Restricted Area

Chapter 30: Go crazy

However, Zheng Mingyi said: "Sentiment? My current perception is that going to jail is really the right choice."

Jiang Chijing: "?"

"Early to bed and early to wake up every day, life is stable, the canteen has balanced meals, and work is not tiring, the most important thing is..." Zheng Mingyi said here and looked at Jiang Chijing, "The prison guards are still very cute."

Jiang Chijing: "???"

"Ahem, this shows that our prison conditions are very good." The warden hurriedly snatched the words.

"Warden, can this still allow prisoners to reflect?" Liu Dong asked with a frown.

"That's right, we still have a confinement room. If you are interested, you can also visit it." The warden hurriedly winked at Jiang Chijing and asked him to drag Zheng Mingyi away.

Next, the warden took the visiting team to the other end of the planting shed and asked another prisoner to introduce strawberry products produced in the prison.

Jiang Chijing didn't follow the team anymore, but together with Zheng Mingyi, he returned to the place where he just put the small basket.

"Do you know that Dong Liu?" Jiang Chijing couldn't help asking.

"That person is Wu Peng's friend." Zheng Mingyi said.

Wu Peng is the boss of Hengxiang Organization and the former boss of Zheng Mingyi. If Jiang Chijing didn't guess wrong, the person who framed Zheng Mingyi's imprisonment was probably Wu Peng.

"Have you dealt with him?" Jiang Chijing asked again.

"No." Zheng Mingyi picked up the small basket and walked to the corner of the sink. While washing the strawberries, he said to Jiang Chijing, "There was an improper transaction between him and Wu Peng. My case led to many companies. The interests are damaged, but he has benefited a lot from it."

This is the first time Zheng Mingyi took the initiative to talk about the case with Jiang Chijing. Jiang Chijing suddenly thought of the clues mentioned by Guan Wei and asked: "Is the clue in your hand the recording of his conversation with Wu Peng?"

Zheng Mingyi removed the leaves from the strawberry, looked at Jiang Chijing and said, "I don't have a clue."

It seemed that Zheng Mingyi was still reluctant to discuss this matter in depth. Jiang Chijing suddenly became a little curious and asked, "How did you talk with Guan Wei last time?"

"I asked him to make sure that they are clean inside before coming to me." Zheng Mingyi picked a red and beautiful strawberry from the basket and shook the water drops on it.

Jiang Chijing couldn't help but fell into contemplation. The clues Zheng Mingyi was holding should not be hard evidence, but could prove that there was a problem with the case, and let the law enforcement agencies reopen the case for investigation. In this case, there are too many uncertain factors, and it is indeed unwise to surrender clues rashly.

"Officer Jiang." Zheng Mingyi's voice interrupted Jiang Chijing's thoughts.

"Huh?" Jiang Chijing raised his eyes and looked at Zheng Mingyi.

"Open your mouth."

Before Jiang Chijing could react, Zheng Mingyi stuffed the strawberry in his hand into his mouth. I don't know if it was Jiang Chijing's illusion. He always felt that when Zheng Mingyi was closing his hand, his thumb had wiped his lower lip intentionally or unintentionally.

Subconsciously bite down, sweet juice burst out of the soft flesh, which instantly filled the whole mouth. At first it was a bit sour and frowning involuntarily, but after adapting, there was endless sweetness, and the sweetness continued down into my heart.

"How is it?" Zheng Mingyi asked.

Jiang Chijing slid his Adam's apple and swallowed the flesh into his belly, not wanting to admit that strawberries are delicious, and said against his will: "So sour, can you grow strawberries?"

This is a bit wrong to say Zheng Mingyi, because the type of strawberry and the planting environment have already been decided, he can only control some relatively unimportant factors, such as when to pick and so on.

"I don't know how to grow strawberries?" Zheng Mingyi frowned slightly, glanced at the direction of the tour group, and then looked at Jiang Chijing, "Then come here with me, and I will show you another variety."

After speaking, Zheng Mingyi turned and walked to a more corner. Jiang Chijing followed Zheng Mingyi, and it wasn't until he walked into the corner that something was wrong.

There is a shelf in this corner, gloves, watering can and other items are placed on the shelf, and brooms and mops are placed next to the shelf. This is where the sundries are placed. Jiang Chijing said strangely: "Where is the strawberry?"

"Here." Zheng Mingyi replied, then circled Jiang Chijing's back, pressed him into the corner, and leaned towards his neck without any explanation.

There was a sudden tingling on the neck, Jiang Chijing's eyes widened to support Zheng Mingyi's chest, and he whispered: "Zheng Mingyi?!"

The back of the neck was firmly pinched, and the back of the waist was also tightly clamped, and it was impossible to break free.

Zheng Mingyi pressed Jiang Chijing in the corner, buried his head on the white skin, and planted strawberries intently. His arms were very hard, and he confined Jiang Chijing like a beast trap, conveying a message all over his body: Who said I can't grow strawberries?

The surveillance camera is on the top of the head, and the corner where the sundries are placed is in a dead corner, but the warden and the visiting group are not far away. As long as someone looks at this corner, they can see that their postures are extremely ambiguous.

There was a cool breeze blowing in the greenhouse, and red strawberries formed in the cultivated soil, like small spectators, watching them with a smile.

The warden's voice came from the other end of the greenhouse, and it was particularly clear in this empty space. Jiang Chijing's heart is extremely anxious, Zheng Mingyi's courage is simply outrageous, how can he plant strawberries on his neck in such a public place? !

Fortunately, the warden and the visitors were talking and laughing, and no one noticed the movement in this corner.

Jiang Chijing relaxed a little, but his nerves were still tight, it felt as if he had dropped the balance bar in his hand while walking a tightrope in the sky, almost unable to breathe.

Zheng Mingyi seemed to feel that Jiang Chijing was no longer struggling, the strength of his hands was reduced, and the fierce licking and biting turned into gentle kisses.

In fact, at this time, with Jiang Chijing's strength, Zheng Mingyi could already be pushed away, but he was holding Zheng Mingyi's prison uniform with both hands, and he couldn't use his strength for a long time.

It's not that he doesn't want to use force, but there is an evil villain in his heart yelling excitedly, let him seize the opportunity to smell Zheng Mingyi's ear more.

Jiang Chijing didn't want this, but he couldn't control it with his hands. To talk about his current mood, it's really...

Go crazy.

So annoying.

Jiang Chijing returned to the end of the visiting team blankly, beating the evil villain countless times in his heart.

Everyone knows that sanity is a good thing, but every time it loses the chain at a critical moment. Fortunately, he saw sharply that the warden was looking for him, and quickly pushed Zheng Mingyi away, who was working hard, otherwise the consequences would be unimaginable.

However, Zheng Mingyi was good, admiring his masterpieces contentedly, without consciously doing bad things at all.

"Officer Jiang, is your neck uncomfortable?" asked Ms. Li, who was walking aside. The two chatted for a long time before coming to the strawberry shed, and they had already introduced each other's surnames.

Since keeping up with the visiting group, Jiang Chijing has been covering the back of his neck with his hands. Someone who didn't know thought he had a problem with his neck, but in fact he was blocking the hickey on his neck with his wrist.

No, it can't be called a hickey, it should be a mark from a dog's gnawing.

"No." Jiang Chijing tilted his head left and right, indicating that his neck was okay, "The air conditioner was a little bit full."

This reason is really lame. The prison guard’s summer uniform is short-sleeved. If Jiang Chijing feels really cold, he should be holding his arms instead of covering the back of his neck.

Fortunately, Ms. Li didn't notice such details, and added a sentence "It's really a bit cold", and then asked: "Does it have a toilet?"

There are no female toilets in men’s prisons. Occasionally, women come to the prison for work or other reasons and need to use the restrooms, and a whole restroom is specially vacated for them to use.

"I'll take you, don't walk around."

Jiang Chijing greeted the warden, and then took Ms. Li to the independent bathroom next to the strawberry planting shed.

This bathroom is used by everyone in the factory. Jiang Chijing must make sure that there are no other people inside, especially no prisoners.

"Is anyone in there?"

Jiang Chijing stood at the door and asked, but instead of waiting to answer, he smelled the smell of smoke. Some prisoners will come to the bathroom to smoke in the name of going to the bathroom. Since the bathroom is next to the factory shed, there will be no prison guards who will follow it, so basically they will not be arrested.

"Who smokes inside?"

Jiang Chijing's voice fell a bit. He opened the doors of the compartments one by one, and when he walked halfway, the sound of flushing sounded from the innermost compartment. He immediately speeded up his pace and walked over, shooting Opening the door and saying: "Come out."

After a while, the door of the compartment opened from the inside, and I saw Lao Jiu sitting on the toilet in a proper manner, and said in an unharmed manner: "Officer Jiang, are you here to use the toilet?"

If Jiang Chijing remembers correctly, Lao Jiu should be working in a paint factory not far away. There is still a fixed board wrapped around his right hand, and there should be no heavy work for him in the factory, so he is relatively leisurely.

"Come out for me." Jiang Chijing didn't have time to investigate Lao Jiu's smoking, after all, Ms. Li was still waiting outside.

But Lao Jiu obviously misunderstood Jiang Chijing's meaning and sat motionless on the toilet and said: "How do you know that your eyes saw me smoking? Why, I can't make a shit?"

As long as smoking does not catch the current, it is difficult to punish people. Presumably Lao Jiu knew this too, so he was sure that Jiang Chijing couldn't do anything to him. But Jiang Chijing didn't plan to do anything. He just said impatiently: "I didn't want to care about your smoking, you should let me out first."

"No matter?" Lao Jiu obviously put down his guard, his expression was a bit inexplicable, "Then what do you go out for?"

Although he asked so, he still lifted his pants and walked out of the compartment.

"There are other people who want to use the bathroom, so hurry up when you're done." Jiang Chijing paused, fearing that Lao Jiu would not cooperate, and then said, "Don't let me call the police patrol team over."

"Just leave, what is the patrol team?" Old Jiu complained, and then walked to the exit of the bathroom.

However, when he walked out of the bathroom and saw a woman standing by the door, he immediately stopped and leaned in with interest and said, "Hey, who is this?"

Most of the prisoners in the prison are very hungry and thirsty. Although Ms. Li who is waiting outside is in her forties, just like Jiang Chijing's intuitive feelings, she seems to be only in her early thirties.

"Stay away." Jiang Chijing stopped Old Jiu and turned to Ms. Li, "Go ahead."

Ms. Li nodded in horror, and hurriedly walked into the bathroom.

"Officer Jiang." Old Jiu didn't lean forward anymore, as if he had only noticed the marks on Jiang Chijing's neck, and jokingly said, "It looks like you have a rich **** life recently? I really envy you."

Jiang Chijing leaned slightly, but immediately realized that this would not hide the marks on his neck. He simply looked at Old Jiu and said, "Hurry up and go back to your work station."

"A while ago, there was also a nurse lady who could watch, and now I am back in this monk temple, even my little brother is out of energy."

Old Jiu was still talking, Jiang Chijing frowned and said coldly: "Don't let me say it again."

"Tsk." Old Jiu seemed to be in a bad mood, curled his lips uneasily, turned around and planned to leave.

But at this moment, something unexpected happened to Jiang Chijing.

The space around the bathroom is very open, and apart from the dull air-conditioning sound, almost no other sounds can be heard. And Ms. Li should have entered the compartment closest to the exit, so that no big or small movement came from inside.

Lao Jiu's eyes changed immediately, and in a blink of an eye he changed from boring to excitement. He walked in the direction of the bathroom, his eyes flashing and said: "Officer Jiang, I haven't finished it yet."

Men lose control due to two conditions, one is alcohol and the other is lust.

Jiang Chijing suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart. He supported Lao Jiu's shoulder with his hand and said sharply, "Go back to me!"

"Retreat? Why retreat." Lao Jiu licked his lower lip. "This is the toilet in our prison. Why should I go to outsiders?"

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