Restricted Area

Chapter 25: obedient

Coming out of the infirmary, Jiang Chijing wandered in the aisle for a while, but finally gave up the idea of ​​looking for the warden.

He had a momentary urge to ask the warden to arrange for Zheng Mingyi to come back, but on another thought, he only drove the person away yesterday, and he got people back today, which seemed a bit too spineless.

Anyway, Zheng Mingyi will come to the library when it's time for the release, and then it will be fine to ask him in person.

If Zheng Mingyi did this to help him resolve the rumors, then he could not use these to offset Zheng Mingyi's teasing on him.

Thinking of this, Jiang Chijing returned to the library and waited until the time came. But after 12 noon today, Zheng Mingyi did not appear in the library as usual.

As time passed by, Jiang Chijing kept looking at his watch, and the anxiety in his heart was obvious.

He never knew that Zheng Mingyi was so obedient and told him not to come. He really wouldn't come.

Not long after, rustling voices suddenly rang out in the library. Jiang Chijing was initially irritated and was about to yell at him, but he found that many prisoners craned their necks and looked at the direction outside the window.

He then moved his gaze out of the window, and saw three or five people standing in the shade of the playground, almost exactly the same battle as last time, except that this time the person standing opposite Xu Sheng has become Zheng Mingyi from a small bastard. .

Jiang Chijing's pupils froze quickly, and his heart tightened a bit.

Zheng Mingyi has already settled the princess, why would Xu Sheng still trouble him?

Before Jiang Chijing could think about it, the picture outside the window made him suddenly stand up from his seat, and the office chair hit the wall with a dull noise.

The prisoners heard the sound and looked at Jiang Chijing, but Jiang Chijing didn't have the time to take the eyes of these people into consideration.

Xu Sheng punched Zheng Mingyi in the side face, Zheng Mingyi staggered back two steps, but somehow stabilized his body. He touched the corner of his mouth with his thumb, and in his eyes appeared the evil birds and ruthlessness that Jiang Chijing had seen.

"Fight, fight!"

"Fight back! He's not a real man!"

Someone in the library started to make a noise, and almost everyone looked like the excitement was not too big. Jiang Chijing took off the baton around his waist, slammed it on the table with a "bang" sound, and said coldly, "Quiet!"

The excited prisoners converged a little, no longer blatantly booed, but still looked at the situation out of the window excitedly.

Jiang Chijing looked at Zheng Mingyi again, with only one thought in his mind: Don't fight.

Xu Sheng has taken root in the Southern Prison for more than ten years. Some prison rules are not even clear to Jiang Chijing. If Zheng Mingyi really clashed with Xu Sheng, he would probably be forced to stay in the Southern Prison and eventually face transfer.

Jiang Chijing didn't want this to happen. He only hated that he couldn't telepathize and let Zheng Mingyi hear his voice, but at this moment, Zheng Mingyi seemed to perceive the existence of Jiang Chijing. , Suddenly raised his eyes, looked at the window of the library, and met Jiang Chijing's eyes.

The distance between the two was not close, but Jiang Chijing still clearly saw Zheng Mingyi's eyes immediately change.

The gathered hostility disappeared in an instant, the tense expression loosened, and the effort in the blink of an eye had completely calmed down.

The two looked at each other for a short time. Zheng Mingyi retracted his gaze and spoke to Xu Sheng expressionlessly. Xu Sheng did not move his hands any more, but moved a step aside and made a move to give way.

Zheng Mingyi stepped past Xu Sheng and walked straight in the direction of the office building. The prisoners in the library made a careless "cut" and left the edge of the window unhappily.

Jiang Chijing breathed a sigh of relief secretly, and then looked at the time again. He estimated that Zheng Mingyi should have gone to the second floor, but could not sit still anymore and walked out of the library into the aisle.

Within half a minute, Zheng Mingyi's figure appeared on the stairs.

Jiang Chijing greeted the prison guard stationed on the second floor and asked him to help look at the prisoners in the library. Then he walked quickly to Zheng Mingyi, looked at the corners of his **** mouth, frowned and asked, "Are you okay? ?"

Zheng Mingyi stopped in front of Jiang Chijing: "It's okay."

Jiang Chijing didn't believe what Zheng Mingyi said, but moved his chin to the side with his hand, carefully looked at the corner of his bleeding mouth, and after confirming that it was okay, his frowned brows finally loosened.

Zheng Mingyi was half a head taller than Jiang Chijing. He shouldn't have expected Jiang Chijing to pinch his chin so aggressively, his eyes were a little surprised and a little funny.

"Is it all right, Officer Jiang?"

"Come with me."

Jiang Chijing grabbed Zheng Mingyi's wrist and took him to the infirmary. It is rare for Yu Guang not to be here, and Luo Hai is lying on a single bed nap.

Seeing the two coming in, Luo Hai rolled over and got up lazily, glanced at the wound on the corner of Zheng Mingyi's mouth, and asked Jiang Chijing, "Who got it?"

"Xu Sheng." Jiang Chijing replied, then let Zheng Mingyi sit on another bed, took out the medicine box from the cabinet in a familiar manner, returned to Zheng Mingyi, and asked, "You and What's wrong with Xu Sheng?"

"What's going on, he taught me." Zheng Mingyi raised his chin cooperatively so that Jiang Chijing could give him medicine.

When a person like Zheng Mingyi was fighting so fiercely, a sentence "he taught me" suddenly popped out of his mouth, and Jiang Chijing heard the feeling of aggrieved inexplicably.

"Didn't you solve the princess?" Jiang Chijing frowned and asked. He is not a professional doctor, the disinfectant cotton in his hand hit Zheng Mingyi's mouth, and Zheng Mingyi hissed immediately with pain.

"Officer Jiang, can you be gentle?" Zheng Mingyi protested.

"I'm not gentle with you yet?" Jiang Chijing put a band-aid on the corner of Zheng Mingyi's mouth without seriousness. "If you don't believe me, you can ask Dr. Luo."

Luo Hai sat on the bed beside him, sighed with emotion, and said with no surprise: "It is indeed gentler than to me."

Jiang Chijing had already regarded Luo Hai as a buddy, and there was no gentleness at all. If Luo Hai suffers this kind of injury, he will at most help him get the medicine kit.

And Jiang Chijing was also looking for Zheng Mingyi to help him resolve the rumors, so he barely showed his only gentleness.

"Why did Xu Sheng teach you?" Jiang Chijing asked again.

"Because the princess is still unhappy." Zheng Mingyi said, "Xu Sheng said that someone was behind the scenes laughing at the princess' blindness."

"So you counted everything in, and you took my business into account, but you still missed this level." Jiang Chijing said.

"Yeah." Zheng Mingyi replied softly, generously admitting that he did make careful calculations, but did not count such results.

"About the rumors," Jiang Chijing paused and said in a low voice, "Thank you."

"No thanks." Zheng Mingyi raised the corner of the other side of his mouth, "Officer Jiang just be more gentle to me."

Jiang Chijing thought he was not a gentle person, so he didn't answer Zheng Mingyi's words.

Fortunately, Zheng Mingyi only got a punch without causing other serious consequences. This is already a blessing in misfortune.

Jiang Chijing relaxed completely, pulled a sliding chair, and sat down in front of Zheng Mingyi: "Fortunately, you didn't fight back."

"I won't fight back." Zheng Mingyi looked at Jiang Chijing and said, "I said, I will listen to Officer Jiang."

When Zheng Mingyi was in confinement last time, Jiang Chijing told him not to use violence to solve problems.

Jiang Chijing suddenly thought that Zheng Mingyi had looked at the library without warning just now, presumably thinking of him while being patient, so he accidentally looked over.

Really obedient.

"Ah." Jiang Chijing cleared his throat uncomfortably, suppressing the strange feeling in his heart, "So I told you not to come to the library, so you really won't come?"

"Otherwise?" Zheng Mingyi tilted his head and looked straight at Jiang Chijing. "Does Officer Jiang want me to come?"

Jiang Chijing was even more uncomfortable when he was seen, and said sternly, "No, you can't love it."

Zheng Mingyi chuckled softly and asked, "So does Officer Jiang like to be obedient or disobedient?"

"Hey." Before Jiang Chijing could answer, Luo Hai interrupted the two of them, "Can you go back to the library to flirt?"

In Luo Hai's eyes, Zheng Mingyi is still a prisoner, and Jiang Chijing believes that he has given up his face by forbearing to speak until now. He was about to say that he didn't flirt with Zheng Mingyi, but Zheng Mingyi first put away his joking expression, put on a serious tone and said, "In fact, there is another reason why I didn't fight back."

Suddenly, Jiang Chijing realized one thing, and it seemed that Zheng Mingyi would only speak indifferently when he spoke in front of him.

"What's the reason?" Jiang Chijing asked.

"Xu Sheng didn't use much effort." Zheng Mingyi said.

"No effort?"

"He is like this." Zheng Mingyi said, right hand made a right uppercut, and in slow motion it was attached to the corner of Jiang Chijing's mouth, then he pushed forward slightly and then retracted his hand. , "So most of what I receive is thrust."

Jiang Chijing's face was pushed to the other side by Zheng Mingyi. He looked at the floor inexplicably, showing that there are countless ways of explanation. Does Zheng Mingyi have to touch his face like this?

Unfortunately, he just thought that Zheng Mingyi was a good person. When Luo Hai interrupted the two of them, he could take the initiative to bring the topic and relieve him.

As a result, that was the end of the siege. Whether to tease him or to tease him, it just found an extremely legitimate reason.

"Are you saying he is like this?"

Jiang Chijing straightened his head, looked at Zheng Mingyi coldly, and then unexpectedly hit Zheng Mingyi with a left uppercut.

In fact, Jiang Chijing is not left-handed. The reason why he uses his left hand is because Zheng Mingyi’s other corner of his mouth has been injured.

The left hand is naturally not as fast as the right hand, and Jiang Chijing has already retracted his strength, so Zheng Mingyi just leaned back slightly without hurriedly, and avoided the left uppercut.

Of course, Jiang Chijing didn't really want to beat Zheng Mingyi, he just wanted to frighten him and win back a city.

As a result, Zheng Mingyi quickly grabbed his wrist and pulled obliquely behind him. When he reacted, he had already turned a little bit and sat down in Zheng Mingyi's arms.

"Officer Jiang, do you really want to do something with me?"

Threatening words came from behind the ear, as if saying that since you want to do it, don't blame me for doing it to you.

But their hands are completely different. Jiang Chijing's hands are beating people, while Zheng Mingyi's hands are to tighten his waist and hold him in his arms.

Jiang Chijing struggled twice, and suddenly felt as if something had been rubbed on his ears. He reacted for a moment, and from the warm breathing, he inferred that it was Zheng Mingyi's lips that had touched his ears.

"Hey." Luo Hai twitched his mouth. "They said that you are going to the library. Anyhow, think about this as the site of your predecessor, okay?"

Jiang Chijing exhaled with a headache, then pushed Zheng Mingyi's chest away hard, stood up and said, "You come out for me."

Zheng Mingyi followed Jiang Chijing out of the infirmary, and immediately asked, "What did Dr. Luo just say about his predecessor?"

Jiang Chijing was too lazy to answer the conversation and walked straight to the front door of the library, but as he walked, he suddenly found that the people behind him had not followed up, so he turned back to the door of the infirmary, and saw Zheng Mingyi standing by the door. , Looked at Luo Hai and asked, "Doctor Luo, are you the predecessor of Officer Jiang?"

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