Restarting the myth

Chapter 528 Father, please speak!

"Haha, who would believe that."

Yelin was dismissive of Plague Knight's reply. She knew better than anyone who Elohim was and where he came from. Plague Knight's words could fool others, but not her.

Whether you believe it or not, the fact is that my name used to be Elohim. "Plague Knight said calmly. Nalian showed a look of surprise: "Well, Elohim, Plague, the leader of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, you tell me what is going on with the void life named Wayne. His ability and life are almost equal to yours. Is he also part of your plan? "

"Wayne... Plague Knight pondered for a moment and said slowly: "I have been paying attention to the Chosen Continent and noticed his existence. According to my observation, he is the Spring Element of the Ancient God of Dragon Heart Island. Like Togugeye, the Ancient God of the Spring Element of the Frozen Continent, he is an uncontrollable factor. He should not exist in the prophecy."

"What do you mean, you and he are not the same person?"


Plague Knight shook his head and looked at Ye Lian and said: "You and I both know what the world outside the box is like. You and I also know how powerful the ancient gods are. The box can prevent us from being disturbed by the outside world, but it cannot block the ancient gods, even if it is just a line of sight from the ancient gods."

Yelian was silent.

Plague Knight continued: "You once sealed Togugeye. Now your power is even stronger. It is not difficult for you to seal Wayne."

Yelian:) Do you want to listen to what you are saying?

Ye Lian was speechless to the extreme, and said dissatisfiedly: "Open your eyes and see clearly. He has completed the pollution of the four goddesses. Darkness, death, and light are all his followers. The kingdom of nature is also occupied by him. I alone cannot seal him."

The Plague Knight understood the meaning of Ye Lian's words and said bluntly: "Pollution is not absolute. Wayne can pollute them, and I can do it too. These are not important, even Wayne's existence is not important. The Doomsday Judgment is irreversible. The day when the four knights descend is his doomsday."

When mentioning the Doomsday Judgment, Ye Lian's eyes flashed with yearning. She dispelled the reverie in her mind and whispered: "Uncontrollable variables have changed the future. The war between the lobby and hell did not happen, and the war between the goddesses did not break out. The concept of war only exists in the God-chosen Continent, which is not enough to awaken the War Knight."

War brings plague, famine, and death. Without the War Knight, the subsequent three knights cannot descend. This is the ritual order given by the Elohim. Now that the war cannot wake up, you tell me, when will the Doomsday Judgment descend? "

The order is not irreversible, or in other words, some subtle operations can be performed."


Yelian frowned and stared at the Plague Knight: "Are you really Yeloin?"

"I used to be."

The Plague Knight said: "The war has not awakened because Wayne interrupted the rhythm, resulting in the scale of the war being unable to expand from the Chosen Continent to the Kingdom of God. Goddess Yelian, you are not a true Death Knight yet. You can start a war of faith in the name of nature and accelerate the awakening of the War Knight."

"But I lost the Kingdom of Nature...Yelian's face was gloomy: "Wayne polluted the Kingdom of Nature and still held the authority of the Kingdom of God. If you had informed me earlier that there was such a variable in the world, everything could be saved."

"How to save it, are you going to kill him?"

The Plague Knight shook his head slightly: "You are afraid of the ancient gods, and you will not do anything to Wayne, at most like Togugeye. The ancient gods of Dragon Heart Island seem to care about Wayne very much. The countdown to the Doomsday Judgment has begun. It is not wise to seal Wayne at this time to attract the attention of the ancient gods. Only when I evolve into an ancient god can I be qualified to reject these ancient, indescribable ultimate lives. "Hearing this, Ye Lian's face became even uglier: "Yeloin deceived me. He told me that life is the truth, but... the ancient gods are. " "No, I didn't deceive you before. He learned the truth on the road of evolution, and you also knew it, but you gave up, didn't you? "

Plague Knight said: At that time, you were the master of the universe and had already embarked on the evolutionary path of the goddess of nature. You did not have the courage to face the ancient gods and chose the more stable goddess of life. I almost gave up and resolutely embarked on the evolutionary path of the void at the cost of madness. He took risks and reaped benefits. He deserved all this."

Seeing that Ye Lian was indignant and wanted to say something, Plague Knight continued: "Moreover, your current path is not wrong and safer. All roads point to the ancient gods. You have eternal life to explore the true meaning of life, get closer to the ancient gods little by little and evolve into the ultimate life."

"This road is too long" "It's not long. The next era belongs to you. This is what I promised you. After the Last Judgment, I will be the ancient god and leave the box. You will be the founder of the next era. You can be the goddess of life or the father of heaven. Everything is up to you. "

Plague Knight said: "There are no competitors on the path of the ancient gods, only success and madness. There is no competitive relationship between you and me. Observe the ceremony carefully. At the end of the next era, you will restart the myth and predict the Last Judgment. ”

“Will the ritual succeed?”

“It is inevitable.”

“I mean, what if the Elohim do not become ancient gods after the Last Judgment?”

“There is no such possibility!”

The Plague Knight flatly denied: “If I fail, you cannot succeed either. Go ahead and start a war of faith. The ritual requires a war knight, and he must be the first to come.”


The first abyss, heaven.

The holy cross stands in the center of the pure white world. The number one evil force in hell stands arrogantly in front of the cross. He is dressed in a white robe and has dazzling blond hair. He looks exactly like Michael, the deputy king of heaven. Warm holy light falls from the sky. Bathed in arrogance, I feel my soul has been sublimated.

"Look at the good work you did!"

A fist stretched out in mid-air and hit the arrogant face hard. The latter suddenly opened his eyes and disdained to look at the incoming fist.

In hell, in the first abyss of heaven, it would be ridiculous to sneak attack on Mikal, his deputy in heaven.

He didn't need to dodge such a weak fist... Bang! (Hm)==o))#)") Time slows down, the arrogant face is distorted, the eyes become big and small in seconds, the position where the fist mark is close to the face faints in circles, the neck is twisted to the right and stretched, and the whole person rises into the air.

The next second, time returned to normal. Arrogance spun 3,600 degrees at high speed in mid-air and fell heavily to the ground in an extremely difficult zero-point position.

Arrogance: 0 (: 3) ~ (") Who am I, where am I, what happened, is this heaven?

Arrogant stood up swaying with his arms and failed three times in a row. The world in front of him was spinning, his mind was in a blur, and he couldn't see clearly who was coming.

Strong enemy!

An unprecedentedly powerful enemy, there is no room for error in hell, and the main body must be called to help.

Arrogant thought so, and immediately contacted Mikal who was enjoying the feast. Hell was invaded, so he quickly came to support. After the message was sent, Arrogant's dizzy mind became clearer. He floated up and shook his head. With his heavy head, his eyes focused to see clearly who was coming.

Wayne: (blood) "It turns out to be the Holy Son of Heaven, no, the hypocritical Lord of Hell..." The arrogant eyes widened, and he said with an evil brow: "Are you crazy? Why did you sneak attack on me? This is hell, It's not your lobby. Do you want to start a war? "

Bastard, what kind of person do you think you are, how dare you talk to the leader like that! "Wayne was furious and punched him again. He was arrogant and wanted to hide, but the difference in strength was too big. Today's Mikal is no match for Wayne. What's more, he is just Mikal's clone. He didn't even bother. Wayne pushed him to the ground and tortured him.

Workplace bullying!

The workplace is like this. Fresh graduates may not know that the top boss of the head office can resort to violence in minutes if the head of a branch department is unhappy, and the head of the branch cannot fight back.

"Hey, you're still hiding?"

"Try hiding one more time!"

Arrogance was beaten to the point where he was unable to fight back, and his strength was so disparate that he couldn't even scream. After a while, the whole devil matured.

The halo turned, and Mikael rushed into the First Abyss Factory with great momentum. He wanted to see who dared to act arrogantly in front of him and attack his clone's arrogance, with him and his great country's deputy king, the God-like one!

The strongest angel, the one on the right side of the throne of God, Lord Mikael, is against him!

Seeing the perpetrator clearly, Mikal loosened his clenched fists, the gloom on his face disappeared, and his eyes became much clearer.

It turns out to be the Holy Son, so that’s okay.

The bullying in the workplace continued. When Arrogance saw the true body coming, he tremblingly stretched out a hand to ask for help.

Mikal folded his arms and stood aside and sneered repeatedly. Who is the arrogant Lord? What qualifications do you have to ask for help from him? You should be beaten like this if you laugh to death!

Pili bang! There was an uproar!

Wayne stopped his fists and feet, stepped on the inhuman arrogance on the ground, and looked at Mikal coldly. Mikal didn't know why, and tentatively said: "Lord Holy Son, what happened? If arrogance offends you, then be a little bit like me. It doesn’t matter, if you are tired, I can do it for you.”

"Arrogance didn't offend me. The one who offended me was you, my good deputy!"

Wayne sneered again and again: "My Vice-President of the Great Country, God-like Person, the Most Powerful Envoy, the Stone of God's Throne, Your Excellency Mikal, I now have some doubts about your loyalty to Heaven."

"Absolutely impossible!"

"Then let me ask you, are you loyal to the Son or to the Father?"

Heavenly Father has decreed that the Son is the successor, and I am loyal to the Son. "Mikal said vaguely, then you are too loyal."

Wayne snorted softly, grabbed it in mid-air with his hand, and took out a wide and fat man in a suit.

A closer look revealed that this thick-set man was Felicity from the Julian family. He might have fallen down the stairs, causing his nose to be bruised and his face to be swollen.

First's fall had nothing to do with Wayne. Mikal moved his hand, and his body jumped up and down, making a fuss about going to heaven, and the wolf gave him a good punch.

It's too difficult to be a clone of the deputy king of a great country. Bu Yi has to be beaten by the real body, and he has to take the blame for the real body and be beaten by the Holy Son. Wayne looked at the three Mikals and said lightly: "I'm not very satisfied with the current deputy king. , consider making some personnel adjustments, and the next person on the throne will be chosen from the three of you."

Arrogance: (w\u003e2) First: (\u003e) Mikal: ∑ (o ;) Mikal was shocked and said hurriedly: "Sir, my subordinates are working hard for the great country and forgetting to eat and sleep to complete the Bible. I am Blood has been shed in the Kingdom of Heaven, and I have been loyal to the Holy Son. I have worked hard even without merit. What kind of status do these two insect families have, and what qualifications do they have to compete with me for the vice-president of a great country?"

As he spoke, he recalled the thoughts of the two clones.


Wayne waved his hand to cut off the mental connection between Mikal, Arrogance and First, isn't it, Lord Holy Son, are you serious?

Mikal panicked. Seeing that Wayne had no intention of acting at all, he spoke quickly: "If you are dissatisfied with the new contract, I will go back and teach Reza a lesson. I will ensure that he does not dare to mess around next time, and he must do it in the shortest possible time." Come up with the version that makes you most satisfied.”

It has nothing to do with the Bible. "

Lord Holy Son, one of these two guys is a capitalist, and the other is guilty of the seven deadly sins of arrogance. They are both complete devils. They are not qualified to go to heaven, let alone the supreme glory of the deputy king. "

Mikal looked at the two clones coldly: "If virtue is not matched, it will only lead to death. Both of them are short-lived ghosts."

In the face of threats, Arrogance and First did not panic at all. As long as they can become "Mikal", enter heaven, stand upright under the holy light, and enjoy the worship of countless ambassadors, it doesn't matter if they live a short life, even if it is only one day, they will die. It’s worth it too!

Wayne looked at the three of them coldly: "I see your loyalty in my eyes. You all have the status of deputy king, but the throne of God only has the left and right sides!

To the left of the throne is Heshuno. She cannot be replaced. There is only one stone of the throne, but you have three, which is not enough. "

Lord Holy Son, there is no need to worry, I will kill them all right away. "

Lord Holy Son, and in front of the throne of God. "

"It makes sense, there is also the queen of the throne."

"Shut up, you three insect family, how can you create a paradise with a bunch of trash like you!"

Wayne scolded angrily and said with a cold face: "There is only one person on the right side of the throne. I don't need you to fight. I only want the most loyal one. Now, it's time for you to show your loyalty."

"Lord Holy Son, please speak." x3 The Elohim once gave Mikal a task. What was it? "

Wayne looked at the three insects: "Speak out, whoever says it first is the deputy king of heaven, Michael. The remaining two are only worthy of being devils and enemies of the Holy Light and Justice. The words of the Son and the Heavenly Father are His sins will never allow him to walk in the light."

The faces of the three insects alternated between blue and white, and they were all silent and silent. Not only did they not speak, they also looked back and forth at the other two to prevent them from speaking suddenly.


Wayne applauded, then said with disappointment: "Unfortunately, your loyalty is to Elohim and the Kingdom of Heaven, and never to me, the Holy Son."

"Lord Holy Son..." Mikal said bravely: "You are the Holy Son appointed by my father. My loyalty to my father's orders is equivalent to my loyalty to you." "

This is the truth, but what if the Elohim comes back?

Wayne took a deep breath, opened his fingers to the three people looking at him, and apologized: "Pride was an important investor in my early days. The orphanage run by First saved my beloved. Although Mikal has a twisted personality, he is The most important lieutenant of a great country, if I have a choice, I don’t want to pollute you and become my dependents.”

The three of them all froze. Mikal's face was horrified. Three pairs of white wings stretched out from his back. The Spear of the Wheel of Time was in his hand, and the swords of Oath and Contract were at his side. He rushed towards the white foam coming towards his face.

Boom! !

Hell shook, the sea of ​​​​blue sun swept down, and endless white foam poured into the gaps in the space, dyeing the world full of darkness with a layer of paleness.

Judging from the outside, hell is still the same hell, but inside it has undergone earth-shaking changes and completely transformed into the shape of Wayne.

The abyss is no exception, all dyed pale.

In the future, without his nodding, Hell will not appear. In front of the Demonic Cross, three white bodies slowly squirmed and changed back to their former appearance. Mikal stood there blankly with three artifacts on his back, muttering that it was impossible and it was too great. It was almost over. Shocked by Wayne's sudden increase in strength, the majestic god-like man actually had no strength to resist at all.

Not to mention godlike beings, even real gods, without the blessing of the Kingdom of God, cannot resist Wayne's pollution. The reason why he was not tainted is because Wayne did not like to do so.

It's no longer possible. The appearance of the death knight Yelian, the vaguely pointed mastermind Elohim, and the Doomsday Judgment have brought great pressure to Wayne. Not to mention for the sake of world peace, he must give up his previous career just for the sake of his family. Principles, only when a person is alive can he be qualified to talk about principles. Death means nothing. Even if he will not die, what about the people he cares about? It is necessary to be flexible about principles.

"Mikal, tell me, what is the mission the Elohim has given you?"

"Yes, yes..."

There was some struggle on Mikaal's face, and his expression was extremely painful. He worshiped Elohim and gave everything to him from the bottom of his heart. But at this moment, he had no choice, so he reluctantly stated the mission he shouldered.

Protect the Lord of Greed. Before that day comes, everyone can die, except Greed. "

After saying this, Mikael closed his eyes and slumped on the ground.

"Lord of Greed."

Wayne narrowed his eyes slightly, and a greedy businessman appeared in his mind. It was unbelievable that the Elohim would stay in the God's Chosen Continent like this after falling asleep.

Is it really him? "

The situation developed too smoothly, and important information was easily obtained, which made Wayne feel a little suspicious!

He suddenly thought of something and asked: "When the Bat Demon went to hell, he wanted to enter the territory of the Lord of Greed, but you didn't agree. Is it for this reason?"


Micah nodded. The bat demon is the reincarnation of the Pride Altar and can be regarded as his clone. Wayne's thinking is the product of the Lord of Pride to kill time. He wants to see what changes fresh blood can bring to Hell to prevent Fang Yi from staying away from the territory of the Lord of Greed. Wayne frowned and thought. The Lord of Greed is the sleeping Elohim, and he has a book of greed. They all have the name of greed and are on the evolution path of the ancient gods........·.Is the word greed the passcode of the void?

It should be just a coincidence. Without greed, there will be no desire for knowledge. Those who desire knowledge are crazy. Only when they are crazy can they understand everything....." Wayne was halfway through his story and couldn't make it up anymore.

He defined this doubt as a coincidence for the time being, waved his hand to send First away, and asked him to change his mind and become a good insect owner. He couldn't hide behind and peek at the fun like before.

Remember to call him along.

You should go back too. I gave you the greatest freedom. If one day in the future, I can reverse the pollution, I will give you the freedom to stop." Wayne said to Mikael. Mikael didn't leave directly, frowned and said: "Son of God, do you know what the mission my father left me means?"

As expected of the top leader of hell and the second in command of heaven, Mikael was keenly aware of the key point. Wayne's attitude changed drastically today and he would force him to submit even if he had to use force. The importance of the mission was definitely more terrible than he imagined.

Mikael didn't think that Wayne would betray the Elohim. The Son of God appointed by the Father, even if he betrayed, must be in the prophecy of the Father.

He was just curious about what the Lord of Greed represented and what role he played in the Last Judgment.

These, Elohim never told him.

Wayne pondered for a moment, and seeing Micah's expectant face, he shook his head and said: "Remember the chapter of Revelation? Elohim is the planner of the Last Judgment. He created the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. There is a possibility that it is the Plague Knight. He is still sleeping, and his sleeping appearance is the Lord of Greed."

"This, this is impossible!"

Micah denied it flatly, his eyes red, and said: "Father will not destroy the world. He created the Chosen Continent. Everyone is his child. He perfected the concepts of the seven deadly sins and seven virtues, and guided his children to be good. The Destroy Fire World has learned from him."

Looking at Micah who looked unconvinced, Wayne slowly opened his mouth and said faintly: "What if... destroying the world is his original intention of creating the world?"

Micah was stunned and said: "Then what are we, our children, to him?"

Suddenly, Micah thought of Micah, who was killed by him." The latter asked the same question to the cross before dying. "Micah, you regard Elohim as your father and have reverent loyalty to him. All angels are the same, but... From another perspective, Elohim may not have the love for you as for his children. I saw a laboratory in a big country, and the ambassadors were divided into different levels. It is the product of the experiment..."

Wayne paused, then said: "You are the test subjects on his evolutionary path. You are the best one. Do you understand what I said?"

"I don't believe it! "

Micah roared in a low voice. Because he tried to attack Wayne, his mind was confused and his body could not maintain stability. He suffered great pain.

Wayne waved his hand to disperse Micah's pain and sighed: "I allow you to remain loyal to the Elohim. No matter what, he gave you life, but for the sake of this world and myself, I can only regard him as an enemy."

"Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

Micah still didn't believe it, pointing at Wayne and said: "You are the son of the father's prophecy. You clearly indicated the four horsemen of the doomsday before the doomsday judgment. are actually the father, right?"

Wayne:) You are a deputy king of a big country, what kind of religious belief do you have? Now it's good, your brain is stupid.

After the four goddesses, Wayne was once again suspected of being an Elohim, and the one who suspected him was Micah, the most perfect work of the Elohim.

"Father, speak up! "

Micah roared: "It is clearly written in the new Bible that the Father, Son and Holy Spirit are a trinity. The Father is an untouchable God, and the Son is a God walking in the world. They are not two independent individuals. You are my father."

Well said, but it is not.

Wayne knew that he would not and could not be an Elohim. He was not even the Son of God. One of Hexunuo and Micah was the Son of God. The real Father and Son were the relationship of faith and creation.

At least in the God-chosen Continent.

"Father? !"

"Stop howling. I said it's not. How can you take the thief as your father?"

Wayne glanced at the air around him and said unhappily: "If I were an Elohim, I wouldn't have to fight him. What's the point of running around? I just need to wait for the end of the world. ”

To save us.

Micah said firmly: "We can't survive the Last Judgment alone, so you came to the world to guide us to complete the salvation. The chapter of Revelation says that the Knight judges the wall of sin. We are born with sin and must be guided by the Son or the Holy Spirit. "

Oh my god, this can be done!

Wayne was convinced and waved his hand and said: "Okay, since you have seen through it, I won't hide it. I am the Elohim. Are you satisfied?"

"I knew it."

Micah was overjoyed. His two beliefs in Wayne and the Elohim became one, and he was more loyal.

Wayne raised his hand to cover his face: "Go back to the human world, revise the Bible, and go directly to heaven after you finish it. Don't say anything to Hexunuo, do you understand?"


Father, you and Hexunuo...Excuse me, is this really okay? "Micah's face was extremely solemn. Wayne was in a bad mood. He forgot that Hexunuo was the most beloved child of Elohim. Not only Hexunuo, but also Heya and others were all children of Elohim. If he pretended to be Elohim, wouldn't it be...!

Wayne took a step forward, the wind was whistling, the holy light was surging, and he stared at Micah: "I was just lying to you, I am not Elohim, do you understand?"

Micah was silent for three seconds, and said honestly: "I understand, I won't say it. "

What do you understand!

Wayne's eyes widened, and he wanted to say something, but the more he explained, the more confusing it became. This version was the best ending.

It seems that you have understood. Very good. You are worthy of being my vice-lord of heaven, the godlike one, the strongest angel, the stone of the throne, and the one under one, Mikael. Good, I can't live without you." Wayne patted Mikael's shoulder vigorously.

With tears in his eyes, Micah knelt on one knee and said with a sob: "Father, I'm sorry. I pushed you to Paradise Lost and made you suffer."

"Cough cough cough!"

Wayne coughed loudly to cover up Micah's crying, and angrily said: "Nonsense, I didn't try to make fun of myself. The stories in the Bible are made up and have no factual basis. Don't bring it into reality. Wake up quickly. You can't treat novels as documentaries."

"Also, don't read such fabricated novels in the future. Reading everything will only hurt you!"

After that, he kicked Micah down and kicked him out of hell directly."

After kicking, Wayne looked at the tearful Pride again: "Shut up, get out, don't let me see you."

Pride nodded, wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes, and gritted his teeth and said: "I'm going to the territory of lust now. I want to make Paradise Lost a river of blood and kill all the succubi."

"That's not necessary. "

Wayne hurriedly stopped him: "Existence is everything, everything is for existence, everything is inevitable, I must go through these hardships... I mean, I must go through these hardships in the Bible, there is no Paradise Lost, there are other gardens, they have completed their tasks, and they are not guilty of death."

Arrogant didn't understand, but Wayne was right, he didn't need to understand, just obey the order, that's it, everything is the same as before."

Wayne said with all his heart: "I will go to the territory of the Lord of Greed, you don't have to follow, obey the prophecy, there will be no greed in the future. Sun Kar's eyes were hot, he fell to the ground with his knees, and said hard: "Father, I'm going to make a bid for you" I've made you suffer so much. "

"Cough cough cough!"

Wayne coughed loudly to cover up Micah's crying, and angrily said: "Nonsense, I didn't make fun of the suffering, the stories made up in the Bible have no factual basis, don't bring them into reality, wake up quickly, you can't treat novels as documentaries. "

"Also, don't read this kind of fabricated novel in the future. Reading everything will only hurt you!"

After saying that, he kicked Micah down and kicked him out of hell.

After kicking him, Wayne looked at Pride with tears in his eyes again: "Shut up, get out, don't let me see you."

Pride nodded, wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes, gritted his teeth and said: "I'm going to the territory of lust now. I want to make Paradise Lost a river of blood and kill all the succubi."

"That's not necessary."

Wayne hurriedly stopped him: "Existence is everything, everything is for existence, everything is inevitable, I must go through these hardships... I mean, I must go through these hardships in the Bible. There is no Paradise Lost, there are other paradises, they have completed their tasks, and they are not guilty of death."

Pride didn't understand, but Wayne was right. He didn't need to understand, just obey the order, "That's it, everything is the same as before. "

Wayne said with all his heart: "I will go to the territory of the Lord of Greed. You don't have to follow me. According to the prophecy, there will be no Lord of Greed in the future..." "No, I will be the Lord of Greed in the future!"

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