Restarting the myth

Chapter 38: Set a small goal first

Wayne returned to the villa, crossed his legs and meditated, strengthening his thinking and magic.

He could maintain efficient meditation for half an hour every day. If he exceeded this time, he would fall into a state of mental fatigue and drowsiness due to excessive use of the brain.

Thinking determines the length of meditation. Meditation consumes mental energy, while strengthening thinking and magic.

Wayne first set a small goal to maintain efficient and long-term meditation, squeeze his potential to continuously strengthen his thinking, so that the meditation time is longer and more efficient.

This small goal is 24 hours a day!

To ensure that there is enough mental energy for meditation every day, he will start the second small goal, to get the body used to meditation, to do two things at the same time, without his subjective control, the body will naturally be in a meditative state.

You are already a mature meditator, you must learn to move yourself!

The ordinary talent made Wayne feel pressured. He didn't want to be a mediocre magician. He had the best teacher and the best meditation method. He should go further than others on the road of magician.

It's just a little bit more talented. What's so great about it? Come on, roll, and see who rolls to death first.

Wayne is betting on his hairline, he wants to crush all geniuses!

March 23, afternoon.

Lendan's express was delivered to the villa in Enrode Town. Two maids moved the wooden box into Wayne's bedroom, and the latter couldn't wait to open the package.

There were nearly sixty books, including the basic theories of magic packaged in the academy, practice guides, and psychological counseling related to magic.

After sorting them out, Wayne also found bottles and jars of medicine, including health products to strengthen brain power, and small pills for refreshing and meditation.

More of them were mental medicines.

Magicians always have medicine in their hands, and they also have no shortage of psychological counseling courses.

Magic is very dangerous, and the three ships are not kidding Wayne. Even if it is the initial lighting of the hexagram, the imbalance of the four elements, emptiness, and self will cause the novice magician to suffer from mental illness.

If you get sick for a long time, you will go crazy!

There was also a note in the package, which said the basic magic theory curriculum, what to learn in the first grade, what to learn in the second grade, and you must not jump grades too hastily.

Even if you are a genius, you must first ask the instructor's opinion before jumping grades, and only after the instructor agrees can you proceed to the next round of study.

Wayne opened the first-grade textbook, which was all rote memorization. With his photographic memory, he could memorize it all by staying up all night tonight.

Wayne was not in a hurry to look through it, but opened the hexagram practice guide to learn the skills of lighting the hexagram.

This course was mentioned by Xifei, and Wayne had already learned how to light up the four elements. There is no shortcut, only persistent practice.

When the magician captures the four elements of light, the four elements enter the magician's body and strengthen the corresponding life essence respectively.

The earth element is the foundation of life, strengthening muscles, bones, and internal organs; the fire element is the energy of life, strengthening desire; the water element is the source of life, used to balance the desire of fire; the wind element is the breath of life, allowing the magician to maintain a healthy body and even stay young forever.

The four elements together represent the most basic life essence of a magician.

I, that is, thinking, will strengthen the basic life essence, make it extraordinary, and have the ability to change reality.

The strength of life essence is not uniform. Putting aside the strengthening brought by thinking, if we only look at the basics, its strength depends on the potential of a magician himself.

There is a saying that people's physiques cannot be generalized!

Take Veronica as an example. The physique of the dragon blood descendant is ridiculously strong, so her life essence is far beyond that of ordinary people. When meditating, she needs to take in a large amount of earth elements to strengthen her muscles, bones, and internal organs. Before her body is full, there is no extra earth element to light up the hexagram.

The other three elements are basically the same, with some exceptions to fire. The desire in the human body is already exaggerated enough. Under normal circumstances, there is no need to take in a large amount of fire elements in nature.

When the four elements satisfy the life essence, the magician can light up the four light points of earth, fire, water, and wind.

The lighting of thinking is the simplest. Everyone is born with it. Diligent meditation can strengthen it to make it shine on its own.

Finally, it is the void. It is easy to light up the void. Just read more and learn more knowledge. The knowledge taught by the academy is enough for every student to light up the void.

It is difficult to say that the key lies in controlling yourself. Before the hexagram is lit up and connected, you must not learn more advanced knowledge, otherwise the hexagram will be unbalanced and you will never be able to hold hands and connect in this life.

Wayne read a book for an afternoon and received a call from Xifei in the evening. The teacher gave an online lecture and explained the doubts circled by the students.

The call was not long. Xifei was very busy. As soon as she returned to Lundan, she was busy all the time. She arranged for Wayne to meditate after school. Try to extend your meditation time as much as possible and capture more elemental light spots.

These elemental light spots will be used to satisfy Wayne's life essence, that is, to lay a solid foundation.

Satisfying the life essence is not a matter of one day or one night. It takes a long time and it is difficult to give an accurate time. Usually, the longer it takes, the stronger the life essence is.

Xifei estimated a rough time for Wayne, three months.

"Teacher, why is it so short?"

Wayne was quite disappointed. A shorter one is good, and he can light up the hexagram quickly, but it also means that his potential is average.

"It's already very long!"

Xia Fei was quite helpless. The student didn't know how terrifying his elemental affinity was. She estimated that three months was very restrained. Normal academic geniuses who practiced meditation from childhood would need three to five years to accumulate.

Xia Fei never underestimated Wayne's talent, but she couldn't figure out his life potential. Considering that he was just an ordinary person without a messy blood inheritance in his body, he defined his life essence as a top regular human genius.

Calculating, it was almost three months.

After hanging up the phone, Wayne was a little disappointed and was hit again.

If possible, he, Wayne, would like to become a super genius with unlimited potential.

It's a pity that he can't succeed!

The cruel reality suppressed Wayne's self-confidence again and again. Fortunately, he can still roll, otherwise he has no way out.

Thinking of this, Wayne complained about his golden finger again. The Book of Greed can't do anything, and nothing is left after eating. The only skin characteristic made him become neither human nor ghost.

"Okay, give me some potential! Just a little bit will do!"

Wayne closed his eyes and looked into the big eyes of the Book of Greed, who looked back at him. Wayne's vision changed, and he felt that the Book of Greed was himself, and he was the Book of Greed.

That night, the white pigeon got out of the gentleman's hat, jumped and opened the feed bag and started eating.

The Wayne family's homing birds are very good at doing things, like this pigeon, which knows the principle of doing it yourself to have enough food and clothing.

Waiting for the owner to feed, three days of hunger for nine meals;

Feeding itself, one meal after another.

After eating, the white pigeon jumped and played on the table and windowsill for a while, and after defecating, it didn't disturb Wayne and got back into the hat.

Wayne sat cross-legged on the carpet, and his tentacles plundered around, taking the elemental light spots that were not dodged in time into his body.

For now, he has not yet touched the bottom of his life essence.

"It should be. I have average talent and poor elemental affinity. I worked so hard to get a few thousand light points. I can't even count as a fraction of the geniuses. It would be a miracle if I could get to the bottom of it..."

Wayne felt dizzy, took a deep breath, took out a bottle of pills, swallowed one, and entered a meditative state again.

I don't know which elemental light point leaked the news. The three elements of earth, water, and wind dared not approach the big house. Only the fire element accumulated more and more, swarming to Wayne with enthusiasm.

Those who can't get it are always in turmoil, and those who are favored are fearless.

Wayne remembered Xifei's advice. The human body already has a lot of desires, and there is no need to get more from nature. Therefore, he didn't say a word to the enthusiastic fire element, and whenever he met him kneeling and licking, he would respond with a haha.

Busy, taking a shower.

On the other side, the Book of Greed enjoyed the intercepted 70% of the elemental light points. It was eager for the missing fire element, but it couldn't change Wayne's will, so it could only wait silently for Wayne to change his mind.

Around the big eyeball, several small eyes opened.

The Book of Greed has changed a lot recently. The biggest change is in the four corners of the front cover. Three slightly larger eyes slowly opened.

Earthy yellow;

Deep blue;


From being tightly closed at the beginning, to being grayish white after opening, and now gradually becoming more shiny, the three eyeballs are being awakened by Wayne.

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