Restarting the myth

Chapter 65: The Second Spirit of Vengeance (Please book first)

“Human beings are so terrible.

Wayne touched the skull's head, thinking that he had also been threatened by a cement bucket, and he couldn't help but feel emotional.

"Indeed, humans are terrible." Yulia nodded in agreement.

"Very scary!"

Abin made a sound of grievance, recalling the sad past, and the soul flame beating in his eyes trembled in a trance.

Wayne: (_)

You two just have different feelings. In terms of scary, you both scared people to the point of peeing just now.

With a wave of his hand, the boiling river water turned into a large tentacle, rolled up the gasoline barrel and threw it directly to the shore ten meters away.

There was a loud bang, the gasoline barrel deformed, large pieces of cement fell off, and a stench spread.

Friends who often stuff people into cement buckets and sink them into rivers all know that if you do not mix cement and sand in a ratio of one to three or four, but pour cement directly, the hardened cement will be very fragile and will be easily absorbed by the gases emitted from the body. Crack and deformation.

Of course, the effect of adding sand is average, and it will still crack if it should, unless the corpse is first...

Ahem, back to business, Wayne supported the undead horse and came to the shore. With his nod, Abin stirred up the mist and roughly opened the box, breaking all the cement on the body.

The corpse was dressed in a beige trench coat and kept a curled up shape. Its hands were fastened behind its back with silver bracelets and its feet were tied. It was in a serious state of decomposition. In addition, Abin's rough behavior tore off large pieces of flesh, making it impossible to identify the corpse.

But the uniform under the deceased's windbreaker, the senior inspector's shoulder insignia, and the police badge that fell to the ground have already proved his profession.

The fog rolled up the police badge and presented it to Wayne. He raised his hand to take it, brushed off the stains and confirmed that it was the Lundam police badge. The deceased was from the Lundam Police Department.

"He is a policeman with a story..."

Wayne's first thought was to take advantage of the gangsters. This senior inspector used his power to open the door to social groups. Because he repeatedly increased prices or took money to do nothing, he was retaliated by social groups and was killed.

"No, when did my thoughts become so dark?"

Wayne muttered, the shadow nightmare is so evil, it can erode a person's mind invisibly, and even a sunny boy like him can't resist it.

Yes, that must be the case.

He changed his mind and thought that the police were good policemen. He ignored the dissuasion of his colleagues and investigated a big shot.

During this period, a large amount of evidence was seized and the big shot refused social donations. The angry big shot sent his men to stuff them into cement buckets and sink them into the river.

"Big shot?!"

Wayne snorted coldly, thinking of the big shot who drove him out of Lundan. If I remember correctly, the other party's threat was to stuff him into a cement bucket and sink him into the river.

Thirty years to the east of the Tame River, thirty years to the west of the Tame River, don't bully young people into poverty!

The big shot must have never imagined that after three months, the ant that could easily be crushed to death would stand up!

Three months, do you know how I got through these three months?

The butler took good care of me!

He didn’t have to worry about food or drink, and he even picked up a long-legged teacher!

Wayne's anger surged, and black smoke crazily erupted from the skull's head. Looking from a distance, two white flames danced violently in the twisted black mist.

Sensing the anger of their master, the undead war horses spit out purple flames, and the evil dogs looked up to the sky and howled.

The enemy of an enemy is a friend. Wayne no longer thought about it, and he quickly left his name in the Book of Greed and signed the second Spirit of Vengeance.

[Humble prayers, resentful dead in vain, I hear your wails...

Under the witness of the sacred contract, everything you have belongs to me. You can keep the past but lose the future...

You have been given a chance to be reborn. You will become a spirit of vengeance, wielding the butcher knife for your master, your god, and me.]

Wayne did not avoid Yulia and awakened his second vengeful spirit in person.

To be fair, there was no forced master-servant contract between Yulia and him, which was very different from Abin. It is still a second-hand horse. The previous owner may come to the door at any time. Strictly speaking, it does not belong to him.

But Wayne still trusted him and looked beyond the appearance to see the essence. Underneath the appearance that went against Wayne's aesthetics of justice, Yulia had a pure heart. He was far kinder than 99% of human beings, at least better than him, Wayne. .

Yulia offered her loyalty to Wayne, and Wayne trusted Yulia. If the trust was not absolute, it was absolute distrust, so he did not deliberately avoid her contracted spirit of vengeance.

Yulia didn't know this. When she met Abin, she knew that Abin had a powerful master, powerful enough to create magical life and have the possibility of pulling out the shadow nightmare.

Therefore, Yulia was not surprised to see the corpse in front of him come to life.

The corpse wearing a beige trench coat slowly got up, river water dripping down the hem of the clothes, staring blankly at the undead war horse, evil dog, and the master who gave him a new life.

At the same time, the image of the second dependent appeared on the pages of the Book of Greed and the Spirit of Vengeance.

The man wore a beige coat, police uniform and boots. His eyes were gray and his skin was moist and pale. There was always a water stain under his feet.

It's a water ghost!

Wayne was condescending, his skull head opened its upper and lower jaws, and he made a heavy voice: "Lift your head and look into my eyes."

The man subconsciously looked at the two white lights, and the memories of the dead came to his mind, reminding him of his own name.

Beau Phillip.

Phillip recalled the past, and a picture flashed before Wayne's eyes.

The first article is about three children sitting on the swing in the orphanage and talking about their dreams.

The dream of two boys, Philip and Perry, is to become brave and fearless policemen. They are still young and do not understand what the policemen have to bear. They only know that the policemen on the street are very majestic and handsome. If they become policemen, no one dares to bully them.

The girl Timmy fantasizes about becoming a teacher or a nurse, preferably a nurse. When Philip and Perry are injured, she can help bandage their wounds and give them injections if they are disobedient.

In the second chapter, Timmy is adopted by a wealthy couple because of his good looks. Philip and Perry also leave the orphanage one by one and never meet again.

In the third chapter, Philip becomes a policeman as he wishes. He is brave and fearless and has made many meritorious deeds. He meets Timmy when he saves a beautiful girl and falls in love with him at the speed of light.

Timmy does not become a teacher or a nurse. Under the education of his adoptive parents, he works in the financial industry, that is, an office clerk.

In the fourth chapter, Philip's colleague is injured, and a new partner comes to the office. Perry also realizes his childhood dream and becomes a policeman.

On this day, the three members of the orphanage reunited, and the scene was warm and harmonious.

In the fifth chapter, Philip investigated the missing person case and followed the underworld all the way up to find a congressman. He ignored Perry's advice and continued to dig deep for clues.

With a bang, Philip fell straight down, and Perry stood expressionless behind him.

The underworld held a farewell party for Philip. Perry stood with the underworld leader. He was a congressman's man. He had advised Philip, but the latter insisted on his own way, and he had no choice but to do so.

Philip roared angrily, unwilling to believe all this, and questioned his childhood friend, where is the dream.

Perry smiled disdainfully, mocking Philip's naivety. In the city of Lundan, there are too many people chasing dreams, but few succeed.

People's dreams will eventually succumb to reality!

For people like them at the bottom of society, if they want to jump over class barriers, they must have the help of noble people. If they blindly pursue illusory dreams, they will only stay at the bottom of society forever.

Philip thought he had realized his dream, but in fact he was just a tool, a tool that was needed because of his value.

Justice or something, it doesn't exist!

Perry: I don't want to be a supporting role, I don't want to be a tool, I want to climb up and make everyone look up to me.

Philip: I look down on you!

Perry was not angry, he poured the cement calmly, and at the last moment when Philip's face was covered, he lightly expressed his love for Timmy.

He hated Philip. Obviously everyone was working hard, and obviously he paid more, but Philip got everything. He was always a bystander and a supporting role.


Philip curled up on the ground with his head in his arms. The flashback of memory made him fall into the abyss of pain. He loved this brother too much. The strong contrast, the two completely different faces of loyalty and cruelty overlapped alternately, making him angry and crazy, and then gave birth to a strong resentment.

Resentment for betrayal!

The Thame River rolled with huge waves, the calm river surface stirred up whirlpools, the undercurrent boiled, and the terrifying waves turned into waves, hitting the two banks again and again.

Because he is a water ghost, his ability is related to water?

Wayne looked at the turbulent river surface, and a string of question marks floated across his mind. Strictly speaking, Philip was drowned by cement, not the Thame River.

So, cement is also water?

"Be quiet, you disturbed the balance of the night."

Wayne waved his hand and sprinkled magic, which rained on Philip like raindrops. The latter's rotten body slowly changed, and finally turned into a drowned chicken wearing a police uniform and coat, with a pale face and wet body.

"I give you a new life, you live again because of me, my spirit of revenge, Bo Philip is the past, from today on, you are called Abo." Wayne sat on the horse, drew out the white bone sword and pointed it at Philip, waiting for the other party to kneel on one knee to accept the new life.

However, it didn't happen. The first time the spirit of revenge woke up, it needed to complete the revenge for the previous life.

This is the case with Abin and Abo. They both have strong obsessions that cannot be let go.

Abo is a human being with more ideas and more obsessions.

Looking at the powerful and evil master in front of him, Abo's heart was cold. It was the villain and the big devil who gave him a new life. Once upon a time, his dream was to go through fire and water for justice and to do whatever it took to help the weak, until he gave his life.

He never expected that after a night's sleep, he would become a minion of evil.

What is the difference between this and Perry serving the congressman?

Oh, there is a big difference. The congressman is not as evil as the big devil.

"I, my master, after I complete my revenge, can you grant me eternal sleep?" Abo said bitterly. His dream has always been to be a partner of justice and he does not want to serve evil.

"Roar, roar, roar——"

Yulia spewed flames, Abin stepped forward, his ears stood up, and he bared his fangs and gave a warning roar.

Boy, I advise you not to be ignorant of your honor. It's not too late to kneel down and apologize now! x2

Abin doesn't like Abo. This bastard is a bit ungrateful. Unlike him, he didn't ask for any conditions at that time.

"I heard your call and came here. Why did I wake up and then sleep again? Haven't you slept enough?" Wayne pressed his hand, signaling Abin and Yulia not to get excited. If they learn more from their master, he won't be angry.

It's normal for young people to make mistakes and not know what to do. Take him in as a dog first, and then you can make things difficult for him later.

Abo was silent for a moment, and said slowly: "I want to be a good person."


Wayne laughed and pointed at himself, Abin, and Yulia: "What, do we look like bad people?"

Abo: "..."

This is not a question of resemblance.

"I know what you are afraid of. There is no need. I can also tell you straightforwardly. It doesn't matter what you think. It's up to me."

Wayne looked at Abo condescendingly: "Abo, remember, the moment you wake up, you are my dog. Whatever I want you to do, you must do it!"

Abo bit his lower lip, and before he could say anything, Wayne continued: "Go, vent the anger in your heart, complete your revenge for the past, cut off your past, from now on, your future will belong to I."

Abo didn't move, and Wayne sneered: "Counting the time, you have been dead for half a year. Let me guess, is your beautiful girlfriend lying in your brother's arms now?"


A thunder exploded above Abo's head. Yes, his past was not only filled with hatred, but also love.

He resented not only the betrayal, but also himself, for having failed his lover.

He had obviously promised the other party that he would go home early that night and enjoy a candlelight dinner with Timmy, but he was already half a year late.

Abo turned around suddenly, jumped into the water and disappeared.

"Master, do you want to follow me and take a look?"

"It's not good, it's been half a year, maybe the horse is getting dismounted over there..."


Princes Street, London West End.

The fog in the middle-class neighborhood was not very thick. It was already after early morning, and a few cars passed slowly on the streets near the residential area, with few pedestrians passing by.

Abo got out of the sewer like a drowned rat and stared at a window on the fifth floor in silence. After a while, he climbed up to the balcony using his hands and feet.

Like Abin, Abo also needs to be fed by Wayne's magic.

Because he refused to serve his master, he did not receive magic power. He was in a weak state at this time. His skill panel was gray and many abilities could not be used.

Moreover, he had just woken up and he still didn't know what he was. He naively thought that he was just a dead soul awakened by the devil.

As a water ghost, Abo cannot stay away from the Tame River or the water, otherwise his body will dry up quickly and all attributes will decline, making him no different from the uncle and aunt in the cemetery.

Just as Abin was confined to the Lundam Fog, Abo was confined to the River Tame, and both were left extremely weak once they left their own territory.

Solution, obey your master and get rewarded with magic.

Abo stood on the balcony and looked into the bedroom through the floor-to-ceiling windows. His girlfriend Timi was curled up on the bed, with a haggard face and heavy dark circles under her eyes. Her originally beautiful long hair was now dry and without any luster.

The bedside table was filled with photos of the two of them.

"You've lost weight..."

Abo murmured to himself, raising his hand to push open the floor-to-ceiling window, but in the end he didn't have the courage.

He is dead and his future is doomed. He can't give his lover anything, not even a promise.

What's the point of meeting each other at this time, igniting the flame of hope and then extinguishing it with your own hands, making each other suffer forever?

"You are a good girl. Forget about me. I don't deserve it."

Abo closed his eyes in pain, leaned against the wall and dug into his pockets, looking for a cigarette to calm down, but only took out a wet cigarette case.

"Hey, your girlfriend is quite beautiful and has good bones!"

A haunting voice sounded, and Abo suddenly opened his eyes and looked towards the source of the sound. The undead war horse was facing down, its hooves stepping on the wall as if it were walking on the ground.

On horseback, his master lowered his head and said: "This flower of life is about to wither. I can help speed it up so that you can continue to love each other after death."


Abo knelt down directly and said loyally: "My kind master, I like the name you gave me very much. I am willing to dedicate my future to you. Even if I fall into hell and become a devil, I will have no regrets. I just ask you to let go." Live my past.”


"Who's out there?"

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