
Rumbling sounds continued to be heard in the dense forests and mountains. The big black wild boar rushed forward without restraint, and no animal dared to stop him.

All the animals who felt the vibration in the forest and his momentum evacuated to the distance.

At the same time, the animals living in this area gradually knew the destination of the big black wild boar. This direction was definitely to challenge the powerful creature on the top of the mountain!

Many smart animals did not evacuate, but followed the big wild boar from a distance.

The drone in the sky also fixed the camera steadily on the wild boar. If this drone was not worth hundreds of thousands, ordinary drones would not have such a flying speed to keep up with the big wild boar.

"Huh? Look carefully, there are a group of animals following the wild boar... tigers, leopards, wolves, buffaloes, elks... and even the almost extinct pangolin!"

"Miracle! Carnivores and herbivores were living together peacefully! I couldn't believe my eyes!"

"The animals following this group probably want to know where this big wild boar is going, just like us."

"It seems that not only humans like to eat melons, animals are no exception!"

"Hmm... I don't know if you noticed, the environment in this mountain seems to be different from before. It's too quiet, and I didn't see any animals."

"It really is!"

As time went by, the big black wild boar ran all the way and gradually came to the top of the mountain where Ye Yang was.

The surrounding animals did not dare to approach this 500-meter-high mountain, so there was no animal within a radius of ten miles.

The running wild boar also found that the surrounding environment was very different. It stopped and its thick hoof prints shoveled out a large piece of soil on the ground.

The eyes as big as a light bulb looked around vigilantly, and finally looked at the mountain top not far away.

The eyes revealed covetousness!

Relying on physical instinct, he clearly felt that there was a huge and fatal attraction to him on the top of the mountain.

This is the evolutionary instinct of animals, and the body longs for places with rich spiritual energy.

However, the wild boar did not act immediately on the spot, but showed a rare hesitant expression.

He understood that the surrounding environment was comfortable and it was likely that there were powerful beasts around, and if there were powerful beasts, they would definitely be on the top of the mountain!

Standing there for a while, the pig's tail, which was more than one meter long, swung, and suddenly and fearlessly rushed towards the direction of the mountain top.……


The drone predicted the direction of the wild boar, so the outdoor anchor simply controlled the drone to fly directly to the top of the mountain.

Everyone, including him, stared at the increasingly high view. What on earth could be on the top of the mountain that could make the wild boar rush all the way here from hundreds of miles away?

"Bird! What a big white bird!"

"Oh my god! There is such a big white eagle in the world!"

"This big bird is so beautiful! How can there be such a beautiful and elegant big white bird in the world?!"

"In my impression, only the golden eagle, known as the king of the sky, has such a large body in nature!"

When the drone rose to the top of the mountain, everyone in the live broadcast room locked their eyes on a white figure.

A body covered with bright white feathers, the whole body was white, even the strong and powerful claws and the narrow beak were no exception, and a pair of cold golden pupils revealed some mysterious meaning, which attracted people's attention.

Deep in the pupils, you can see that the eyes of this big white bird are very spiritual, as if they are brighter than the stars. A pair of white wings more than one meter long are very eye-catching, the whole body reveals a smart charm, and there is a hint of ethereal and holy breath.

This makes the audience staring at the screen, unable to help but blurt out directly

"Could this be the crane from the fairy tale novel?!"

"Damn you! It's an eagle! Not a crane!"

"It can't be a creature in nature! Although I don't know much about birds, I have never seen this kind of big white eagle on TV!"

"Could it be that the creatures mutated due to the spiritual energy?"

"I knew long ago that when spiritual energy appeared, there must be a fairyland! This big white bird must be a creature from the fairyland!"

"Big fool upstairs! Aura is just a nickname given by our Great Xia country to the energy in the air.……"

While the live broadcast room was full of discussions, a group of experts and professors in Daxia's research institute were also watching the live broadcast.

When a professor of zoology saw the big white bird appearing on the top of the mountain, he stood up suddenly!

He pushed his glasses and said excitedly,"It can't be wrong! This is definitely an extinct ancient creature! A white-feathered eagle!"

Feeling the doubtful looks from his colleagues around him, the professor of zoology began to explain

"I once got a fossil of a paleontological creature... After testing and analysis by our team, we determined that it was a large bird that died out 10,000 years ago."

"At the same time, the ancient creature was named the White-Feathered Eagle"

"but……"The professor of zoology changed the topic and said with some doubt,"The fossil of the white-feathered eagle was found on the southern border of Daxia. How could it appear in Jianghai City?"

"Now we are not concerned about this. Since we have confirmed that this bird is an extinct ancient creature, there is a more difficult question... Why did the extinct ancient creature reappear on the blue planet?"

This question seems ordinary on the surface, but they are experts in various fields and obviously know something deeper.

You know, the reason why ancient creatures became extinct is not only because of natural enemies, but more because of the living environment and climate.

So the reappearance of ancient creatures now, does it mean that the climate on the blue planet has changed?……

"I think you all need to study Reiki in your heart. It has only been a month since Reiki appeared, and nature has begun to change rapidly.……"

"There will definitely be more and more ancient creatures or disasters in the future, and even the ecology of the blue planet will become unsuitable for our survival.……"

"Time is running out……"

The experts and professors all felt as if there was a huge mountain in their hearts, very heavy...

One of the experts frowned,"Strange, where did the gray eagle that was near the top of the mountain go?"

"Could it be that it was driven away by this big white-feathered eagle?"


At the same time, on the top of the mountain, Ye Yang had no idea that his presence had caused so much concern to a group of professors and experts from Daxia.

He looked up at the drone hanging in the air in the distance.


His eyes narrowed, and he was about to destroy the drone that was coveting him by flapping his wings, when he was attracted by the movement at the foot of the mountain.

Looking down, he saw a big black wild animal at the foot of the mountain, rushing quickly towards the top of the mountain!

"I didn't expect that the big black wild boar could follow me for hundreds of miles and find me here.……"

"Just in time to try out the power gained after evolution!"


It came to the corner of the mountain top, transformed into a white light, and swooped down the mountain!

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