Restricted Area

Chapter 3: uniform

In the hot afternoon, the scorching sun was reflected on the asphalt road, like suffocating water vapor rising up.

The community staff came to the door of Jiang Chijing's neighbor again, complaining about the glass **** on the floor and the black ink stains on the wall.

Jiang Chijing, who had just returned home from get off work, walked out of his garage. When the two saw him, they stepped forward and asked, "Mr. Jiang, do you know when Mr. Zheng will be home?"

Jiang Chijing shook his head politely, saying that he was not clear.

In this clean and tidy community, all residents consciously maintain a good community environment.

People will regularly mow their own lawns to maintain a fine courtyard landscape, even the public road outside the yard will take the initiative to wash it out from time to time.

But in such a harmonious environment, a messy room appeared—the glass on the floor was not cleaned, and the ink stains on the walls were not dealt with.

The staff in the community come here almost once a day, but they never run into the Mr. Zheng they are thinking of.

Jiang Chijing couldn't remember exactly when it started, and the man opposite never appeared again. It seemed to be two days ago, and it seemed to be three days ago. After the accident that night, in Jiang Chijing's impression, the man only came back once.

Maybe I felt that the environment here is not safe, and moved to a relative or friend's house.

Jiang Chijing didn't feel strange, but it was inevitable that he would be a little bored and uncomfortable without having a peeping target.

But on the bright side, he moved here because he wanted to restrain the bad habit of voyeurism. Now that even the only opportunity for peeping has been lost, he can just control his eyes.

There were three express parcels outside the iron fence. Jiang Chijing took the parcel home and opened it with a knife. They were three items he had recently bought online and sent for repair.

The first is a bottle of ink. Jiang Chijing has the habit of practicing calligraphy. Ink is a common necessity for him.

The other is a bottle of perfume. Although this is not a necessity, it is always used a few times a year. It can be bought at home for emergency needs.

As for the perfume model, it was the one that broke that night. Jiang Chijing and his ex-boyfriend broke up peacefully without any emotional entanglement. He has been using this perfume for a long time, and there is no need to deliberately change to another one.

The last piece is an old mechanical watch that was repaired by Jiang Chijing. Although the style of the watch is an old model decades ago, the manufacturer still promises a lifetime warranty.

According to prison regulations, prison guards are not allowed to bring mobile phones into the prison area. Jiang Chijing is used to using this old watch to check the time. In these days, when he didn't wear a watch, he had subconsciously looked at Kongkong's wrist countless times.

The missing and broken items were restored one by one, and the glass dross in the yard opposite was finally cleaned up by the community staff.

It's just that the neighbor seems to have disappeared out of thin air. No one has ever repaired the open bedroom windows. Looking at Jiang Chijing's house, there is an inexplicable sense of depression.

"Morning, Officer Jiang."

It was another ordinary working day. In the spacious and bright dressing room, the colleague who had just left the night shift yawned and said hello to Jiang Chijing.

Jiang Chijing's job is a prison librarian, a civilian post, not a "prison guard" in the strict sense, but since he and the prison guards wear the same prison guard uniform, everyone defaults to him as a prison guard. kind.

Jiang Chijing replied "Morning", then took off his white short sleeves and took out the dark gray uniform shirt from the private cabinet.

The guard uniforms of the Southern Prison are divided into three sets: summer, winter, and formal wear. The difference between summer and winter clothes is nothing more than the thickness of the fabric and the length of the sleeves, while the formal wear is a straight jacket that is only worn on solemn occasions.

The uniforms that the prison guards got were a uniform version, only the big, medium and small were different. Jiang Chijing was thin, with the same shoulder width, but his ribs and waist were much wider. He took it to a tailor shop outside the community to modify the size. Now the shirt fits his waist perfectly.

The buttons were buttoned one by one from top to bottom, the thin lines were hidden behind the fabric, the vertical collar was meticulously arranged, and an "atypical" prison guard soon appeared in the full-length mirror.

Compared with other colleagues of the top five and three rough, Jiang Chijing is like a weak scholar. Although he is also 1.8 meters tall, he gives the impression that he can be knocked down with one punch.

This is mostly because of his clean and beautiful appearance, which makes people subconsciously feel bullied.

If his skin is a little darker, his eyebrows and eyebrows will not appear delicate. However, his skin is not only white, but his lips are also pink like cherries. It is not surprising that others will think he is bullied.

When he first joined the Southern Prison, the warden reminded him earnestly that he must pay attention to his personal safety.

Of course Jiang Chijing understood the meaning of the warden's words. The so-called personal safety is worse than the safety of Chrysanthemum. However, more than half a year has passed, and he has not had any accidents.

After changing into the prison guard uniform, Jiang Chijing went to the mail room to retrieve the letters sent to the prisoners, and then spent half an hour checking the contents of the letters one by one.

Just as someone will monitor during a visit, letters sent to the prison must also be checked.

Jiang Chijing liked this job very much, because it was a legitimate peeping, he didn't need to restrain himself, let alone feel any psychological burden.

To be precise, this is not even called voyeurism, because it is just a job content.

Most of the prisoners who can write letters have sincere regrets, care about their families, and look forward to the future.

Jiang Chijing believes that there is no absolute evil person in this world, and you can see it from these letters.

After sending the letter to the prison building and sending out the received reply letter, Jiang Chijing's work in the morning has basically come to an end.

To be honest, the job is simply unreasonable, and the benefits are also very generous. It is only because of dealing with prisoners that no one wants to come here to work.

Jiang Chijing's office area is in a quiet library, located in a corner by the window. The 1/4 arc-shaped desk has a right-angled fan shape at the corner, which can only accommodate one person.

Except for Jiang Chijing, almost no one will enter here. Over time, this area has become Jiang Chijing's private domain.

He turned on the computer and watched the news for a while. The major economic case that caused a sensation across the country had already been judged. The employee of the agency surnamed Zheng was sentenced to one year in prison, fined 300 million, and taken into custody in court.

The court where the sentence was pronounced is in the local area, and it seems that a newcomer will soon be in prison.

As soon as Jiang Chijing thought of this, the roar of a large bus came from a distance. He glanced casually through the window, and then took out a copy of the Code for Prisoners from the drawer as usual.

Everyone who goes to prison to serve a sentence must undergo education and reformation, and the first class of education they take is taken care of by the idler Jiang Chijing.

When the new group of prisoners complete all the formalities, the time has come to the afternoon.

The head of the prison building appeared outside the door of the library, knocked on the door with the folder board, and said to Jiang Chijing: "I have brought someone here."

Jiang Chijing responded with a "OK", clamped the booklet of the "Code" under his ribs, took the folder board with the prisoner's information from the other party, and then walked towards the small conference room.

A total of three prisoners came today. Jiang Chijing went downstairs while looking through the information of several prisoners.

On the top is the telecommunications fraudster, who deceived a wealthy woman into bankruptcy. Then came a gangster who was disabled by a fight, beating people so that they could not take care of themselves.

Then the rest should be a national sensation...

Footsteps stopped at the door of the meeting room, Jiang Chijing opened the door of the meeting room with one hand, and looked at the page of information on the folder board in disbelief.

Zheng Mingyi, male, 27 years old, 1.86 meters...

The cookie-cutter information does not shock Jiang Chijing. What really shocked his pupils was the familiar face in the photo column.

Qi'er's broken hair has been cut a lot, and his deep facial features have a bit more fortitude. No matter how Jiang Chijing looks at it, this face is exactly the same as the one he is used to seeing in the telescope.

So the "employee surnamed Zheng" in the news is actually the "Mr. Zheng" who lives across from his house?

Jiang Chijing was too shocked, no wonder this man disappeared for so long, and he didn't even care about repairing the windows. He dared to be taken into the detention center.

The three people in the conference room were all watching Jiang Chijing, who had froze in his movements. He quickly recovered, took a deep breath, put down the folder board, and met the three people's gaze calmly.

I have to admit that Jiang Chijing's heart trembled involuntarily when facing Zheng Mingyi's line of sight.

It was a kind of guilty conscience from a voyeur, and a spontaneous tremor from the inside out. He had never looked directly into Zheng Mingyi's eyes, and his dark pupils were keen, vigilant, and unpredictable... Jiang Chijing thought of an experienced hunter almost instantly.

Destiny likes to make jokes like this. Jiang Chijing had avoided it, but appeared before him in this way without warning.

He didn't even have extra time to continue to be shocked, because he could feel Zheng Mingyi also looking at him calmly-looking at his looks, looking at his uniform, looking at the booklet he was holding under his ribs.

Most prisoners are like tigers. If you turn to escape, you will only be treated as prey, and you will definitely die. On the contrary, you calmly use your eyes to deter you, which may dispel the idea of ​​tiger hunting and gain a glimmer of life.

Jiang Chijing knew this truth well. He opened his legs again, stepped on Martin boots and walked to the conference table. He patted the folder board on the table with a "bang", raised his chin slightly, and calmly looked down at the three in front of him. Humanity: "Hello everyone, I am your instructor, Jiang Chijing."

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