Restarting the myth

Chapter 306 Death Knight: I don’t like fighting, so I have to stop fighting

Bedford Shipyard, East District of Lundan.

The port is shrouded in a veil of mist at night. Whenever the mist slowly spreads to the sea, there will be a gentle breeze that sweeps it to the shore, preventing it from spreading outward.

This fog is only in Lundan!

The moonlight sprinkles on the surface of the seaport through the light mist, forming a hazy silver halo. The ships in the distance are looming, emitting faint light, like stars lost in a dream.

The fog returns to the port with the sea breeze, bringing bursts of salty sea. The quiet harbor is rarely crowded at night, with only gentle waves hitting the ships and the sound of whistles approaching the shore in the distance.

It's very quiet.

Whenever night falls, there are always some unknown corners that light up the lights, people sway, and quietly conspire.

On the sea not far from the shipyard, a cruise ship marked with the family crest of the Bedford family slowly left the port and quietly moved towards the dark and silent sea.

There are not many tourists on the cruise ship, only a few important guests.

The host Bedford Bedford held a banquet and specially invited several friends who are not friends. Tonight, we chat all night, only talking about business, not family and national affairs.

The Bedford family is one of the fourteen Tulip families, and has made certain achievements in the fields of business and magic.

In terms of business, the Bedford family owns the largest shipyard in Lundan, with a huge industrial chain, millions of boatmen’s food and clothing, and its influence covers all fields, so there is no shortage of friends everywhere.

In the Windsor magic world, the Bedford family’s highest masterpiece is Bedford Bedford, a legendary wizard in the Ministry of Magic. He is low-key and focused on making money. He never expresses his opinions. Every time he speaks, he stands on the side of the Queen and is a staunch royalist.

The three deputy ministers of the Windsor Ministry of Magic, Orb, Yvette, and Allen, are legendary wizards. Planck, Born, Hermann, Celeste, and Bedford who are in the open among the senior management are also legendary wizards. There are eight legendary wizards alone, and the country is strong and worthy of the name of an old country.

Moreover, most of these legendary wizards come from the Tulip Family, the former Tulip Knights, which shows that the royal family monopolizes all aspects of Windsor.

Even if the two deputy ministers, Orb and Allen, betrayed and disappeared, the queen could fill in the shortest time. On paper, they are powerful, with a long history, and are mysterious inside and out.

It is not unreasonable that the Windsor royal family can play a balance and resist the pressure of the Heavenly Father Church for so many years.

Back to the point, the camera returns to the cruise ship. In the beautifully decorated lobby meeting room, Bedford, wearing a wizard robe, has a good chat with several guests.

These guests are all from the Tulip Family.

Barney from the Boswell Family, Rupert from the Wilson Family, First from the Julian Family, the Woodson Family, the Cavendish Family, and the Spencer Family.

Including the Bedford Family, the organizer of this banquet, seven of the fourteen Tulip Family members were present, occupying half of the monopoly of Windsor.

Considering that the traitor Orb caused the Patino family to be hidden, there are only thirteen Tulip families left in name, seven is greater than six, and the seven families on the cruise ship have an absolute advantage in the voting process.

Not only that, there is also the legendary wizard Bonn of the Ministry of Magic on the cruise ship. He has a very good relationship with Planck, and his appearance here can be regarded as Planck's arrival.

Everyone looked around at their teammates and felt that they could do a lot with a strong army and horses, and they all thought that this was a sure thing.

The organizer Bedford did not think so. There were still too few guests and a serious lack of seats. There were even several Tulip families who had fantasies about the queen.

In addition, the families present also had their own thoughts, and the risk of being scattered was too great.

For example, Barney from the Boswell family is too obsessed with money, and he is probably an undercover sent by the Queen;

Rupert from the Wilson family is competing for the next prime minister and is in urgent need of political capital, so he is probably an undercover sent by the Queen;

First from the Julian family sells lottery tickets during the day and tobacco at night. He is a secretary every day. He may not be an undercover sent by the Queen, but he is there in nine out of ten times, and it is more likely to join in the fun tonight. It doesn't matter whether he is there or not;

The Woodson family used to be very powerful, and Deputy Minister Allen came from the Woodson family. Now it's not so good. Allen, the pillar of the family, is missing, and only some small fish and shrimps are left, which are probably the scraps that the Queen doesn't like.

After counting, only Cavendish and Spencer are reliable. They have cooperated in business for many years and follow the lead of the Bedford family in everything. Bedford is very confident in these two families.

However, these two families do not study magic, but only have a good influence in the secular world. They are ignored by the magic world.

Those who should come did not come, and those who should not come all came!

"Didn't the Landau family come?"

"How could Auston come? He is the queen's lover. Every time the queen speaks, he takes the lead and rushes to the front. He is not the same as us." Rupert said sarcastically.

"That makes sense!" First nodded repeatedly.

The Wilson family and the Landau family have been at odds recently. Auston extorted money from the Wilson family when he checked the accounts. When the Landau family chose an heir, Rupert exposed Wayne's undercover identity in public.

The two sides went back and forth, and it was Auston's turn to make another effort. At the critical moment of selecting the prime minister candidate, he cast his precious vote for Rupert's political enemy Winston Chute.

Whenever Rupert thought of this, he was furious. What kind of relationship did Auston have with the queen? They had a relationship, and this relationship had never been broken.

Even if Rupert had great abilities, he couldn't blow the Queen's trumpet like Austin. He bet that if Winston Chute became the Prime Minister of Windsor next year, it must be Austin's secret efforts.

Damn it, this playboy who only knows how to cheat women!

As Rupert finished speaking, Barney said, "Who said it wasn't? Austin is too arrogant. He looks down on us colleagues. His wife is the high priest of the Church of Nature, and his son's lover is the high priest of the Church of Moonlight. We are not qualified to eat at the same table with him."

"That makes sense!" First nodded repeatedly.

"Last time MI6 gave accurate files, the old man Cumming swore that Austin's illegitimate son was not Austin's biological son. Bah, look at the appearance of the father and son, and then look at the women of the father and son, they are clearly biological children." Barney became more and more excited, and at the end of his words, he slammed the table hard.

The Boswell family is based on business, focusing on forestry and mining, and has always been thinking about the arms industry. They have had several competitive conflicts with the Landau family in business, and they don't get along with each other.

Let's put aside the business competition and only look at the family heirs.

Barney's son Owen is a talent. The young man is very young at a young age, and his business all-rounder makes Barney very satisfied.

It's not afraid of comparing goods, but it's afraid of comparing people. Compared with Aston's son Wayne, Owen is not good at this and that. He is just a bad boy who eats, drinks, gambles, and plays with secretaries.

Even playing secretaries is not as good as Wayne!

Let alone playing women, look at what kind of women Wayne plays, the high priest during the day and his own sister at night, riding on the road of scum.

Of course, Aston is still better in this regard. Although he doesn't have a sister, he has a queen.

"That makes sense!" First nodded repeatedly.

When the topic came to Austin, the voices in the conference hall suddenly became louder. Except for the First family who joined in the fun and the Woodson family whose influence was declining, the other four families all criticized Austin and expressed their deep hatred for him.

For a time, they regarded each other as close friends because of the common enemy.

Including the organizer Bedford, he was actually very dissatisfied with Austin and agreed with Barney's evaluation that Austin was too arrogant.

There were two high priests and a queen in the family. They had magic and power. They were arrogant and betrayed the Tulip family. They were traitors.

"In fact, it can't be said that way. Although Austin didn't come, it doesn't mean that he is loyal to the queen." Bonn, who had been silent, spoke slowly.

There were only two legendary wizards in the field. When Bonn spoke, everyone gave face and stopped envy and jealousy, wanting to hear his opinions.

"The Landau family is not a monolithic entity. Wayne, the heir of the family, is extremely ambitious. He is not satisfied with the long-term oppression of Aston and has been making small moves. He cannot speak out because of Aston's suppression." Bonn looked mysterious as if he had inside information.

Everyone was curious and waited for him to continue.

No one refuted Bonn's words. If their eldest son hugged the high priest in his arms, there would be two voices in the family.

"I have secretly investigated and the information is reliable. Aston is very loyal to the queen, but his son Wayne is not. We can win him over."

Bonn's information came from Planck, who mentioned some of it obscurely. With his own imagination, the plot was very rich: "Do you understand? Aston is taking sides. He pretends to be submissive to the queen on the surface, but secretly lets his son reveal completely opposite information to the outside world. He is only loyal to the Landau family."

Eggs cannot be put in one basket. This principle is the same everywhere.

Especially in the era of war in troubled times, old families with a solid foundation will invest in all parties. No matter who wins in the end, these old families will not lose.

"That makes sense!" First nodded repeatedly.

Don't make sense! xn

Everyone ignored First and exchanged opinions.

"Auston is really calculating. He lets us rush to the front and he eats both sides in the back."

"I hate fence-sitters the most. Such people seem to win-win, but in fact they offend both sides and often end up badly."

"You can't say that. The Landau family has two high priests. It would be best if we can win them. If we can't win them, the Landau family can just not help either side."

After some discussion, everyone finalized the initial strategy. They didn't like Auston, but if they could win Auston, they would still be good friends and the past grievances would be forgotten with a smile.

"That makes sense!" First nodded repeatedly.

"Bowen, is your intelligence reliable?"

"Of course it is reliable, at least much more reliable than MI6."

"Well, let's talk about other Tulip families next..."

The fourteen Tulip families removed the seven present, the fence-sitter Landau family, and the hidden Patino family, and finally only five remained, namely the Collins family, the Fleming family, the Muller family, the Turner family, and the Chute family.

Among them, the Collins, Muller, and Turner families specialize in the field of magic. The Collins family has Deputy Minister Yvette, and the Muller family has the commander of the Holy Light Knights Herman. Although the Turner family has only a small number of people, Frank is highly regarded by the Queen and is the best expert in hell studies in Windsor. These three families are almost impossible to compete with.

The remaining Fleming family and Chute family are engaged in the military and political fields. The magic attainments of family members are average, which is not a big problem.


The organizer Bedford looked at the crowd and said solemnly: "We are all adults. You all understand the truth. I won't talk nonsense. Let's be straightforward. Everyone is willing to come here today, not for anything else, just For the benefit of the family.”

"You may have other ideas, but you have also seen that the queen is aggressive and the family is behind us. There is no way out."

"If even we are undecided, the Tulip family is destined to be brilliant only for a short time. It will be divided and surrounded by the Queen, and then divided and surrounded again. By then, each of us will have no chance of winning!"

Bedford didn't talk much, but he still made a lot of sense. Everyone either agreed or remained silent, and no one expressed objection.

"It is not difficult to control Yvette with our power, but Herman is a bit troublesome. He is the leader of the Knights of Holy Light and is stationed at St. George's Church in Windsor Castle all year round. If you want to take him down, you must do something."

Bedford said maybe, and looked at Bonn, who didn't say anything, probably in agreement.

As for Frank, the infernal expert, Bedford didn't mention it. Frank's theoretical research is very weird, and his own strength is average. He can just send any gunman to get it done. There is nothing to discuss.

"When the fourteen Tulip families gather together, we can sit down and have a good chat with the Queen!"

Bedford outlined a beautiful blueprint: "I know what everyone is thinking. My thoughts are the same as everyone's. No one really wants to rebel. We stand together only to protect the rights of the family. We supported the Queen before and will support the Queen in the future. That’s all.”

"It makes sense!" xn

First's voice was drowned in the crowd, and this time he was not alone.

"Bedford, there's something you haven't mentioned yet. What do the two new deputy ministers say?"

"They are Franks, not Windsors, and no one in the Ministry of Magic supports them, except the Queen."

Bedford said indifferently: "Don't look at their screams, but when it comes to a critical moment, they can run faster than anyone else. The queen believes that they are the biggest mistake and have brought us many allies."

According to Bedford's plan, first control Yvette and Herman, and then win over the Landau family. Fourteen Tulip families will work together to go to the Ministry of Magic to sit down and talk to the Queen. The Queen will definitely understand if she is so kind. Everyone’s concerns.

His plan was a bit unreliable and risky, but the interests of the family were at the forefront, so everyone thought they could give it a try.

As long as they can capture Yvette and Herman, they are willing to leave.


The door of the conference hall was kicked open, and three figures, two men and one woman, walked in slowly.

The three of them were dressed in mage robes. The man leading them was none other than Baron Kimo, the newly promoted commander of the royal guard. He had black hair and black eyes, reflecting the light of the crystal chandelier, and his black eyes shone with a deep coldness.

The remaining man and woman are about thirty years old and are also new arrivals, Annick and Shady, the newly promoted deputy ministers of the Ministry of Magic.

When the two deputy ministers arrived in Lundam, Baron Kimo was also transferred to Lundam from other places. On the surface, the two deputy ministers were from Franks. The real situation is difficult to tell. The most likely thing is that they were trained by the royal family outside. Advanced thugs, used to deal with emergencies.

Such as the rebellion in the Ministry of Magic and the disobedience of the Tulip family.

Everyone was shocked when they saw the three people appearing. For example, Bonn raised his hands to cover his face and pretended that he didn't exist.

Putting this joke aside, although the others were frightened and suspected that a traitor was present, their expressions remained calm, as if they did not take the two legendary mages seriously.

Damn traitor, you informed the Queen of the location of the meeting without even listening to the content of the meeting. You deserve to have your family dismembered by the Queen.

Bedford was secretly annoyed, with a calm expression on his face. He raised his glass and said, "Deputy Minister, you are here just in time. How about we come over and have a drink together?"


Douglas looked at them coldly, glanced at everyone, and announced their names one by one: "Barney, Rupert, First... you are so loyal to the Queen!"

"Baron Kimo, I don't know what you are talking about. We are just gathering on a cruise ship. How can we be disloyal to the Queen?"

Bedford didn't know Douglas's true identity and was very reluctant to give him face. He only knew that his teammates were unreliable and needed a strong voice to take the lead. Therefore, he changed his usual modesty and low-key and said firmly: "In other words, the country has New regulations prohibit private gatherings at night during wartime, and violators will be punished as treason? "

"The country does not have strict rules for ordinary people, but you are a Tulip family. Not only do you gather in private, but you also secretly go to sea. It is hard to say whether it involves treason. It needs to be judged by the Queen."

Douglas sneered repeatedly: "Come back with me. The banquet here is too shabby. The Queen specially prepared a grand banquet for you."

"Baron Kimo, is this really what the Queen meant? You couldn't be making it up!"

Bedford muddied the waters and said: "Since you entered Buckingham Palace, the Queen has changed from her usual kindness. I have reason to suspect that you have controlled the Queen and these two deputy ministers. When will the Franks stand above us Windsors?" Giving orders!"

Bedford bit the traitor, and his tough stance gave all his teammates a shot in the arm. Everyone knew there was no way out and nodded in agreement.

Bonn secretly thought that there was trouble. If he had known about it, he would have asked Gangplank to come over. He stood next to Bedford and confronted the two legendary mages Annick and Shadi.

Two on two, don't be afraid of high-end games.

The rest of the people swarmed up, and Ji Mo was not as good as the Golden Mage, so he could easily take them down.

After taking control of Kimo and finally bringing him to Buckingham Palace, the queen, who is kind and intelligent, will definitely understand that the reason for the disharmony between the monarch and his ministers is that Kimo is causing trouble.

Thinking of this, Bonn felt that this plan was feasible and looked confused: "Baron Kimo, the magic barrier arranged by the two deputy ministers is very clever. It was so clever that the cruise ship rushed in and we didn't notice it. However, are you sure that the ambush outside can Rush in in time to save you?"

Douglas sneered.

Bonn waved his hands repeatedly and said: "Don't get me wrong, I am completely loyal to the Queen. I am just worried about your safety, nothing else."

"Mage Bonn, it's true that people from outside can't break in, but I mean they can't come in. There are some secrets they shouldn't know." Douglas raised the corner of his mouth and felt extremely funny watching Bonn's performance.


Seeing that Douglas was emboldened and had other trump cards besides the two new deputy ministers, he couldn't help but retreat.

The legendary mage is like this. He is a powerful warrior among the wall-riding faction. If he can win, he will strike hard, but if he cannot win, he will be submissive. When he is undecided, he will retreat behind everyone and start worshiping gods. His main focus is stability.

Bedford: (_)

You old thing, why are you standing behind me?

Bedford was almost angered to death by the coward. Although he was also a coward, it did not affect the smile at fifty steps and a hundred steps at a time. He glared at Bonn fiercely and said to him: "Baron Kimo, the secret you are referring to is What, your eloquent mouth, or the invisible air?"

Bedford: The secret hasn't been revealed yet, what are you afraid of?

Bonn: This is called showing weakness to the enemy, it is a tactic!


Douglas laughed loudly, raised his hand and clapped twice: "Open your eyes and see clearly, I will let you die today!"

After the snapping sound, Douglas touched his chest with one hand and bowed slightly in humility.

The same goes for the two new deputy ministers. If you look closely, you can see that there is fear in their eyes. The ninety-degree bow cannot be called humility, it can be called humble.

Everyone retreated, and Bonn hurriedly protected Bedford in front of him, his eyes fixed on the air.

At the same time, the powerful perception of the legendary mage spreads out, alerting the surroundings to possible sneak attacks at any time.

Ten seconds later.



Douglas raised his head, and people on both sides stared at him. First couldn't hold it back and laughed on the spot.

With this smile, the atmosphere of military encounter was gone. Bedford immediately stopped panicking and laughed loudly.

"Baron Kimo, you are so good at acting!"

"Where did this clown come from? He's from out of town. He really made me laugh."

"Look at him, he's dripping with sweat!"

"Hahaha————" xn

Amidst the laughter, it was Douglas's turn to be nervous. The clapping of his hands as promised was a secret signal, but why was the death knight missing?

Have I been cheated?


Amidst the strange laughter, a hearty laugh suddenly broke in. The dark portal swayed with cold light in front of Douglas, and the death knight came to the field on an undead horse.

Everyone retreated continuously, feeling cold in their hearts, trying desperately to occupy the seats in the back row and give up the C seat to their accomplices.

"Lord Knight, you are finally here."

Douglas was slightly resentful. Just now, he really thought that the Death Knight would let him go.

It happened once, and it happened twice. Every time, it was just a human being, and the character of the Death Knight was too difficult to deal with.

"There was a traffic jam at the portal, which delayed us for a while."

Wayne casually threw out an unreliable reason, and the skull's face flashed with white light, looking down at the Tulip family members in the field.

He was not Alston and had limited knowledge of the Tulip family. Therefore, although there were many talents present, he knew only a few.

"Death Knight, why are you here?"

Bedford was sweating coldly, and his heart was already half cold. At the same time, he was sad and curious about how much the queen had to pay to persuade the chosen knight.

Just open your mouth, the Tulip family will give you as much as the Queen can give, and double it.

"Jie Jie Jie, don't be afraid, I'm just an ally of the Queen and I'm not here to target you."

Wayne pulled out the Shadow Nightmare and pointed at the two legendary mages: "The goddess is kind-hearted and does not want to see meaningless death. As a death knight, I resolutely implement the goddess's oracle, so..."

"I have never been a fighter in my life, I have had no choice but to resolve fights. Today I am here to mediate."

"Give me some face and go to the Queen's banquet. Stop fighting, okay?"


See what you said, quickly put the artifact away, we can still refuse you!

Everyone lamented that the appearance of the Death Knight meant that the overall situation was decided. Even if they had the means, they could only surrender obediently and go to the Queen's banquet to wait for their fate.

"It makes sense!"

First nodded repeatedly and quickly came to Douglas. Ashamedly, he was the undercover agent.

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