Restarting the myth

Chapter 340: Sky Goddess, I’m coming in

Small woods.


Wayne walked out of the small woods with his belt in hand, and next to him was Mona with an expressionless face. After field investigation, Mona was still Mona, and the secretary was still the same secretary.

There was nothing much to say about the specific process. The conversation was elegant, the streets were lined with welcome, the situation was out of control, and the matter was settled peacefully.

Although Wayne did not understand angels, he was sure that Hexunuo, one of the four archangels, could not do these things.

Some small episodes happened in the middle.

Hexunuo had no way to retreat. He could not bear to see these absurd things Mona did, and reprimanded her in harsh words, talking about honor, dignity, holiness, and so on. Mona was annoyed and simply gave up her seat and went to watch from the side.

It didn't take long, about two minutes, and then Hexunuo became honest.

There is no such thing as devils and angels being irreconcilable. The most cruel to their own people is always their own people.

Mona didn't say anything about this, and it's not clear whether Wayne has discovered any clues. All we know is that Wayne worked very hard in these two minutes.

"Mona, there are seven reincarnated angels in total. The Papal States has found seven. One of these seven is a fake. I'm sure you know who it is." Wayne patted his butt and prepared to expose the fake reincarnated angel.

"Boss, do you suspect Kerr?"

"How is that possible? With his weird aesthetics, I would believe that he awakened his memory of heaven at the age of three." Wayne complained.

"Since it's not Kerr, then there's no one."

Mona analyzed: "On the surface, heaven sent seven angels to the world, and secretly there is another one who hides his identity and will not be easily exposed until the end, so it's normal that there are eight of the seven reincarnated angels."

"That makes sense, I was almost convinced by you."

Wayne rolled his eyes: "Is there a possibility that I am the fake reincarnated angel?"

Mona shook her head, and Wayne didn't force it, and continued: "Do you want me to break the contract and notify the Papal States of this matter?"

Mona still shook her head and talked about the importance of the contract. Without this contract, not only would Wayne lose his well-behaved and capable secretary, but she would also gradually lose herself.

Notifying the Papal States is even more unnecessary.

Mona blinked her eyes. If Wayne didn't feel wronged, she hoped that Wayne would cover her as a reincarnated angel, which would definitely work at a critical moment.

"Okay, I don't need this black pot anyway."

Wayne shrugged, not minding helping Mona cover up, and asked about the mission of the seven reincarnated angels to come to the world.

Seven angels were reincarnated at a time, and there was also a high-level angel who was one of the four archangels. Especially the number seven, which just corresponds to the seven demon kings of hell. If it is a coincidence, Wayne would definitely not believe it.

Tell me, the seven of you came to the world. Is heaven preparing to launch a series of activities such as cracking down on pornography and gangs in hell?

"Boss, the memory fragments I got are very limited, most of which are related to fighting. It is not clear what the mission is for coming to the world." Mona couldn't answer. She could ask Hexiunuo, but the latter ignored her and thought she was dirty and impure.

"Is that guy so difficult to deal with?"

"Not very difficult, boss, I have a plan."


I guess this plan must be very passionate.

Wayne grinned, the cold wind was whistling, and he had a little toothache.

While doing things, Mona talked about her relationship with Hexiunuo, and the situation of the two memory personalities competing for the main position. Hexiunuo fell into a disadvantage for unknown reasons, perhaps related to the curse of hell, and the situation was extremely bleak.

Hexunuo is at a disadvantage in the battle for dominance, but she will not disappear, and her huge memory will continue to interfere with and affect Mona until Mona accepts all the memories, and the two will be completely integrated.

At that time, Hexunuo will change her name to Mona and take back all the power of the Archangel.

Although Mona will undergo irreversible changes due to the influence of memories, such as her thinking, personality, and behavior, she will gradually move away from her original self and lean towards Hexunuo a little bit, but this is already the best result.

At least she is still herself, and she still exists.

No one wants to become another person and let another person be reborn in their body. Mona hates Hexunuo very much. Facing the Archangel she once admired and revered, she now wants to drag him down with her when she gets the chance.

Mona regards this as the best way to maintain herself, which is simple, crude and effective. Wayne knows all this. He wants to persuade Mona to respect the Archangel, but he feels it is unnecessary when he opens his mouth.

Who is Hexunuo? He is not familiar with him. He only cares about his secretary.

Thinking of this, Wayne gave Mona a look. In order to understand the reason why the angel came to the world, in order to better go to hell to crack down on pornography and gangs, Mona's plan can be implemented, and what does it matter if he suffers a little grievance?

Mona nodded and felt that it was reasonable. For justice, for heaven, and to protect world peace, she advised Hexiunuo to give up that pure heart and fall early... No, just cooperate and tell the truth.

The two of them exchanged glances, and the archangel was sold.

Mona had no guilt, and Wayne had no guilt either. They all saw that the leader of this deal was the Pope, and the executor was Archbishop Gunther of St. Paul's Cathedral. The entire Heavenly Father Church was involved from top to bottom.

Therefore, it is necessary to conceal Mona's identity as a reincarnated angel. Once the matter is exposed, the Heavenly Father Church will be wiped out from top to bottom.

Especially for teaching pornography, he should be put on the grill!

He was the one who gave Mona the cross uniform, and he was the one who led Mona to fall. After a wave of operations, the Archangel lost his purity, and if it spread to hell, the seven demons would laugh to death.

This is not the spokesperson of heaven on earth, but an undercover planted by hell in the Father Church!

"Wait a minute, is he really an undercover?" Wayne came to the edge of the barrier and saw a group of clergymen who fell to the ground.

Umr angel's power was exhausted and returned to heaven, leaving behind the flat nun with the Holy Spirit constitution, breathing evenly, frowning and sleeping soundly. Wayne despised the poor and loved the rich, and stopped caring after confirming that the person was fine.

Among the rest of the clergy, Archbishop Hodgson was the most conspicuous. Wayne looked at this traitor and considered whether to kill him.

"Boss, who do you say is the undercover?" Mona asked curiously.

"The Pope."

Wayne counted his fingers and said the reason. As a victim, Mona nodded repeatedly when she heard it.

Don't say it, really don't say it, this series of operations is too coincidental. Whether the Pope is intentional or unintentional, he has an unshirkable responsibility.

This is the Archangel. Ordinary clergy cannot bear such a big pot. Gunther can't do it. Only the Pope has this qualification. Even if it is an unintentional mistake, he can only be wronged.

Mona couldn't help but nod. You can imagine what kind of psychological state Hexiunuo is in. Knowing that the filth inside and outside is caused by the Pope, he was so angry that he cursed and vowed to make the other party pay the price.

"This guy..."

Wayne stared at Hodgson for a while, put his five fingers together and pressed down fiercely, indicating Mona to kill him.

"Boss, he is already your man."

"It is because he is already my man that he should be killed. I can't tolerate a grain of sand in my eyes!"

Hodgson took the initiative to surrender to the devil of hell and participated in the plan to open the gate of hell. He was also one of the key executors. Once the plan succeeds, the entire Republic of Ireland will be used for sacrifice by the evil god. The result, just thinking about it makes Wayne's scalp numb.

If Hodgson had been a minion of the devil from the beginning, Wayne would have praised him for his loyalty, but he was the Archbishop of St. Patrick's Cathedral, the head of the Heavenly Father Church in the Republic of Ireland, and traitors should be punished even more severely wherever they were.

Hodgson must die, and Wayne would not let him go just because he became his dependent. People have to pay the price for their actions, and it is useless to hug the thigh.

Hodgson's betrayal has been reported to the Papal States. He once led the independence of the Republic of Ireland and was a great contributor to the Heavenly Father Church's suppression of the Windsor monarchy. With this layer of merit, he will not be executed immediately, but will be taken back to the Papal States to slowly process and see if there is any other useful information.

The basement of the Papal States is well-known, and Wayne is worried that he will find out the truth about the evolution of the void, so he decides to kill him now.

Angels and demons fight, and the traitor archbishop dies violently. How pleasant it sounds.

Wayne insisted on killing Hodgson, and Mona took action personally, using the identity of the archangel to execute the traitor with holy fire.

After the fire was finished, water was used to wash the floor, and the residue was wiped away.

Wayne poked his head out.jpg

According to his study of the Bible, the four archangels represent earth, fire, water, and wind respectively. Hexunuo is in charge of water. Mona, as the reincarnation of Hexunuo, is quite smooth, and her abilities related to water have never been seen.

There is great potential and a lot of room for exploration.

In the blink of an eye, the secretary transformed from a silver wizard with mediocre magic talent into an archangel, and her future achievements are limitless.

The greater Mona's potential, the greater the pressure on Wayne. Not wanting to be outdone by the secretary, he decided to speed up the process and immediately look for the resources provided by the dark goddess to take his evolutionary foundation to a higher level.


St. Patrick's Cathedral.

The clergy returned crookedly. The gods fought, and the mortals suffered. Now their heads are buzzing.

Archbishop Hodgson was executed by an angel for helping the devil in the battle. Traitors die, so there is nothing to be sad about. However, the country cannot live without the Landau family, and the cathedral cannot live without the archbishop. Several white-bearded old men looked at Wayne eagerly, hoping that the envoy of the Papal States would come out to preside over the situation.

Wayne was so busy that he had no time to accompany them to set fire to the warehouse. He named 70%, and then closed his eyes and pointed at a white-bearded old man, asking him to temporarily take over the position of archbishop.

Although he closed his eyes, this hand was not randomly pointed at. No matter how ridiculous the leader's selection of people is, there are also reasons.

For example, the leader did not remember the name of this white-bearded old man, it was not important, he only knew that he was devout in his faith and he paid the most money when buying indulgences.


The next day, the black car left the cathedral and headed straight for the next target.

The dark goddess provided Wayne with two benefits.

One was on the way on horseback. Anastasia contacted the headquarters of the Dark Church, that is, her father the Pope, and brought the treasure to Lundan in the name of the Dark Oracle.

The other one needed Wayne to get it himself. The location was in Windsor, the burial place of the former Dark Knight, and the ancient ruins where Austin found the Twilight Despair.

Wayne got the address from Austin and was planning to get it. It just happened to take this trip to get it done together.

It didn't take much detour, it was on the way.

In the back seat, Wayne was looking at the map, and Chris was sleeping on his shoulder next to him.

Last night...

The plot was quite entangled.

In short, the most terrifying choice for adults is that both opposing results are right. Children want everything because they are greedy, and adults want everything because they have no choice.

Wayne was also very aggrieved.

Chris was trapped in love and leaned on Wayne's shoulder to catch up on sleep.

Wayne put down the map and glanced at Chris. The Holy Grail can activate the divine blood. Although it is quick to flush without the law, it is safe and easy.

How to operate it is still a difficult problem at the moment. He will study it slowly when he returns to Lundan.

The ruins are located at the junction of the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland. It is in the wilderness, with no village in front and no shop behind. It is so remote that you can't even see a ghost.

There are no people, let alone roads.

The fact that Auston can find this place and lead out of the Twilight Despair shows how much he wanted to improve at that time.

Wayne asked Mona to stay in the car to take care of Chris. He has a fast pace and can go back and forth without delaying much time.

With the detailed address provided by Austin, Wayne followed the reference and arrived at the entrance of the ruins in less than half an hour.

The ruins were dilapidated, and the walls had been weathered for a long time. The collapse and weathering had lost their former grandeur. Only from a high place could one overlook an ancient city with a considerable area.

The weeds were thick, and the cold wind blew from all directions, carrying the unique breath of the wilderness, brushing across the stone walls of the ruins, making a rustling sound.

Wayne went deep into the ruins and saw some carvings and patterns on the walls covered with dead branches and leaves, which were blurred and difficult to see.

The clearest place was carved with a picture of a sacrifice.

Under the leadership of the high priest, the believers knelt around the altar and worshiped the sky, raising their hands to pray for the arrival of the gods. The clouds in the sky were thick, and two huge eyes looked at the sacrificial site below.

The very ancient belief and worship did not correspond to the mainstream belief on the current God-chosen Continent, and it was not any god that Wayne knew.

"Another god who sank into the long river of history..."

Wayne closed his eyes, his mind dispersed, looking for the entrance to the ruins that Austin mentioned.

His body melted into white foam and merged into the ground along the cracks of the ruins.

The clothes and shoes on his body were reshaped by his mind and could be broken up and reassembled at any time. He really took off his clothes in one second and strictly managed his time.

More than ten meters underground, the dark corridor led to the depths of the underground. The white foam reassembled into a tentacle monster, climbing the wall and moving forward at an astonishing speed.

Wayne walked around the underground ruins and checked it all inside and out. There were hundreds of rooms of different sizes. It was large but not too big. Many warehouses were used to store supplies. It looked like an underground shelter.

At the end of the corridor, dozens of stone walls were violently chiseled through. Wayne returned to his human form and raised his hand to brush over the broken stone door. He speculated that these dozens of stone walls were broken in an instant and were broken in one breath.

He made a fist gesture and roughly understood the situation at that time.

Obviously, Auston couldn't do this, Megan might be able to, but with Auston's caution, he would not allow Megan to do so in case the ruins retain magic traps.

So, before Auston came to the ruins, someone got there first.

Wayne was skilled and bold, and he passed through dozens of stone doors to the deepest level of the ruins. This underground space was dark and wide, and the whole was a semi-spherical fortress. The walls were engraved with dense magic arrays, which were all invalidated due to violent destruction.

Wayne raised his hand and snapped his fingers, and the fire element turned into fireflies flying around, illuminating the entire fortress.


He sensed with his mind and found an abnormality in the corner of the wall.

A broken stone statue was smashed to pieces by violence, and the bricks and stones below were refurbished.

Wayne was doing two things at once, and his mind reassembled the stone statue, restoring it to its original appearance like a puzzle. He also dug out the skeleton below. As far as the skeleton was concerned, it should be a woman.

"Dense darkness..."

Wayne looked at the skeleton and guessed that she was the previous Dark Knight, who entered this place under the oracle, and then...

Wayne's eyes moved to the statue. The long robe covered her whole body, and a beautiful outline could be vaguely seen. She should also be a goddess.

In the war of faith, many gods fell, but this goddess did not die for a while, and she slept here for a long time. When the Dark Knight arrived, the two of them clashed and both died.

The Dark Goddess led Austin to this place. The latter got the Twilight Desperate State, buried the bones of the previous knight, and got the director's favorite evil training-dark game.

Because Anastasia was too perfect, her appearance, temperament, and character were impeccable, which raised Wayne's score for the Dark Church, so he didn't hate the Dark Church.

There were also the group of dark elves stationed on the frozen continent. Among the five churches, only the Dark Church adhered to the task of sealing, and the other churches were afraid to avoid it.

The Death Church ran the fastest, and even the Chosen Knights of God didn't care.

Maybe there is another hidden story, but based on what Wayne has seen and heard, the Dark Church has made the greatest contribution, sacrificed the most, and performed the best among its peers.

When it came to the Dark Church's biggest boss, the Dark Goddess, Wayne's evaluation took a sharp turn for the worse.

This old woman is not a good thing!

Whether it was the Dark Goddess selling Anastasia without a second thought, or her ordering the Dark Messenger to ripen Austin, it was difficult for Wayne to have a good impression of her.

Sealing the Dark Goddess's thoughts and making her turn into her own shape was somewhat a revenge.

The grudge between Xifei and Veronica, regardless of whether they were injured or not, Wayne wrote it down. First use this part of thinking to get back some interest, and wait for thirty years to the west of the Taimu River, the interest will be compounded, and the Dark Goddess will pay all the debts owed.

Wayne snorted twice, waved his hand and sent the skeleton to the portable space. Putting aside the Dark Goddess, he had a very good sense of the Dark Church. For Anastasia's sake, he collected the body of the former Dark Knight and took it to the West District Cemetery for a good burial.

"It turns out that the God's Chosen Knights will also die. I thought they were so strong, with a per capita demigod combat power, they could walk sideways on the God's Chosen Continent." Wayne looked at the unknown statue, and his mind spread out again, looking for treasures around.

He had guessed what the resources in the Dark Goddess' mouth were. If the material was correct, it should be similar to the obelisk, representing the inheritance of a god.

Good stuff, very suitable for the physique of the Book of Greed.

Wayne searched for a long time but found nothing. His thoughts went deep into the underground of the statue but found nothing.

He changed his mind and looked up. Since there was nothing under his feet, he could only look up.

A gleam of light flashed in Wayne's eyes, and his body turned into white foam and melted. The rumbling pale color swept down, and the waves were higher than one wave. In less than a moment, it filled the entire underground fortress.

The violently destroyed magic array on the wall was repaired by Wayne. He injected magic power to light up the array and awakened this ancient relic that had been sleeping for thousands of years.

An incalculable number of magic arrays flashed in the sky. Wayne regained his human form and looked up. He suddenly felt like he was standing on the ground and looking up at the sky. The sky was full of stars and endless, and he felt a sense of insignificance and humble reverence.

Even his knees softened.

"Playing tricks!"

Wayne snorted coldly, his legs straight. He had never kneeled before a living goddess, let alone a dead goddess, unless the other party lay down with her back to him first.

The sky was full of stars, the halo was wispy, the ribbons were dancing, and a cloud palace was projected in the midst of the beauty.

In the depths of the sea of ​​clouds, the magnificent palace stood tall and majestic, emitting charming brilliance, and the faint clouds obscured the haziness, making it impossible to see the true appearance.

There were constant strange phenomena in the sky, and natural disasters such as lightning, rainstorms, and hurricanes flashed one after another. After the figure of the entire palace disappeared, a pair of eyes opened in the depths of the clouds.

These purple eyes carried infinite magic power, surrounded by arcs, solemn and solemn, looking down at Wayne from a high place, without a trace of emotional fluctuations in their eyes.

But there were fluctuations in thinking.

Wayne clearly sensed that a thought was awakening, and with it, a spatial fluctuation was revealed in the air, and there was another world hidden behind the clouds.

The eyes flashed a round of light, and seeing the reshaped statue beside Wayne, they seemed to smile with relief.

The clouds shook, thunder exploded, and a majestic female voice was heard.

"Dear visitor, I am the atmosphere manipulator, the goddess of the sky. Tell me your name and you will gain the power of God and walk the earth on my behalf."


Wayne reported his common pseudonym.

The real name is impossible. God knows what these ancient beings will do with his name. For example, will the jealous lord of hell be jealous of him for shooting the archangel and return to hell to curse the sand sculpture in anger?

It is not impossible.



The goddess of the sky slowly read the name, a wisp of thought spread out, and a hurricane air mass spun around Wayne: "Let go of your mind and welcome the new divine power. From now on, you will be my knight in the world, controlling the atmosphere and controlling thunder..."

Wayne raised his eyebrows and realized that the strong but weak thoughts were circling around him. Thinking of the former dark knight who died, he probably understood something.

Since the goddess wants to come in, then I will fulfill your wish, but I have to say it in advance. Don't think about running after you come in!

"Goddess, come on, I'm ready."

Wayne raised his hands, closed his eyes, and looked extremely excited.

The thoughts of the sky goddess could not wait to flow into Wayne's body. She was too weak. First, she was seriously injured in the war of gods, and then she was hit hard again by the former dark knight. The already bad situation was made worse. She urgently needed a fresh body to carry her thoughts.

At this time, it didn't matter whether it was a man or a woman. She had to survive first. Only by surviving could she be picky.

Three seconds later, the goddess screamed, and the remaining thoughts instantly cut off the connection, and fled back to her nest along the space fluctuations to lick her wounds.

"Since you are here, why are you in a hurry to leave? Chat with me for a while!"

Wayne laughed heartily, and the upper half of his body with his hands raised turned into white foam, rushing straight into the world behind the space fluctuations.


"Sky goddess, I'm coming in!"

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