Restarting the myth

Chapter 97 I'm waiting for my teammates, what are you waiting for?

On August 16, all the hexagrams in Wayne's body lit up, two days earlier than he estimated. ✿.。.:* ☆:**:. .:**:.☆*.:。.✿

The four elements in the gray space have a huge reserve, an extremely exaggerated number, so exaggerated that even if Wayne tries his best to get them, the other party can easily satisfy his desire.

This is undoubtedly good news for Wayne. He has been satisfied, but the Book of Greed has not yet satisfied him. The bottomless pits of the magic eyes in the four corners of the cover cannot be filled.

Without the gray space, Wayne can't imagine who can satisfy this gluttony.

You can't be a gigolo for the goddess, right?

It's not impossible, it's good to have both sides.

From another perspective, this is also bad news for Wayne. His plug-in is congenitally insufficient and needs to be reshaped. The ancient silver coin is Planck's token, and the other party will take it back sooner or later.

Moreover, Wayne is really afraid that the Book of Greed will drain the gray space.

Geniuses will be sought after, monsters will only be put on the dissection table. If the gray space is really drained, I am afraid that Gangplank will not be so easy to talk to.

For now, the gray space is very large, and the Book of Greed is just an ant hole on a thousand-mile dam. It will not cause qualitative changes in a short time.

It can still be drained!

Wayne has imagined transforming into a death knight and taking the ancient silver coins from Gangplank or Auston. The benefits belong to him and the blame belongs to the death knight.

But he was afraid that the Free Mage Alliance would have other tricks and could not connect to the gray space after taking the ancient silver coins, so he had to regretfully give up this idea.

He is still too weak.

Only the weak will look ahead and behind, while the strong don't need to use their brains. A sentence of "those with virtue will occupy it" will be done.

Compared with the Dark Knight, Wayne wants to be the son of Krypton. What connotation and depth do you want? Brainless fun is really fun.

Let's talk about the hexagram in Wayne's body. The lighting of all the hexagrams can only mean that he has gotten rid of the concept of beginners, but it does not mean that the hexagrams can be connected and formed immediately.

He still needs to absorb elements, and when the six elements of earth, fire, water, wind, space, and self in his body reach a perfect balance, everything will come naturally, and the hexagram will take shape by itself.

The key lies in balance.

Every magician has different balance indicators. Some people have strong desires, while others have few desires. Wayne has so many fire elements in his body that he is definitely the kind with strong desires.

Wayne has already laid down.

At first, he was very afraid of the description of the lustful in the book and Xifei. Magicians with strong desires are prone to go astray, find it difficult to resist the temptation of the outside world, and are more likely to go crazy.

Now, it doesn't matter what happens. There is nothing wrong with strong desires.

He has read the book of greed, and taking the path of few desires is self-destruction.

Wayne slowed down the plunder of the three elements of earth, water, and wind, and tried to grasp his own balance. He is now a fire element puff, so full that it will overflow at any time. According to the setting of the lustful, his desire for the other three elements will not be too exaggerated.

There is no reason to max out the fire element, and the other three elements should also be maxed out. It's too balanced, and it's not realistic to think about it.

In terms of the case, Heidi works during the day and goes home at night. She entrusted the task of finding her father to the two detectives. Every time they met, she was smiling and not in a hurry.

The real owner was not in a hurry, and the two detectives were even less anxious. They were busy investigating every day and were busy all the time.

Wayne was pretending to be busy. He wandered around Dragon Heart Island, met the King Kong crew, took the last few shots, and took time to meet Veronica and Willie to improve his favorability.

Kerr was really busy, running to bars and hotels every day.

If it were an ordinary person who challenged heavyweight players every day, he would have fallen asleep and couldn't get up again. But he was still like nothing happened. If he wasn't a magician, it would be hard to explain why he was so energetic.

He played magic to its true meaning!

On August 20, Heidi could no longer sit still and invited Wayne and Kerr to have lunch together at the restaurant opposite the company.

She found a secret passage in the company, which was most likely her father's hiding place.

Although everyone knew it, they still had to act. Wayne and Kerr exclaimed that it was incredible. They had conducted an in-depth investigation of Bart Manor these days and had never considered the possibility that Mr. Bart was hiding in the company.

"Damn, I was fooled by this old guy!" Kerr was extremely upset, saying that the investigation went astray and wasted precious time.

Heidi was also very angry. She sat in the office every day, but her father kept it a secret for so long.

The foreplay was almost over, and several people began to get down to business.

The Bart family's company is a shipyard. All employees are on holiday this afternoon. Heidi hopes that the two magicians can open the secret passage. After the commission contract is completed, she will lead a team of security personnel to end the endless transactions between the family and the devil.

Of course, if the two magicians are willing to contribute, they have the right to divide the dragon's great treasure.

After friendly negotiations, the two sides signed a spoils-sharing agreement, written in black and white. The sacred contract cannot be desecrated, and no one is allowed to regret it.

Everyone is very satisfied, everyone has a bright future, and the lunch ends in a cheerful atmosphere.


Bart Shipyard.

A shipyard far away from the port coast, the parts processed in the factory are sent to the seaside for reassembly. Each step of the packaging, transportation and disassembly process requires time and money, which adds unnecessary expenses, and the site selection problem is very big.

Especially since this is a new factory, the old factory was deliberately split and moved here.

Heidi, dressed in a brisk and capable workplace outfit, led the two detectives to the factory reservoir. She was accompanied by Marina, a professional model, wearing a black long dress and looking quite elegant.

Wayne saw this, and Marina had another label of bodyguard.

The circle of high society is not only chaotic, but also very playful.

The shipyard reservoir has been emptied, and dozens of strong employees are cleaning the silt. Wayne looked down and saw the inverted pentagram that was very familiar.

Hell faith!

Lenovo's basement, the reservoir is a deep well magnified ten times, and the magic circle representing uncleanness has also been magnified ten times.

The workers are busy working, neither curious nor whispering, well-trained and more like soldiers.

Heidi smiled and made way, and it was the turn of the two magicians to perform.

Wayne did not move, Kerr jumped into the reservoir, holding the cross pendant in his hand at some point, and whispered the passage from the Bible.

A layer of holy light shone around him, and his steps were light and solemn, leaving deep white marks on the inverted pentagram with every step.

The inverted pentagram magic circle began to rotate, and white ripples appeared on the ground. As Kerr stretched out his hands and slowly raised them, a warm and healing power brought unprecedented peace and satisfaction to everyone.

At this moment, Kerr was as holy as an angel.

Wayne: (_)

It is difficult to feel immersive when pressing the F key to enter the tank angel. I must have been dazzled just now.

The inverted pentagram rotated into an orthodox pentagram, and the holy light disc machine dispersed evil and also dispelled the demon's protective power. The bricks and stones under the reservoir began to collapse, revealing a spiral descending passage.

Kerr lightly jumped to Heidi's side, his eyes were filled with holiness, and with that extremely charming face, it was no exaggeration to call himself an angel.

Heidi's breathing had already accelerated a little.

Kerr showed off his muscles a little, and Heidi's attitude was obviously much more respectful.

The workers brought wooden boxes, opened them with crowbars and took out submachine guns. In just two minutes, a team of soldiers armed with live ammunition were ready to go.

Heidi and Marina put on their equipment, Wayne and Kerr also asked for weapons for self-defense, and the five soldiers led the way and entered the dark passage along the spiral staircase.

Wayne walked at the end, and before entering the passage, his trouser legs shook off the barely detectable plant spores.

He observed the carvings on the walls of the passage, which were all descriptions related to suffering and punishment, which reminded him of hell. They were standing at the entrance of hell, and the bottomless abyss below connected to hell.

The bottomless abyss was only 20 meters, and the flashlight shone directly to the bottom. A wall blocked everyone's way.

There was a blood totem painted on the wall, indicating that this place had been marked by the evil god, warning the visitors to leave as soon as possible.

On the left and right sides of the totem, there were simple paintings of the evil god descending to the world, dark clouds covering the sky above the city, the storm roaring, the waves rolling high, and the dark body standing on the earth.

Kerr studied the murals repeatedly and whispered to Wayne, "I have seen similar murals in the ancient books of the Heavenly Father Church. The situation is a bit tricky. The deal between the Bart family and the devil is probably not as simple as the dragon relics."

Your identity is even more complicated. Tell me, are you an investigator of the Heavenly Father Church?

Wayne shrugged. He was a newbie and had not yet figured out his own Life Alliance. The belief in heaven and hell was beyond the scope.

Heidi's side, the soldiers couldn't find the mechanism to open the wall, and were estimating the thickness of the wall to prepare explosives.

Kerr's scalp tingled when he saw it, and he took the initiative to step forward and tell the way to open the mechanism. It's not that troublesome. The blood of the Bart family members can be used. Don't use explosives at every turn.

Marina drew out a dagger and cut a knife on the back of her hand. According to Kerr's instructions, blood dripped into the blood totem.

Boom boom boom————

The sound of the gears turning came from below, and the ground under the feet of everyone suddenly collapsed, the wind pressure roared, and the irresistible suction came, sucking them all into the darkness.

On the other side, two golden retrievers got wind of the news and came to the deserted shipyard. They arrived at the spiral passage safely.

Willy turned on the flashlight, threw a stone to ask for directions, and came to the totem wall with Veronica.

After only two minutes, the collapsed ground was restored to its original state, without any trace of damage.

The totem murals on the wall also changed. There was no blood faith, no evil god was painted, and instead, it was a simplified evil dragon with bared fangs and claws.

The evil dragon soared in the sky, and nine knights stood on the earth. The two sides started a brutal fight, and a knight holding a long sword split the chest and abdomen of the evil dragon.

The tragic battle collapsed a world, and the nine knights were exiled by the whirlpools. The dragon wailed and covered its chest, and its heart fell and disappeared.

Willy looked at the golden knight with shining eyes, humming and haha, making the same posture as in the mural, and poked Veronica's chest with a sword.

"Evil dragon, take my sword."


After being stabbed, he squatted on the ground with his head covered, and never mentioned slaying dragons again.

Veronica's heartbeat accelerated. The murals about giant dragons on the wall made her blood boil, and she felt an irrepressible excitement. She took out a self-defense knife from her waist and scratched her fingers with difficulty.

She couldn't do it, and it didn't break the defense.

She finally squeezed out a streak of red, and quickly smeared it on the mural before the wound healed.

Boom boom————

The sound of the gears turning sounded, and the two golden-haired guys fell down with their eyes wide open.


"Damn guy, I almost got killed by him."

In the dark underground river, Wayne stood up with the help of the slippery wall. Recalling the scene just now, he couldn't help but feel a little frightened.

After the ground collapsed, a group of people fell into the waterway slide and were washed away by the waterways that extended in all directions.

Wayne thought a lot, but he didn't expect that the magic trap would be related to the rapid rapid descent. He looked at the caves flashing with fluorescent light around him and thought that this was reasonable.

The shipyard was built two years ago. The construction of the underground palace with a large force would only make it known to everyone. Relying on the geographical conditions of Longxin Island to build a secret base in the underground river is in line with the routine of the evil god believers.

The main theme is dark and unknown.

The underground waterway is dark, and Wayne has super vision. With the help of fluorescent reflection, he can see the complex cave clearly.

He waited for a while. If he was lucky, he might wait for the beautiful girls who fell from the sky, or two, and they were still wet.

But his luck was very average. He waited for half an hour and didn't see anyone.

"It should be another fork in the road..."

"Well, so much time has passed, and the road that should be taken has been completed by others for me."

Wayne waded forward, the water flowed over his knees, the resistance was great and the footing was slippery. He used his super vision and sense of smell to speed up his journey and soon caught Kerr's scent.

Of all the people, Wayne was most optimistic about Kerr, and therefore, when he saw the bottomless cliff at the end of the smell, he couldn't help but fall into speechlessness.

Wayne didn't believe that Kerr was so cold, and guessed that the water flow washed away the other's clothes.

Without the guidance of an important person, Wayne could only rely on his own exploration. He first returned along the original route, and then walked along the spacious cave. Two minutes later, there was no slippery road under his feet, and he stepped onto the flat rocky terrain.

After walking hundreds of steps, the front suddenly opened up, and there was a heat in the air. The color of the surrounding rock walls gradually deepened, and the dark red seemed to be soaked in blood.

The closer you get to the middle, the deeper the blood color, and the hotter the air.

Wayne sniffed, stopped and waited quietly.

Marina appeared with a submachine gun, her long hair tied at the back of her head was washed away by the water, half-dried and hanging on her shoulders, her long skirt was torn into a short skirt, revealing two straight and tight long legs, which made it convenient for her to move freely in the narrow environment.

Seeing Wayne alone, Marina frowned slightly and asked: "Detective Wayne, where is Detective Kerr who is inseparable from you?"

"I don't know, I lost contact with him."

"It's a pity, I still ask you two to continue to help!"

"Who said it wasn't!"

Wayne and Marina were not familiar with each other, and they couldn't find a common topic. They chatted a little bit, always keeping a certain distance. Gradually, the footsteps around them increased.

More than a dozen soldiers surrounded Wayne with live ammunition and pointed their guns at Wayne without saying a word.

The atmosphere was solemn, and the hot air was even more oppressive, making breathing rapid.

Wayne sighed: "Mrs. Marina, the expedition has just begun. We haven't seen the treasure yet. Is it necessary to rush to kill each other?"

Then you must have the strength to see the treasure!

The two detectives who came from Lundan, Kerr proved himself to be a powerful magician, but Wayne did not. He only showed the professionalism of a detective, being cautious and careful not to make big mistakes.

The river has been crossed, it's time to demolish the bridge.

Marina's face was cold and she taunted: "Detective Wayne, I'm waiting for my teammates. What are you waiting for, Detective Kerr?"

"No, I'm waiting for the flowers to bloom."

Wayne's voice turned cold, and a hot wind blew through the whole place.

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