Restarting the myth

Chapter 461 Lilith

Paradise Lost.

It has been a long time since I got the Pride of the Seven Deadly Sins. There is no rising and setting of the sun and moon in the sky of hell. Wayne refers to the biological clock in his body and infers the time and date of the God-chosen Continent.

June 10.

Counting it up, it has been ten days since I entered hell.

I don’t know if Hexunuo has discovered that he has disappeared, or if he has discovered it, it doesn’t matter.

In Hexunuo’s mind, the Son of God is omnipotent. After resurrection, he has the power of God, and every step he takes is to grant mercy and salvation.

The disappearance of the Son of God is not called disappearance. Even if he falls into hell, it doesn’t matter. He will return to the world after completing salvation.

Hexunuo can no longer be counted on. Religion makes people ignorant. It is better to count on the dark goddess Idnes than Hexunuo. The dean of studies has made a big bet. If he notices that he has disappeared, he will definitely investigate it personally.

After confirming the cooperative relationship, Pride patted his butt and left. Before leaving, he told Wayne that he would convene a demon king council as soon as possible. At that time, Gluttony and Rage will definitely die.

During this period, Wayne quickly familiarized himself with the power of the Seven Deadly Sins, and on the day of the parliament, he attacked Gluttony and Wrath as Pride's clone.

Pride disdained sneak attacks from behind, and always fought head-on. His plan to eradicate Gluttony and Wrath was simple and crude, with three steps: meeting, fighting, and sitting.

A textbook example of strong bricks flying.

Wayne had no objection to this, and patiently waited in Paradise Lost for the Demon King's Council to be convened.

This wait took a long time...

It took seven days.

Pride was not in a hurry to convene the Demon King's Council. He had already controlled the territory of Gluttony and Wrath to ensure that the information of the mechanical weapons would not be leaked.

Pride's target has always been the Son of God. He did not kill, imprison, or torture him, but catered to his preferences, allowing Wayne to challenge his weaknesses in Paradise Lost.

In Pride's eyes, the seven demon kings were all trash except him, and Lust was no exception.

But Lust also had its merits. She was the most beautiful woman in hell.

Putting aside the religious beliefs that make people ignorant, Lust is not only the number one beauty in hell, but also in the world and heaven.

Even if there are goddesses in the kingdom of God, their charm cannot be above Lust.

It has nothing to do with strength, but professional matching. The king of succubus eats this bowl of rice.

Pride believes that as long as Lust is given some time, Wayne will be addicted to her body and will be willing to stay in hell to enjoy happiness.

It doesn’t matter if he fails. The interaction between the Son of God and the succubus in hell is already a success in hell.

When I meet angels in the future, especially the archangel, I will bring this up and talk about it. I am a little excited just thinking about it.

Pride: You said that the Son of God who has supreme virtue and wisdom and pity all living beings, I know, I saw him pressing Lust on the table and making a mess with my own eyes, he is a complete sex maniac.

The Son of God is like this, and you seven virtues are not good things, and heaven is even more filthy.


Martia staggered to her knees, her delicate arms supporting the red carpet, her lingering cry lingering on the beams, and the streamlined body of the car trembled continuously.

She still wanted to fight, her self-esteem would not allow her to accept the humiliating defeat, but her strength would not allow it, no, no, she tried to get up several times, but all ended in failure.

She rolled her eyes and fainted.

Around, the puffs of puffs, the patina of patina, put on the uniform and were subdued.

The bat demon stood with his head held high, and the battle entered the settlement screen, SSS evaluation, once again brushed the dungeon with different paths to the same destination to full marks.

For the void life, fatigue, durability, wear and tear do not exist at all. Even the most professional succubus cannot be his opponent in actual combat.

What, where is the Lord of Lust?

Under the table, the blonde with angel wings is the white eye.

Knowing that the bat demon is Wayne, who took away Hexunuo's purity, Lust became full of fighting spirit and vowed to pollute Hexunuo by polluting Wayne.

When she sees Hexunuo in the future, she can also arrogantly say that your man is tired of playing with her.

By the way, according to the internal market research of Paradise Lost, the most popular uniform is the nun uniform, and almost every devil who consumes here will order it three or five times.

Love at first sight, add time to continue.

Wayne looked down at a group of trash, his mind flashed, and he put on black heavy metal clothes.

"Why haven't you started the meeting yet? Isn't he making fun of me?"

As soon as he took a step, his ankle was grabbed by a hand under the table.

It was Lust, she trembled and said, "It's not over yet. If you want to leave this room, you have to step over my body first."

"As you wish."

Wayne praised Lust's fighting spirit, and to show respect, he used the most powerful quick attack method. Several tentacles extended from his feet, rolled up Lust and hung it in the air.

After a simple and rough round, the tentacle threw Lust on the wall like throwing garbage.

Hitting people is like hanging a painting, it sticks!

Facts have once again proved that whether it is a magical girl or a succubus, whether it is a single fight or a group fight, they are no match for the octopus.

"Why do I feel a little bored? Have I quit porn..."

Wayne frowned and walked out of the room, breathing the fresh air of the outdoor garden, feeling that his mind was much clearer.

The Lord of Lust is the world's most beautiful woman, and her four demigod followers Moma, Leon, Michelle, and Maltia are also charming, but Wayne did not enjoy the happiness in the interaction.

Especially in terms of the soul, it is becoming more and more boring, and it feels that this kind of thing is not interesting at all.

"Paradise Lost..."

"The abyss of losing happiness and joy, or, the happiness and joy in the past are just illusions that deceive oneself, and indulging in them is doomed to sadness..."

"Understanding this, you can see the true meaning of Paradise Lost, the spiritual realm is transcendent, free from the material constraints of the flesh, and no longer driven by desire..."

"The seven deadly sins have a meaning of existence, things will turn to the extreme, experience the baptism of evil, and understand the true meaning of good..."

"So that's it, I understand!"

Wayne sighed and nodded, "The sage time is up, take care of your spirit first, you are all hallucinating."

By the way, sigh, worthy of being the Lord of Lust, even a void life of his level was beaten out of the sage time, she is really too beautiful.

Suddenly greedy again!

Wayne shook his head and dispelled the golden ratio of the perfect female body in his mind. Although lust is good, it is ultimately a demon king without emotions. Both parties are attracted by beauty, and the tragedy of falling in love over time cannot happen.

Once feelings appear, the demons parading outside the Demon King's Palace are the best examples. They have suffered from the poisonous miasma of lust and have become self-degrading walking corpses.

Wayne came to the swimming pool, formed a pool of clear water in his mind, and slowly lay down to bathe in it.

Wash the leather bat demon, it is all marinated.

After a while, footsteps approached, rustling sounds sounded, and a white figure stepped into the pool.

Wayne lay at the bottom of the pool, and saw a touch of blonde hair in his peripheral vision, secretly saying that it was outrageous.

It has only been a short time, and lust feels that he can do it again?


The bat wings stretched out, and Wayne got out of the pool, and his slender arms extended, pressing his graceful figure to the edge of the pool. He was about to beat it up with his dancing tentacles, but suddenly found something wrong.

The person who came had big waves of blonde hair, exquisite features, and bright eyes. He was not the Lord of Lust, but had a face that Wayne was very familiar with.

Actress, singer, big star, Frank female spy...

Lily Hayworth!

How did she become a succubus? No, how could she be in hell?

Wayne looked at his teammates in his previous life in horror, his seven eyes wide open. In his understanding, Lily left Lundan and returned to Frank, and should be in Paris now.

Lily was the woman that Wayne admired, but not the woman that Wayne admired. After a hasty farewell, they became passers-by. The last time he went to Paris, he didn't even think of asking her out for tea.

They are not from the same world, so it's over.

Never expected that he would meet her in Paradise Lost, and in this situation.

Lily's mouth was covered by the claws of the devil, and she looked at the tentacles dancing around in disorder in horror.

She knew that the bat demon was the rival of the lustful master. Privately, the demigods headed by Momo called it the nemesis of the succubus.

Lily had never fought with the bat demon. With her little tricks, she fell down in an instant, and she couldn't even accumulate experience.

Give it for nothing.

On the other hand, Lust regards her as an important vessel, and cultivates her from the beginning. After awakening her bloodline, she is exposed to magic and is now a powerful...silver wizard.

Silver-level succubus, Lust can pollute a group with a wave of her hand. She is weak and only fit to operate in stores outside the Lost Paradise.

Lily can be treated specially, and she is not strong in a forced way. It shows that Lust attaches great importance to her and cultivates her as his right-hand man.

Wayne squinted his eyes and looked at Lily, confirming that she had become a succubus. Thinking about his current relationship with Lust, he pretended not to know each other.

Qianjiao Baimei is just the appearance of Lust, and she is a cold-blooded demon king inside. If she knows that Lily and Wayne know each other, no matter what the relationship is, she will secretly operate.

Wayne may not care, but Lily will be miserable.

"What a pretty little succubus, with a good figure. Tell me your name, and I will kill the nameless ghost under my crotch." Wayne threw Lily on the lawn.

The latter rolled twice, picked up the white dress and put it on, panicked, dodging her eyes and preparing to run away.

Lust said that the bat demon was too powerful and was a family heirloom of Paradise Lost. This octopus can be used for a long time and is a perfect container to test the strength and means of the succubus.

Lily's level is too low. The little means she learned in the Frank Intelligence Agency will only kill her when she encounters the bat demon.

Play jungle first, and then level up to be qualified to challenge the bat demon.

Lily's level is too low, she can't even play jungle. When her realm reaches the level of a gold mage, Lust will consider sending her to the grassroots level and working step by step.

In other words, Lily hasn't left the novice village yet, and the big devil has arrived.


"Speak up, ask your name!" Wayne waved his tentacles to intimidate.

Lily's face changed drastically, and she hurriedly said her real name in hell after becoming a succubus: "Li... Lilith."


Wayne had a string of question marks floating around his head. Lili became Lilith... It's not impossible, but this name made him think about it.

The first wife of Adam, a vampire, a female demon representing lust...

This name has a lot of consequences, and not everyone can give it. Especially when humans are everywhere in the God's Chosen Continent, Wayne couldn't help but think of the world being destroyed and reborn.

And the reborn world has no messy beliefs, only heaven and hell. God said let there be light, and created the world in seven days.

Too outrageous!

Wayne shook his head to dispel his reverie, staring at Lily and said: "Is this your name? It sounds good. Did Lust help you give it this name?"

Lily, or Lilith, nodded.

The world is the world, and hell is hell. The Lord of Lust gave hell its true name, letting her bid farewell to the past and walk in hell under the name of Lilith from now on.

Wayne understood the reason and wanted to ask something else, but Lilith's figure faded and disappeared from the spot.

On the other side, the Lord of Lust came over in a red evening dress with a slit on one side of the skirt, which was very high, revealing her slender legs in fishnet stockings.

Stockings were not popular in the world for a long time. They were brought back to hell by Martya. The Lord of Lust keenly noticed the blue ocean market and promoted them on a large scale in Paradise Lost.

Lust has a very accurate vision for everything related to Sese.

After Wayne was recognized by Pride, he stopped acting and gave Lust a few small suggestions to update the version based on stockings, including fishnet stockings, suspenders, leg rings, etc.

The costume designer was very professional. He let the five succubi wear creative clothes. With a meticulous spirit of scientific argumentation, he took risks alone and conducted in-depth quality inspections to confirm that these small items were indeed very useful.

"Lust, you interrupted my conversation with the kid." Wayne looked over with dissatisfaction.

"She's too immature, she'll only spoil your fun." Lust took a few steps forward and snuggled up to Wayne's chest.

"Really? But you care about her a lot. Let me guess, she's very important to you?" Wayne said sinisterly.

Lust frowned slightly and said lightly: "Yes, it's very important. If I'm unfortunately sealed or die one day, I can use her body to complete my resurrection."

There's nothing to hide about the devil's routine operations.

As for the devil, who doesn't have a few plans? When it comes to life and freedom, the big devil also has to plan a few backup plans.

Moma, Leon, Michelle, and Maltia can all be used as Lust's containers, and they can be used to save lives at critical moments. The routine is not new, but it wins in practicality.

The more containers, the better. Lilith is the latest container to be cultivated. She was not shaped directly, but cultivated step by step, just out of consideration in this regard.

Wayne nodded in his heart and continued, "I like her. Make an offer!"


Lust looked unhappy: "This is the first time you asked me for a succubus. Compared with me, she is not worth mentioning. What advantages does she have that attracted you?"

She is a poor person!

Wayne's evaluation of Lilith has not changed. The female spy loves her country very much. For the country, she is willing to pay all costs, including but not limited to herself.

Wayne is not qualified to be compared with her in this kind of spiritual will, so he respects her very much.

When they parted for the last time, Lilith suggested that she could make 'Wayne' who loves her happy, but he decisively refused.

Wayne respects the female spy. It is Frank's blessing to have her.

"I like her immaturity. Compared with you mature succubi, I can get more happiness by cultivating her step by step." Wayne said with a smile.

Lust rolled his eyes. This is very devilish, not angelic at all. Is it really appropriate for you, a heavenly weapon, to say such a thing?

In just a few days, Lust and Wayne had fought more than a hundred times, and he knew exactly what kind of person Wayne was. If it was him, it would be fine to say such things.

He played himself, and perhaps he was restrained.

"Strange, the devils who can move freely here are at least demigods like Michelle and Maltia. What about Lilith? She is said to be immature, but she is too weak." Wayne said with enthusiasm.

"She is not a succubus, she comes from the human world, she is a human."

"No wonder, she was so scared that her legs went weak as soon as I took off my pants. It turned out that she was a human who had never seen the world."

Wayne nodded repeatedly, and then said: "Why did she appear in hell? Did you trick her in?"

"No, it was Maltia..."

Lust told the cause and effect, and it was very likely that Paris's gate to hell was successfully opened. The loyal Maltia immediately planned for Lust.

She took a fancy to Lilith, who had a decent figure and devil's blood flowing in her body, and was a vessel of lust that could become a great one.

Maltia had prepared everything, but the leader was stuck and couldn't get out, so he had no choice but to give up.

Lilith had been trained, and it would be a pity to throw her away, so she was brought back to hell through the semi-finished gate of hell and personally sent to Paradise Lost.

After that, Lust gave the evolutionary route of the succubus and the real name of hell to Lilith.

Lust didn't tell much, including the possibility that Lilith was willing to go to hell. The female spy wanted to save the country on the verge of collapse, even if the front was hell, she would not look back.

The unlucky child was deceived!

Maltia only wanted to get the vessel for the leader to come to the world, and the content of the transaction was forgotten. Lilith cried out to the sky and the earth in hell, but no one answered, she was depressed, and practiced magic in the house every day.

"Wayne, she is very important to me. She is one of my life containers. Giving her to you means you owe me a life. The price is not low." Lust said with a smile.

"Call me Bat Devil. The Demon King Council will be convened soon. Jealousy can't stand this name."

Wayne patted his butt. Lust knew his name, and Lilith would know it sooner or later. The unlucky child was already very unlucky, and she couldn't be unlucky anymore.

He said directly: "One or two containers don't matter to you, and it's just a whim for me. Don't bid too high, otherwise I won't even think about lowering the price."

"Too ruthless, I gave everything to you, I thought we were already lovers." Lust was extremely resentful.

"You didn't give me all your seven deadly sins."

Wayne sneered: "Stop talking nonsense and make an offer. After this deal, we have more important business. You don't want to waste precious time, do you?"

Lust weighed the pros and cons for a moment and made an offer: "I want a part of the laws of gluttony and rage, and the territory. In the future, when you become a demon king as powerful as arrogance, you must tear up our alliance contract."

"Too many requests."

"Law of rage!"

Lust doesn't trust anyone except himself as an ally. Instead of hoping that Wayne won't tear up the contract, it's better to find a way to make himself stronger.


Wayne nodded readily, and then said: "Where is the territory you arranged for me? It's been delayed for so many days."

"Haven't you got the territory?"

Lust was surprised, holding the bat demon's hand and slowly pressing it on his chest.


Wayne was silent. This was why he was greedy for Lust's perfect body, but he would never like Lust.

She was too skilled.

In contrast, the wings flirt for the contrast of interest, such as the look of disgust on Duoziduota, knowing that Wayne would fall for this.

"How about it, great bat demon, the future seven demon kings, do you want to inspect your territory?" Lust blew the pink fragrance, lips and teeth were silky, and the charm was lingering.

"Let's get the territory done first. The Demon King Council is about to be convened, and I don't have much time left." Wayne said with his conscience.

Lust was dissatisfied. Wayne's desire was too strong, and it was another powerful demon king who could not be conquered.

The two discussed the territory, and Wayne asked to inspect the goods immediately.

Territory, and Lilith.

"You can only get the goods if you pay the money. I haven't got the law of rage yet."

"That's why I said to inspect the goods."



Hell's humanistic food street.

The territory of the Lord of Lust in Hell covers a wide area, five times the size of the Roshi Federation.

Hell is much larger than the God's Chosen Continent. The territory of each great demon king can directly cover the God's Chosen Continent. The land is vast and sparsely populated. Most areas are life-forbidden areas, and even the tenacious Hell cockroaches cannot survive.

For the devil, these are not important. Whether it is suitable for survival is a problem that lower life should consider. The strong never complain about the environment. They just want a large territory.

The territory that Lust allocated to Wayne is here, including a street of food culture. It is not large in area, but it is a rare fertile and rich place in Hell, and it has diverse species and a very developed tourism industry.

What drives the tourism industry? Those who understand it know it. The focus is on cultural characteristics rather than food, so I won't go into details here.

In a beautifully decorated palace, the Lord of Lust lies on the balcony, and next to him are four succubi who cannot fall to the ground.

Lilith guards the door and trembles outside the house.

She is not trembling.

Except for the Demon King Council, the Lord of Lust has not left Paradise Lost for some time. The seven demon kings are notorious, and no demon dares to attack her territory when she is not at home.

After a long cry, Wayne raised his belt and said, "This territory is good. I'm going to be busy now. Goodbye, I'll find you in Paradise Lost another day."

Lust rolled his eyes when he heard this.

He just leaned over to her ear and said, "Little darling, pull up your pants and send me away. You didn't even play the whole game. Don't expect to see her in a good mood next time."

Saying goodbye tomorrow, Lust waved his hand and rolled up four loyal subordinates, stepped out, and disappeared in the ripples of space.

Wayne narrowed his eyes slightly. This territory has not yet become his shape. When he gets the authority, it will not be so easy for Lust to enter and exit freely.

"And the Abyss..."

Wayne murmured. That territory must have something special.

The name has been thought of. Grab the Abyss territory of gluttony or rage, transform it into your own shape, and name it - Bat Cave.

Gotham is also OK.

The main theme is suitable!

Wayne closed his eyes, and the chains of the seven deadly sins emerged from his feet, sinking into the ground, leaving his own mark on the gray food street.

An inexplicable feeling rose in his heart, and with it came a wonderful taste similar to a buff bonus.

"Rather than saying it is the authority of the territory, it is better to say that it is the house deed of the lust of the owner..."

"I have the right to live in it, and my private property is inviolable, but... I don't really get this land. It can be taken away and can be transformed into the shape of someone else..."

"Is hell also a kingdom of God?"

Wayne opened his six eyes. If hell is a kingdom of God, who is the god of hell?

"There is no demon god in hell, the most likely..."

No way, arrogance is a god?

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