassin in Aurora Tower will be given one to three months to complete a mission.

Even if this bald middle-aged man was sent as soon as he was deposed, less than half a month had passed, and he would still have at least two and a half months of buffer time.

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