Restricted Area

Chapter 28: justice

Some prisoners who behave well or have a low risk factor will be arranged to help the guards, such as distributing items and cleaning.

Jiang Chijing believed that the "undercover" in Yu Guang's mouth was actually going to the administrative department to do things, but he really didn't understand how he became a **** of go.

"I checked the ip address of Go God on the stock trading forum, and finally located the Southern Prison." Yu Guang raised his right index finger, placed it on the bridge of his nose, and pushed down his non-existent glasses. "Then I screened the prison again. The people who can use computers here are all civilian prison guards."

Speaking of using computers, those on the inspection team can be completely excluded, and the scope can basically be reduced to the office building.

But this is not the point. Jiang Chijing quickly grasped the key message from Yu Guang's words—God is in the Southern Prison.

"Next, I took the initiative to go undercover in the administrative department and tested every sir, but found that the scope was still too large to be accurate to the individual."

While just telling his reasoning process, Jiang Chijing couldn't help but fall into thinking.

According to what Yu Guang said before, the **** of go is the **** of stocks. It suddenly disappeared more than a month ago, and then reappeared, but the ip address was different from before, and then disappeared immediately...

"So!" Yu Guang said a lot of probing process, finally changed his tone, and continued to say, "I went back to the original place and checked the ip address of Go God, and found that it was not far from the Southern Prison. , In a residential community a few kilometers away."

Hearing this, the answer in Jiang Chijing's heart has gradually surfaced.

"Guess who lives there?" Yu Guang suppressed excitement, "It's you, Officer Jiang!"

Jiang Chijing is not the only one who lives in that community and also appears in the Southern Prison.

Unlike Yu Guang, who was excited, Jiang Chijing glanced at the desk calendar beside his hand calmly, and asked Yu Guang, "When was the last time Go God appeared?"

Yu Guang thought for a while, and reported the day last week, saying that he had never remembered wrong.

That's all right.

The computer was activated by Zheng Mingyi last time, and Jiang Chijing changed the password on the same day. He couldn't think of a complicated and easy-to-remember password for a while. He used some information on the desk calendar, such as the date of the day, to compose a complex password. Even if he forgets it later, he can remember it when he looks at the desk calendar.

The date that Yu Guang reported was the day Jiang Chijing circled in a red pen on the desk calendar.

"Idol." Yu Guang shook his hand in front of Jiang Chijing, "Don't worry, I will be your little brother from today, and I will never reveal your secrets."

Jiang Chijing was still thinking about it. He thought of the ID name of the **** Go—go, which means Go in English, and Zheng Mingyi's Yi word also means Go in Chinese.

Thinking of this, Jiang Chijing laughed abruptly, and intense interest appeared in his unfocused eyes.

"Idol, are you okay?" Yu Guang seemed to be taken aback by Jiang Chijing's appearance. "You can trust me, I am very reliable! So what will we do next?"

As soon as Yu Guang's voice fell, Jiang Chijing's intercom suddenly rang, and the warden's secretary asked him to go to the warden's office.

"No action, just stay with me."

Jiang Chijing replied "received" to the walkie-talkie, and then asked the prison guard in charge to take Yu Guang away.

"Idol, I have nothing to say, I must express my admiration for you, since I—"

"It's OK, go quickly, and it won't be too late to express it later."

Jiang Chijing is not a **** of go, so naturally there is no reason to accept the worship of Yuguang. After the responsible prison guard took Yu Guang away, he looked at the bandage on his hand for a while, then put away his mind, untied the bandage, and went to the warden's office on the third floor.

When the walkie-talkie rang just now, Jiang Chijing probably guessed what the warden would be looking for. After coming, as he expected, it was about Zheng Mingyi helping the prison guards to clear the siege and discussing what kind of rewards should be given.

"Officer Jiang, you are the person involved, what do you think?" the warden asked.

In all fairness, Jiang Chijing felt that the reward should not be too much, because the situation at the time was not critical, even if Zheng Mingyi did not show up, he could still control the audience.

But selfishly, Zheng Mingyi beat the **** so badly, Jiang Chijing always felt that he had done a great thing.

"Give him some performance points." Jiang Chijing said.

"Of course the performance points must be increased. He is failing now." The warden said, "The question is how much to increase."

Zheng Mingyi fought with people five times, and his performance points were already deducted to only two or thirty points left. In his case, he cannot be released on parole when he is about to be released from prison.

Jiang Chijing thought for a while, and said, "Warden, the situation was extremely critical just now. If Zheng Mingyi hadn't arrived in time, I'm afraid I..."

"I understand." The warden nodded, "Although he cannot be commuted, we must reward him in place."

"How about all the negative records before that have been eliminated?" Jiang Chijing said tentatively, "and then fill up his performance points."

Jiang Chijing knew very well that this reward was beyond what Zheng Mingyi deserved, and he did not expect the warden to immediately agree, only to improve the foundation first, and then there is room for a reduction in the price.

It turned out that the warden nodded thoughtfully and agreed: "Very good, I think this reward is very appropriate."

Jiang Chijing raised his eyebrows calmly, and the warden of Dare to Love himself wanted to give a generous reward, so he specifically asked him to put off the act. He pointedly pointed out: "The warden, the stocks have not made less money recently, right?"

"It's okay," the warden said. "My family finally doesn't object to my stock trading."

The famous stock **** on the stock trading forum personally guides the stock trading, which is not the treatment that ordinary people can enjoy.

"By the way, I don't think it's enough." The warden said again, "The stock market closes at three o'clock, and Zheng Mingyi's release time is at 2:30. I think it can extend his release time by half an hour."

Jiang Chijing suddenly thought of studying, and asked: "Who is studying Zheng Mingyi now?"

"Isn't it still you?" the warden said, "Zheng Mingyi said that you have a bad voice and you have two days of rest. I think you are all well."

It turned out to be for this reason...

In other words, Zheng Mingyi only intended to delay him for two days at the beginning, and when he was not so upset, should he come back or come back. In this case, Jiang Chijing said, "Then I don't think there is a need to add another half an hour."

Originally, his work in the afternoon could end at two o'clock. As long as there was nothing extra, the remaining three hours would be his free time. Now that he has been occupied by Zheng Mingyi for so much time, of course he does not want to be occupied for another half an hour.

However, the warden said to the secretary as if he hadn't heard him, and said to the secretary: "Okay, that's it, you go and arrange it."


"Officer Jiang." The warden raised his hand and interrupted Jiang Chijing. "Your work is relatively leisurely. Anyway, if you have so much time, it doesn't hurt to learn how to trade stocks, isn't it?"

Jiang Chijing was silent for a moment when he heard this. He had no interest in stocks before, because he himself was not short of money.

However, when the classic warden mentioned this, his thoughts suddenly changed, because he just discovered a funny thing-it turns out that Zheng Mingyi also has a little secret.

After work that day, Jiang Chijing visited the stock market forum all night.

On this forum, there are many fans of go. Jiang Chijing finally understands why Yu Guanghui worships this idol so much, because go is indeed a character with a heroic aura.

He turned to the post before Go's fame. Go several times predicted the imminent stock market crash, but he replies to him with cynicism until the stock market collapsed without warning. The style of the post changed suddenly, and countless people worshipped it until now. There are still people going to archaeology.

The stock market crash and Zheng Mingyi's fame can also be matched. With the market's bullish sentiment, he went the other way, shorted a large number of stocks in his hand, and finally won a big victory.

It is equivalent to his reputation on the Internet and in reality.

Jiang Chijing flipped through Go's posts one by one. Most of the time, Go only mentions a few bullish and bearish sections. Only occasionally, problematic listed companies will be exposed to allow investors to avoid lightning.

Every time he points out a company, someone will ridicule him and ask him to pay attention to his personal safety, because what he says is too weighty and will cause a heavy blow to the company.

Because of this, since the disappearance of go, forums have been flooded with conspiracy theories. Some people say that Go is imprisoned by black-hearted companies, and some say that Go is under investigation by regulators. In short, everyone is pessimistic.

It's no wonder that Yu Guang is so caring.

Before, Jiang Chijing always felt that Yu Guang was too nervous and didn't take it seriously, but after actually visiting the forum, he discovered that there were so many people concerned about the safety of go.

Jiang Chijing wanted to tell these people, I didn't expect that your great **** was in prison.

And he is the only one who knows this secret.

I have to say that this is really an extremely comfortable thing.

Jiang Chijing continued to read the posts posted by go, and found another interesting point.

Go often makes typos, such as "fund" as "chicken essence" and "short-term" as "breathless", so that every time he makes a trading proposal, someone below will repeatedly confirm whether it is "buy" or "sell".

Many fans ask Go God to go for snacks and avoid typing typos, but only Jiang Chijing knows that their Go God has dyslexia. These words on the forum are probably because he used voice conversion, or it was a blind chicken. of.

Thinking of this, Jiang Chijing curled up his lips and smiled. Zheng Mingyi is really...a little cute.

It wasn't until twelve o'clock in the night that Jiang Chijing's eyes were sore and swollen that he was finally willing to turn off the computer.

He lay on the bed and recalled the scene of Zheng Mingyi's boxing. He originally thought that this man would be cruel and ruthless, but he did not expect that there would be such a righteous side in his back.

If Jiang Chijing is to analyze who Zheng Mingyi is like other people, to be honest, he can't analyze it.

He can only say that Zheng Mingyi is the most interesting one among the people he has met so far.

I took out the bottle of Sanwu product from the refrigerator, wiped it on the bread slices, and hurried out the door with breakfast in his mouth.

At the only traffic light on the way to work, Jiang Chijing finally found a space to eat breakfast. I thought that the secondary processed strawberry jam was a bit unpalatable, but I got used to it after eating it. Instead, I felt more strawberry jam than the factory-produced strawberry jam.

All the slices of bread were wiped out, Jiang Chijing lifted his chin and looked in the rearview mirror, and the corner of his mouth was stained with jam.

He licked the jam clean with his tongue for the first time, but before he could wipe it off with a tissue, the red light jumped to green. He couldn't help but stepped on the accelerator and arrived at the Southern Prison before eight o'clock.

There are fewer letters to be sent today, and Jiang Chijing hastened the pace of sending and receiving letters. He used to chat with individual prisoners about the contents of a few letters, but today he is like a ruthless sending and receiving machine, finishing the job as quickly as possible.

At 8:50, Jiang Chijing hurried back to the library before Zheng Mingyi came, and then went to the bookshelf to find a copy of "Learning Stocks from Scratch", and then pretended to read it in the work area.

When Zheng Mingyi came to the library and sat in the work area, watching Jiang Chijing's expression was a little surprised: "Officer Jiang, you want to learn to trade stocks?"

"Huh huh." Jiang Chijing snorted in a good mood.

"Aren't you not interested before?" Zheng Mingyi asked.

"I changed my mind." Jiang Chijing closed the book and looked at Zheng Mingyi. "Are you going to teach me?"

Zheng Mingyi didn't immediately answer, but read the book and then Jiang Chijing, his expression was obviously strange.

Of course Jiang Chijing didn't really want to learn to trade stocks, he just wanted to see Zheng Mingyi's puzzled appearance. Zheng Mingyi is so good at calculation, but he must not be counted that Jiang Chijing has already known his little secret.

"You don't need to read books when you are trading in stocks." Zheng Mingyi observed Jiang Chijing's expression and slowly said, "It's mainly to accumulate experience."

"What do you read without reading?" Jiang Chijing touched his chin and thought for a while, "I see. Look at the forum, right."

After speaking, he opened the browser at his own discretion and opened the stock trading forum that he had visited for a long time last night.

"I heard that this forum is more authoritative, do you know this forum?" Jiang Chijing asked.

Now Zheng Mingyi's expression was clearly alert, and he kept looking at Jiang Chijing's behavior without moving.

Jiang Chijing's surface was as steady as Mount Tai, and there was no impurities in his eyes, as if he was simply asking questions. But in fact, he just wanted to laugh so hard in his heart.

He finally understands why Zheng Mingyi likes to tease him so much. He has only now discovered that cuteness is such an interesting thing.

"I know." Zheng Mingyi said calmly, "A large number of retail investors have gathered on this forum."

"Do you usually go to this forum?" Jiang Chijing asked again.

Zheng Mingyi continued to look at Jiang Chijing, and asked, "What do you think?"

Jiang Chijing knew Zheng Mingyi's routine well. As long as he started to use rhetorical questioning, it meant that he had pulled the cordon.

"It should be at the meeting." Jiang Chijing suppressed the smile in his heart and said seriously, "I heard that there are many professionals on this forum."

"Where did you hear?" Zheng Mingyi asked suddenly, "You said this forum is more authoritative, who told you about it?"

Zheng Mingyi began to attack, just as Jiang Chijing expected, according to Zheng Mingyi's behavior, he would definitely not be passively beaten.

"Check it online," Jiang Chijing said calmly, "Isn't this forum authoritative?"

Jiang Chijing threw the problem back again. He didn't directly mention the God of Go because of Zheng Mingyi's IQ. If he used his assassin as soon as he came up, then Zheng Mingyi would see a flaw.

However, he still underestimated Zheng Mingyi's alertness. Zheng Mingyi no longer answered questions or asked questions, but looked straight at Jiang Chijing and said, "Officer Jiang, you are not right today."

"Is there?" Jiang Chijing blinked innocently.

"Why suddenly want to learn to trade stocks?" Zheng Mingyi asked.

"The warden asked me to use my free time to learn more. It's not a bad thing."

Jiang Chijing was ready to answer long ago. He knew that cuteness needs to be limited, especially in the face of old foxes like Zheng Mingyi, who will show their feet if they don’t pay attention. Therefore, he no longer goes deep and said casually: "Can you teach me? Taught me?"

"Teach." Zheng Mingyi said, "If you want to learn, why would I not teach?"

When the goal was achieved, Jiang Chijing slightly cocked the corner of his mouth.

He needs a valid reason for raising stocks, so that he will have a chance to tease Zheng Mingyi in the future. As long as Zheng Mingyi can't figure out what's going on, he can retrieve all the accounts that had been teased before.

"Officer Jiang." Zheng Mingyi's voice interrupted Jiang Chijing's smile at the corner of his mouth. "Have you eaten strawberry jam this morning?"

"Huh?" Jiang Chijing returned to his senses and looked at Zheng Mingyi, "I eat every day."

"Is that the jar I made for you?"

"I didn't buy a new one." Jiang Chijing didn't want Zheng Mingyi to think how rare he was, "so as not to waste it."

As soon as the voice fell, Zheng Mingyi on the side suddenly stretched out his hand, took Jiang Chijing's face, wiped the corners of his mouth with his thumb, and said, "Why did you still eat here?"

There was an imperceptible pampering in the tone of these words. When Jiang Chijing had just deliberately mischievous, Zheng Mingyi spoke in this tone, and he couldn't help feeling a tingling in his back.

"Is there?" Jiang Chijing wiped the corners of his mouth with the back of his hand guilty.

He swears that he absolutely licked the jam from the corner of his mouth, but perhaps because he didn't take the tissue and wipe it again, he still missed some after licking it off.

There are certainly not many missing parts, otherwise no one will find out until now. If Zheng Mingyi sat so close to him with something on his face, he would naturally not be able to escape his eyes.

"What processing did you do?" Zheng Mingyi asked, "I will do it next time."

"Add some freshly squeezed lemon juice." Jiang Chijing said, "otherwise it will be a little greasy and sweet."

When he said this, Jiang Chijing completely ignored one thing. Zheng Mingyi meant to do it for him next time.

"Is that so?" Zheng Mingyi looked down and thought for a moment, and then suddenly put the thumb that had just touched the corner of Jiang Chijing's mouth into his mouth.

His jaw moved, and his tongue should be sliding back and forth on his thumb, not wanting to let go of any taste on his thumb.

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