Resurrection, It's Really Toxic To My System

Chapter 366 There’S Always Someone In The Way

A deathly silence fell in the living room.

After the shock, Li Man immediately took action.

"Well, you greedy Mr. Lin, if you have the guts, say it again."


Li Man was furious, and the headlight wrapped in the slim combat uniform kept rising and falling.

"Good! You are courageous and worthy of being my favorite son-in-law."

Lao Li was the first to applaud.

"Yes, in this world, it is normal for a capable person like Xiaojun to find several wives."

Uncle Mo also agreed.

"Hey, good to see you, Old Lu."

"Hey! Each other, each other!"

Lin Jun and Li Man looked at the two people who had been arguing with each other just now, and suddenly started talking together again.


Lin and Jun looked at each other. They all saw the look of confusion in each other's eyes.

"Hmph, I don't care, I want to be the big one..."

Damn it, here we go again...

Lin Jun was unable to complain.


After the efforts of Aunt Mei and Aunt Li, a sumptuous dinner was put on the table.

At meal time.

Lao Li finally brought the topic to Lin Jun asking his family to come to Shanghai.

"Now more than 90% of the areas abroad have become apocalyptic death places. I think our Dragon Kingdom will also suffer disaster soon, so tomorrow you all go to other worlds first, and don't stay in this devilish city. "

Lin Jun informed everyone directly of the matter.

"Alas! Can't you just let us live a good life?" Aunt Mei touched her swollen belly and sighed softly.

"No wonder I received a notice from the army yesterday, asking those of us on leave to make our own arrangements. It turns out that such a big thing happened."

Li Man was originally a captain in a military region in the northwest. When he heard what Lin Jun said, he understood what he meant.

I guess even the officials don’t know how to deal with this crisis.

"Hey, when will this world come to an end?" Aunt Li also sighed.

"Xiaojun, what are your plans now?"

Lao Li immediately understood the meaning of Lin Jun's words.

"Form your own force and try to evacuate as many people as possible from the Dragon Kingdom."

Jun Lin did not say anything about counterattack and a decisive battle with the vampire clan later.

Even if you say it, it will only make them worry.

"Xiaojun, you are good."

Lao Li patted Lin Jun on the shoulder, full of pride.

In his opinion, at least Lin Jun did not directly abandon ordinary people, which proved that Lin Jun was no longer a selfish person.

"Hey! You teach well."

Of course, it also taught me how to play around with women outside.

Lin Jun finally found a reason to win a daughter for himself.

Shamelessness is inherited from ancestors, and loveliness is taught by Lao Li. If anything happens in the Shura field in the future, I will use the excuse to blame it on Lao Li.

"Uncle Mo, Aunt Mei, and Aunt Li, you guys should exercise a lot. Then I will have a way to help you become superpowers."


Hearing this, several people stood up at the same time and looked at Jun Lin in shock.

I wonder if I heard it wrong.

"You, you said you have a way to make us superpowers?"

Lin Jun nodded.

If Huan Zi's research is successful, he will have two ways to turn ordinary people into superpowers.

One is Juan Zi's potion, and the other is a job transfer certificate.


Except for Lu Xiaoluo who was doing the cooking, everyone present couldn't help but take a breath of cold air.

There is a gap between the life spans of people with super powers and ordinary people.

After becoming a person with superpowers, the most obvious point is that the youth period will be longer and the life span will be at least one hundred and twenty years old.

And if it breaks through A level, its lifespan will be greatly improved.

Take Dilis for example. Her strength is S level. She looks like she is in her twenties or thirties, but her actual age is over eighty years old.

Even Long Wenqian is in her fifties, but she looks only in her mid-twenties, much younger than Aunt Mei in her thirties. This is the difference between superpowers and ordinary people. the difference.

So I would be lying if I said I wasn't happy when I heard that I also had the chance to become a person with powers.

After all, who doesn’t want to extend their youth and lifespan.

"Woo! Do we really have a chance?"

Aunt Mei and Aunt Li still couldn't help crying.

Every time I see classmates with special abilities in the same class as myself, they all look like little girls in their twenties, but they have already reached the level of aunts, and it is not difficult to ask for anyone.

"Haha, don't worry, I will help you when you enter the crack and stabilize tomorrow."

"Yeah! Having a son-in-law like you is the greatest luck in my life." Aunt Li said with tears in her eyes.

"Huh? Son-in-law? What son-in-law? Chen Xiulan, please explain clearly. When did Xiaojun become your son-in-law?"

Aunt Mei was immediately unhappy when she heard this.

"Hey, look what you said, Lin Jun's parents have made an engagement with my Li Man a long time ago. If not my son-in-law, who is he?"

"Chen Xiulan, are you still shameless..."

I went and started again, and it’s not over yet.

Lin Jun wailed in his heart. If he could still see his father, he would like to ask him what he thought.

The next day.

Li and Lu's family followed Lin Jun to the entrance of the vocational college, dragging their large and small luggage.

Even Lu Xiaoluo was carrying a backpack that was taller than her.

What surprised Lin Jun was that this girl didn't feel heavy at all.

I wonder if this girl is starting to regain her previous strength.

"Hey, Xiaojun, is this really a vocational college? Why does it feel more like a military camp?"

Lao Li saw groups of students in combat uniforms practicing and couldn't believe this was a school.

Mr. Lin was also a little shocked. He didn't expect that he had just started proposing it yesterday and had already turned it into an army today.

This Bai Ni is indeed capable.

At this time, Fang Yao came over from a distance.

"President, if the principal asks you to come, come to the office to discuss matters."

Lin Jun nodded, and then pointed at the Li and Lu families. "These are my family members, please help with the arrangements first."

"Yes, President!"

"Lao Li, Uncle Mo, you go with her to rest for a while, I'll go work first."

"Well! Go ahead, don't worry about us."

Lin Jun gave a few more instructions and walked to the office.

After a while, I arrived at Bai Ni's office.

"Jun Lin, you are here."

Seeing Bai Ni's frown, Lin Jun knew that something was not going well.

"What's wrong? Did you encounter something?"

Bai Ni rubbed his temples, looking a little tired.

"The news came back from the Black Mist Mountains in the morning. The troops stationed at the entrance of the crack blocked the families of our school's teachers and students from entering the crack."

"That's it?"

Lin Jun was speechless.

It seems that Bai Ni's head hasn't turned around yet.

We've reached this point, and we still haven't learned to be tougher.

"Okay, I'll take care of this matter. I'll arrange for a company to come with me later to change defenses."

He was going to take down the entrance to the crack, and he just happened to lead someone to solve it later.

Bai Ni Ting realized that something was wrong with Lin Jun's words.

"Are you going? You, what do you want to do?"

Hearing Bai Ni's nervous tone, Lin Jun said angrily: "What else can I do? Of course, my own people have to guard the door of my house. Just get away as far as possible from the officials and the people from the Superpower Union." Well!"

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