Return ten thousand times, I have no taboos in accepting disciples

Chapter 42 of Fairy Tales: Do you two want to try it too?

"You two want to try it too?"

Zhang Yun smiled and spoke.

"you wanna die!"

The two Nanshan Sect elders were furious, but they did not take action immediately. They were all a little surprised at this moment.

They knew very well the strength of the Seventh Elder. Although he has only entered the Golden Core Stage for a short time, this strange elder in front of him is only in the Foundation Establishment Stage, and he will be destroyed on the spot?

"3305 points?"

Noticing the numbers on the training bracelet on Zhang Yun's wrist, their pupils shrank again.

What is going on with this strange elder of the Lingxian Sect?

Zhang Yun looked at them calmly: "You two arrived so quickly, it seems that they are also nearby and are preparing to intercept me, right?"

The two elders of Nanshan Sect remained silent.

"Your sect master is quite interesting. He sent people to mess with me one after another. It seems that I have really fallen under the eyes of your Nanshan Sect! In that case..."

Zhang Yun smiled faintly and narrowed his eyes: "Then I have to fight back in my small foundation-building period!"

The moment he finished speaking, he stepped hard and shot towards the fifth elder of Nanshan Sect in mid-air like a spring. He raised his hand and punched him.

The latter's expression condensed, and he quickly moved his sword to one side to get out of the way.

Zhang Yun had already anticipated this, so he slightly bent his fist inward, and instead used his elbow to strike the opponent with an elbow.

The fifth elder of the Nanshan Sect was startled and had no time to hide. He hurriedly folded his hands to block Zhang Yun's elbow.


But the moment the elbow came into contact, the face of the fifth elder of Nanshan Sect changed.

Although he was prepared, the power contained in this elbow was still beyond his imagination. It directly caused his palms to dent inward, causing his body to fall backward, and hit the two apprentices behind him on the sword. , with one sword, the three of them fell directly from mid-air and landed in a panic.


Zhang Yun was about to take advantage of the victory and pursue the attack, when suddenly a sharp edge swept towards him.

He quickly leaned back and saw a sharp long sword, almost grazing the bridge of his nose.

"Purple Lotus Sword Technique!"

The sixth elder of Nanshan Sect next to him took action.

A purple spiritual energy emerged from the long sword that swept across the bridge of his nose. It turned the sword's edge and continued to stab him downwards.

It seems like a simple stab, but the sword edge is like a blooming purple lotus, with sharp purple edges shooting out from it.

"Wrapping Seal!"

Zhang Yun did not panic. The spiritual energy in his left hand hidden under his sleeves and robes gathered, and now it poked out and swayed like a flower. He picked up ten thread-like spiritual energy between his ten fingers and threw them forward.

Ding! Ding! Ding! …

The aura of the silk thread collided with the purple edge, just like the collision of two metals, splashing sparks in the virtual space.

Zhang Yun's whole body fell from the air.


However, before his feet landed firmly on the ground, the fifth elder of the Nanshan Sect next to him, who was knocked down by his elbow, had already stood up and was slashing at him with a long knife.

Zhang Yun took out the long sword from the storage ring and held the 'Keng' in his right hand to block the opponent's sword.

But because he had not yet stood firm and had not exerted his strength, he was staggered by the shock of the opponent's sword and took a few steps back.

"Suffer death!"

Before he could stabilize his body, the sixth elder of Nanshan Sect slashed down with his sword in mid-air.

Zhang Yun quickly raised his sword to block.

Just as he blocked the sword of the sixth elder of the Nanshan Sect, the fifth elder of the Nanshan Sect in front of him attacked again with a sword.

Facing the siege of the two men, they were a little overwhelmed.


Seeing this not far away, Xu Ming and Wu Xiaopang couldn't help but take out their weapons and want to step forward to support.

But before he could take two steps, two disciples from the seventh elder of the Nanshan Sect and four disciples brought by the fifth elder and the sixth elder were surrounding him.

"What, you still want to support your master?"

One of the tall young men sneered: "I don't even know what kind of things you are? Not only will your master stay today, but you also can't even think of leaving!"

As he spoke, he picked up a spear.

The other five Nanshan Sect disciples also took out their weapons and stared at Xu Ming and Wu Xiaopang with sneers.

"Junior brother, three per person. Fight quickly!"

Xu Ming didn't pay attention to their words and directly took out a sword and spoke.

"Understood, senior brother!"

Wu Xiaopang nodded.

The two said, taking the lead in rushing towards the six people.

"court death!"

Seeing that they divided the six of them among themselves in a few words, and even took the initiative to attack first, the tall young man roared angrily: "Don't move, I can deal with these two losers!"

As he spoke, he danced and twirled his spear, then swiveled towards Wu Xiaopang who was closer.

In his opinion, this little fat man was not very agile at first glance, and he was sure to knock him down with one shot!


Wu Xiaopang's right arm shook when he saw this, and a layer of golden Overlord Qi surged up on it. He directly raised his fist to face the gun swept by the tall young man.

The tall young man sneered.

Colliding your fist with his gun?

This little fat guy is so tired of living!

The five surrounding Nanshan Sect disciples also shook their heads and laughed.

The tall young man was one of the top three disciples in Nanshan Sect during the Qi Refining Period. His most outstanding thing was the strength of his spear. Among the entire Qi Refining Stage disciples of Nanshan Sect, it can be said that no one can beat him!

In head-to-head confrontations in the same realm, the tall young man has never lost.

What's more, it's a spear versus a fist.

This little fat guy, at first glance, he didn’t know the reputation of their senior brother!


Soon, Wu Xiaopang's fist collided with the tall young man's spear.

Just when the five Nanshan Sect disciples were expecting Wu Xiaopang to be stabbed to death with a single shot, they heard a 'bang' sound, and the gun in the tall young man's hand...

split into two!

It was broken directly under this punch!


The five Nanshan Sect disciples were stunned.

The tall young man himself was stunned, and his face changed drastically in the next second, "Not good!!"

Without even giving him a chance to breathe, Wu Xiaopang's punch filled with Overlord's Qi broke the spear and continued to hit him.


Under the screams of the tall young man.


Wu Xiaopang punched him.

As if a cannonball was fired, the tall young man's whole body was blasted out, breaking trees along the way and then hitting the ground heavily. He fell to the ground and fainted.


The five Nanshan Sect disciples were stunned.

A head-on collision, a spear versus a fist, the tall young man was actually punched away by this fat guy?

"No, hide quickly!"

Before they could think about it, a sharp edge from the side made one of the Nanshan Sect disciples' expression change. Xu Ming, who was holding a sword, was already charging towards him.


Before he could even react, the Nanshan Sect disciple was beheaded with a sword.

The other four Nanshan Sect disciples turned pale with fright, turned around and wanted to run away.

But how could Xu Ming and Wu Xiaopang let them go?

Just like chopping melons and vegetables.

The four Nanshan Sect disciples fell to the ground in an instant.

"Brother, I'm faster!"

Wu Xiaopang knocked down the third person with one punch first, and couldn't help but show off Xu Ming's grin as he took a step to the side before knocking down the third person.

"Hurry up and support the master!"

Xu Ming didn't bother to talk to him and rushed forward.

Wu Xiaopang hurriedly followed.

"Stand there and don't move!"

But as soon as they took a few steps out, Zhang Yun's voice came from the front: "You don't need to participate in the battle for my master!"

Xu Ming and the two men stopped immediately.


The fifth and sixth elders of the Nanshan Sect were very annoyed when they saw that Zhang Yun was fighting with them and still had time to pay attention to the other side.

You know, they didn't dare to be distracted when they tried their best at this moment. Zhang Yun, who was besieged by him, still had time to be distracted. This was simply an insult to them!

But having said that, Zhang Yun asked the two apprentices to stop?

The two glanced at the other side subconsciously.

"How can it be?"

Seeing all their disciples fall down, only Xu Ming and Wu Xiaopang were standing, their eyes widened for a moment.

"How dare you get distracted while fighting with me? You really look down on me!"

Zhang Yun's voice suddenly came to their ears, causing their expressions to change: "Not good!"

At this moment, Zhang Yun slashed at the fifth elder of the Nanshan Sect with a sword in his right hand, and struck the sixth elder of the Nanshan Sect with five entwining seals of spiritual energy lines in his left hand.

The two elders of the Nanshan Sect subconsciously held their swords and blocked with their knives.

However, after waiting for a while, he found that Zhang Yun, who was clearly coming towards him, did not hit him. But...

It disappeared in front of you like a bubble.


The two were shocked.

The sixth elder of Nanshan Sect sensed a sudden change in his face and quickly slashed his sword to his side.

But the sword was in vain.

The sixth elder of Nanshan Sect was stunned. He clearly sensed the presence of Zhang Yun's aura here. Why...

The fifth elder of the Nanshan Sect whose attention was drawn to the side was also stunned, and his expression suddenly changed, "Not good!"

Just when he was waiting for a reaction, a sword was already in front of his neck.

The next second...

"Fifth Elder!!"

The last thing he heard was an exclamation from the sixth elder of the Nanshan Sect, and then nothing more...

Seeing the head of the fifth elder of Nanshan Sect flying high, the sixth elder of Nanshan Sect was shocked.

"Being distracted during battle is a big no-no!"

But the sound that suddenly sounded in his ears the next second made his face change drastically, but it was too late to react.


Zhang Yun struck down another sword with a sword that was too fast to be caught by the naked eye, followed by another flying head.

Snapped! Snapped!

With two sounds of landing, Zhang Yun reached out and used his spiritual energy to wipe away the blood on the sword, and put the long sword back into the storage ring. With a calm look on his face, he reached out and took off the storage rings from the two corpses.

"What are you doing there? Why don't you hurry up and collect your loot?"

Looking at Xu Ming and Wu Xiaopang beside them in a daze, they couldn't help but say, "If you don't accept it, I can rob it as a teacher!"

Xu Ming and the others reacted and quickly packed away the belongings of several Nanshan Sect disciples, and their admiration for Zhang Yun became even stronger.

Zhang Yun's overwhelming response just now turned out to be an act. He was able to deal with two golden elixirs in such a blink of an eye. The master is really powerful!

Zhang Yun didn't know what they were thinking, and he was breathing out at this time.

He really wasn't pretending before. Faced with the siege of two Jindanqi who were attacking with all their strength, the pressure was not small.

Even though he didn't put much effort into killing people at the peak of the Golden Core Stage before, in many cases it was because the opponent was looking down upon him, and he exploited his weaknesses and attacked them from the very beginning. Then, there is the Hidden Body Sword Technique!

The most powerful thing about this set of sword techniques is its confusing nature.

Slash out with a sword, confuse the enemy with the released afterimage, and briefly hide yourself to launch a surprise attack from another angle. Combined with his Immortal Eye Technique to see through weaknesses at a glance, he is invincible.

But Zhang Yun knows that this kind of invincibility will not exist forever.

At least when facing a group attack, if you can't quickly deal with all the enemies, once the enemies discover the secret of his hidden sword technique, it will be troublesome to deal with it!

"We still have to improve our strength as soon as possible!"

Thinking about it, Zhang Yun couldn't help but cast his eyes towards Xu Ming and Wu Xiaopang.

The top priority is to train his two disciples to the foundation-building stage. Now that we have sufficient resources, we can start preparations after returning to the clan!


After packing up the trophies, he patched up the seventh elder of the Nanshan Sect who had just been seriously injured and was unconscious. After sending him to reunite with the other two elders, Zhang Yun led his two disciples out of the forest.

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