Restricted Area

Chapter 58: period

In the next few days, Jiang Chijing discovered a miraculous phenomenon.

In the past, the most talked topic among colleagues was sports competitions, but now we meet to ask: Have you bought an old clock?

At noon, in the relaxed prison guard cafeteria, the table on the right of Jiang Chijing was talking about the rapidly rising stock prices of old clocks, and the table on the left leaked Wu Peng’s recordings on the chat website. The stock market is related.

"Do you know that the stock price of old clocks has gone crazy?" asked Luo Hai, who was sitting on the opposite side.

"I know." Jiang Chijing said.

A few days ago, Zheng Mingyi asked Yu Guang to spread a video on the Internet. The content of the video was a recording of Wu Peng's conversation with others, with subtitles on the screen.

Originally under Wu Peng’s counterattack, the stock price of Old Watches has gradually stabilized, but as soon as this video came out, there was an uproar on the Internet immediately. live.

The length of the video is less than a minute, and almost all Wu Peng is expressing opinions.

"What ideas can retail investors have? It's all a mob. Let me put it this way, the stock market is a gambling pool. If someone wins, someone loses. Where does the money we make come from? Of course it comes from retail investors. Everyone Knowing that the wool comes from the sheep, the sheep themselves don’t know, of course, they are not a flock of sheep, they are just a piece of leeks, waiting for us to cut."

When Jiang Chijing heard this recording, even a person who didn't trade in stocks felt a burst of anger inexplicably.

Ordinary people seem to hate the superior capitalist from the bottom of their bones, not to mention that this capitalist is still defiant and treats the low-level retail investors as leeks.

The investment market instantly ignited raging anger, and the **** of go appeared in the forum again in due course to clarify the so-called black material and call on retail investors to unite and fight against Hengxiang.

Those who originally believed in Wu Peng and sold stocks fought back the most, buying stocks of old clocks recklessly. However, after media reports spread, many marginal retail investors also joined the financial war out of anger.

"Don't you buy some?" Luo Hai asked, "With Zheng Mingyi's guidance, you can make a lot of money."

"Who said I didn't buy it?" Jiang Chijing raised an eyebrow.

Anyway, he has a lot of spare money, and he doesn't mind to contribute to the great cause of retail counter-organizations. As Wu Peng said, the stock market is a gambling pool, where someone loses and someone wins. Now that Wu Peng has become a lamb to be slaughtered, Jiang Chijing is naturally willing to pick up some wool.

"I have bought it too." Luo Hai said in a low voice, and then smiled happily.

Luo Hai himself was trading stocks, and Jiang Chijing was not surprised that he would participate in it.

Wu Peng's remarks united the retail investors at an unprecedented level. As long as they are stock traders, they will want to watch him fall into trouble. And Zheng Mingyi's help gave these retail investors enough courage, and the rising stock price also gave them full confidence.

This is a war without gunpowder. The retail investors are motivated and Wu Peng is panicked. If this trend continues, the failure of the institution is only a matter of time.

"By the way, did you watch that video?" Jiang Chijing asked nonsense.

"Of course I did." Luo Haidao, "I was so angry that I was full of old clocks and watches."

"There is a sign in the lower right corner of that video." Jiang Chijing said vaguely.

Luo Hai didn't answer the conversation immediately this time, as if he understood Jiang Chijing's intentions, put away his outrageous tone, and slowly exhaled, "Is it the little bulb? The logo of that little kid walking on the rivers and lakes."

"The last time he invaded the government website, he was immediately arrested. This time it did not constitute a violation of the law, and people were too lazy to pursue it." At this point, Jiang Chijing paused, "But you have to make him realize that he can't behave online. ."

"Yes, I know." Luo Hai said with lowered eyes.

"You don't know." Jiang Chijing rarely criticizes Luo Hai as straightforwardly as he does now. He has always been indifferent to the affairs of these two people, because he knows that Luo Hai will control Yu Guang, and Yu Guang's nature is also not bad.

But in recent times, Zheng Mingyi explained to Yu Guang that he would add his own logo whether it was distributing articles or videos. This shows that in his heart, he does not feel that it is a sign of a criminal at all.

"I'll give you back what you gave me before." Jiang Chijing said lightly, "He is a criminal, please figure out your position."

"I will have a good talk with him." Luo Haidao.

"It's good in advance. If you don't manage him well, I'll let Zheng Mingyi educate him." Jiang Chijing deliberately stabbed Luohai's heart again. "He should listen more to his idol."

There is no doubt about this, presumably Luo Hai also feels uncomfortable, his face darkened a bit.

"I didn't think about it." Luo Hai frowned. "I plan to wait for him to work for the police after he is released. After all, there is a lack of such technical talents in the system."

"Wear him a white hat?" Hearing Luo Hai's specific plan, Jiang Chijing managed to put away his aggressive aura, "Then you have to do ideological work for him."

"I will." Luo Haidao.

"The same sentence, if you can't, I will let Zheng Mingyi come." Jiang Chijing said.

"Hey." Luo Hai finally expressed his displeasure, "How much do you like him? Show off all day, do I know he is great, okay?"

"You don't know." Jiang Chijing chuckled softly. Seeing Luo Hai's tendency to become more and more uncomfortable, the smile at the corners of his mouth was reduced.

Zheng Mingyi's famous watch is heavier than Jiang Chijing's old timepiece, and the dark green dial reveals a low-key publicity.

Jiang Chijing always felt that wearing such a domineering watch on his fair wrist did not match his temperament. But then I thought about it, this is Zheng Mingyi's watch, except for Zheng Mingyi's wrist, it is also the most suitable in his hand.

Many colleagues have found that Jiang Chijing has changed a new watch, but it is not a secret that his family is in a good family situation in prison, so colleagues can at most ask one or two questions, and no one thinks that he would be very good at wearing such a famous watch. strangeness.

"Has the old clock and watch returned?" Zheng Mingyi came to Jiang Chijing and sat down, glanced at his wrist and asked.

"Yeah." Jiang Chijing will not tell Zheng Mingyi, he has received the express from the manufacturer yesterday.

"It's good for you to wear this." Zheng Mingyi raised Jiang Chijing's wrist and took a look. "But this watch is more suitable for a suit. Would you like to wear a suit?"

Jiang Chijing rarely wears a formal suit. When he worked in the court, he used to wear a simple work suit and would not wear a suit jacket that was ironed tightly.

He didn't mind making new attempts to see what he would look like as a social elite, but for some reason, such a suggestion came out of Zheng Mingyi's mouth, and his mind automatically unbuttoned three shirts. , And tied the tie around the eyes.

There is something wrong with him.

"Try it later." Jiang Chijing slipped down his Adam's apple calmly, and changed the subject naturally, "I watched the news today and Hengxiang has already lost billions. Why doesn't it go bankrupt?"

"Because the delivery date of Hengxiang and the brokerage firm is this Friday." Zheng Mingyi took the mouse from Jiang Chijing's hand, clicked on the stock page of the old clock, and said, "You can see that this stock has risen sharply, but in fact As long as there is no pocket, this is not your actual income."

Jiang Chijing understands this truth. It's like gambling. As long as he doesn't leave the casino for a day, the money he won in his hand may be exported again.

"So Wu Peng is waiting for the chance to comeback?" Jiang Chijing said.

"That's right." Zheng Mingyi said, "Because he admits defeat now, he must carry billions of losses. This is a fatal blow to Hengxiang."

"But if he continues to wait, he may lose even more." After staying with Zheng Mingyi for a long time, Jiang Chijing, a novice stock marketer, also has the ability to see the situation clearly. Isn't it a gambler?"

"Incisive." Zheng Mingyi looked at Jiang Chijing and smiled, "He is just betting."

"It depends on what you mean," Jiang Chijing speculated. "Will he lose more money?"

"Of course." Zheng Mingyi said, "Wu Peng should have considered cutting meat, but the circulation of a stock is fixed. For example, all the stocks of old watches are in your hands, and I will pay 10 yuan. If you don’t sell, I’ll make 20 yuan, and you don’t sell either. Finally, I raised the price to 100 yuan. You finally shaken, but at this time the stock price has also risen from the previous 10 yuan to the current 100 yuan."

"I understand." Jiang Chijing thought about it, "You mean he wants to buy the stock back and close his position. The stock price will rise sharply by then, and his actual loss will be greater than it is now."

"Hmm." Zheng Mingyi said.

"That's really only a gambling." Jiang Chijing said, "Now most retail investors squeeze the stocks in their hands, and some people on the sidelines can't buy them."

Although there are individual speculators who will take the opportunity to make a fortune and leave, on the whole, retail investors are still extremely united.

"Because retail investors are no longer making value investments." Zheng Mingyi said, "Their goal is simple, that is, to kill Hengxiang."

Facts have proved that it is really a terrible thing to cause public anger.

Jiang Chijing suddenly thought of a question and said, "Why didn't you play Wu Peng's recording in the first place?"

"There must always be a foreshadowing in order to maximize the role of the killer." Zheng Mingyi said.

When the stock price of old watches rose rapidly in the early stage, Wu Peng accepted a large number of interviews and gained a wave of public attention. It is precisely because of this that only after his recording was released, could it cause such a big reaction.

"Count you ruthless." Jiang Chijing said as usual.

The two wandered freely chatting and watching the stocks. However, it didn't take long for the stock trading volume of the old clocks on the page to suddenly increase. Jiang Chijing immediately said to Zheng Mingyi: "Wu Peng is starting to fight back."

Zheng Mingyi and Guan Wei both mentioned before that the data of a stock can reflect many things. Jiang Chijing has also learned this thinking now. Seeing that the stocks of the old watch began to fluctuate, he knew that it was Wu Peng who was fighting back.

At this time, Yu Guang rushed into the library and shouted: "Idol idol! Wu Peng sent a lawyer's letter, saying that the recording was forged!"

"That's right." Zheng Mingyi put his hands around his chest and slowly leaned on the back of his chair. "Send the picture version of that video."

"Received!" Yu Guang whizzed back to the infirmary opposite.

After Yu Guang came and went without a trace, Jiang Chijing looked at Zheng Mingyi in disbelief and said, "Do you still have a second hand?"

"Yeah." Zheng Mingyi replied softly.

Obviously, that video is not only Wu Peng's recording, but Wu Peng is recorded completely. He is now sending a high-profile lawyer's letter to deny it, but when the screen version comes out, his fate can be imagined.

In other words, Zheng Mingyi did not come up with a real killer. He did this only to dig a hole for Wu Peng and make him fall worse...

"Zheng Mingyi." Jiang Chijing's body tilted slightly to the other side, frowning and looking at Zheng Mingyi, "You won't calculate me like this in the future, right?"

"What do you think?" Zheng Mingyi said amusedly, "It's too late for me to like you."

These words sounded very pleasant to the ear, but just in case, Jiang Chijing still solemnly said: "You are not allowed to count me."

Zheng Mingyi raised his hands helplessly and said in a gesture of surrender: "Yes, my wife."

About half an hour later, the second version of Wu Peng's recording was quickly circulating on the Internet.

The background of this version is a luxurious dinner. Except for Wu Peng's clear figure, the people who ate with him are all executives of the companies recently investigated by the regulatory agencies.

Having contact with these executives in private means that there is no need to clarify what it means. The newly exposed information is even more explosive than the previous video, and the investment market is blown up like a hurricane passing by.

Jiang Chijing finally understood why Zheng Mingyi kept holding this clue in his hands, and didn't release it until now. Because this clue can only play a substantive role after everyone else is arrested, otherwise it will be an ordinary meal and it will not prove anything.

Of course, besides proving that Wu Peng is worth investigating, this clue also played a key role in destroying Hengxiang.

As Zheng Mingyi said, timing is very important, and the same thing will play different roles at different times.

Jiang Chijing was no longer shocked, instead he paid more attention to another detail.

This video is different from the last time. There is no longer a small light bulb icon in the lower right corner. It seems that Yu Guang should have heard Luo Hai's words.

Although Jiang Chijing also knew that Yu Guang, this stinky boy, could not change his face overnight, but at least a small improvement would be good.

The lawyer letter issued by Wu Peng was quickly withdrawn, and replaced by an explosive news from Hengxiang’s official account, which is regarded as an end to this war without gunsmoke—

Hengxiang officially announced that it had entered bankruptcy proceedings.

There was cheers on the Internet, but Jiang Chijing was not surprised.

Zheng Mingyi didn't have any waves, looked at Jiang Chijing, and said leisurely: "Jiang Jiang, you should almost prepare my slippers."

Since we want to live together, of course we need the most basic daily necessities.

Jiang Chijing finally prepared for a rainy day. He curled his lips slightly and wrote lightly to Zheng Mingyi: "It's already ready."

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