Restarting the myth

Chapter 540: Elohim, Visitors from Outer Space

Chapter 541 Elohim, Visitors from Heaven

Squeak! !

Under the rolling waves, there was the sound of metal being violently twisted, followed by a loud noise, white foam billowing, and a ball of red light jumping into the sky at high speed.

Under the pressure of strong external force, the shape of the twisted body is difficult to distinguish. Also because of the strong pressure, the information of the mechanical weapon evolves by itself, and its performance in all aspects is further improved.

The machine body stretched at high altitude, rapidly changed its form, and reorganized into an interstellar battleship with a length of more than two kilometers. The densely packed weapon systems were activated, aiming at the pale sea below and bombing indiscriminately.

When in doubt, firepower covers you.

As the saying goes, if you are poor, you can use tactics to intersperse, and if you are rich, you can cover it with firepower. The War Knight has endless energy and renewable information resources. Faced with powerful enemies that cannot be eliminated, and can continue to evolve and adapt to the environment like him, he chooses the tactics he is best at.

The CPU told him that Wayne was not within the scope of logical operation, and there was no point in understanding the other party. Don't worry about it, just blow it up and it would be over.

The electromagnetic gun flashed through beams of red light, interrupting the overwhelming tentacles. Every time a shell fell into the deep sea, it would set off pale waves.

The land-washing offensive is powerful, but it can only wash away the surface of the earth, but cannot erase the entire pale sea.

The pale regeneration ability exceeds the damage output of the War Knight. The more it kills, the more it kills. It is like the Hydra in myths and legends. It cuts off one tentacle and grows two more to replace it.

They can't be killed, they can't be killed at all.

The War Knight faced the same predicament as Yelian. Wayne could not do anything to him, and he could not do anything to Wayne.

The difference is that he was oppressed by Wayne and could evolve, and then...

Wayne evolved as well.

If the left foot steps on the right foot, it belongs to yes.

Buzz! !

The star battleship deformed, its streamlined hull transformed into a space fortress, and the huge hull with a diameter of ten kilometers cast a large shadow in the sky over the Pale Sea.

Layers of dark red light curtains rhythmed like water splashes, and trembling energy gathered from all around the space fortress to below. The red energy balls danced with electric arcs, and the color gradually twisted into darkness, pushing away the surrounding air, releasing the terror of destroying the world. breath.

Literally speaking, this is not an exaggeration. This shot can really cut the God's Chosen Continent in two.

The pale sea stopped creeping in an instant, and a crack spread thousands of miles opened. The huge eyeballs opened and stared at the space fortress high in the sky.

Invisible whispers spread, ancient, decayed, incomprehensible murmurs disturbed the battle fortress, shaking the black energy sphere and shaking, almost unable to maintain its shape.


After a series of roars of white liquefied space explosions, the black shock wave hit the pale sea and hit the eyeballs in the sea irresistibly.

The majestic shock wave hit the iris of the eyeball, causing ripples to spread out. There was only a crisp sound, the iris shattered, and the black light pierced the eyeball straight into the depths of the pale sea.

Dazzling bright light shot up into the sky, and large swaths of white foam were lifted high into the sky by the expanding energy. In just an instant, the Prussian capital Burrow evaporated on the spot.

Like a domino effect, with Burrow as the center, more and more pale bodies were lifted into the sky. It was not until most of Prussia disappeared that the crazy shaking of the earth stopped.

Looking down from a high altitude, a black ball that expanded hundreds of kilometers was embedded in the pale earth, surrounded by electric arcs, and ripples swept outward in circles.

In the air, powerful energy interfered with the space, the magnetic field was rampant, and the gravity was unbalanced, making the entire sky cloudy and cloudy. The fast-moving thunder snake was exposed outside the sky and erupted with a loud roar.

With a loud sound and an undetectable crisp sound, a black torrent poured on the surface of the earth. The terrifying shock wave wiped out the entire Prussia, stirred it into powder, and then completely evaporated.

The next moment, the remaining shock waves swept across all directions, breaking out of the Prussian border and ravaging the territories of surrounding countries.

High in the sky, this darkness is also clearly visible.

"The War Knight's power has reached his upper limit and he can be taken away..."

The Plague Knight looked down at the Chosen Continent. The continent that had been cut in half was riddled with pits, and a large piece of it was dug out in the center, forming a deep crater like a meteorite hitting the surface.

"Unfortunately, there is no death, everyone is contaminated." The Famine Knight said regretfully.

The Plague Knight nodded. It was indeed a pity. If it weren't for Wayne, the blow from the War Knight would have been enough to completely awaken Death, and the ceremony would have been smoother.

"What to do with Death? Should we take him away?"

"I'll do it myself."

The Plague Knight said slowly: "I once opened up a world alone in the void, created a group of lives, and brought the War Knight there. Death will soon wake up."

"Where's Yelian?"

"It doesn't matter, she was never part of the plan."

Plague Knight said calmly: "Her value lies in creating war. She has completed her mission and it is time to retire."

"Yelian knows a lot of important information. Is it appropriate to leave her to the enemy?"

"It doesn't matter. The Doomsday Judgment is coming and everything will end. Whether they know it or not, they can't change the future."

The Plague Knight looked at the squirming pale sea below and the 'human beings' resurrected in the foam, and said calmly: "Wayne thought he protected the world, but on the contrary, he integrated into the world. We only need to judge him, Then you can judge the whole world.”

After saying that, he waved his hand and pulled out a metal head from the distant void.

This is the head of the War Knight, which was beheaded by Wayne and exiled to the void with his own hands.

Wow! !

The white foam squirmed, multiplying at an exponential rate, filling the halved God's Chosen Continent at a speed visible to the naked eye. Life, large and small, returned, and ruined buildings were reorganized. From flowers and grass to buildings and mountains, everything was restored to its original state. shape.

A white mass surged up and squirmed, turning into Wayne's appearance. His face was ugly, and he lowered his head and retched twice.

Thinking consumes so much that I almost lost my grip.

"It's too powerful. I can only resist nine attacks like this. What should I do on the tenth time..."

Wayne was worried, with only 90% of the battery remaining, and suffered from intense battery anxiety.

This is the bad thing about positive characters. Villains have no scruples. They can do whatever they want and blow up as much as they want. Positive characters want to protect the world and have many things to consider.

High in the air, the battle fortress shrank and degenerated into the original form of war knight + metal war horse.

The metal head couldn't express the melancholy look, but looking at the dim energy eyes, it was clear that the war knight was not happy either. He had tried his best, but he hadn't even killed a single leaf. He was also desperate.

What kind of war knight is this if he can't kill a single life?

The two stared at each other with big eyes. The war knight had a metal war horse and could barely count as four eyes. Wayne was at a disadvantage when he looked at each other, and his big eyeball split open in his chest, turning him into three eyes.

Although the quantity is still at a disadvantage, the quality is high, and the big eyes on the chest are worth ten.

The strange desire to win and lose appeared again.

Wayne looked at the War Knight with a livid face. He was trying to kill the opponent in this battle. While he was still a child, he would dismantle him into parts and blow them up. Who would have thought...

This fucking newborn?

Until now, Wayne was helpless. Inspired by the War Knight, he exchanged his potential and took another big step on the road of evolution. His pollution ability was stronger, his plunder speed was faster, and his evolutionary efficiency was also increased.

However, without being able to contaminate the Four Horsemen of the Doomsday, this level of evolution cannot inspire a smile in him.

What to do, where is the break?

Do you really want to go to Longxin Island to find Poseidon?

The war knight pulled out the energy sword and was about to control the horse to charge. After receiving the thought instructions from the plague knight, he slowly put away the energy weapon.

Wayne narrowed his eyes slightly, realizing that the War Knight was about to run away, and did not choose to stop him. His mind was firmly locked on the surrounding space, wanting to explore the opponent's lair.

What he didn't expect was that the enemy didn't give him any chance.

The War Knight, or in other words, the Plague Knight who commanded the battle outside the atmosphere, was too cautious. He predicted Wayne's prediction and asked the War Knight not to expose the location of the headquarters and to divert his mind and give up his current body.

War Knight is a collection of information, and the body is just the product of the embodiment of information. It does not matter whether it exists or not.

The universe is all matter, all matter is energy, energy is information, and knowledge becomes God, and information becomes God.

As Wayne watched speechlessly, the war knights and metal war horses withered quickly. Time accelerated on their metal bodies, and the dazzling red coating fell off, covering the body with rusty red spots.

Clattering parts and metal fragments fell down, blending into the pale sea below.

The Book of Greed tried to take a lick, and it tasted like rust.

"Wayne, fighting you is boring, but chatting with you is fun. I look forward to seeing you again on the day of the Doomsday..."

The metal head of the war knight disintegrated, and the energy eyes completely lost their luster: "At that time, I will personally judge you in the name of war!"

Wayne looked at this scene speechlessly. It would be no problem to meet again next time. He also liked CPU very much, but he was fed up with the battles that he could not win and was not looking forward to the next meeting at all.

"Looking on the bright side, at least I detained Ye Lian, and the four knights went to one, and I made a small profit."

Wayne comforted himself, looked at the changed God's Chosen Continent, was silent for a moment, and waved his hand to sweep the Pale Sea across the world.

There are only zero and countless times for everything, and the same goes for pollution. Instead of just doing one thing and then stopping, Wayne tasted the benefits of pollution, coupled with the fear of the four horsemen of the apocalypse, he completely let go of his principles and chose to change the whole world into his own shape. .

"Pollution must be reversed in the future..."

"The essence of my life, tell me, you can do it, there is no end to you..."


Kingdom of God.

Wayne walked in with a sigh, and everything was calm. The messy battlefield was restored as before, and there was no goddess in the melee.

He looked horrified, thinking that Ye Lian won the one-on-five battle. Not only did he escape from the Kingdom of God, but he also captured the five goddesses and used them as Star Furies.

After careful sensing, I discovered that the result was just the opposite. The five goddesses had already won the battle and gathered together to train the newly acquired Star Fury Li Yelian.

Wayne: (_)

Okay, okay, why don’t Kaiyin call me?

Bah, what he meant was, why is this happening? Even if Ye Lian couldn't win, he shouldn't have lost so quickly.

What exactly went wrong.

Wayne took one step forward and stepped into the sky in a hurry. He saw five female villains in the temple garden, as well as the trained Ye Lian.

Wild, bondage, 6P, tentacles, role play, European uncensored...




Although there was something wrong, this was indeed what Wayne saw when he entered.

Yelian was tied to the cross, her long blond hair was scattered, covering her beautiful face, and most of her green dress was torn off, revealing a large area of ​​white and flawless skin.

The dean of studies stood in front of Ye Lian, fiddling with Ye Lian's chin, lifting up the corner of Ye Lian's clothes, and threatening her from time to time.

"You don't want to tell me, right? Do you know who my husband is? With a hard bone like you, he can make you live a life worse than death in a minute!"

Beside Idnes, Aztimo and Salosia each held a small octopus in their hands, threatening Ye Lian to tell the truth, otherwise they would immediately let her have close contact with the octopus.

Ye Lian did not respond, as if she was dead.

A little further away, Gal was excited to join the ranks of bad women and debut together. Shi Luke held her good sister tightly and advised her to be a good goddess with morals and qualities.

Wayne: (一`一)

Although he couldn't see Ye Lian's face, he could imagine that the goddess's eyes had lost their luster and had been played.

So, why didn't she wait for him to join?

"It's absurd. What are you doing? How can you treat Yelian like this?"

Wayne strode into the arena and glared at Shiluke first: "Look at what you have done. You have corrupted such a good goddess like Gal, the warmest sun in my heart."

Shiluke glared at Wayne and said nonsense. If she hadn't stopped him, Gal would have joined the bad women's group.


Wayne's eyes widened, his mouth opened wide, and his saliva sprayed on Shiluke's face: "Try to glare at me again, and see if I can deal with you."

Shiluke clenched her fists, imagined a scene of a scissor hand hitting Wayne's eyes, gnashed her teeth and looked to the side, and silently warned herself that she should leave a way for people, and gods are no exception. She had already pierced Wayne's eyes, so she should let him go this time.

"That's better."

Wayne snorted lightly and knocked Gal on the top of his head with a knife, warning her to stay away from Shiluke. Learning everything would only hurt herself.

After saying that, he walked towards the grill with a step that didn't recognize any relatives.


It was Idnes, Aztimo, and Salosiya who tempted Galer to learn bad things, and it was Shiluke who was scolded. Everyone was busy doing their own job, and it also showed that Wayne was clear about rewards and punishments, and the team worked together, and everyone had a bright future.

It can only be like this.

Otherwise, if I said Idnes, Aztimo, and Salosiya were wrong, I almost led Galer astray?

It can't be!

Idnes is the boss's wife, Aztimo is a dependent who was forcibly polluted, and Salosiya is a dependent who was obtained by fraud. Wayne owes them all, and he can't pamper them, so how can he bear to scold them.

Since this is the case, Shiluke can only suffer.

Wayne knocked on Aztimo and Salosiya's heads with his hands, snatched the little octopus from their hands, threw it on the ground and stomped it, and then looked at Idnes speechlessly: "You want to be the boss lady, so I let you be, but you did this?"

Idnes lifted the black hair by her ear, and the couple looked at each other. She knew what Wayne wanted to do, and said faintly: "Do you think I want to? I'm not that kind of bad woman. I'm also helpless. Ye Lian has offended everyone. If you don't let everyone take advantage of her, people's hearts will sooner or later be scattered. I'm doing this for your own good."

"Hiss hiss hiss——"

Wayne took a breath and apologized: "I misunderstood. It turns out that you wronged yourself from the perspective of the team. Don't worry, it's not just me. Everyone is convinced that you are the boss lady."

Aztimo looked at the two people singing the same tune speechlessly, secretly thinking that their acting skills were really bad. If there was really nothing to do, he could make trouble for Ye Lian. If he wanted her to recognize Idnes as the boss lady, sorry, there was no way.

Wayne acted awkwardly, but no one responded. Salosia and Gal, who were always easy to deceive, did not say anything, but shook their heads silently.

It was true that Yelian offended people everywhere, and Idenis was not a good woman either. It was not easy to help a bad woman become the boss lady.

Wayne looked at Yelian who was motionless, frowned and said, "What happened? How come our goddess of nature is gone after just a while?"

Aztimo frowned. As the goddess of death, she had the most say and explained what had just happened.

After Wayne left, Yelian went from one against five to one against four. The addition of the goddess of light completely overwhelmed Yelian, but just like Wayne, the goddesses could not do anything to the Knight of Doom.

Somehow, Yelian suddenly lost the power of death, her face changed drastically, she shouted impossible, absolutely impossible, her fighting will collapsed, and she was pressed to the ground by the four goddesses.

The death here was not the death information that Yelian cheated from Aztimo, but the identity of death among the Four Horsemen of Doom, which can also be said to be the position of the new god.

Wayne's heart skipped a beat, and his face looked extremely ugly. He raised his hand and pinched Yelian's face. His fingertips touched her, and her hair was smooth and her skin was delicate and elastic.

With a little force, he left a pink and rosy petal-like color on her fair cheeks.

Without the internal decay, Yelian was alive.

Wayne's face looked even uglier. Through the hair, he saw a pair of tightly closed eyes and sneered: "I thought you were an undercover agent, but you turned out to be a discarded child. My goddess, you look so embarrassed now!"

As he said that, he tightened his five fingers and squeezed Yelian's skull until it made a cracking sound.

Yelian opened her bloodshot eyes and almost roared: "Give me a chance, I want to seek revenge on Yeloin."

"Haha, you still want to be a good person?"

Wayne looked at Yelian with contempt: "No chance, but there is a doghouse. How about it, my high and mighty goddess, are you ready to crawl at my feet?"

Wayne hated the mastermind behind the scenes, Yeloin, and had no good feelings for his accomplice Yellen. The latter was betrayed and regarded as a discarded child. Either the spoils were not shared equally, or she was stupid and did not deserve his sympathy.

Old Lundan Zheng Union Jack has never been a human being. The sympathy of his master Wayne is very expensive, not so cheap.

Yellen's face was livid: "I can tell you who Yeloin is. I know all the truth about him. Give me a chance. I have no conflict of interest with you now."

"Well said, but I refuse!"

Wayne tightened his five fingers, and white foam overflowed from his palm, pouring into Yellen's mouth, nose, ears and eyes, and dyed her body and mind white in the latter's desperate roar.

At the same time, the tentacles of the Book of Greed rolled in, licked the last part of the natural information, and forcibly opened Yellen's memory bank, entered the keyword Yeloin, and quickly browsed through them one by one.

Gradually, Wayne's face became strange, and his eyes looked at Ye Lian more and more strangely: "No wonder she is so arrogant, it turns out she has princess syndrome."

"What princess syndrome? Let me see it too." Idnes said impatiently.

Wayne opened his mouth, not knowing where to start, took back his hand, closed his eyes and sorted out the information: "Ask her directly if you have any questions. I gave her an order to obey. Now she is yours."

Ye Lian's life span is extremely long. It takes a lot of time to browse the memory fragments in her mind, and there are a lot of precious pictures that need to be savored carefully.

It's not the kind of picture where Ye Lian bathes in the fountain of life and admires herself in front of the water mirror, but the precious information outside the box.

As Wayne guessed before, Yeloin came from outside the box, and Ye Lian too. Not only the two of them, but all the life on the Chosen Continent came from outside the box! !

Wayne was reluctant to say it because some of the terrifying information was not very friendly to the goddesses. Whoever said it would attract hatred, so it would be more appropriate to let Ye Lian tell it herself.


Ye Lian's liquefied body fell from the grill and reassembled while squirming. She looked at her hands in horror, and her face was covered with a haze called despair.

Becoming Wayne's follower, life and death are out of her control, and she has no future.

Seeing Wayne's solemn expression, the five goddesses came forward one after another, looking down at Ye Lian who was kneeling on the ground, their eyes were either indifferent or mocking, and none of them showed sympathy.

Ye Lian didn't want to look up at her defeated opponent, and tried to stand up, but her hands and feet were out of control, and because of the curse in her heart, her limbs kept collapsing and reassembling.

These are all minor problems. The key is her proud self-esteem. She was beaten to the mud and ravaged by Wayne, and then trampled back and forth by the five goddesses. She was almost crazy.

"Asshole, let me stand up!!"

"How can you talk to the master? There are no rules at all..."

Aztimo sneered and stepped forward, with the death sickle hanging on Yelian's neck: "Let me teach you what rules you should follow as a dependent."

Then, there was a silver bell-like laughter and Yelian's angry roar.

The picture was too beautiful to watch. Wayne closed his eyes and prayed silently that Galer would not learn bad things.

He sorted out the memory fragments he got from Yelian. From this moment, he really realized who Yeloin and Yelian were, where they came from, and what the box was.

Yeloin, an alien!

The earth before Wayne crossed over was located in a corner of the universe. It was a closed, independent star system and an abandoned box.

The forger, or inventor of the box, came from the cosmic empire of a distant galaxy - the Randall Empire.

The universe outside the box is very large, and there are as many powerful people as gods as stars. They have formed their own belief system and formed a pantheon similar to the new kingdom of God. They are entrenched in various parts of the universe and dominate information resources.

The Randall Empire is a powerful country that dominates one side. It not only has a brilliant technological civilization, but also has the elven magic civilization of the life pantheon. They go hand in hand and escort the empire to create a legendary undefeated myth.

Originally, the Randall Empire, which has built a pantheon, will be eternal and will exist forever in the universe, but the gods of the pantheon and the royal family of the empire are dissatisfied with the situation of separatism. They are eager for more and want to dominate the universe.

You can't blame them for being greedy. Evolution is like sailing against the current. If you don't go up, there are people who go up. If you don't want to progress, there are people who break their heads and rush up.

The Randall Empire can't find the possibility of continuing to move forward. In order to progress, it chooses to die between cheating and waiting for death.

They boldly summoned the ancient gods and tried to trade with them to obtain more powerful and comprehensive knowledge!

The ancient gods were not as fierce as the rumors spread. It was all nonsense that the ancient gods left nothing behind and that they would only bring destruction. The ancient gods were easy to talk to, especially reasonable, and they spoke very nicely. The Randall Empire wanted it, and the ancient gods would give it to it.

As much as they wanted, they would give it to them.

And it was free!

Then the Randall Empire became a puff, filled to the brim, and exploded.

The specific situation was that all the galaxies occupied by the empire went crazy, the gods of the pantheon collapsed, integrated into knowledge and the entire universe, and only one billionth of the population managed to escape.

Yeloin and Yelian were the only lucky ones left. The former was a science and technology priest and a researcher ranked high in the empire, and the latter was a princess of the empire, destined to become the chosen princess of God.

The two fled the mother planet on the same space battleship and took away the gene bank of the empire's pantheon and the highest masterpiece - the box of wisdom.

As long as these two treasures exist, Yelian will have the possibility of rebuilding the empire and the pantheon.

Let’s talk about the gene bank of the pantheon first. It stores the blood genes of the gods of the pantheon of life. The former members of the Life Alliance, including the humans on the Chosen Continent, all come from this gene bank.

Dragons are also from this gene bank, but they are not from the pantheon. Instead, they are obtained through the Randall Empire’s trade with the powerful dragons in the universe.

The pantheon of life follows the path of elf evolution, which is a limited path. The purpose of collecting the genes and blood of dragons is to study and find the possibility of reference, not to really follow the evolutionary path of dragons.

The Box of Wisdom is the crystallization of the empire’s technology. It can be regarded as a sandbox, independent of the void, but closely connected to the void. The Randall Empire put a star system into the box and captured a large number of star beasts and locked them in it, simulating the environment of the universe.

Based on this, the life in the box can be free from external interference to the greatest extent, giving birth to a new pantheon.

The reason why it is free from external interference to the greatest extent, rather than completely, is because of the ancient gods. The information of the ancient gods is everywhere. As long as the box is connected to the void, it cannot block the sight of the ancient gods.

This is how the ancient god's followers Togugeye of the Frozen Continent and the salty fish sea god of Dragon Heart Island came about. Even the divination house of the Frozen Continent, the channel that can communicate with the outside of the box, was also influenced by the ancient god.

Normal life, including the gods of the cosmic pantheon, will never see the ancient gods in their lifetime as long as they don't commit suicide. But in fact, the ancient gods are everywhere. Wherever there is knowledge, there are tentacles of the ancient gods.

The ancient gods are the ultimate life forms. There is no accurate conclusion as to whether they are aggregates of information or they create information. The only thing that can be determined is that the ancient gods have existed since the birth of the universe.

The first gods in ancient times - the ancient gods.

All gods that appear later are defined as new gods.

In addition, the new gods can be gods and have eternal life, but it is hard to say whether the ancient gods are gods.

If you say that the ancient gods are gods, the new gods, who are also gods, are vulnerable in front of them. If you say that the ancient gods are not gods... what are the new gods?

They are all eternal life, and they have integrated the pantheon. It is really unreasonable not to label them as gods.

The relationship between the old gods and the new gods can be compared to the seventy-two demon kings of hell. As demon kings, the seven great demon kings are above all others, and are further called demon gods.

Although this analogy is forced, the general meaning is the same.

Back to the story, Yeloin and Yelian went around and arrived at the dilapidated box solar system. After a short rest, they entered the box and created the God-chosen Continent.

Yeloin is a researcher. He forged the sand table of the God-chosen Continent. For convenience, he copied the European continental plate, guided the changes in the sand table, and copied the history into the box of wisdom.

Now that the gene bloodline of the pantheon is there, ordinary people cannot be missing. A tall building is built from the ground, and believers cannot be lacking.

Yeloin collected blood from all over Europe to fill the gap in the God-chosen Continent.

To the Earth, Elohim and Yelian are aliens, but at the same time, the Randall Empire represented by the two is also the source of the Earth. Rounding off, there is no racial segregation.

Regarding the former solar system, why the box was broken, Yelian's memory did not mention it, and it was very vague.

At the climax of the Faith War, the ancient gods licked the box, and the gods who had not yet become gods were wiped out, and humans changed to the technological route.

After entering the box, Yelian couldn't wait to tinker with the life system, vowing to rebuild the glory of the empire.

Until here, everything was within Yelian's plan. After all, she was the princess of the empire, and Elohim, a mere researcher, could not possibly beat her.

The life system is officially certified by the empire and has feasibility. There is no need to spend time and effort to study other evolutionary routes. Just use it and copy it.

Yelian has a great advantage. The princess is promoted to queen, and it feels that this is stable.

Until the end of the Faith War, Yelian also thought so, and Elohim also fooled her in this way.

What Yelian didn't know was that Yeloin had hidden a secret.

The life god system does have the possibility of replication. As long as Yelian is given time, she will be the master of the restored empire, the new Queen Randall.

But what's the point?

Without reaching the end of life and becoming an ancient god, the empire that dominates the universe is just a sand sculpture, and the ancient gods can destroy it with a wave of their tentacles.

Yeloin concealed his situation. He is no longer a normal human. Out of his enthusiasm for the ancient gods, on the day the empire collapsed, he opened his mind and received the gift of the ancient gods. He was the lucky one among the lucky ones.

He is not crazy!!!

Perhaps it was due to years of research, or other unknown reasons, or just luck, anyway, Yeloin succeeded. He sorted out the knowledge given by the ancient gods, watched Yelian happily form the Life Alliance, plunged into the evolutionary path of the ancient gods, copied the church of the previous era, mass-produced angels, and sought the one in ten million possibility.

During the Faith War, the Life Alliance led by Yelian suffered a disastrous defeat and went to Yeloin to ask the reason. The researcher kindly shared with the princess the possibility of achieving the Ancient God, which is the Doomsday Judgment.

Princess, don't worry, I'll show you a sample first!

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