Restricted Area

Chapter 39: Urgent (updated in advance)

The roar of the engine suddenly stopped, and the oncoming airflow was mixed with dirty heat.

The driver leaned out half of his body from the driver's seat window, looked at Jiang Chijing and asked, "What's the matter, officer?"

"Get off the car." Jiang Chijing pointed to the ground with a flashlight, then shining towards the cab, "routine inspection."

A few hundred meters away is the entrance and exit of the prison's vehicles. There are many prison guards over there. Under normal circumstances, no one will stop the vehicle halfway for inspection.

The driver and his colleague looked at each other, obviously not being able to figure out what was going on, but he still turned off the engine and the two jumped out of the cab.

"Go and stand by." Jiang Chijing drove the two to the side of the road, then climbed into the car and checked the cab.

The space in the cab is not cramped. In addition to the two seats, there is a sleeper at the back, which is supposed to allow the two drivers to rest alternately when driving long distances.

However, Jiang Chijing carefully checked every corner of the cab, and there was really no room for someone as big as Xu Sheng. He stepped on the edge of the driver's seat, stood up straight and looked at the roof, but still did not see any suspicious figures.

Next, Jiang Chijing carefully inspected the bottom of the car and the cargo box, and even hit the bottom of each empty paint can with a baton, but Xu Sheng was not found.

The two delivery masters obviously felt strange, and asked Jiang Chijing, "What are you looking for, officer? We just sent a paint, but we didn't do anything bad."

Jiang Chijing searched again from the beginning, but still didn't find any abnormality. He came to the two of them and interrogated, "There are no other people hiding in the car?"

"How is it possible, do you have any misunderstandings about us?"

"We are here to deliver the goods, we don't know anything else."

The expressions of the two people did not look like they were telling lies, they seemed to be pure delivery personnel. Jiang Chijing looked it up again in an uneasy manner. It could be said that he had turned the car upside down, but he still couldn't find Xu Sheng's hiding place.

Is it possible that Xu Sheng didn't intend to use this method to get out?

But Jiang Chijing is very sure that the only foreign vehicle in the prison today is this one. If it were not for this car to get out, Xu Sheng would not have another chance to escape from prison.

"Police officer, have you not checked yet?"

Jiang Chijing waved his hand, indicating that the two could leave.

The roar of the engine sounded again, and the truck drove unhurriedly to the entrance and exit of the vehicle guarded by several prison guards.

Jiang Chijing looked at the truck from a distance and went through another rigorous inspection, and was basically sure that Xu Sheng was indeed not in that truck.

The thoughts in his mind became messy again, Jiang Chijing had to take a deep breath, trying to sort out clear thoughts like Zheng Mingyi did.

First of all, from a general point of view, there are only two possibilities before Jiang Chijing.

One is that Xu Sheng has not left yet, because today only this truck is in and out, and Xu Sheng is not in the car.

The second is that Xu Sheng has already left. He may have found a wonderful way to hide and escaped all inspections.

Although the probability of the second possibility is very low, you are not afraid of 10,000, just in case, if Xu Sheng has successfully escaped at this time, then the matter will completely go to the point of irreversibility.

Thinking of this, Jiang Chijing no longer hesitated. He took off the walkie-talkie from his shoulder, pressed the call button, and was about to ask "Does anyone know the location of Xu Sheng", but at this moment, a sharp alarm suddenly sounded in the prison. At the same time, not far away There was a terrifying fire in Building No. 1 of.

"Building No. 1 caught fire, come and put out the fire!"

"Let all the prisoners go back to the cell!"

The shouts of other prison guards sounded on the intercom, but in an instant, the prison was plunged into chaos.

Judging from the location of Jiang Chijing, we can see that Building 2 and Building 3 have also become a mess, because now is the time for the prisoners to gather to watch the news. A fire alarm suddenly sounded in the prison building. Willing to be sent back to the cell.

If the fire comes from Building 1, and there is another problem with the power system and the cell door cannot be opened, the prisoner will have to wait for death after being locked in.

Some prison guards yelled at the prisoners. Some guards rushed to the No. 1 building through the corridor to fight the fire. The prison building at night was surrounded by fire, lights, shouts, and noise. Only Jiang Chijing seemed to be separated from the scene before him. Come, stand solemnly on the spot, thinking about Xu Sheng's escape from prison.

There has never been a fire in the Southern Prison, but it happened tonight when Xu Sheng was about to escape from prison, and there was such a serious accident.

Building No. 1 was swallowed by the fire in a blink of an eye. The burning speed was extremely fast, and the fire was frighteningly large.

Jiang Chijing immediately thought of paint, an indispensable part of the whole incident. Paint is flammable, not to mention that the second shipment has just been delivered.

Everything seems to be calculated, it's just a coincidence.

At this moment, the prison guards anxiously shouted on the walkie-talkie: "A prisoner has escaped from the prison! Go and stop the truck just now!"

Jiang Chijing immediately tensed his nerves, only to hear someone immediately ask: "Who has escaped from prison?!"

"Xu Sheng!"

"No, Xu Sheng is fighting the fire in Building 1!"

"That may be someone else, stop the car quickly!"

"Who is it that escaped from prison? Now I can't pull it out at all!"

"Where are the guards?"

"The guard can't leave the post!"

After hearing so much, Jiang Chijing only noticed one thing—Xu Sheng was in Building 1.

His thoughts were almost unable to keep up with the development of the situation. Before he could think about it, he ran straight to Building 1. As expected, he found Xu Sheng in the fire fighting crowd.

"Why are you here?" Jiang Chijing asked suddenly, grabbing Xu Sheng's arm.

"Officer Jiang?" Xu Sheng was holding a bucket in his hand, looking at Jiang Chijing in surprise, "I should ask you this."

"Aren't you trying to escape with the truck?"

"The situation has changed, and I temporarily changed my mind."

At this point, Jiang Chijing could not keep up with the pace of development. He frowned and said, "Who was the one who escaped just now?"

"Someone escaped from prison?" Xu Sheng asked strangely, "I have been helping to unload the cargo, but no one has escaped from prison."

If it’s not Xu Sheng’s person, then the one who knows the escape plan...

An idea suddenly popped up in Jiang Chijing's heart. Could it be Zheng Mingyi? !

Impossible impossible impossible.

Zheng Mingyi is a clear-headed person who can tell right from wrong. He also helps Jiang Chijing find a way to prevent Xu Sheng from breaking out of prison. How can he escape by himself? Moreover, Zheng Mingyi's sentence was not long, and he had no motivation to escape.

Thinking of this, Jiang Chijing let go for a while, but his thoughts were still very confused, and asked Xu Sheng, "You set this fire?"

"Am I crazy?" Xu Sheng shook the bucket in his hand. "If you don't believe me, ask Zheng Mingyi, he knows I won't escape from prison again."

Jiang Chijing had too many questions in his mind. He subconsciously wanted to go to Building 2, but he asked Xu Sheng just in case: "Is Zheng Mingyi in Building 2 now?"

"This time should be in the bathroom." Xu Sheng said.

The bathroom is a separate bungalow, and every night all prisoners will go to the bathroom in batches for personal hygiene.

Jiang Chijing ran towards the bathroom without looking back. After getting closer, he vaguely saw many prisoners coming out of the bathroom, but they were not followed by prison guards.

This is very wrong, because even if there is an emergency, the prison guards should not let the prisoners go-unless the situation is so urgent that the guards can no longer care about the prisoners at hand.

Jiang Chijing suddenly thought of a problem. Now some prison guards are fighting fires, and some guards are maintaining stability. Both sides cannot provide manpower. In addition, guards cannot leave their posts. Then those who can drive to chase trucks can only be the first ones. A prison guard who knows someone wants to escape.

Now the prison guards in the bathroom are not guarding the prisoners. In other words, the prison guards here are chasing the truck, and the news that someone wants to escape from prison came from here.

So it seems that someone deliberately warned the prisoner to escape, the purpose is to distract the prison guards.

If all this has nothing to do with Xu Sheng, there is only one candidate left-Lao Jiu.

After thinking of this level, Jiang Chijing's heart suddenly became clear, and one event after another was completely connected.

Xu Sheng temporarily changed his mind and stopped breaking out of prison, but Lao Jiu didn't know this and still acted according to the original plan.

His younger brother first waited until the truck left the prison, and then used paint to set it on fire, causing chaos in the prison.

Then Lao Jiu counted the time and made sure that the truck was far away, and then told the prison guard that someone had escaped from the prison. He explained the process clearly and increased credibility. However, the prison guard could not find the extra manpower, so he had to chase and escape by himself.

As for why the little brother who set fire didn't see Xu Sheng not leaving, it was possible that the two were working on different floors, or Xu Sheng left briefly to go to the bathroom.

All in all, the purpose of doing this is to cause chaos in the prison. Even if all the prison guards cannot be dismissed, at least there will be troubles, and there will not be a large number of patrol teams to stop them.

It now appears that Lao Jiu’s plan is very successful. The prison guards who wash the bathroom are all distracted. Therefore, the place where Lao Jiu will eventually make trouble is in the bathroom.

"Zheng Mingyi is in the bathroom this time."

"Immortal and crippled."

The words of Xu Sheng and Lao Jiu echoed repeatedly in Jiang Chijing’s mind. He pressed the intercom and wanted to send someone to the bathroom, but at this time, I didn’t know how many people were shouting in the intercom. It was not that the prisoners over there refused to obey orders. The fire here is getting more and more fierce. Ask when the firefighter will arrive.

Jiang Chijing shouted into the walkie-talkie, but no one responded at all.

He couldn't help speeding up his pace and ran towards the bathroom with a 100-meter sprint speed, and when he ran to the door of the bathroom, a person suddenly rushed out of him and ran into him.

"Officer Jiang?" The princess said anxiously, "Hurry up and call for someone. Old Nine wants to rectify Zheng Mingyi."

Jiang Chijing already knew about this. He didn't even want to rush into it. The princess immediately grabbed his arm and reminded: "There is no prison guard inside, they have knives!"

"You go call someone."

Jiang Chijing broke away from the princess's hand and rushed into the bathroom. As soon as he came in, he saw the four big men pressing Zheng Mingyi against the wall. Yi stabbed his naked upper body.

"Old nine!"

Jiang Chijing almost didn't startle in a cold sweat. He kicked him completely subconsciously, kicking him on Lao Jiu's chest, kicking him back several steps.

Seeing that the prison guard appeared, the other brothers were stunned and did not dare to do anything. Old Jiu clutched his chest and shouted, "Why are you standing stupidly? Get him out of here!"

"You're so **** courageous!" Jiang Chijing drew out the baton, backhanded on the younger brother who rushed, and then kicked the other younger brother who rushed forward.

Zheng Mingyi shouted "Caution" behind him, Jiang Chijing immediately turned sideways, avoiding the knife stabbed by Lao Jiu.

Seeing that Jiang Chijing was uncomfortable with Zheng Mingyi, the person holding Zheng Mingyi loosened Zheng Mingyi’s thigh and rushed towards Jiang Chijing. At the same time, the younger brother who was hit by the baton also rushed back, forming a front-to-back attack. Potential.

Jiang Chijing concentrated on one pick and two, despite three punches and two kicks, he still had the upper hand.

However, the old Jiu on the side always took the opportunity to stabbing the knife. Jiang Chijing avoided the first two strokes, and when he reached the third time, he saw that the old Jiu's knife was about to slash his waist. At this time, Zheng Ming was by the wall. Yi finally broke away from the suppression and rushed over and knocked Lao Jiu away, but his forearm was also cut out by a not long or short cut.

Jiang Chijing suddenly felt angry, and for the first time in his life he had the urge to beat people to death. He subconsciously wanted to rush to Lao Jiu, but Zheng Mingyi grabbed his wrist in time and whispered: "Go!"

A sensible person, even a world champion in Sanda, would not fight a gangster with a knife. The opponent has seven or eight strong men, and the old nine still has a knife in his hand, Jiang Chijing also knows that this situation should not be head-on.

"You better explain to me exactly what's going on!"

Jiang Chijing yelled at Zheng Mingyi fiercely, and then ran out of the bathroom while holding his wrist strap.

The old nine people quickly followed from behind. These people who run morning exercises all the year round have good physical fitness, and they almost didn't distance themselves from Jiang Chijing.

Jiang Chijing originally wanted to run to the nearest building No. 3, but at this time the whole prison was under martial law, the gate of the prison building was closed, and he couldn't get in at all.

He also thought about running to Building 1 with the most prison guards, but it was the farthest from the bathroom, and he could not guarantee that he would not be overtaken on the road.

In the end, Jiang Chijing led Zheng Mingyi towards the official building. The official building was the place where prisoners were most afraid, and there were surveillance everywhere in it, so Lao Jiu shouldn't have followed.

"Brother Nine, they ran to the office building, shall we stop chasing?"

"What the **** are you talking about, what the **** I said, you must clean up Zheng Mingyi tonight!"

"Then monitor..."

"The prison guard surnamed Jiang has seen everything that should or shouldn't be seen. Is there any difference between monitoring and shooting?!"

It's a lunatic.

"Don't be afraid." Zheng Mingyi flipped his wrist and held Jiang Chijing's hand. "Just run, I'm here."

Jiang Chijing and Zheng Mingyi glanced at each other, and they had no other idea besides running.

Those little brothers hesitated for a while, anyway they opened up some distance. When Jiang Chijing and Zheng Mingyi ran to the second floor of the official building, the old nine and other talents just ran into the official building.

Jiang Chijing still wanted to run to the third floor, but Zheng Mingyi stopped him at this time, threw his noisy walkie-talkie to the third floor, and then led him to the direction of the entertainment room.

The voice of the walkie-talkie can lead Laojiu and the others to the third floor, and maybe it can also act as a deterrent, making Laojiu think that there are other prison guards in the building. But Jiang Chijing couldn't figure out why he wanted to go to the entertainment room. He nervously pulled Zheng Mingyi and said, "The entertainment room cannot be locked."

"So they wouldn't think we were hiding inside." Zheng Mingyi said.

There are many lockable rooms in the office building, but after they are locked, people outside will know with a twist that seven or eight strong men will quickly break the lock. If you want to hide, the most dangerous place is the safest place.

"But there can be no Tibetans in the entertainment room." Jiang Chijing was still uneasy.


Zheng Mingyi took Jiang Chijing into the entertainment room, threw the contents of one of the cabinets into the other cabinet, then stood inside and said to Jiang Chijing, "Come in."

"Hidden here?"

"They would never think of it."

I have to admit that Zheng Mingyi's move was indeed unexpected, and even Jiang Chijing felt it was whimsical.

But because of this, he believes that the old nine and the others are even more unexpected.

He leaned over and squeezed into the small cabinet face to face with Zheng Mingyi. After Zheng Mingyi closed the cabinet door, the two were completely isolated from the outside world, leaving only the sound of each other's breathing and flickering in his ears. The fire alarm bells from near and far.

So before long, Jiang Chijing regretted it.

Zheng Mingyi didn't wear a shirt. After strenuous exercise, his skin became sticky due to sweat, exuding strong hormonal signals.

Jiang Chijing suddenly realized one thing at this time. It turned out that Zheng Mingyi was the switch for the yellow waste in his mind. As long as he had close contact with Zheng Mingyi, the waste would continue to emerge.

And the situation now is worse than ever before.

Jiang Chijing was not much shorter than Zheng Mingyi, and the two were close to each other face-to-face, and a certain part came together naturally.

For Jiang Chijing, this is simply terrible.

The limited brain capacity can no longer hold the yellow waste that is constantly gushing out, so it is released in another way.

Jiang Chijing soon felt the changes in his own place, and his strong sense of shame made him just want to hit him to death.

No, it's okay to let Lao Jiu come and stab him to death.

Why did he just twitch his mind and promise Zheng Mingyi to hide in the closet? This is a typical case of not pressing the numbers in his heart, and completely underestimating the influence of Zheng Mingyi on him.

Zheng Mingyi chuckled out of place in his ear, and asked in a low voice, "Officer Jiang, are you a pervert?"

Well, Zheng Mingyi really felt his change, and the shame in his heart instantly reached the highest value.

Jiang Chijing wanted to break the jar and said, yeah, I'm a pervert, do you know that? I've been spying on you for half a year, and I want to sleep with you every day.

However, at this moment, the situation turned around, and Jiang Chijing's mood suddenly turned a hundred and eight degrees.

—Because Zheng Mingyi made the same changes with him.

Like a queen who has returned the initiative, he sneered and asked arrogantly: "Zheng Mingyi, are you a pervert?"

"I am not." Zheng Mingyi answered quickly, "I am a prisoner."

Jiang Chijing once again failed to keep up with Zheng Mingyi's logic. Could it be that the prisoners have no bottom line than perverts as they should? Can the prisoner stand uprightly with that thing against others?

Zheng Mingyi seemed to see that Jiang Chijing couldn't understand him, so he leaned to Jiang Chijing's ear and added with an agitated voice: "Don't forget, you are the prison guard that prisoners want to go to most. "

This was a boring vote made by the prisoners before, and Jiang Chijing didn't care about it at all. He never expected that this sentence would come out of Zheng Mingyi's mouth.

—I am a prisoner.

—You are the guard that prisoners want to go to most.

Put these two sentences together. In fact, what Zheng Mingyi said is: I want to **** you.

Jiang Chijing's brain exploded. He peeped at Zheng Mingyi for so long, and never thought that Zheng Mingyi wanted to sleep with him, perhaps even more urgently than he wanted to sleep with Zheng Mingyi.

Scorching breath, salty sweat, pungent blood, confined spaces, flashing red lights, noisy alarm bells...

Everything kept stimulating Jiang Chijing's brain, making him feel the excitement that he had never had in his life.

He couldn't control it anymore, holding down the back of Zheng Mingyi's head with his hands arrogantly, and aiming at the lips that Xiao had been thinking about for a long time, and kissed him fiercely.

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