Restricted Area

Chapter 21: Watch a play

Jiang Chijing stared at Zheng Mingyi and wanted to say: Am I familiar with you?

In the entire southern prison, only Luo Hai would speak casually to Jiang Chijing. Colleagues are not very familiar with each other, and they are naturally polite. After being cleaned up, prisoners who have nothing to look for will not dare to speak rudely to Jiang Chijing.

Only Zheng Mingyi always jumped repeatedly in Jiang Chijing's comfort zone. It hasn't been long before the two knew each other. This person was more casual than Luo Hai.

"Do you think I have a good temper?" Jiang Chijing asked.

"No." Zheng Mingyi said sincerely.

Jiang Chijing stared at Zheng Mingyi for a while, and saw that he didn't mean to tease him anymore, and brought the topic back to business: "The officer Guan who was investigating your case knows me, and he believes you were framed."

"Really." Zheng Mingyi lowered his eyes again, lost in thought.

Jiang Chijing wanted to use Zheng Mingyi's expression to judge what he was thinking, but the interpretation failed in the end.

Zheng Mingyi probably didn't know that Jiang Chijing and Guan Wei knew each other, because since Jiang Chijing was transferred to the prison, he had disconnected from Guan Wei.

But Zheng Mingyi received this new information, and his expression did not change. He was like a hunter waiting in battle, ready to deal with various emergencies at any time.

"Are you really not going to meet him?" Jiang Chijing asked.

"That's it, Officer Jiang." Zheng Mingyi raised his eyes, clasped his fingers and put them on his legs casually, "I see him now without any meaning."

"Why?" Jiang Chijing was puzzled.

"His ability is limited, I can't count on it." Zheng Mingyi hit the nail on the head.

Jiang Chijing fell silent. Zheng Mingyi was right. Regardless of whether he believed Guan Wei subjectively or not, in short, from an objective point of view, Guan Wei could not even find out their inner ghosts. If Zheng Mingyi cooperated with him, it would be true. It is to add danger to oneself.

Judging from the burnt-down house of Zheng Mingyi, this is indeed the case.

"Then you just sit and wait for death?" Jiang Chijing thought, "I think I can still fight for it."

Maybe Zheng Mingyi intends to make plans after he is released from prison, but Jiang Chijing always feels that this kind of waste of a year is not like Zheng Mingyi's behavior.

"It's not the time yet." Zheng Mingyi said, "The most important thing in a chess game is not the offense, but the layout."

"Are you laying out?" Jiang Chijing frowned.

"No." Zheng Mingyi shrugged, "If you lose, you lose. I'm waiting for the next game to start."

If you lose a game, don't be annoyed by it, but calmly analyze the advantages and disadvantages of the enemy and ourselves, and prepare for the next game...

Zheng Mingyi's thinking is terribly clear.

Jiang Chijing suddenly felt that he was a little nosy, maybe Zheng Mingyi didn't need his help at all. But his curiosity still made him unable to help but ask: "Do you have a clue in your hand?"

Zheng Mingyi's eyebrows loosened, not as focused as just now, but with a smile at the end of his eyes: "Officer Jiang, are you so concerned about my business?"

Okay, this guy is playing Tai Chi again.

It is strange that Ming Ming Jiang Chi Jing and Zheng Mingyi have not been in contact for too long, but he can see when Zheng Mingyi is willing to be honest and when he does not want to reveal his thoughts.

For example, when Jiang Chijing asks about clues, he no longer answers directly. Instead, he resorts to the old trick—return to question. Jiang Chijing almost immediately knew that he didn’t need to ask any more, because if Zheng Mingyi did He didn't want to say, he certainly couldn't ask a result.

"It has nothing to do with me." Jiang Chijing said, "It was Guan Wei who asked me to help, so I just asked you."

"That's because of the face of Officer Jiang, it's not impossible for me to meet him." Zheng Mingyi said.

Jiang Chijing was a little surprised, after all, Zheng Mingyi just said it was useless to see Guan Wei. He said: "Previously declare that I will not be involved in your affairs. Guan Wei is not reliable. You can judge for yourself."

"I know." Zheng Mingyi said, "Officer Jiang hasn't been so charming yet, so I am obsessed with it."

Jiang Chijing: "..."

At noon, Zheng Mingyi did not come to the library for the first time. Jiang Chijing estimated that he should have gone to the interview room to meet Guan Wei.

But the troublesome figure appeared in the library again-the princess.

He sat down in the corner of the last row by the window, did not take a book, just looked at his fingernails so idly.

About ten minutes later, Zheng Mingyi came to the library. He stopped when he saw the princess, then took the comic book and turned to the direction of the first row, and drove away the person who was sitting there with his eyes.

Jiang Chijing always felt that the princess would not just sit in the library. The facts proved that his premonition was very accurate. After Zheng Mingyi sat down, the princess got up and went to the first row, sitting on Zheng Ming without bones. Beside Yi.

"Little brother, meet again."

Zheng Mingyi turned his head and glanced at the princess, then looked at Jiang Chijing, raised his chin, and gestured to Jiang Chijing's side, his eyes seemed to say: Can you sit next to you?

It was less than two o'clock at this time, with so many prisoners in the library, Jiang Chijing certainly couldn't let Zheng Mingyi sit in his work area.

He shook his head lightly, saying no.

The princess noticed the eye contact between the two, raised one eyebrow with interest, and looked at them back and forth.

Zheng Mingyi quickly closed his gaze and opened the comic book in her hand, but at this moment, the princess suddenly lifted her chin and looked out the window, then poked Zheng Mingyi's arm with her index finger, and gestured to the playground with her chin. He said in the direction: "Brother, please watch the show."

Zheng Mingyi followed the princess's gaze and looked out the window, while Jiang Chijing on the other side also subconsciously followed.

Since the beginning of summer, there have been fewer people on the playground during lunch breaks, but there are still shady places on the corners of the playground, so there are still individual prisoners who will gather there, because that is the farthest place from the prison guards. .

Now there were three or five people gathered on the playground, and Jiang Chijing saw Xu Sheng, who was a tall man, at a glance.

Xu Sheng has been in jail for more than ten years and is now thirty-eight years old. He has been working out all year round and his figure is well maintained. His thick arms make people feel uncomfortable at first glance.

In front of Xu Sheng stood the little **** who had slept with the princess the other day. At this moment, the little **** was half arched, with an impatient expression trying to explain something, and every time he backed away, he would be pushed back by the people standing on both sides. .

It seemed that Xu Sheng was about to do it.

This thought came to Jiang Chijing's mind. He looked at the guards guarding the playground, and as expected, everyone looked elsewhere in unison, showing that Xu Sheng had already greeted him in advance.

Jiang Chijing sighed silently in his heart. The reason why most prison guards would give Xu Sheng a three-pointer was because Xu Sheng was indeed worthy of giving him a bit of face.

Xu Sheng is very complicated. He was in prison with a suspended death sentence. Later, because a prisoner attacked the guards, he blocked the guards, so the sentence was commuted to life for meritorious deeds and good performance.

He usually cooperates with the prison guards very well, and even helps the prison guards manage the prisoners, and only when others provoke him, will he behave extraordinarily.

Just like now, he suddenly kicked the gangster's lower body, and the gangster fell to the ground with pain on the spot, and was carried to the opposite infirmary by the prison guards, and Xu Sheng was also taken back to Building 1.

This "drama" ended quickly, within a few minutes. Jiang Chijing retracted his gaze from the window and noticed the princess's grinning expression.

In fact, the princess was not so crazy before. When he was in jail, he was still a young man of twenty-four and five, and was imprisoned for theft.

Once he was bullied by several people, and Xu Sheng saved him. From then on, he was like Xu Sheng. Even when he was about to be released from prison, he deliberately committed an offence and extended his sentence.

A few years later, when the princess should be released from prison, Xu Sheng had a premonition that he was about to commit a crime again, so he deliberately slept with other people and wanted him to go out quickly. As a result, the princess not only made the man miserable, but extended his sentence again. He also hooked up with other men out of control.

Of course, these were all what Jiang Chijing heard from Luo Hai, and he hadn't spoken much to the two of them in the six months since he joined the prison.

Compared with ordinary people, the prisoner's psychology is not so easy to figure out, but Jiang Chijing still habitually speculates about the situation between the two.

The princess should mind Xu Sheng's derailment very much, and she can't let it go anyway, that's why it became like this. And Xu Sheng should also feel ashamed in his heart, so he spoiled the princess unconditionally and let him be a demon.

However, according to Jiang Chijing's observation, among the princess's hookers, few people really dared to sleep with him. Most of them were picked up by Xu Sheng because they rejected the princess.

"Did you see, little brother?" The princess's voice interrupted Jiang Chijing's thoughts. "The tall and domineering man is my man."

Zheng Mingyi didn't answer the conversation, and waited for the princess's next words blankly.

"If you make me unhappy," the princess' fingers climbed onto Zheng Mingyi's shoulder again, "My man will clean up you."

Zheng Mingyi glanced at the princess's hand, then looked at Jiang Chijing, and pointed at the princess with his chin. The meaning in his eyes was very obvious: Say it, cover me?

Jiang Chijing recovered from the princess and Xu Sheng's affairs. He sat up straight, raised his chin slightly, and called out, "1017."

As soon as the voice fell, the princess followed and looked over, with a trace of impatientness in her eyes, presumably she had a premonition that Jiang Chijing was going to ruin him again.

"Come here." Jiang Chijing ignored the princess's eyes and looked straight at Zheng Mingyi, "Sit next to me."

As soon as he said this, the prisoners in the library all showed a good-looking expression, and they exchanged glances with the people around them, as if they had eaten some kind of big melon.

Of course Jiang Chijing also knew what his actions meant. He never took care of prisoners' nosy, and this time, he chose to stand up for Zheng Mingyi, because he knew that dealing with people like the princess would be useless, and he had to be tough.

Zheng Mingyi walked into Jiang Chijing's work area in the eyes of all the prisoners.

You know, the prison guard's work area, for all prisoners, is a restricted area. If a prisoner dared to trespass into the prison guard’s work area, he might get a baton straight away.

Zheng Mingyi sat down next to Jiang Chijing and glanced at him from left to right to look at the prisoners. Most people consciously buried their heads and didn't want to provoke Zheng Mingyi. Only the princess looked at them with interest. People's eyes are also shining with gossip light.

"Officer Jiang." Zheng Mingyi tilted his head, leaned to Jiang Chijing's ear, and whispered, "Am I yours now?"

Jiang Chijing asked Zheng Mingyi to sit next to him, which seemed a bit of an oath of sovereignty. But this is also no way, he can't drive the princess from the library every time, he has to let him retreat.

Jiang Chijing kept facing forward, glanced at Zheng Mingyi calmly, and said in business: "You are the warden's person."

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