Restarting the myth

Chapter 3 A beautiful person may not necessarily have a beautiful soul, but at least she has a beaut

The door of the detective agency was violently destroyed. For the sake of the queen, Wayne did not pursue the case. The children only distinguished right from wrong, and the adults lay down to collect the money.

He moved a cabinet to block the door and planned to change the door lock tomorrow morning. Then he moved a box and spent a lot of effort to get to the second and a half compartment.

It is said to be two and a half floors, but it is actually the third floor. Only half of the third floor is built, leaving an open-air balcony where you can plant flowers and plants and hang clothes.

Wayne was poor and was not qualified to grow flowers and grass. He only deserved to work hard, so the balcony was always empty.

Veronica was very satisfied with the layout of the third floor, holding the black cat in front of the window to watch the night view.

Wayne knocked on the door and frowned: "The nights in Lundan are very weird. You'd better close the windows and don't open the curtains."

"Yes, this city is indeed dangerous, especially for ignorant people..."

Veronica did not look back, closed her eyes and enjoyed the blowing of the night wind. The black cat in her arms stared at the distant night sky with a pair of golden eyes.

Wayne curled his lips. He knew that Veronica was not an ordinary person and was full of secrets. He just didn't want to cause trouble.

After all, even though Ah Piao and the like have been around for many years, they are still too advanced for carbon-based organisms.

"May I ask, will William always live in the detective agency?"

"Yes, he is the detective agency clerk you hired to handle files."


This guy is so strong that even bears shake their heads after looking at him. How does he look like a clerk?

Wayne complained in his heart and subconsciously said: "What about salary? Does he also work with pay?"

"What if?"

That’s right!

Wayne nodded seriously, it was indeed his fault for asking such an insulting question to a rich woman.

Wayne reminded Veronica to close the window and go to bed as soon as possible, then turned around and went to the second floor to pack her things as soon as possible. Who knows if William was already trying on his clothes.

"Wait a minute, Wayne, no, boss."

Veronica turned around and said seriously: "As your assistant, I suggest that the detective agency closes tomorrow and conduct a general cleaning from top to bottom."

"Well, it's a little messy."

Wayne expressed his support. He had also planned a general cleaning before, but because he was poor and busy, he never made time, so he simply tidied up.

After Wayne left, the black cat in Veronica's arms jumped up to the window sill and said in a hoarse voice: "He has the smell of death, very strong, and there are marks on the wall, indicating that he has recently had contact with the Death Walker." Close contact, already targeted.”

The black cat kept talking, but Veronica didn't take it seriously. She protected the black cat with both hands to prevent him from falling out of the window: "He is a detective and comes into contact with many people every day. It is too difficult to investigate, but the Death Walker will not give up easily. The target will be known in two days.”

"If I can't wait, I'll check the files in his office. Maybe I can find some clues."

"That's all."

Veronica frowned and said displeasedly: "The aura of death on his body is too strong and very abnormal. If he hadn't been a living person, I couldn't help but suspect that he was dead."

"Yes, but it's also thanks to him that we were able to find the Death Walker so quickly."


Second floor.

Wayne walked into his bedroom and saw the tall William. The latter had sorted out all the female star posters and was holding the Mirai Diary he found from the bedside table. His laughter was as powerful as a barbell.

A two-meter-tall muscular man with luxuriant body hair, wearing a blue and white striped sailor suit, and a youth training manual watching men and women fighting did not scold heretics, which made Wayne express his disbelief.

Where is your philosophy? Hurry up and criticize it!

The future diary is the original work, which is equivalent to being written by Wayne himself. He has to shoulder the blame, but he did not step forward to take back the diary.

He was more afraid of retribution than social death. What if William held on and refused to let go?

"Wayne, you're here. Where did you get this diary? Did you write it?"

That's not a diary, that's the casting material for a single mage!

William winked and said meaningfully: "You have good taste, but Lily Hayworth is a singer and has not made a few movies. I prefer the male protagonist in her movies. He is handsome, funny, considerate, optimistic, laughing, and talkative. , is simply an ideal partner, what do you think?”

Wayne, with his ugly face, is the ideal companion.

"Wayne, what are you doing standing there, come here!" William patted the bed next to him.

"No, I'll pack up my things and go downstairs. Veronica said I'll get up early tomorrow to clean up." Wayne silently took a half step back to ensure that when William rushed over, he could close the door and escape as soon as possible.

After hearing this, William stopped embarrassing Wayne, who moved a pile of spellcasting materials to the warehouse, packed up his bedroll and went to the office sofa.

A night of silence.

Wayne woke up hungry the next day. The physical work last night squeezed out the last bit of energy, allowing him to get the quality sleep of a baby daddy.

So much so that despite the loud banging in the kitchen, he could still fall asleep soundly. It wasn't until the alluring aroma came that he suddenly opened his eyes.

It's the barbecue, not the damn potatoes!

Wayne looked over in surprise. He had misunderstood the eldest lady. He thought she was a master who only knew how to spend money, but he didn't expect her cooking skills to be so superb.

Let's not talk about the color and taste. The other party was very good at the aroma alone, and even the glutton in his stomach was no longer sleepy.

After a while, William, wearing an apron, walked out of the kitchen. His strong chest muscles and shoulders made the narrow apron look funny. If you have good eyesight, you can see the protruding chest hair at the collar of the sailor suit.

William invited Wayne to try his best dish: "You slept too much. It's noon now. I prepared fish and chips, beef in sauce, and fried noodles with mushrooms. Can't wait?"

Wayne: (?_?)

Take back what he said before. He didn't misunderstand the eldest lady. He misunderstood the muscle man.

Soon, Veronica, who went out to purchase, returned. She was wearing a white shirt, a knitted suit jacket, jodhpurs and long boots. She was simple and capable, and had a strong workplace style.

Wayne nodded repeatedly. People with beautiful appearance may not be beautiful in heart, but she is at least beautiful in appearance. Veronica's figure and appearance look good in anything. This outfit is not outdated even if it is put in the era when he traveled through time.

Veronica bought a lot of things. In addition to simple furniture and daily necessities, there were potted plants, high-quality soil suitable for planting, and a bunch of bottles and jars filled with plant seeds, which seemed to be prepared to decorate the open-air balcony on the third floor.

After dinner, she put on an apron, hat, and sleeves and began to clean the third floor. Her helper was the black cat Monica, who was holding a rag and trying to wipe the windows.

William was assigned a lot of hard work, such as moving furniture and taking out the garbage, which made him complain. He applied for a clerk, and at the very least, he was a chef.

Veronica did not arrange Wayne. It can be seen that she did not like Wayne very much. If it was not necessary, she would not even take the initiative to talk to Wayne.

This directly led to Wayne being out of tune with this detective agency. Everyone else was busy, but he was idle, as if he was an outsider.

The outsider was actually me!

People have a sense of shame, and at the very least, they have a desire to win or lose. Wayne picked up the mop and joined the cleaning. He worked for an hour until the door of the detective agency was knocked again.

Mrs. Rainer!

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