Restarting the myth

Chapter 25 Big Shot

On a branch-shaped shelf, an owl that was all white with a few black spots had its eyes drooped, opened but not fully opened, and it was looking down at Wayne with its slits.

Wayne saw the contempt in the other party's eyes!

According to the grapevine, the owl is a symbol of wisdom.

Wayne didn't believe it, so he took the white owl in front of him as an example. If the other person was really smart, he would know how to use his appearance to be cute, and his eyes would never be so flat.

The hanging look seemed to be provoking. Today, only one of him and Wayne can walk out standing.

"Hey, you like this one? I remember that it is very old and has been staying here without being selected..."

Seeing Wayne and the white owl glaring at each other, Willie knew that he had chosen the letter bird that suited her best. She took out the encyclopedia from the shelf nearby, flipped through a few pages and read: "Snowy Owl, also known as the white owl. The owl is accustomed to appearing during the day, with a body length of fifty to seventy centimeters and a round and small head. Compared with other owls, the face plate is not obvious. "

"According to records, this snowy owl is male. Under normal circumstances, a male snowy owl can reach about 60 centimeters. This one is slightly smaller. It feels like it didn't have enough food when it was a child. Moreover, its whole body is almost pure white, which means it is an old bird. ”

"Get to the point!" Wayne interrupted without looking back.

Out of some strange desire to win, he was still competing with his opponent, each one looking at each other with a bird's eye, without blinking, competing to see who could do it first.

"It's too old and rarely active at night. Why don't you change it to another one?"

After saying that, Wei Li shrugged to herself, her eyes were like this, whoever she saw at first sight was who she was, and she couldn't change it.

Moreover, Wayne and the other person are very compatible, and their eyes are exactly the same. It would be difficult to guarantee such a high degree of matching by changing one person to another.

"That's it."

Wayne stared for a while, his eyes were dry, and he decided to take it home and clean it up.

"Give it a try, you two should be very close."

With Willy's encouragement, Wayne raised his hand and touched the snowy owl.

Owls are also cats, and masturbating an owl is the same as masturbating a cat. He believes that his superb skills can make the other person want to stop, and he has become a puppet of desire, crying and begging him to masturbate, and not daring to look at others with his eyes.

Not touched!

Gadget dodges!

Wayne looked confused, and Willie didn't understand very well, so she handed Wayne a rat strip and asked him to try again.

To make matters worse, Snowy Owl ignored Rat Stripe and his eyes became more contemptuous, as if he was mocking Wayne for being a retard.

How unreasonable!

Wayne rolled up his sleeves and was about to give the other person a look. Willie hurriedly grabbed his arm and advised him to calm down and stop being like a letter bird.

From now on, we will all be a family. We can talk to each other if we have anything to say, and there is no need for physical communication.

The friction was too great. Wayne struggled twice but couldn't get rid of it. He struggled a few more times but still couldn't get rid of it.

Simply give Weili some face and let her go for the time being.

"That's it. I must take it away today."

"Well, why not try to seduce it with magic power? It stands to reason that the two of you should be very compatible..." Wei Li suggested.

What is seduction? This is showing off strengths!

Wayne tried it. He was very confident in his pure magic power. He raised his hand and waved it in front of the snowy owl. A ray of white light spilled out, attracting the attention of other owls in the cattery and saluting collectively.

The snow owl's half-closed eyes slowly opened, its golden eyes were as round as copper bells, and the black pupils suddenly shrank.

It can be seen that it is very shocked.

This time, faced with Wayne's request to go home with him, Snowy Owl did not refuse and jumped directly onto Wayne's arm.

The Snowy Owl looks very big, but is actually very light, weighing about two or three pounds. Its weight is entirely represented by its fluffy feathers. All owls are like this. Without their feathers, they are all skinny.

It is impossible for a snowy owl to get into a hat. Some magic can allow a large owl to hide in the owner's clothing and accessories. However, these magics are obviously not something that beginners can master. Willie found a birdcage, the kind with a curtain, and reluctantly put the snowy owl in. Put it in.

This snow-white owl was unusually quiet, and unlike its other curious companions, it kept its attitude the whole time, which convinced Wayne that it was indeed an old bird.

An old bird is an old bird. Wayne doesn't expect the other party to look after the home and care for the home. It doesn't matter if he is not active at night. He also has Abin, who will take care of everything.

It is said that Abin has been wandering outside for several nights, and it is time to take on the responsibility of looking after the home.

After Wayne completed the form, he carried the birdcage and walked out of the crescent-shaped iron door with Willie, who was going to take him to the room to teach elementary magic related to messenger birds.

Quiet, no one disturbs.

As expected, enthusiastic coaches gathered around him. Their beating muscles made Wayne unable to refuse, and he took the initiative to ask for an office with a glass door.

Willy found a magic book, which contained the basic magic used with the messenger bird, and explained it word for word in easy-to-understand words.

Outside the glass door, the heads of the Muscle Guys were shaking. Once they found out that Wayne touched Willy's little hand while he was studying, they would swarm in and show Wayne the power aesthetics they admired.

Wayne: Haha, I just touched my chest!

Wayne once again proved that he is a genius, not only has a strong memory, but also can quickly accept and master new knowledge.

Willy asked Wayne not to try the newly learned magic. It is easy for beginners to make mistakes, and making mistakes means the loss of a messenger bird's life. What Wayne needs to do now is to get to know each other better, that is, to feed the bird more so that the other person can eat happily.

When Chris finishes the task at hand, she will focus on coaching Wayne one-on-one, and it won't be too late to try magic then.

Great, there are also one-on-one coaching lessons with beautiful girls!

Someone said that if a man sits with a beautiful woman for an hour, it will seem that only one minute has passed, but if he sits on a gay man for a minute, he will feel that more than an hour has passed.

Time passed unknowingly, and before night fell, Willy gave Wayne the basic magic textbook and asked him to go back and study it carefully to deepen his memory.

Wayne took the textbook and the birdcage and left the fitness center.

Behind him, a group of big muscle coaches stood at the door and watched him leave. Coach Dick raised his eyebrows and looked at a black car at the end of the street.

In the car, two sneaky men in black were smoking. Seeing Wayne leave the fitness center, they threw away their cigarette butts and drove slowly to follow.

"Is this guy being followed?"

Dick pondered for a moment and said to his companion beside him: "Follow him, remember to keep a low profile, don't do anything unnecessary, just don't let him get hurt."

The coach nodded, picked up a coat and covered himself with it, and followed Wayne's black car.

The two men in black were not magicians. In Dick's eyes, their life breath was weak and scattered, and they were ordinary people on the street. He guessed that they were gang leaders.

Dick didn't take these trivial matters to heart, nor did he care why Wayne provoked the gang. He happily huddled next to Willie, rubbing his hands like an old father who doted on his daughter.

"Willie, when did you and Wayne meet?"

"I know, but you didn't tell me in detail last time... No, I don't mean anything else, I just care."

"He's a genius, so funny... Uh, I don't doubt your judgment, I mean, even if he is a genius, his age means he doesn't have much potential to tap."

"What, he used magic to take the white owl away?!"

Dick's eyes widened, his facial muscles twitched in horror, causing the centipede scar to twist continuously.

"Nothing, it's an old bird, Wayne is unlucky, yes, terrible."

The expression came and went quickly, Dick casually mentioned this topic, and Willie didn't notice anything unusual. When he turned around and walked out of the fitness center, Wayne's figure carrying the birdcage had already disappeared.

"It shouldn't be, it's not a carrier bird, there's no reason for it to leave with Wayne..."

"Is he really a genius?!"


Wayne didn't take a taxi home directly. He held the birdcage in his left hand and a handbag with teaching materials and feed in his right hand, strolling on the street where the street lights were gradually lit up.

First, he wanted to try his luck and see if he could encounter the robbers who kidnapped the girl while walking at night. If he could save the girl and the girl was as wealthy as Veronica, he would not mind accepting her thanks and relieve the urgent need of having a cleaner pocket than his face.

Forget about her body, he is a conservative person in love and cannot have four relationships at the same time.

Second, he wanted to get familiar with the road conditions in the North District, which corners are suitable for surveillance, which sewers can be used for people to get in, and how to get to the nearby subway stations that are convenient for quick transfers.

He also wanted to walk the dog. It was dark and foggy, and it was time for Abin to break out of the ground.

Ten minutes later, Wayne found that he was being followed. When he turned at the intersection, he saw a black car with an absurdly slow speed, as if it was waiting for dark.

It would be easier to take action after dark!

"Damn it, now they don't tie up beautiful girls anymore, they only pick on beautiful boys?"

Wayne muttered, and when he passed the alley, his feet suddenly accelerated and walked straight into the depths of the alley.

The black car stopped on the side of the road, and two men in black got out of the car in a hurry and rushed into the alley.

At the end of the street, the coach who followed him walked quickly to the alley entrance. He didn't go in directly, but closed his eyes and listened for a while.

After a while, he shook his head and left.

The boss thought too much. This kid is good at fighting, and he is full of bad water. He is not as honest as he looks on the surface!

Wait a minute, if this kid is not honest, won't Willy be deceived?

The coach spitted fiercely and walked quickly towards the fitness center. He collected important information and must let everyone stay vigilant at all times and never let the bad boy succeed.


In the alley, Wayne hid behind the trash can, and waited for two men in black to pass by quickly, then he flashed out and kicked one of the men in black over with a flying kick.

After landing, he turned around and swung a punch, using the acceleration to hit the nose of another man in black hard.

The force was so strong that it directly caused a dizzy effect. Before the second man in black could react, he kicked his legs and fell straight to the ground.

The first man in black fell to the ground, and the pistol in his arms fell out. He crawled and rolled to pick up the gun.

The black man's nervous expression was relieved when he saw the pistol.

It was too early to be happy!

He was kicked in the buttocks, and he rushed forward for a distance with his hands and feet. When he turned around, the pistol was already in Wayne's hand.

The original body's muscles memorized a lot of fighting skills, and it was impossible for him to be an idle third-rate detective.

"Lie on the ground, put your hands on your head!"

Wayne shook the muzzle of the gun. The sky was getting dark. His eyes were blocked by the shadow of the black hat. With his cold words, he had the fierce aura of a gangster who killed people without blinking an eye.

The man in black was shocked and lay on the ground with his hands on his head.

The other man in black had fainted. Wayne took out a pistol from him, frowned and said coldly: "Who are you and why are you following me?"

"No, I didn't. I just happened to pass by." The man in black lying on the ground tried to explain.

"Haha, so it's a coincidence?"

"Yes, it's a coincidence!"


Wayne walked forward slowly, pressed his knee on the back of the other's neck, and put the gun to the back of the other's head: "Boy, you are only a few hundred dollars a month. Why are you playing with your life? I'll give you another chance, otherwise I will shoot you, and your companions will tell me the answer."

"I, I..."

Lies will not break people's defenses, but the truth will!

Wayne's words hit the sad spot, and the man in black's tone immediately became sad and angry. It was too heavy and he felt unable to breathe.

"Still not telling me?"

Wayne pointed the gun at the muzzle: "Forget it, I won't force you. I'll ask your companion. With your bloody example in front of him, he will definitely cooperate obediently, and I will let him live."

"No, no, no, don't shoot, I'll tell you now."

The man in black confessed: "We are the Black Snake Society in the East District. We followed you to the North District. A big shot has set his eyes on you. Our boss wants to please that big shot and is going to tie you up and send him over."

Wayne: "..."

Big shot, who is that? Has he ever offended any big shot?

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