Restarting the myth

Chapter 371: Advancing to Legendary Mage

There is another secret in the abandoned factory building. As a processing plant for void soldiers, it covers a large area.

It was Wayne's first time here, and he was a little confused.

Fortunately, it was not a big problem. With his excellent eloquence and friendly smile, he quickly got along with the n people.

"Hey, did you see those Prussian officers?"

"Alas, I have to work overtime again tonight."

"My friend, did you see those Prussian officers?"

"My coffee cup is missing, can you help me find it?"

"Supervisor, did you see those Prussian officers?"

"A few strange guys came to the factory today."

"Uh, I mean..."

"A few strange guys came to the factory today."


Wayne rolled his eyes and left the office. His thinking was too powerful, which caused the n people's logic to be confused and unable to provide effective intelligence.

Fortunately, it was not a big problem. He turned a corner at the end of the corridor and came to the heart of the processing plant and met a team of Prussian officers.

According to the information sent by Regina, among the officers in this team, two were called generals by Weaving, and Weaving was quite polite to them. They were probably the special persons in charge of the cooperation project and had a high status in the Prussian high-level.

The factory machines roared, a large amount of steam filled the corners of the workshop, and the mist turned into water droplets on the roof, and from time to time it would turn into white foam and drip on the ground.

In the factory, the cleaners responsible for cleaning the white foam were busy and busy, and they were more tired than the machines that worked all day.

Wayne glanced at the steel machine and secretly said that it was weird. Whether the machine can be combined with human flesh and blood has not yet been determined, but the combination of machine and void has become a reality.

Weaving and the Prussian high-level jointly broke the technical barriers and created an assembly line of void soldiers. Although the quality was not as good as the dragon blood soldiers made by the Windsor Ministry of Magic, it had an absolute advantage in quantity.

One is pure handmade, and the other is an assembly line. There is no comparison at all.

Wayne was not in a hurry to join the team of officers. He stood in front of the assembly line and watched the void soldiers. These soldiers, who were bred by the flesh and blood of the star beasts, had empty heads, but were surprisingly honest and well-behaved, and did not launch parasitic pollution to the outside world.

This is outrageous!

After repeated inspections, Wayne guessed that these void soldiers were the same as eggs, controlled by the mother body, rather than independent soldiers with their own will.

As long as the mother body is controlled, these emotionless super soldiers can be controlled.

From the perspective of the magic world, Wayne believed that Weaving was perfunctory to the Prussian high-level officials, and this project was suspected of defrauding funds. From the perspective of the national officials, this project was of great strategic significance, and even if it was only cannon fodder, it was enough to sweep the world's first army of Frank.

This factory cannot be left alone, it must be blown up!

Wayne silently gave himself a thumbs up. Today, he ambushed Weaving in the name of the SS, not only to point out the contradictions between Weaving and several other oracle priests, but also to provoke the cooperation between Weaving and Prussia.

Before the misunderstanding is resolved, Weiwen will not hand over the control of the Matrix.

Not now, let alone in the future.

Wayne's mouth curled up, and he quickly stepped forward to catch up with a team of officers, patted the shoulder of the last soldier, and borrowed a tiger skin to cover himself.

Their military uniforms are really handsome!

The person in charge of the factory introduced the daily output of the assembly line to the two generals, and said that if the funds are sufficient, the output can be tripled. If the empire encounters the dilemma of insufficient troops in the process of conquering the world, these void soldiers are the most trustworthy partners.

At this point, the person in charge belittled the other two projects, mechanical fusion and devil container.

As the project leaders, the two generals share the same idea as the person in charge, and nodded repeatedly, saying that the devil container and mechanical fusion are evil ways, and the void is the eternal truth.

Wayne couldn't stand it anymore, whispered in his mouth, waved white foam to pollute the person in charge and the two generals, looked through their memories, and got accurate first-hand information.

"The Prussian Secret Technology Development Bureau is affiliated with the SS Logistics Support Department, unarmed forces, and special research departments..."

"The headquarters is located in the Prussian capital of Berlo..."

"The Devil's Container and mechanical fusion have made major breakthroughs, so I came here to check the progress..."

"Hiss, hiss, they really did it!"

Wayne was so shocked by Prussia's operation that his scalp numbed. The Devil's Container has made a major breakthrough, after all, Hellology is also a part of magic, and mechanical fusion is a cross-era product, which goes against all current magic theories.

"Mechanical and magic fusion... It's really worth it!"

Wayne was eager to try, and carefully looked through the memories of the two generals. However, they were not in charge of the mechanical fusion project because of their professional differences. They knew very little and could not provide the information Wayne wanted.

He pondered for a moment and ordered the two: "August, Finn, after you two return to Berlo, spread the pollution and try to wipe out the entire Secret Technology Development Bureau. After the success, Pope Weiwen will reward you heavily."

As he said, he picked up a layer of white foam on the ground and smeared it on the faces of the two.

His mind trembled, activating the parasitic ability of the white foam, covering up Wayne's own white foam, and conveniently put the blame on Weiwen.

This is what a super agent is like, always ensuring that his identity will not be leaked.

Wayne did not get exact information from the two generals, but he asked the person in charge for the password of the safe, left the assembly line factory, and went straight to the person in charge's office.

At this moment, the void soldiers on the assembly line rioted collectively and launched indiscriminate attacks on the surrounding areas. Officers, responsible persons, operators and even cleaners were all regarded as targets of attack.

A large amount of white foam rushed, and pollution assimilation occurred in every corner of the factory.

Wayne frowned, guessing that it was Weaving who did it. Knowing that the project was cut, he washed away the stain on his body with his own hands.

He did not stop it, but let the two generals escape from the jaws of death and leave the abandoned factory in a dangerous way. In this way, he further created conflicts between the Prussian high-level officials and Weaving.

White foam poured out of the factory, tentacles climbed and extended, gradually covering the entire underground base, and the researchers in the laboratory were not spared, all parasitized and assimilated.

Where the white foam flooded, the flesh and blood of the white star beast hardened and turned into a hard object like cement, fixing the entire base underground.

This novel method of destroying corpses and erasing traces was the first time Wayne had seen it. He envied Weaving's research data and ran away with the safe before the white foam came.


Manor villa on the banks of the Senau River

The three people who had been busy all night sat in the living room. Wayne's need for sleep was getting lower and lower. He only slept for one hour a day, but he was still full of energy the next day. He looked through the map and crossed out the targets to be checked tonight.

Today, only Weaving was found, and the bases of the two oracle priests Baker and McCarey were yet to be developed.

Beside the sofa, Nelson, who had been up all night, forced himself to be energetic. Seeing his sister full of energy, he enviously said: "Regina, aren't you sleepy?"

"No, I don't even need to sleep now."

Why sleep for a long time when you are alive? You will sleep for a long time after death!

Regina has died once and is still half dead. She has a very low need for sleep. Occasionally, she will sleep to show respect when she remembers to maintain the human life and work schedule.

Usually, she will spend time working and is the best cow and horse under Wayne.

Among the three secretaries, Regina is the most diligent, and she doesn't even want sex.

Nelson was even more envious, knowing that his sister's achievements today were all due to the work of the Natural Knight boss. He pushed his sister's shoulder and helped to introduce a job.

She wanted to improve so much!

Regina opened her mouth, not knowing how to explain to her sister. Seeing her eager eyes, she had to bite the bullet and said, "Boss, what do you think of my sister?"

"What do you mean?" Wayne put down the pen in his hand in confusion.

"My sister is very capable."

Regina patted Nelson's back, and the latter immediately straightened his chest and raised his head, looking like he was waiting for a call.

Wayne's face was full of black lines: "What does it have to do with me whether she can do it or not? This is your sister, you can't hurt her."

"Boss, you misunderstood, what I mean is, does the library of Lundan want to recruit new employees? If so, my sister is one of us, and we can give her priority." Regina said.

"Regina, you should know my standards for recruiting employees. The library doesn't need your sister." Wayne shook his head.

"It's not that she is useless. I need an assistant. Boss, give her to me." Otilia suddenly spoke.

Wayne looked at Otilia in surprise. Otilia was a little embarrassed by his straightforward eyes. Thinking of the charming Senna, she gritted her teeth and looked back, insisting on her own ideas.

"No, my sister must not be handed over to you!"

Regina was furious. Her innocent sister was handed over to Otilia. Maybe she would become the boss in a few days.

Regina: You are a coward, why do you want to drag my sister into the water!

Otilia: She wants to improve herself. What does it have to do with me?

Nelson didn't understand what the two were arguing about. He tilted his head and looked at Wayne, trying to act cute to get a job and join the squire team of the Natural Knight.

She saw the changes in Regina, envious but didn't say anything. She only knew that if her sister could do it, her sister could do it too.

You know nothing!

Wayne rolled his eyes. Regina's power was exchanged for her life. He couldn't guarantee that after killing Nelson, the other party would become a vengeful spirit.

Even if he could, he couldn't do it!

Without the contract of the spirit of revenge, Nelson could only take the path of void pollution if he wanted to make progress.

This was even worse, and he couldn't do it.

Wayne waved his hand, with no intention of recruiting people. He said to Nelson: "People must rely on themselves. There is no such thing as a free lunch in the world. You can't imagine the painful price Regina paid for her achievements today. That's all. Rely on yourself."

Nelson was confused for a while. What is a painful price? I didn't see any changes in my sister.

Just thinking about it, I found that Regina and Otilia were silent. I raised my hand to cover my mouth and whispered in my sister's ear: "Regina, you won't..."

"You, you saw it?"

Regina's smile was far-fetched and somewhat bitter. She was afraid that her sister would be sad if she knew the truth.

"You don't love yourself enough."


What the hell, the boss is not that kind of person!

Regina pinched her face like a mirror and twisted it hard a few times: "The boss has no plan to recruit new people. I can't help you. Go home and inherit the family property and be your noble lady."

щщщ▲ ttκā n▲ ℃o

"Miss Nelson, are you interested in applying for my assistant?"

"Shut up and don't talk."

"Just say it!"

The living room was a little noisy. Wayne picked up the map and went to the study. The girl wanted to make progress and found him. He was powerless, but he didn't mind helping to introduce another job.

The Church of Nature's top leadership is about to undergo a major shakeup, and Senna may be short of a secretary.

Forget about Otilia's secretary, the setting of artistic girl + succubus secretary is already a selling point, and there is no need to form a clique and play all the bells and whistles.

That night, Wayne took Otilia and Regina with him, and divided his troops into three groups to continue collecting intelligence.

In case there was another emergency, the two secretaries stepped in and he personally investigated.

Five days passed in a flash.

Dark realm.

Senna looked at Wayne, who was sitting cross-legged, with burning eyes. She sensed the terrifying thoughts hidden in the other person's body. While her heart trembled, she aroused a strong desire.

At the same time, Wayne's vengeful spirits also experienced some changes.

Let’s not mention the spirit of vengeance far away in Lundan for the time being, but only talk about the nearest Otilia and Regina. The two seemed to be reborn. They felt a steady stream of power pouring out of their bodies. Different from before, they had obtained qualitative strengthening.

As vengeful spirits, they have no realm to speak of. They are magical beings forged by Wayne through the Book of Greed. Only when Wayne becomes stronger will they become stronger.

The moment he regained his life, he immediately knew what had happened to Wayne.


Legendary mage! ! !

The changes between the two of them were too obvious, and their auras leaked, causing Nelson to open his mouth wide and fall into a mind-blank mode.

My sister surpassed her too much.

"Regina, you...what's wrong with you?"

"The boss has given me new power, and I have become stronger again." Regina clenched her fists, joy flashed in her eyes, and she did not notice the complicated look in her sister's eyes.

Otilia noticed it and stuck it up again, whispering seductively in her ear: "It's hard to be compared to your sister. Do you want to be my assistant? Then I will help you operate it, and you can be as powerful as Regina." ”

"Go away and don't say strange things to my sister. You are tempting her to fall, you devil."

"As if you weren't..."

"Well, that's not the point. The point is that you had no good intentions and pushed my sister into the fire pit."

"Is this how you evaluate your boss? You said he was a good person before."


Regina couldn't say anything, so she scratched her hair anxiously, turned around and saw her sister thinking deeply, as if she had made some kind of determination, which frightened her whole body.

"Nelson, please wake up, you can only rely on yourself!"

"But you relied on the boss?"


It's true.

After five days of begging for help, Wayne obtained a large amount of experimental data, which became an opportunity for him to be promoted to a legendary mage. In the investor column, the names of the three oracle priests, Baker, Weaving, and McCarey, were added.

Coming to the realm of the legendary mage, the golden triangle in Wayne's body almost solidified into substance. He sensed a stable balance and could not imagine what kind of power he would need to use to crush the demigod's bottleneck one day in the future, completely forming a overall.

In both the six-pointed star stage and the golden triangle stage, Wayne used external forces to break the balance, but not this time.

Firstly, there is no need to break it. The Legendary Mage is a qualitative leap forward from the Golden Mage. Secondly, there is no external force powerful enough. His balance is unbreakable, and the Chosen Knight can only stare in disbelief.

The legendary mage is so difficult, but as for the demigods, do they have to embrace the thigh of the dark goddess to get it?


Life is not easy, the handsome boy sighed.

Before Wayne could open his eyes, a fragrant beauty squeezed into his arms.

Senna looked at Wayne impulsively: "You are powerful again..."

"Senna, how did you know that I was promoted to Legendary Mage?" Wayne asked in surprise.

The effect was average, and there was no feedback from the pretense. Senna would only congratulate him and covet his body for some in-depth communication. It would be better to change it to Auston to have the aggrieved face he wanted.

Let’s put these words aside for now and go back and say it to Auston again.

"Don't be in a hurry to get down to business. Answer me a few questions first." Wayne held down the stunned beauty and asked what changes had occurred at the church headquarters in the past few days.

The Q\u0026A session was a waste of time, so Senna opened her mind and let Wayne read her memories.

Wayne looked around and saw the entire animal world on the prairie. He rolled his eyes speechlessly, knowing that if he didn't get down to business, there would be no results today.

That's it.

Wayne searched the muddy memories in his arms and found that there were no changes in the church's senior leadership. Weiwen, who he had high hopes for, not only did not make a fuss at the church headquarters and confront the Pope and two colleagues, but also disappeared. In recent days, there has been no change. Show up.

"They are all human beings. It is too difficult to plot against them."

Wayne shook his head, patted his waistline and said: "I have given you the evidence, which is enough to overthrow the three oracle high priests. You can see for yourself how to operate it. Don't be afraid of making things worse, I will... …Oh, you’ve always made a big deal out of small things, so you pretended I didn’t say it.”

The three oracle high priests are full of stains, and a random search will yield a pile of evidence. However, when it comes to Pope Ludwig, there is a lack of conclusive evidence.

Even if Wayne found a lot of evidence of cooperation between Ludwig and Prussian high-level officials, the other party could use the development of the church as a excuse. Not only was it not evidence of guilt, but it was also the other party's merit.

Ludwig: Regardless of whether it was done by a human being or not, just say whether the church made money!

The old guy was too steady in his work. Except for the moral untenability, he was extremely good at everything else. It would be no exaggeration to say that he was an outstanding pope.

"I will take care of the Pope's side." Senna said softly.

"How do you deal with it? Is there any conspiracy?"

"I am an ally of the Great Prophet Tubie, and I have also obtained the surrender of the Saint. The former is responsible for the prophecy from God, and the latter can convey the oracle of the goddess. Just make up a reason and you will have a valid excuse." Senna wanted to fake the oracle.

Wayne secretly thought it was audacious, but let's not talk about it. It is very feasible. If the Great Prophet and the Saint speak at the same time, the false oracle will become the real oracle. In addition, the Natural Knight is behind to add fuel to the fire, so you can frame them however you want.

Wayne was in high spirits, actively exerted his subjective initiative, and came up with an idea: "According to my investigation, the Prussian high-level officials have developed many new things, including the Devil's Container. Let Tubie predict that there are devil's minions in the church headquarters, and let Dusha convey the oracle that the devil's minions have controlled the church for a hundred years. Don't be too strict, just point to the Pope..."

"You are too cautious, you can be bolder."

Senna smiled and said: "Tubie has translated many prophecies from God. Some prophecies are from the lark Mirael or he made them up. No one knows except him. As for the oracle of the saint... When the Pope controlled the saint, he also made up many false oracles."

"A bunch of insects, how did the church become like this!"

Wayne touched his conscience and was indignant. He thought his operation was bold and reckless, but he never expected that it was all left over by the opponent.

Compared with the high-level officials of the Church of Nature, Windsor's group of insects are all loyal people.

"So, either don't offend, or don't give the Pope a chance to turn over." Senna's eyes flashed with a hint of coldness.


Wayne swallowed his saliva, and the evil beauty became more charming.

Wayne's performance made Senna quite proud. She hid her sword in the sheath to prevent its edge from leaking out, and squinted her eyes and said: "According to what you said, Prussia and the Natural Church have a very close cooperation. The Pope intends to let go and let Weiwen and others take the blame. What about the Natural Church in the future? If we suddenly cut off cooperation with Prussia, we will lose an important division, and we may not even be able to keep the faith of the headquarters."

The goddess doesn't care about the church, but she cares about faith. If she suddenly cuts off cooperation with Prussia, she will definitely be retaliated by the other party. Under the repeated attacks, there will definitely be a large number of believers lost, and the consequences cannot be underestimated.

"Prussia will not last long. Her ambition is too big, and it will inevitably cause public outrage..."

"But other churches will definitely choose to stand by and watch when they see the Natural Church rushing to the front." Senna said.

"I will deal with the Dark Church, and I can also win over the Holy Father Church. The three churches will join forces to resist the official pressure from Prussia. Before conquering the world, she will not provoke the three churches." Wayne said firmly.

"What about after conquering the world?"

"Wait until Prussia conquers the copy of 'Winter is Coming' before it is qualified to say that it has conquered the world!" Wayne looked to the north. Prussia could not conquer the world.

Senna was surprised and said, "You are so optimistic about those poor guys?"

"The Red Flag will never give up. They have faith, okay..."

Wayne whispered, and seeing that Senna still didn't believe it, he turned and said, "Anna is the saint of the Dark Church. The Dark Church is headquartered in the Roshi Federation. They will win."

"I came first!"

Senna was very dissatisfied and gritted her teeth and cursed a little bitch. Anastasia must have used Mongolian medicine to make Wayne so obsessed.

What a holy virgin saint in front of people, but she has many tricks behind people.

Senna became more and more angry as she thought about it, and she stepped up her efforts to severely dampen Wayne's spirit.

The effect was very average. As Wayne's followers, Senna and Anastasia had queen-like faces for nothing. They looked very capable, but once they got close to the faith, they became vulnerable.

He was a strong-mouthed king.

"Prussia is indeed worthy of careful treatment. I will contact the Holy See in person..."

Wayne frowned. After the two generals returned to Boro, he could no longer sense each other.

There are two possibilities.

One is that the distance is far, and there are restrictions such as space barriers in the Secret Technology Development Bureau, which makes him unable to sense;

The second is that he is dead. He was found to have void pollution as soon as he returned to the headquarters, and then was killed instantly.

Wayne hopes it is the first one. If it is the second one...

It is not so easy to kill his followers, and it is even more difficult to kill them instantly.

Wayne was very glad that he put the blame on Vivin. Even if he was found out, Prussia would target Vivin, not him, a passerby.

"When are you going to take action against the Pope?" Senna asked with narrowed eyes.

"The sooner the better, you should start as soon as you finalize the plan with the Great Prophet and the Saint!" Wayne's eyes flashed with a gleam. The longer the night, the more dreams there are. He should sweep away everything with the force of thunder.

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