Restarting the myth

Chapter 453 Lord of Jealousy: Wayne, I finally found you

The Lord of Greed has been very busy recently.

Busy making money from war!

At present, his clients include but are not limited to Gluttony, Rage, Envy, Soskna, Ngeima, and hundreds of demons from Paradise Lost. Wherever there is money to be made, there is the busy figure of the Lord of Greed. What, Ngeima is his son?

Laughing to death, sons can't be clients, can't make money from sons?

How can you be so embarrassed to still rely on your parents when you are so old!

It is clearly written in the newspapers of Hell that on the God-chosen Continent, children will be kicked out of the house by their parents at the age of 18, make a living on their own, and go to college on their own.

If a child still spends the family's money at the age of 18, he will feel guilty, and will be isolated by classmates and looked down upon by friends.

Humans are still strong, how can the devil be compared.

When he is a greedy child, he has no money to do business. The Lord of Greed is like this. As long as it is profitable, they are his customers. The Lord of Envy and Soskna came for this.

Jealousy came to Greedy, ready to pull him together to deal with Pride. Pride was too strong. In a one-on-one fight, none of the six demons were his opponents. Only by joining forces could they see hope of victory. Greedy was a well-known greedy person. He would not get up early without profit. There must be a reason for greed. Looking for him was equivalent to being slaughtered. If possible, Jealousy did not want to join forces with him.

But there were not many choices now. Except for Greedy, the other four of the five demons were busy.

Gluttony and Wrath were busy watching the cross, Laziness was busy watching Laziness, and Lust was even more heavyweight. They were so busy that their wet souls fell. How could Wandering and Wet be so disappointed?

Jealousy really had no choice but to come to Greedy.

Soskna's situation was similar. After throwing Wayne into hell, he immediately sent his thoughts to hell. Knowing that he could not beat Wayne, he did not go there to get beaten by a fool. He went to Gluttony to seek tactical guidance.

Wayne was not an ordinary person. He had to use a big devil-level punch. Only the King of Gluttony could defeat Wayne in person.

Gluttony was busy fighting with Wrath. Soskna waited for two days but didn't even see Gluttony. In desperation, he came to the notorious Greed to try his luck.

Greed has a bad reputation. When mentioning him, the devils all spit foul words, angry that he always adds money and has no contract spirit.

That being said, as long as the money is added, everything can be negotiated with Greed. Soskna arrived first and met Greed before Envy. The latter deeply understood the truth that rare goods are valuable. At present, no one can help Soskna except him, so he hesitated and refused to agree.

Although he had never met Wayne, he regarded the other party as a close friend, brother, and brother just by hearing the name. He had to pay more for him to deal with his own brother.

One raised the price and the other tried to lower the price by blade method. At present, they are still in the business power.

As soon as he went out, he bumped into the next customer, the Lord of Envy.

Soskna, you can see that I am very busy, really busy. "

Greedy looked helpless as he could lose millions of dollars every minute. He had already lost a lot by taking time out of his busy schedule to see Suskner. Suskner must make up for the loss.

After Greedy finished speaking, he found that no one was paying attention to him. He turned around and saw the two clients gathered together.

What's going on?

Greedy looked curiously, and Envy looked ecstatic. His struggling expression seemed to show that Pride was being pressed to the ground and rubbed by the four archangels.

Greedy didn't understand, and Suskner didn't understand either. They just stared at the enthusiastic Envy.

"Damn it, you should say something. Say it again, what's his name!"

"Yes, Wayne."

"Hahaha, the Lord of Envy laughed loudly, slapped Suskner on the shoulder one after another, two lines of blood and tears flowed down, and his face showed three points of joy, five points of relief, and ninety-two points of Shu Yang's relief. "Justice may retreat, but justice will never be absent!"

What's the situation with this guy? Did Pride damage his brain?

Suoskena was confused, and vaguely thought of a possibility, and asked tentatively: "Great Lord of Jealousy, do you also know Wayne?"

"More than knowing him, I think about him in my dreams!"

Jealousy had a ferocious look on his face. There were two people in his dream, Pride and Hexunuo. Wayne didn't appear in many scenes. Generally, Wayne was never the first choice of Jealousy when he appeared in a team with Hexunuo, but it didn't matter. If there was Wayne, there was Hexunuo. If Wayne came, how could Hexunuo be far behind!

After catching Hexunuo, he would drag this couple to the Seven Demon Kings Conference and parade them in public. Everyone would know that he was jealous and not lying, and it was Pride that had been leading the pace.


There was no need to catch Hexunuo. As long as he got Wayne, Hexunuo dared to come to hell to rescue people, and the truth would be revealed in hell. Thinking of this, the Lord of Jealousy laughed again.

The injustice was redressed, and his thoughts were clear. He finally waited for this day!

But first...calm down, don't be happy at the critical moment.

Jealousy suppressed the ecstasy in his heart, stared at Suoskena, his eyes were like a wolf, almost wanting to bite people: "I ask again, his name is Wayne, a magician in the world, right?"

Look, he waved his hand to pull down a ball of water curtain, and posted Wayne's headshot.

It's him, I can recognize him even if he turns into ashes. "

"Okay, okay!"

The Lord of Jealousy's eyes were red, and he twisted his voice: "Tell me, why is Wayne in hell, which angel kindly sent him down?"

"There is no angel, it's me."

Soskena did not mention the remains of the Life Alliance, but only said that he had a grudge against Wayne: "This is so, this is so.-He came down."

"No, you are the angel, my jealous angel!"

"Hahaha" x2 Soskner nodded repeatedly and laughed.

Judging from the posture, the Lord of Jealousy and Wayne are mortal enemies. Jealousy hates Wayne so much that he is so unforgettable that he even dreams about Wayne.


Soskner was so excited. The secret passage was obtained without any effort. If he had known that Wayne had enemies in hell, he would have just gone to the Lord of Envy. So much time was wasted on gluttony and greed.

"Great Lord of Jealousy, I..." Just call me Jealousy. From today on, your kid is my angel brother. Call me Big Brother, and I won't look after you from now on. "Jealous Zhengyi said, "Brother, is this appropriate?

Soskner smiled honestly, not being carried away by the ecstasy, and said rationally: "Brother Jealousy, I heard that you recently started a war with the Lord of Arrogance. If you go to deal with Wayne now, will it delay the fight?"

No more fighting, let’s stop fighting now. "

Jealousy waved his hand and went to tmd war. If it were not for his grievances, he would have nowhere to complain. He was crazy and fought with arrogance to the end.

Getting Wayne is the same as getting Hexiuno. There is no point in continuing the war. The top priority is to catch Wayne. Hexiuno must not be allowed to sneak away and bring Wayne back to the world.

This is the closest he has come to being innocent. If he misses it, he will be a clown for the rest of his life and will never be able to hold his head up.

Wait a minute, what are you two doing? "

Greed looked at it for a while and realized that the problem was serious. The two clients who were looking for him to discuss business ignored him and concluded the business on their own.

Are there any of you who talk about business like this? There is no spirit of contract at all. When did hell become like this!

Greed is a bit impatient, which means that everything is easy to discuss. Selling jealousy to save face, no extra money on the original price, let's deal with the arrogant master together: make Soskner a friend, 9.9% off the friendship price, and just take care of the business in the future.

What have you been doing! x2 You are not here in the coldest month of winter, but who are you when spring comes? Jealousy and Soskner's mind is filled with Wayne, and there is no greed in his eyes. Looking at this face that only talks about business, his fists are itchy for a moment.

He was so greedy that he couldn't understand how a good business could be cut off. He covered his bleeding heart with his hands and comforted himself silently. Successful people are too busy. They are up and down every minute. Jealousy and Soskna If the business is gone, it will be gone. Today, I can still do a business with Ngoyima, and I will give my son a six-year-old father later without agreeing to the price. I will make three orders of money from one business, and I will make up for the loss.

Having said that, Greed is still heartbroken. He could have made nine out of three orders, but rounding off, he suffered a big loss today.


Envy snorted coldly, ignored Greed, and looked at Soskner with a friendly look: "Brother, where is that piece of shit Wayne? Without further ado, let's get there quickly. This kid is a slippery man, we can't let him run away."

"Ah this..." Soskna hesitated and looked at his brother's expectant eyes. Qian Baba said: "I sent him to hell two days ago. He was in my territory at that time. Maybe he hasn't left yet - .--..Bar. "

Dear brother, you made me miss something important. Why didn’t you come to me two days ago? ! "

Jealousy's eyes widened, he felt a throbbing pain at the top of his heart, and his fists felt itchy when he looked at Soskna.

If you don't succeed enough, you will fail more than you should, so don't let me be a useless good brother!

Jealous brother, you are at war with the Lord of Arrogance, and the younger brother is not familiar with you, and does not know that you have a grudge against Wayne, so... - "Excuses, they are all excuses!"

He was furious with jealousy and suspected that Wayne had been brought back to the world by Hexiuno. In anger, he raised his hand to chop his newly befriended brother.

"Soskner, why are you here?"

At this time, Ngoyima, who was covered in blood, climbed up unsteadily, with a familiar black face and bald head, and came to Greedy in a flash: "That's him, he just acted recklessly on my territory, father, you want to Make the decision for me!"

..." Two good models, one big brother and one good brother, not to mention how close they are.

There were no fools in the field, and Ngoyima's words told them all.

Shut up, you bastard, who told you to speak! "

Greedy was sweating profusely, and grabbed Ngoyima's sleeve: "Come, follow me into the house. Today, I will give back to old customers, and I will count it as your own son. Whoever does anything wrong in your territory, quickly pay for it." Money, I’ll go over and kill him.”

It's him, Soskna, now in the territory of Cythoras and Maltia. "

"Damn it, you still said that."

*Hahaha" x2 Looking at the two good brothers laughing, and looking at the indignant look on the old father's face, Ngoyima frowned, probably understanding something.

Soskner had just been negotiating business with Greed, and had no time or ability to disappear in his territory. The Soskner he saw was someone else, an enemy of the Lord of Envy.

In this case, there is no need for him to negotiate business with Greed, even if the dog father doesn't want it!

Ngoyima waved his sleeves, made a slapping sound, and came to Envy and Soskna with half sleeves and an angry face.

I know it's very hard to be the son of the big devil. He doesn't deserve to be so smart. He must ask clearly: "Soskner, stop acting. I can't mistake your face. It was you who was in my territory just now." Make trouble!"

"The Blood Lord has misunderstood."

"Ngoyima, you have wronged my good brother, he is the real troublemaker." Envy waved and showed Wayne's mugshot.

"What, it's him?!"

For a moment, Ngoyima's eyes were red, and he let out a roar in his throat: "How dare this bastard come to hell and use his mask to deceive me again and again. I must kill him today!"

Wayne and Ngoyima met three times, the first time on Dragon Heart Island, the second time in the Great Underground Tomb of Paris, and the third time just now.

During the three meetings, Wayne put on a vest twice and used three faces to insist on talking about the similarities. Ngoyim responded and never stood up in front of Wayne.

With new grudges and daily hatred, Ngoyima is on the verge of going berserk. He can't make a single order today!

The Lord of Greed felt a chill in his heart. No profit equaled a blood loss. Looking at the three customers who had found a common topic, he didn't understand what was going on.

"Ngoyima, you also have a grudge against Wayne?" Soskner was delighted, "More than just a grudge, I want to eat his flesh, drink his blood, and pick off his head and play it as a ball!" Geima growled.

"Kick together!" x2 "Brother!"

"Good brother!"

"Two brothers!"

"Hahaha" , and became the elder of all demon kings.

"I've made... I've made it." Greed shed tears of joy. For a devil with greed engraved in his bones, blowing three orders in a row and still under his nose is more disturbing than the appearance of a great devil in hell. He is sad.

Damn it, who is this Wayne? "

Greed's seniority was short-lived. Jealousy reacted as soon as he left home. He recognized Ngoyima as his virtuous younger brother. According to seniority, Greed became his elder and rode on all the big devils.

This is an achievement that neither arrogance nor lust has accomplished!

The more he thought about it, the more jealous he became. Unwilling to let greed ride on his head, he changed his mind on the spot and kicked Ngoyima out of the trio of hell brothers.

How can you be my virtuous younger brother? If it were your father, he would be the same!

Ngoyima secretly told the devil that the big devil is moody and will fall out whenever he wants. From now on he will become the big devil and he will be as ruthless as the Lord of Jealousy.

With Soskna's input, everyone discussed their own issues, so Ngoyima reluctantly retained his position and did not call out his uncle and third uncle on the spot.

Newly made brothers, not yet familiar with each other, Soskner introduced himself and made his identity clear.

It turns out that we are the ancestors of the Abyss. Hell and Abyss are connected by the same spirit. We can be called brothers and sisters. Dear brother, we have been a family for a long time. "Jealousy said cheerfully.

He is happy with everything he sees now. He is in high spirits during happy events. If he were not already flying in the air, he would be floating.

Big brother, you serve under the Dark Goddess, and you are still a strong competitor for God. Your future is limitless! " Ngoyima praised.

That was before, but it doesn't work anymore. Wayne is closer to the Dark God than I am. If I hadn't been defeated miserably in his hands, I wouldn't have risked my life to send him back to hell. "

Soskna sighed: "He is a devil. He has the seal of heaven. If he goes to hell, he will not be able to return to the earth."

What, Wayne believes in the Dark Goddess, but he is a Death Knight! "Ngoyima's eyes widened. How could Wayne be the devil? He and Heshuno had sex, so he should go to the lobby?" His eyes widened with jealousy. "Ah, Wayne is involved with death and heaven. He betrayed The goddess of darkness? "Soskner's eyes widened"...x3 Three faces looked at each other, six eyes wide open.

"Don't worry yet, let's do it."

Ngoyima clenched his fist and coughed softly: "Last time in the Catacombs of Paris, I saw him wielding the Shadow Dream Demon and turning into a death knight. I am very sure that I can never be wrong."

"I saw Wayne and Herhunot having sex with my own eyes!"


In fact, not smiling is already very embarrassing.

It makes no sense, what kind of look do you have! "

The Lord of Jealousy was so angry that he was shaking all over. He was in high spirits just now, but now nothing happened.

Brother, I believe you! "Soskner said hurriedly.

"I, I believe it too..." "You two don't believe it at all!"

Jealousy's eyes were red. He took several deep breaths, suppressed the boiling anger, and gritted his teeth and said: "It doesn't matter if you don't believe it. Wayne is in hell. My truth and justice are already late. I don't mind waiting a little longer. Wait. I will capture Wayne and guard Heshuno who comes to get him, and then you will know who is lying."

He was struggling in pain and suffering because he was waiting for an opportunity. He wanted to take a breath. He was not trying to prove how great he was, but to tell all the devils that hell owed him an apology from the jealous lord and that he had not lied!

He is not a clown! !

He believes that even in hell, there is fairness and justice! ! !

Brother, don't be angry. If Wayne is caught, the truth will be made public and you can be cleared of your grievances. "

Soskner comforted me repeatedly, and then said: "It just so happened that I also had some questions to ask him. This boy competed with me to become a god, bullied me, and suppressed me. I thought he had won the favor of the goddess because of his pious faith, but Wan Fang didn't expect it. , he dared to deceive the goddess of darkness, there is also the goddess of death outside! "

Speaking of this, Soskna was extremely angry. The goddess was deceived and believed in a traitor, which made his failure even more failed. "Who is this kid? Is he an undercover agent sent by the goddess of death to the goddess of darkness, or did he deceive two people at the same time?" She's a goddess, she's really brave." Ngoyima looked solemn and he even slept with Hexuno! "Jealous Zhensheng added, "Well, he also slept with the archangel..."

Ngoyima hurriedly added this paragraph and spoke quickly: "Lord of Jealousy, Wayne is very powerful. I am not his opponent when I fight him in the territory. I don't know you... - Don't get me wrong. , I'm afraid you are arrogant in underestimating your enemy."

You are so arrogant in front of me. If you want to die, just say so.

Jealousy glanced at Ngoyima with disdain, and became even more angry: "Listen, no matter what mistakes I make in my life, I will never commit the crime of arrogance!"

"But I used my authority."

What's the use of your little authority? Wayne can tarnish the archangel's purity. How can he be a weakling like you? It's natural that you can't beat him. "

Jealousy made an evaluation, and then said: "The power of the Seven Demon Kings is far greater than that of all devils. This is hell. He cannot be my opponent no matter what. Keep your eyes open later and see how I deal with him. "

"...."*x2 Is there a possibility that this is called arrogance? x2 Soskner and Ngoyima looked at each other and agreed to remain silent, saying nothing or persuading anything.

Ngoyima was a little worried. The Lord of Jealousy's strength has declined seriously in recent times. He first lost part of his mind in the human world, and threw the hell ambassador into the human world, which consumed a lot of power. The time at the Gate of Hell was a heavy loss.

Being chased and pinned to the ground by arrogance caused all kinds of friction, and the injuries were getting worse. It was a far cry from the heyday.

However, after all, he is the Seven Demon Kings, and his powerful background is there.

There is no doubt about the strength of the seven demon kings, and this is hell. No matter how powerful Wayne is, no matter how jealous he is, he is arrogant and underestimates the enemy, it will not affect the final result.

Will win!

Soskna nodded vigorously, Ngoyima thought for a moment and then nodded vigorously.

The spider queen's lair.

Wayne knew that Maltiye's whole milk was added to the black tea, so he stayed away from the cup of black tea and never touched it again to gain a general understanding of the situation in hell. His mind was filled with information about the evolution of mechanical weapons. Mechanical weapons originated from Prussia. The super black technology among black technologies originated from an alien spacecraft. Human beings are not alone. There is a vast world outside the God's Chosen Continent.

After learning that Gluttony and Fury both had information on the evolution of mechanical weapons, Wayne couldn't help but think about it and was horrified. Things were not that simple. Someone had planned a scheme behind the scenes to allow him, Gluttony and Fury to obtain the keys to evolution. No matter how brave you are, At one point, he was just adding to the problem. Gluttony and rage were the goals of the mastermind behind the scenes. Through the two demon kings, he brought the evolution of mechanical weapons to hell.

There is no definite evidence, and it is not clear what the mastermind behind the scenes is planning and why he wants to invest in Hell. Wayne's idea is just a guess and he does not dare to draw conclusions easily.

But the mastermind behind the scenes has a huge plan, and he wants to swallow the whole hell. Then, will he point his sword at the human world and pollute everything in sight into machines?

Suddenly, he thought that the weapons had contaminated Heya, and the lobby was also part of the mastermind's plan. Wayne was worried about Zhongzhong, and decided to return to the world as soon as possible, and visited Prussia at night to find the truth about the mastermind. It was not the best. He thought too much, and there was If...·. While the crisis sweeping through the lobby, the world, and hell is still in its infancy, eradicate it immediately and never let the crisis turn into a disaster.

Cytras, to tell you the truth, I am an aspiring immigrant from hell. The abyss has become the playground of the seven demon kings. I am unable to take it back, so I left my hometown to serve the Dark Goddess. "

Wayne sighed repeatedly: "The competitive pressure outside is even greater, and it's hard to get along anywhere. I returned to Hell to work under the King of Gluttony, and moved into a territory, preparing to learn more knowledge to enrich myself. After studying for a while, I learned that The territory of hell can affect the human world and quickly increase my power. Do you have any good ideas about the gate of hell? "

Having said this, he looked at Maltiye again and said, "If Empress Zhu has any ideas, I would very much welcome them. The affairs of Engeyima are rough, so why don't the three of us form an alliance to advance and retreat together."

Martiye smiled slightly, then put her hand on the back of Wayne's hand, and drew a small circle with her fingertips, which was soft, fragrant, and itchy.

Wayne was feeling angry. He used to slap the devil in the face, but now he was selling his beauty in exchange for information. He was touched by a charming female devil with long breasts and thighs, but he still smiled at her. The more he thought about it, the angrier he became, but he had been wronged to death. .

In order to return to the human world, I can only act for a while.

Wayne Wei Guangnian and Maltia were full of joy, had a wide range of roles, and played the perverted ghost vividly, and they quickly entered the state.

Three seconds later, his muscular hand turned into Martiye's hand, and he drew a circle on his palm. Trust was not affected, and looked at Wayne with a faint smile, seeming to be thinking about the possibility of an alliance between the three of them. After the sound, when Martiye sat in Wayne's arms, he slowly said: "If you want to enter the human world, you must first set the coordinates in the human world. The seal of heaven is very strong. Only by contacting hell from the human world can our thinking Come to earth."

In other words, the devil needs to be summoned before he can come to the world. Coming here is just the beginning. The devil at this time is not strong and there is a risk of being eliminated at any time. Losing part of your mind for nothing is a loss-making business.

If he wants to make his business bigger, the only option is the Gate of Hell, and the seal of heaven has become unavoidable. There is no Gate of Hell in Kanwen's plan. He sets the coordinates, puts part of his thinking into the human world, and it's done. He presses to see Mal. Tia's conscience asked Cythora what to do. Soskna, you are a demigod from the Kingdom of Darkness. It is impossible for you to have no backup plan. We should ask you for advice on how to come to the world. "Setolas smiled and told Wayne not to be miserable.

Wayne was speechless. Soskna could do it, but he was really helpless. He said with a bitter smile: "You have also seen that I arrived in hell in my own body and almost lost contact with the Kingdom of Darkness. I Now, like the two of you, you can only come to earth through devil’s means.”


There was a roar mixed with joy from high in the sky, and the loud sound echoed through the sky. Cytus frowned slightly: "It's the King of Jealousy. Why is he here? "The Lord of Jealousy!

Wayne's eyes suddenly narrowed, and he temporarily took over the hand with self-awareness, and pulled it out from the collar of the dress. He asked curiously: "Who is Wayne? Is the Lord of Jealousy beaten stupid by the Lord of Arrogance?" "Most likely."

Cytras smiled: "Don't pay attention to him. He will go crazy for a while from time to time. Just leave him alone and he will leave."

Yes, just ignore him. Talking to him will only cause trouble. "Martia covered her mouth and smiled sweetly, and put Wayne's hand back into her arms.

Neither of the two devils took the Lord of Jealousy seriously. They didn't ignore it, but they couldn't look at it.

The Lord of Clowns' temper is getting more and more irritable, and his rage is not as angry as his own. Any devil with brains knows how to hide away. If he goes up to him at this time, it is no different from actively looking for a beating. Boom! ! !

With a loud noise, most of the Spider Queen's nest collapsed.

The pressure at the level of the Great Demon King fell from the sky, turning the world upside down like a sea hanging in the air.

The figure of the Lord of Jealousy slowly solidified, standing in mid-air, ignoring the ashen-faced Maltia, and looked at Soskna with a twisted smile.

"Wayne, I finally found you!"

"Hahaha", how long has his symptoms lasted? "

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