Restricted Area

Chapter 49: Wife

Zheng Mingyi always diverts the topic every time he mentions clues.

Knowing that he couldn't ask a question, Jiang Chijing didn't want to waste time on this, so he revived and pressed Zheng Mingyi under him.

The performance in the third round was acceptable. Officer Jiang had the dominant power throughout the process, and Mr. Zheng was basically only responsible for lying in bed and enjoying.

But I have to say that after three rounds in a day, Jiang Chijing is really a little bit empty, and his lower body is so sore that when he was watching a movie on the sofa with Zheng Mingyi at night, he just fell asleep watching it. .

The next morning I woke up in bed, and there was silence outside, and I felt it was still early. Perhaps it was because of the rest of the night, plus the fact that Zheng Mingyi had to return to prison before eight o'clock, and Zheng Mingyi had to toss Jiang Chijing to death again.

Jiang Chijing kept reminding Zheng Mingyi that this was not the last shot in his life. There was no need to come so fiercely, but the current prisoner, Comrade Zheng Mingyi, couldn't listen at all. He only knew that he was working hard and Jiang Chijing almost couldn't get out of bed. .

At 7:30 in the morning, Guan Wei appeared at the door of Jiang Chijing's house.

Jiang Chijing wondered if Zheng Mingyi had told Guan Wei why he had to come to Jiang Chijing's house on the day he was released from prison. Maybe Zheng Mingyi has a high-sounding reason, but Guan Wei shouldn't be stupid, he might have seen some clues.

The time in the morning was spent on the last enjoyment. Zheng Mingyi had no time to eat breakfast, so he could only wash up in a hurry, and then pressed Jiang Chijing on the door panel of the entrance on the first floor, and another suffocating deep kiss came.

Unlike Jiang Chijing, who was exhausted, Zheng Mingyi was refreshed, as if during the limited 24 hours, not only did he not consume fuel, but he also made up for all that was lost in jail.

To talk about Jiang Chijing's feelings, this man is almost like a male vixen, and he was completely squeezed out this time.

Had it not been for Guan Wei rang the doorbell several times outside the door, he would not know when Zheng Mingyi would have to kiss him before he would stop.

"I'm leaving, Jiang Jiang." Zheng Mingyi looked at Jiang Chijing, obviously looking like he didn't want to go out.

Jiang Chijing suddenly remembered the little niece who didn't want to go to school at home, and she was daunting like this when she went out. He is not as reluctant as Zheng Mingyi, after all, he will go to work tomorrow, and the two will be able to meet in prison again.

But Zheng Mingyi has a different mentality from his. He goes to work, while Zheng Mingyi goes to jail. Naturally, he will not be as comfortable as he is.

"See you tomorrow." Jiang Chijing knew that time was too late. He kissed Zheng Mingyi on the corner of his lips, then moved away, unscrewed the doorknob behind him, and said, "When you come out next time, I will put the uniform get ready."

Perhaps the word "next time" sounds so hopeful that Zheng Mingyi stood up straight and looked at Jiang Chijing and said, "What if you lie to me again?"

"Then I will..." Jiang Chijing said a few words in Zheng Mingyi's ear. Zheng Mingyi smiled and said, "Okay."

Guan Wei carried Zheng Mingyi out of the community and drove in the direction of the Southern Prison.

The room was quiet again. If it weren't for the crushed creases on the "Basics of Go", everything that happened yesterday to today seemed like a dream.

No, it can't be a dream, unless he ran a marathon in his dream.

After eating breakfast, Jiang Chijing went back to the bedroom and changed the soiled sheets. The desk next to the bed was not disturbed by the movement of the two, and the items on it were placed neatly and orderly. Jiang Chijing glanced casually and found that there was a brand-name watch beside him where he usually put his watch.

That was Zheng Mingyi's watch. Jiang Chijing knew the price, so he might be able to exchange it for his average car.

Zheng Mingyi should have forgotten to take it, but the watch was taken back to prison and was taken into custody, so even if it was taken away, it didn't make much sense.

Jiang Chijing put the watch in the drawer, and then continued to clean the room.

There are two toothbrushes inserted in the mouthwash cup in the bathroom. Jiang Chijing went to bed early last night. I don’t remember preparing for Zheng Mingyi. When I asked Zheng Mingyi this morning, he said that he went there after he fell asleep. Go to the supermarket.

The quality of the toothbrush can be seen from the outside. The toothbrush bought by Zheng Mingyi is not a disposable product for three or five yuan. It seems that it is intended to be used for a long time.

This feels quite strange.

When Jiang Chijing and Luo Hai were together, they didn't come to the point of cohabitation, and he and Zheng Mingyi formally met in less than a month, and this person put his toothbrush in his house grandiosely.

If he had to say it, Jiang Chijing did have reservations about Luo Hai, because he really didn't want to expose his little hobby.

Just like in front of unfamiliar people, one will pay attention to etiquette when speaking, and in front of acquaintances, you can let yourself go. Since Zheng Mingyi has already stripped off his underwear, Jiang Chijing has no psychological burden.

Putting the toothbrush into the mirror cabinet, Jiang Chijing sorted out the items in the cabinet by the way. But after reasoning, he suddenly felt that something was missing in the cabinet.

He couldn't say exactly what it was, until when he went to throw trash outside the courtyard, he suddenly found a bottle of almost unused perfume lying in the trash can.

If Jiang Chijing remembers correctly, after he used the perfume last week, he put it in the mirror cabinet in the bathroom.

He exhaled helplessly, too lazy to pick up the perfume again. Look at this, his family may raise a super vinegar in the future.

Time came to Monday in a blink of an eye, and Jiang Chijing got up earlier today than usual.

Some clerical colleagues in the prison felt that the prison meals were lack of oil and water, so they occasionally brought their own lunch and went to the microwave to heat it at noon. Jiang Chijing found it troublesome and had never brought it, but yesterday he was in a good mood and went to the supermarket to buy a few glass crispers.

Coming to the prison with his pockets, Jiang Chijing was checked as usual. The guard chatted with him a few words and asked him if he had learned a new cooking technique. He was only tired of eating the food in prison, and occasionally wanted to change his taste.

There are always more letters on Monday than on other days, after all, it has accumulated the weight of two days on the weekend. Today’s letters are extremely large, because the prison has been under martial law for a week, and after the re-opening, letters have arrived.

Jiang Chijing quickly checked the content of each letter, and one of them surprised him a bit, because this was the first time someone wrote to Xu Sheng in so long.

There is no detailed mailing address on the letter, but it is not difficult to see from the content that this letter should have been sent from the hospital.

"Xu Sheng, I have your letter."

According to the habits of the past, Jiang Chijing first sent the letters from Building 3 and Building 2, and finally arrived in front of Xu Sheng's cell. Judging from Xu Sheng's expression, he also seemed very surprised by the letter Jiang Chijing passed in.

"You should already know the news," Jiang Chijing said, "the old lady was successful in the operation."

"Yes." Xu Sheng was always paying attention to the situation of the old couple. He should have known the news for the first time. He opened the letter and looked at the beginning, his pupils dilated for a moment, and then he folded the letter immediately, as if thinking. Savour slowly alone.

"If you have any plans," Jiang Chijing said, "you can contact the Administration Department at any time."

"Thank you, Officer Jiang." Xu Sheng said.

Jiang Chijing didn't say much, turned and left the prison building.

The letter sent to Xu Sheng was written by the old man of the old couple. First, he informed the old lady of the situation, saying that the operation was successful, and also called for professional nursing care, so that Xu Sheng did not have to worry about it.

From the second paragraph, the style of painting changed, and the old man talked about what happened when he first met Xu Sheng. It is not difficult to tell from the lines that he does not hate Xu Sheng, and even miss those times very much.

Then came the third paragraph, which made Jiang Chijing's heart tremble.

The old couple knew that their son Awei was not right, and they did some shocking things when they were young, but at that time they only treated the children as young and never cared about it.

Later, when they learned that Ah Wei was killed by Xu Sheng, they were shocked and very unacceptable. However, as time passed, their doubts became clearer and clearer. They couldn't figure out why Xu Sheng, who was sensible, would do this kind of thing. The more doubtful, the more afraid they were, so they had never been willing to face it.

Only two days ago, a police officer surnamed Guan approached the old man and revealed to him the secrets of the year in a guessing way. The old man suddenly realized and felt a great torment.

More than ten years have passed, and the incident of that year has become extremely remote. The old man wanted the police officer to re-investigate the serial torture case so that Xu Sheng could be released from prison early. However, the police officer said that the case itself had insufficient evidence and could not be restarted. It is difficult to get a result from an investigation, and what he said to the old man is just a guess.

Having said that, things are not completely unturned.

As a family member of the victim, the old man issued a letter of criminal understanding. Although it was only taken out at this time and the case could not be retrial, he could at least apply to the prison for a commutation of Xu Sheng's sentence.

Xu Sheng has served his sentence for more than ten years, and he has performed well in prison. If he can really reduce his sentence, he might be able to regain his freedom within a few years.

When the princess is almost released from prison, the two may be able to start again outside.

Very good result.

Even Jiang Chijing's mood became better.

The "police officer surnamed Guan" in the old man's letter is definitely Guan Wei. Guan Wei is not very young, it is impossible to be the policeman in charge of the case, and he took the initiative to intervene in this matter, Jiang Chijing can only think of one reason-Zheng Mingyi.

The deal between Zheng Mingyi and Xu Sheng was to exchange money for contacts. When Zheng Mingyi came out of prison the day before yesterday, he had mentioned to Jiang Chijing that he asked Xu Sheng's people to act as an eyeliner for Guan Wei.

At that time, Jiang Chijing felt strange, why a deal with a clearly marked price would suddenly have one more condition.

Xu Sheng is not a fool either. Zheng Mingyi suddenly asks him to do anything other than the transaction. He shouldn't agree, because the outside brothers help him, he can’t just do it casually. Just ask others to do things.

But Jiang Chijing didn't think much about it at the time, only when Zheng Mingyi might have given more money. But now it seems that Zheng Mingyi should have facilitated a favoring transaction between Guan Wei and Xu Sheng's people.

Guan Wei handled the old couple's affairs well and gave Xu Sheng a chance to reduce his sentence. In this way, the brothers on Xu Sheng's side would naturally help him solve the case as soon as possible in order to repay him.

Presumably Xu Sheng himself was in the dark, otherwise he would not agree with Guan Wei to disturb the old couple. But his worries are only for the health of the old couple. Over ten years have passed. The old man has been able to accept the truth at the time, and the old lady doesn’t know it for the time being. So far, Guan Wei has got the best. result.

No, it was not Guan Wei, but Zheng Mingyi who contributed to the best result.

On the way back to the office building, Jiang Chijing couldn't help but sigh again. If this person's brain becomes sexy, he can feel hopeless.

Whether it is helping Guan Wei solve the case or helping Xu Sheng reduce his sentence, Zheng Mingyi is helping himself.

Guan Wei originally only paid attention to Hengxiang's affairs, and now he is checking several companies at the same time. If he can really check it out clearly, he won't have to say that he is promoted. It is also a good thing for the society.

And Xu Sheng originally only wanted to settle the medical expenses of the old lady, but now he has been inexplicably given a chance to commute his sentence, which is about the same as a pie in the sky for him.

The interests of these people who cooperated with Zheng Mingyi were maximized, and Jiang Chijing believed that with his ability to control the situation, he should not be able to do this.

And most importantly, Zheng Mingyi is still in jail.

Just thinking of this, Jiang Chijing turned from the corridor into the corridor and saw Zheng Mingyi was already waiting at the door of the library.

He changed into an orange prison uniform again, with silver handcuffs on his hands, and stood beside him the prison guard responsible for escorting him.

It took a long time for Jiang Chijing to send the letter today, and it seemed that Zheng Mingyi had been here for a while. When Jiang Chijing got close, he greeted Jiang Chijing as usual: "Good morning."

In the past, Zheng Mingyi's lines were "Good morning, Officer Jiang." He couldn't move every day, and he never changed. Today there is only the first half sentence, Jiang Chijing is still a little uncomfortable.

While Jiang Chijing was waiting for Zheng Mingyi to say the last three words, Zheng Mingyi opened her lips slightly. Taking advantage of the prison guard beside him not paying attention, she curled her lips and said to Jiang Chijing: Wife .

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