Just when Mayor Lin and General Zhao and his party were in the Institute of Biology, following the national announcement issued by the Great Xia Kingdom, more than one billion people in the entire Great Xia were shocked!

"The whole country is in a state of first-level preparation!"

"Did our Great Xia country go to war with any country? Why did we enter a state of war preparation?! And it’s level one!"

"Today is not April Fools' Day, right?……"

"April Fools' Day! The official announcements are all about this news!"

"There should be some big moves from the upper echelons of Daxia recently. There have been many online videos recently showing a large number of troops moving around cities across the country... We should just be honest and believe in the official announcements and don't leave the city these days.……"

"Yeah... I just don't know why such a big move is happening."

The people of Daxia were in a panic. The official announcement only told them that Daxia had entered a level one war preparedness state, without much explanation.

This confused all the people of Daxia, and they felt that Daxia was about to change.……


General Zhao of the military department walked out of the biological laboratory and asked the intelligence department of the Daxia military department to confirm the authenticity of the data of the ancient biological white-feathered eagle.

The result surprised him.

"I didn't expect that there are such powerful creatures in this world.……"

The military intelligence department has confirmed that the ancient white-feathered eagle is indeed as powerful as the leaders of Jianghai City said.

They held a high-level meeting for the ancient white-feathered eagle more than a month ago, but General Zhao was a general guarding the border and was not aware of it.

"No wonder the military chief urgently transferred me to the south... So this is what happened……"

As a general who had experienced hundreds of battles, both large and small, he quickly began to think about countermeasures.

The purpose of his coming to Jianghai City this time was to eliminate the wild beasts in the mountains hundreds of miles outside Jianghai City. He originally thought that this was just a simple mission, but now he knows that this will be the most difficult mission he has ever accepted.

Faced with such a monster that is beyond their human imagination, it is said that the Intelligence Department defines this monster as a D-level beast.

Although he doesn't know what a D-level beast is, he knows that the ancient white-feathered eagle is very powerful.

He felt a lot of pressure in his heart, so he quickly found the head of the military department of Jianghai City, hoping to obtain more valuable intelligence.

"Hello... General Zhao, are you really here in Jianghai City to destroy the ancient creature, the White-Feathered Eagle?"

Faced with the question from the head of the Jianghai City military department, General Zhao nodded slowly.

"Colonel, we are now on a tight deadline. The Daxia military has only given me half a month. This time our mission is to eliminate all the wild beasts in the mountains and forests hundreds of miles outside Jianghai City."

"I would like to hear your suggestions on the extermination of the paleontological white-feathered eagle……"


The military personnel of Jianghai City looked at General Zhao in front of him unnaturally. Although he was a little confused about the sudden mission of the Daxia military, he was more worried.

"If General Zhao's mission goal is really like this... then please be 100% sure to destroy the ancient creature White-Feathered Eagle!"

"Otherwise, if the white-feathered eagle escapes, it will be a disaster for our Jianghai City."

General Zhao nodded, which was why he came here.

He said righteously,"Don't worry, I will never let the ancient creature white-feathered eagle threaten the people of Jianghai City."

"That's good……"

The major of Jianghaicheng Military Department breathed a sigh of relief

"The white-feathered eagle seemed to appear out of nowhere outside Jianghai City... We have been investigating for a long time but still don't know where his original habitat is."

"He had kept his distance from us in Jianghai City for more than a month, but he has appeared in front of us in Jianghai City several times.…"

"Every time he appears, he shows speed and strength beyond everyone's imagination."

"The last time he appeared in front of the people of Jianghai City, he revealed a strange magical power that could make people's brains go blank, and the range of influence was several kilometers away.……"

General Zhao, who was squinting his eyes and listening carefully, suddenly interrupted

"Wait! Major, are you kidding me?!"

"General Zhang, I know you don't believe it, so watch this video first.

Major Jiang Haicheng pressed the remote control in his hand as if he had expected it, and a picture was projected onto the wall in front of the two.

In the picture, a Tiger helicopter flew high and soared freely in the air. It was obviously in normal driving condition.

Suddenly, a dazzling golden light appeared in the picture... The picture fell straight towards the mountains and forests below!


An explosion sounded, and the picture was instantly engulfed by the waves of fire and dimmed...

A few seconds before the camera went dark, a blurry white shadow appeared in the picture.

General Zhao looked at the gray wall in front of him, his thick eyebrows wrinkled like a rope.

"Major, what you mean is... that the Tiger attack plane crashed because of the appearance of the golden light?"

"That's true. Here are some videos. Do you want to see them, General Zhao?"

General Zhao nodded.

A few minutes later, after watching a few videos, General Zhao's face turned as black as charcoal.

"How the hell is this a Blue Planet creature?! It must be an alien monster!"

"Not only is the White-Feathered Eagle so powerful... the golden lion looks even more powerful than the White-Feathered Eagle.……"

The major was somewhat helpless."That golden lion is the culprit that caused the serious losses to our Jianghai City assault company. This lion is indeed very powerful. After all, it has eaten dozens of our compatriots.……"

Because Jianghai City only kept Ye Yang's video during the time of the male lion, it was not known that Ye Yang's body had grown bigger and changed.

Suddenly, a cold light shot out from a pair of tiger-like eyes.

"You just said that this male lion ate dozens of our Daxia compatriots?! Where is he now?!"

The major was sweating profusely."After satellite positioning, no signal of the male lion's movement was detected. It must have been killed by the white-feathered eagle."

"That's good……"

General Zhao withdrew his aura and felt a chill in his heart.

"How many people has the ancient creature White Feather Eagle eaten?"

The major shook his head,"No one was eaten. Only a group of mercenaries and a private team took the initiative to provoke it, and were hunted and killed by the White Feather Eagle."

"Oh?! This is really weird……"

You have to know that such a powerful creature is only more than a hundred miles away from Jianghai City. For the white-feathered eagle with supersonic speed, it is only about ten minutes.

"But even if the White Feather Eagle didn't hurt anyone, he would definitely die this time!"

His eyes narrowed, his emotions were high, and his blood began to boil!

He was very excited to be able to destroy such a powerful target and challenge such a difficult task...

PS: There is only one chapter today... I have something urgent to do...

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