Restarting the myth

Chapter 398: One devil is a dragon, two devils are insects

Inside the crater, a boiling furnace hell rolled, and the violent burning river made the most primitive roar, like a flowing flame, shocking people.

Above the flowing flame, 30 to 50 meters away, an interstellar battleship with an unknown alloy surface slowly floated.

The battleship was silver-white, with smooth lines and contours, and had a sci-fi texture, like a carefully polished sword, standing upright inside the crater.

From a distance, the crater was a beating heart, and the sword could penetrate it at any time.


Wayne swallowed hard. No wonder Prussia's black technology is the best in the world. It turned out to be reverse engineering...

It can't be said that being able to reverse it is also a symbol of strength. Many countries can't copy homework.

Wayne closed his eyes and thought. During the First World War on the Chosen Continent, Prussia did not show advanced technology, which means that this interstellar battleship was discovered after the First World War.

The confidentiality work was so good that the previous government must not know, otherwise the insects would have sold the information for money.

From the discovery of the warship to the use of mechanical weapons in the Prussian army, they are all closely related to the current Prussian authorities.

After thinking for a while, Wayne opened his eyes, couldn't bear it anymore, and complained fiercely: "I knew that since they are ancient gods, there must be alien civilizations with powerful technology."

Whether it is the God-chosen Continent or the world before Wayne crossed over, the topic of whether aliens exist has been debated endlessly.

Wayne felt that there was nothing to argue about. The universe is so big, there are so many galaxies, and there are planets in each galaxy that can give birth to life. In this case, humans cannot be the only ones.

Many theories also believe that there are other universes, and the possibility that humans are the only ones is even smaller.

Believe it or agree with it, it is the first time for Wayne to experience the third kind of contact. He can't help but be eager to go on board to see it clearly.

"Regina, go in and take a look."

"What if there is danger?"

"It's okay, it's nothing serious. It's not that easy to die. It doesn't matter if you are disabled. I will support you for life." Wayne directly thought and ordered Regina to hurry up.

Danger is pure nonsense.

Prussia has evolved into a mechanical weapon. People have already explored it. The pit is full of corpses. Regina stepped on the corpses to enter the battleship. There is no danger.

Regina made a bitter face and muttered the difference between a worker and a sleeper. She opened her succubus wings behind her and flew around the interstellar battleship.

This battleship has the function of energy absorption and conversion, absorbing geothermal heat and converting it into energy to keep the ship balanced and suspended in the air.

There are no propulsion devices such as engine jets around the body. There is an entrance about three meters high on the left side of the hull.

Regina tilted her head and looked for a while, then flapped her wings and got in.

Wayne widened his eyes, full of expectations, and then everything went black.

Lost contact!


The battleship has a built-in anti-peep shielding function, similar to a space ban. Wayne was worried that Regina would encounter an accident and was ready to go over to see it clearly.

On the ground, the Admiral of the Navy looked up and watched the battle.

Gluttony and rage pressed the two marshals to rub.

Mechanical weapons can evolve, but the speed of exchanging potential is far slower than the speed of the demon king's thoughts. The strength of the two sides is not at the same level. Once the demon king plays for real, the battle will show a one-sided trend.

Unlike Suoskena who left in disappointment, the two demon kings are very optimistic about the path of mechanical weapons.

The situation and vision of the three determine their needs. Suoskena strives to become a god, and his goal is to evolve from a worker to a senior worker. The goal of the two demon kings, Gluttony and Rage, is to become the top leader of hell from a regional manager, and to be the boss and dominate.

Suoskena feels that mechanical weapons are not suitable for him, but the two demon kings are different. They have been waiting for this opportunity for too long. Regardless of whether it is suitable or not, they will get it first.

Even if it is not suitable, I can't use it and I can't let others use it.



The huge fly buzzed and flapped its wings, pressing the flying fortress evolved from the Air Force Marshal under it, and opened its ferocious mouthparts full of fangs on its chest and abdomen, gnawing at the flying fortress and swallowing it into its stomach at the fastest speed.

Gluttony's ability is somewhat similar to that of the Abyss Python. Devouring is not the goal, but a means to obtain the other party's information laws through devouring.

Gluttony did not integrate these laws into its body immediately. After eating the Air Force Marshal, it flapped its wings and swallowed the Navy Marshal beside it.

Secondary polluted information is precious or not so precious. The key lies in the source.

The big-headed fly looked at the volcano in the distance, flapped its wings and flew into the air. With a bang, a black shadow fell from the sky and smashed it to the ground.


The half-dragon dismantled the Army Marshal, packed it in batches and sent it back to the Abyss projection space, and then transformed into a hell dragon, and grabbed Gluttony and pressed it to the ground with a hug.

True Hell Rolling.

"Rage, you bastard, let me go!"

"Idiot, at this point, do you think we still need to continue?"

In the dark rolling sphere, the two demon kings tore their faces apart, cursing and rolling towards the crater, just to get the evolution source of mechanical weapons.

At this moment, a white light fell from the sky, piercing through the evil dragon and the big fly, nailing the two demon kings to the ground together.

The halo rhythmically pulsated, and the huge energy holy spear burst into white flames, impacting the darkness, igniting the mind and flesh, and causing the two demon kings who were hugged and thrown to scream in pain.

Three fluttering figures were suspended in the air.

Wayne, Heya, and Dilda.

Wayne was wearing a white robe with golden cross patterns embroidered on the back and cuffs, and a white mask on his face, showing that he was doing business in heaven.

The combat uniform for church clergy was made temporarily by his mind to prevent his identity from being exposed and attracting unnecessary attention to Hexunuo. The white foam turned into a mask to cover his true face.

This was the first time Wayne used the vest of heaven. The golden rule holy flame turned into a beam of light surrounding his body. The surging holy will was extremely majestic, making Heya subconsciously lag behind half a body to show respect.

As a result, Dilda also fell behind half a body.

Hexunuo has a status of one butt in heaven, representing purity among the seven virtues, implying that all angels are pure. There is nothing wrong with this position.

Now it’s not okay. The position of one butt is getting further and further away from purity.

Of course, according to Hexunuo's self-consolation, only when you are in darkness can you yearn for light, bathe in filth, and the purity in your heart is precious.

She has always been able to deceive herself.


The energy holy spear exploded, and a scorching white flame column shot up into the sky. A huge cross flashed in the sky, and golden light fell like raindrops with white sparks, baptizing this hot land filled with gunpowder.

The strong wind swept through, and the gunpowder went away.

In the deep pit at the center of the explosion, the two demon kings turned into human forms, looking coldly at the sky.

The gluttonous and furious human forms are both male images.

The former is tall and well-proportioned, and his weight is very well controlled. Not only did he not become a fat man due to overeating, but he was handsome and wore a slim black suit, which set off his straight and upright figure with smooth lines.

The latter has blonde hair and blue eyes, soft facial features, elegant temperament, warm and sunny, giving people a feeling of being easy to talk to, and has nothing to do with the word "rage".

Gluttony does not make you fat, rage is gentle, and the duplicity of hell is clear at a glance.

The two demon kings slowly ascended into the air, facing the reincarnated angels of heaven, and fought together again, turning the page of tearing their faces directly, so skilled that it makes people feel distressed.

Hell culture, or regional culture, is not something that ordinary people can learn.

"Frede, Fred..."

"You two were not captured?"

Gluttony frowned and looked at the three reincarnated angels in front of him, and his heart skipped a beat. If the Frede in front of him was real, who was the "Frede" contaminated by mechanical weapons?

A chill surged into his heart, and the Lord of Gluttony realized that he had fallen into the conspiracy of heaven and was severely played by the angels.

"These two guys are not important, he is the key!"

Rage looked at Wayne who was standing at the top. He was so mysterious that he dared not show his true face, but he was so powerful that the two angels were respectful...

Cephagnum or...Seraph?

Like Gluttony, Rage also sensed the breath of conspiracy. The two demon kings held their breath and waited for Wayne to introduce himself.

"Bugs from hell, the army of angels is coming. This is not the place for you. Get out of hell, or I will imprison your thoughts in the Golden Rule Bible and take you back to heaven." Wayne spoke slowly, with a neutral voice, and it was hard to tell whether it was a man or a woman.

"Who are you?"

"A guy who hides his head and shows his tail. We are old friends. What's there to be embarrassed about!"

The two demon kings spread their minds and tried to recognize Wayne's identity by sensing his breath.

The effect was average. The more they looked, the more confused they became. It was like a strange passerby who had never seen him before.

Heaven and Hell have been fighting each other for many years. If it is a high-level angel, both demon kings know each other. Even if they are not familiar with each other, they have met each other. A high-level angel that has never been seen before...

If the other party did not deliberately hide his identity, there is only one possibility.

Playing tricks!

"We will know whether it is true or false after a try. I will expose your hypocritical mask."

Gluttony snorted coldly, stepped forward and blocked in front of Wrath, his eyes flashed black light, penetrated into the space, and caused a ripple-like fluctuation.

The ripples expanded rapidly, causing the space to roll up huge waves.

The space where Wayne and the other two were located was distorted. After the collapse, the vast energy of the seven deadly sins rolled wantonly, like a black sea surging in the sky.

Hula la! !

White chains were spread out one by one, and Dilda stepped on the holy mark magic circle, spreading the white and holy holy will, controlling the chains to seal the raging black sea, smoothing the space and restoring it to its original state.

Gluttony was immediately furious, staring at Dilda who was making trouble, and grabbed with five fingers in the air, twisting the space where Wayne and the other two were. After the three separated, he roared and rushed towards Heya.

Rage: "..."

Are you playing me here?

Devils have no integrity, and the Demon King is the best among them. Rage is not surprising, and he is used to it and can't get angry at all.

Seeing that Gluttony picked a soft persimmon and left Wayne, who didn't know the depth, to him, he snorted coldly and went to meet him.

In mid-air, the angel and the devil fought in one place.

Dilda spread a huge force field, weakened the seven deadly sins in the field, amplified the golden rule, and gave Wayne and Heya who used holy light several buffs.

Anyone who has anything to do with holy light will be strengthened on this basis.

On the contrary, the two demon kings were suppressed to varying degrees.

Being able to defend, control, and heal, Dilda is perfect except for his average output.

The two demon kings simultaneously regarded him as their primary target of attack. When Wayne and Heya stopped them, they had to increase their power to offset the weakened power.

"Roar, roar, roar————"

Last time in the Abyss Projection Space, Heya was weakened by the venue and could only exert 50% of her strength, which made her feel particularly frustrated. Today, the Archangel helped her to seek justice and summoned the Holy Dragon of Heaven without saying a word.

The 100-meter-long Holy Dragon roared to the sky, expressing Heya's resentment. She held the Holy Spear of Heaven, and the Golden Rule wrapped around her body, transforming into a silver-white battle suit with a sense of science fiction.

In contrast, Gluttony was much more plain and unpretentious, with a dark spear transformed from the Seven Deadly Sins, and no armor around her body.

The two figures fought in one place, the residual light flashed, the sound waves rolled, accompanied by the roar of the Holy Dragon, the surging energy collided violently, and the oppressive space was shaky.


The golden lightning broke through the air, leaving a long aurora afterimage.

Wayne flapped the white wings behind him, holding the white sword transformed from the Holy Light, burning the scorching white flames and slashing at the back of the Lord of Rage's head.

Backstab of Justice!

Fury seemed to have eyes behind his head. He turned over and attacked. His five fingers were wrapped in black weapons. He grasped the holy sword tightly and it exploded with crackling sounds.

"Who are you? This fighting style is not like those old friends I know."

As he spoke, terrifying energy exploded in his palm, and dark beams shot out densely, like a sharp sword that was almost materialized, quickly cutting the position where Wayne was.

The demon king was amazingly powerful. Even if only part of his thoughts descended and he was suppressed by the halo of the positive character, he should not be underestimated.

Wayne secretly had a headache. If possible, he would rather watch the two demons kill each other and wait for them to decide the winner before coming out to clear the field.

However, Regina's situation was unclear, and the two demons were not fuel-saving lamps. They fought and approached the volcano, and they had to see the fat meat before they fought to the death.

The demon king had rich experience in being a villain. In comparison, Wayne, a positive character, was restrained and was suppressed by the demon king on an unfamiliar track.

He learned from his experience and continued to play the villain in the future. Whoever wants to play the role of a positive character can take it.


The black dragon claw tore through the space, cutting five scarlet lights, extending a thousand meters and piercing straight down.

Wayne dodged sideways, under the humanoid skin, the pale knight logged in to his account, the fake white wings behind him were no longer stiff, and the holy white sword in his hand also became brighter.

On the surface of the Book of Greed, the big eyeballs burst into holy white light.

Boom! !

Wayne's speed soared, and he killed in front of the Lord of Rage in an instant. The latter subconsciously raised his claws to resist, trying to replicate the previous scene and crush the holy light sword again.

The afterimage of the sword light flashed, and the two figures crossed each other, and a section of the black dragon claw flew into the air, sprinkling black dirty blood.

At the end of the half arm, the remaining holy fire suddenly erupted, burning this section of the dragon claw shaped by thought into ashes.

The Lord of Rage was greatly surprised. The mysterious angel went all out, and the golden rule was full of holy will. He was not playing tricks. He did have a high status in heaven, but he could not tell who the other party was by his mind perception.

There was no reason why even the soul changed shape after reincarnation... Who was it? Heaven still had hidden combat power?

The sword light came, and Rage had no time to think. He turned sideways and could not avoid it. Blood and dirt burst out on his chest, and Wayne's claws followed closely and dug out his heart.


Wayne crushed the heart, and the holy flames surrounded the tip of his fist, washing away the sinful black mud.

The light flashed continuously, and the sword light shattered the space. In a few breaths, Rage became a heartless human stick.

The pain in the body was secondary. The key was that the mind was weakened. Every time Wayne slashed the sword, he wiped out the wrathful body mind at the fastest speed, not giving the other party time to react.

After a few back and forth, Rage wanted to retreat.

Today's battle was particularly strange. From the beginning to now, it seemed that it was a trap set by heaven for him and Gluttony.

Just now, he heard Wayne say that the angel army was about to arrive at the scene. He didn't believe it himself. Now it seems that this possibility cannot be ruled out.

Especially the white mask on Wayne's face. This face must have a lot to say, otherwise it would not be covered tightly.

The situation has changed, stop the loss in time!

Rage's mind changed, no longer drawing more thoughts to descend, shaking his body, growing new hands and feet, black scales growing, tearing clothes, and changing into a black half-dragon form.

The black half-dragon is two meters and five meters tall, with slender limbs, a thick and powerful long tail on his back, a ferocious head and horns, red eyes dripping blood, and a mouth full of fangs opened, emitting white hot air.

Boom! !

The black light column spewed out from Rage's mouth, as fast as lightning, and the concentrated energy was extremely dangerous. After being dodged by Wayne, it hit Heya who was fighting Gluttony.

The metal angel with smooth curves fell in midair with black smoke, not understanding what happened.

Wayne silently said sorry, his body turned into white light, and the big sword in his hand pierced the chest of Fury. He didn't see the other party transform into a dragon, and his dragon-slaying swordsmanship couldn't be used. He was a little disappointed.

"Roar, roar, roar————"

Heya fell in midair, and Gluttony didn't think about it, turned around and rushed straight to the crater, and the Heavenly Holy Dragon roared with a scorching light column to block the opponent's way.

At the same time, Dildar filled the empty position and barely resisted three or five moves. After Heya landed, he continued to glow and heat up to buff his two teammates.

There was a melee in the field. Unknowingly, Gluttony and Fury were back to back, with Wayne in front and Heya behind. A Heavenly Holy Dragon was entrenched in the sky, and Dildar was controlling the field in the distance.

"Gluttony, I have a little problem in the territory of Hell. Now I can't draw more thoughts. The road to evolution is right in front of me. It seems that this time I can only get you a bargain." Fury spoke in a deep voice, full of indignation and frustration.

I knew you would say that!

Gluttony also said with a dark face: "It should be because of the seal of heaven. My ability has also been greatly weakened. I can't summon thoughts to come. You can't get the mechanical weapon, and I can't get it either."

What should I do? x2

The two were annoyed that the other was too shrewd. One suppressed the desire to eat in front of delicious food, and the other was calm and composed in the face of crisis, without the style of his own name.

The two were disgusted with each other. They knew that they should work together at this time, but when they thought that the other was a devil, they couldn't help but be suspicious.

One devil is a dragon, and two devils are insects. It is impossible to cooperate. It is a miracle that they don't drag their feet.

After a moment of silence, Gluttony said: "You fight yours, I fight mine, each with his own means!"


It seems to be the same as before, still fighting on their own, but this time, the two are no longer on guard against each other and can let go.

At least on the surface!

With a low roar, Angry took the lead to confront Heya and successfully took the soft persimmon into his own hands.

Gluttony cursed in his heart, cursing the devil for being shameless. Facing the mysterious Wayne, his eyes flashed a trace of cruelty, and he growled and turned into a big fly.

The appearance is a fly, and the inside is sin.

The hideous mouthparts opened, revealing a vortex-shaped depression, muddy soft meat covered with yellow and white fangs, and the abdomen has a series of enlarged human arms, some thick and some thin, which is extremely unfriendly to patients with intensive care.

In the center of the chest and abdomen, a vertical line closed, and when it opened, it was the real eating organ of Gluttony.

"Hmph, you think you're the only one who can change!"

Wayne made a neutral voice, his body melted into white mud, and three pairs of wings spread out behind him. The wings expanded with the expansion of the body, emitting golden beams.

The golden light was floating, magnificent.

Except for the golden rule, there was no holiness in the rest, and the terrifying shape was daunting.

The pale flesh ball opened six huge wings behind it, surrounded by halo bands, and in the center of the flesh ball, the vertical line was torn, and a huge single eye opened.

It was very heavenly, and the angels and demons didn't think there was anything wrong.

If they had to say something was wrong, the two demon kings felt unfamiliar, and compared with several old friends, they all seemed to be true and false.

Heya also felt unfamiliar, not like the archangel who grew up in heaven, missing many arms, and the holy and loving head was gone.

Bang! !

The two monsters collided with each other, and Gluttony opened the big mouth on his chest and bit the pale flesh ball.

Before he bit it, a bone-chilling chill struck his heart, and his intuition told him that this thing could not be eaten. It looks delicious and will burst if you eat it. If you really eat it, the consequences will be disastrous.

The devil followed the warning of his intuition, hit the pale flesh, and dragged the other party to the crater.

On the other side, Fury almost replicated this scene, transformed into the Hell Dragon, and dragged the Heavenly Holy Dragon directly to the sky above the crater.

The seven deadly sins intertwined the golden rule. In an instant, the bright light and the thick darkness were constantly collided, as if countless thunders roared, the broken space was crumbling, and cracks were wandering in all directions.

The space where the volcano is located is a philosopher's stone, similar to the space where nature and the Dark Church are located. The interior is stable and will not be directional blasted.

But it also depends on people. None of the creatures in the melee are human, and the weakest is also a demigod-level angel.

The raging energy is out of control and violent, and this space can't last long.

Boom! !

The big fly transformed by Gluttony fell to the ground, bathing in the magma and roaring continuously. Under the intense consumption of thinking, it had no choice but to turn back into a human appearance.

Wayne then recovered his human form and rushed up with a big sword in hand.

In the sky, the Holy Dragon was pressed and rubbed by the Evil Dragon, and the two giant beasts rolled. Heya had no room to intervene.

"Switch defense, I'll deal with the black dragon."

A voice that could not be distinguished between men and women came to his ears. Heya didn't think much and shot at Gluttony with a gun.

Wayne turned into lightning and rushed into the battlefield between the two giant beasts.

In his eyes, the Holy Dragon roared continuously with white light beams, and at this moment, it was limp and was pressed to the ground by the Evil Dragon, and a section of the white dragon wings was torn off.

"Too weak, you are still a holy light attribute, but you don't have this little endurance."

Wayne mocked, his body swelled, and he rose to three meters. He hugged the tip of the Holy Dragon's tail with both arms, and accelerated the recoil to bring the Holy Dragon into the air.

The Holy Dragon was held in the arms of the Evil Dragon. This time, the two dragons were suspended in the air at the same time.

A rumbling roar sounded, and the two dragons felt that the world was turned upside down.

The next second, the impact from the ground reminded them that it was not the world that was upside down, but them.

Wayne's body kept rising, and his amazing power swung the two dragons in a circle, leaving a whistling afterimage. He hit them to the ground again and again, knocking the holy dragon's mouth crooked and his eyes slanted, and the evil dragon's eyes were full of stars.

The evil dragon, which had transformed into a rage, let go, and the holy dragon was not happy. Its two short hands tightly hugged the evil dragon's neck, saying that they would share the difficulties.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Wayne was so excited that the power in his body kept pouring out, and he felt that he could last a whole day.

He saw Heya fighting fiercely with Gluttony in his peripheral vision. The magic power under his feet exploded, and he stepped on the space and wailed. He silently calculated the distance and swung the two dragons in a circle.

The black shadow fell from the sky. The sudden new tactics were beyond the cognition of Gluttony and Heya. They never thought that the mysterious angel/archangel would do this. They were not careful for a while and were hit.

Boom! !

Dust and smoke rose up, and the two dragons fell to the bottom of the pit. Heya and Gluttony were pressed down tightly and could not be seen.

Wayne bit his tongue, raised his hands, and the wings behind him bloomed with unprecedented holy intention.

A magnificent five-pointed star magic circle lit up in the sky, with a diameter of more than 500 meters. The complex patterns and patterns were all written by the golden rule.

It was very complicated, and Dilda, the reincarnated angel who had regained his memory, couldn't understand it.

It felt like this magic circle couldn't work, it was just a brick.


Wayne pressed down with five fingers, a brick, no, the magnificent five-pointed star magic circle fell from the sky, crushing the foot of the volcano, and shaking the smoke and dust into the sky.

Below, the wailing of the evil dragon and the holy dragon came.



The white light waterfall went upstream, and the pillars with a diameter of 500 meters rose from the ground, connecting the sky and the ground, stirring up the volcanic clouds in the sky, smashing half of the mountain, and causing the magma to surge down.

Around the explosion, the cracks in the abyss sped away, the ground collapsed layer by layer, and the ripples of the end of the world spread rapidly.


If I remember correctly, Heya is still at the bottom of the pit.

Good cooperation!

Wayne nodded secretly. Without Heya and Saint Longgan as bait, it would be difficult for him to severely injure the two demon kings with one blow.


"What's wrong?"

Wayne was admiring his masterpiece and turned his head when he heard it.

Dilda said aba aba, indicating that there was no problem. The non-combat specialist was afraid that Wayne would get excited, so he swung him down.

The smoke and dust dissipated, and Heya crawled out of the pit in a mess. His armor was torn, and his face armor was mostly broken. A tuft of golden hair fell on his gray-black cheeks, and he looked up at Wayne angrily.

Didn't see it, Wayne's mind sensed that the two demon kings rushed into the volcano along the underground magma and were approaching the interstellar battleship at high speed. Not wanting to be deprived of the gift of nature, they rushed into the crater.

Dilda flapped his wings and landed, with five fingers spread out, healing Heya's injuries.

"Why didn't you stop him?"


Sister, you are a bit of a bully, we angels are not like this.

It's okay to do it in the human world, but you can't bring this evil wind back to heaven!

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