Restarting the myth

Chapter 229 Candidate Wayne, you are not pure

Gavin was halfway through his words when he threw out the bait and waited for Wayne to take the bait.

The effect was average. Wayne blinked and shook his head, saying, "No, I know what kind of talent I have. I am not qualified to be a chosen knight."

Veronica nodded secretly. It's good that the social trash knows what's going on.

Veronica is not bragging. She dares to bet her youth. The probability of Wayne becoming a chosen knight is less than one in a million, no, one in ten million.

As long as the goddess is not blind, it won't be Wayne's turn even if all the people on the chosen continent die.

Will the goddess be blind?

Absolutely impossible!

If the goddess can be blind, she can be too. She will let bygones be bygones in the future. She will pretend not to see Wayne and Willy having an affair.

It's so funny. Social trash and the chosen knight are linked together. It's more outrageous than Bai Yueguang and social trash rolling in bed!


Veronica took care of Wayne's face. She only laughed in her heart, but didn't show anything on her face. She quickly came to the elf and took a closer look.

Just one look.

I couldn't bear to blink even when my eyes were dry.

So beautiful!

"Young man, don't underestimate your talent. At your age, you have surpassed 99% of your peers..."

Gavin praised her generously, and then said: "Be prepared, your path to becoming a Holy Son will not be smooth sailing. The church has never had a precedent of a Holy Son. I personally don't think you can succeed."

So don't struggle, I'll give you a letter of recommendation, come to work for the Natural Knights!

What's the point of being a Holy Son? A real man should be a knight!

Seeing Gavin's tone of a big boss, Wayne subconsciously said: "Excuse me, your name, are you from the church headquarters?"

"Gavin Feloi, deputy head of the Natural Knights of the church headquarters."


Really a big boss, in terms of level, he is already higher than the district high priest.

Wayne never expected that an ordinary saint candidate assessment could blow up a big fish at the level of deputy head.

As far as he knows, the leader of the Natural Knights at the headquarters is an honorary position, which has always been held by the Chosen Knights. When the Chosen Knights do not take care of things, the deputy leader is the leader.

Is the style of the leader so sloppy?

Wayne glanced at Gavin, who was drunk, unkempt with a beard, and tattered armor. He didn't look like a leader at all...

Wait a minute, all the members of the Natural Knights are gold mages, and the deputy leader should be a legendary mage.

Is it really okay to enter Windsor openly?

Wayne knows a word that just describes Gavin's entry - smuggling.

You people who engage in faith, say one thing in front of you and another behind your back, sign an agreement but don't abide by it, come and go as you please, what do you think of the Windsor Federation, a bus?

Where is the queen, the bus driver?

He complained in his heart and saluted respectfully: "So it's the captain, I'm sorry."

"It's the deputy captain."

"Okay, captain."


Gavin scratched his head and saw the shadow of the church's high-level officials in Wayne, all so shameless.

Because of preconceived ideas, he first saw Wayne's talent, and the young man looked good, especially after he turned into an elf, his handsome appearance even made him avoid him, so although his favorability declined, it was still full marks.

"Young man, I'll stop here. Think about it carefully. If you fail in the selection of the Holy Son, don't be too disappointed. You can come to me. Our Natural Knights are in need of talents like you."

Gavin said: "In my assessment, you two have passed the test. I look forward to your performance in the future."

He glanced at Veronica, a very good candidate for the Holy Maiden.

If the material is good, it should be stable.

Gavin is casual and informal. He shook the empty wine pot, said goodbye and left directly.


Wayne raised his hand and high-fived Veronica, and went west for 800 meters to find the abandoned church.

Andrew didn't know that Gavin had sneaked into the crew, and was surprised to see the two coming out of the church.

"Oh, nothing, I met another investigator, who called himself Gavin Felloy, the deputy leader of the Knights of the headquarters, and gave Veronica and me full marks."

Wayne looked innocent: "The deputy leader of the church headquarters should be of a very high level, right?"

Andrew didn't say anything, and silently raised the scores of the two candidates, both 100, all full marks.

At this point, Wayne didn't act anymore, took out the two philosopher's stones in the car, and submitted the task on the spot.

Andrew vaguely passed it over, saying that he didn't understand what Wayne was talking about, muttering that the stones were not important, just as souvenirs, and left with several NPC companions.

"It's over."

Wayne looked at Veronica, asking with his eyes if she was willing to date him in Wenches.


Got a back of the head.

"Okay, let's go back to Lundan. We have plenty of time when we get home."


Landau Manor.

Wayne finished the task ahead of time and informed Austin and Sphy that a big man had come to the headquarters of the Church of Nature.

A strong man at the level of a leader, with the style of a middle-aged useless uncle, he looked very powerful.

Austin was not interested, so he asked Wayne not to make it public and not to change his size in the near future.

Sphy was overjoyed. When she learned that her student had been invited and was very likely to become a candidate for the Chosen Knight of God, she jumped and jumped with her student in her arms.

"Work hard. I haven't seen the Chosen Knight of God yet. This task is for you."

Xifei patted Wayne on the shoulder, and the more he looked at it, the happier he became: "As expected of me, the look in his eyes doesn't matter, he is the chosen knight just by picking him up."

Is there a possibility that you have picked two in a row?

There were so many flaws that Wayne didn't know where to start. For the sake of this family, he chose to bury the secret in his heart.

After dinner, Wayne did not harass Veronica. Dragon Blood was too arrogant, so he left her alone for two days, and then launched a fierce attack when she was depressed, and the progress could be a big step forward.

It's kissing every time, so it's time to unlock a few positions.

Returning to Wayne House, Wayne asked Furla to prepare a candlelight dinner and picked up the phone to call Chris.

Don't rush to inform Philomena now, she's too clingy and acts like a little girl. I'll give her a surprise in a few days.

"Hey, Wayne, why are you back?"

Willie came to the living room and asked curiously: "Where is your mission? Is it over?"

"it's over."

Wayne put down the phone calmly: "I was just about to call you, but I didn't expect you to be at home. By coincidence, Furla has prepared dinner. It's just the two of us tonight."

"Is it just a coincidence?"

Willie sat at the dining table, looking at the candlelight, flower petals, and romantic French dishes, her little heart racing faster than expected.

It was just her and Wayne at home tonight, there was no senior sister to make up for classes, and there was no Veronica to cause trouble...

The heart beats faster.

However, nothing happened. Bai used combo attacks on the girl, but they were all connected by Wayne's Tai Chi.

After the dinner was over, when Willie was wondering whether her senior sister had already obtained the first blood, Wayne sent out an invitation. He had recently designed several new outfits and was short of a female model.

Willy nodded happily and followed Wayne into the bedroom with a bound.


The door was locked, and Willie had closed it.

"Weili, this evening dress is backless, you put it on backwards."

"Don't make trouble, these are garters, not sleeves..."

"You have to button your underwear from the front first. You don't even know that?"

"There's really nothing I can do about you, let me help you put it on!"

The model is not very smart, so the costume designer has no choice but to provide personal guidance for the sake of progress.

After some operations, I found that Willie was looking at the baby with a fierce look, fearing that the delivery would be slow, but in fact, she was a coward. When she really should use her strength, she would just close her eyes like Veronica.


The next afternoon, Wayne received a call from Heaphy, who had a serious tone and asked him to rush to the divisional headquarters as quickly as possible.

Flora takes action!

If you don't take action, it's fine. Once you take action, you'll be the king.

Divisional headquarters, conference room.

Wayne and Veronica arrived at the same time and saw a serious-looking Xiffy and a handsome man in the conference room.

"This is Knight Reina, a natural knight from the church headquarters. He took a few photos..."

Xifei looked helplessly at her students and daughter, asking you to restrain yourself and don't kiss me in the near future. Why are you disobedient? It's okay now. The evidence has been photographed.

Reena arrived suddenly and unexpectedly, not giving Xiffy time to react. He carried a briefcase in his arms and made his purpose clear, indicating that he wanted to confront him face to face.

He had evidence of the candidate's impurity, with photographs to prove it.

Reena didn't say which candidate it was. Xifei had something in her mind and misunderstood that the student and her daughter were photographed.


Wayne suddenly wondered where the photo door came from. Recently, he couldn't get out of the door without taking two steps. When he saw Philomena, he also went into the sewer the whole time. Logically speaking, there shouldn't be photos.

Veronica is even less likely, as he acted like an older brother during the mission.

A serious brother, not the kind who registers as an orthopedic surgeon.

"Knight Reena, the two candidates have arrived. It's time to show your evidence." What should come will always come, and Xiffy was mentally prepared.

"High Priest, please wait a moment, I need a witness." Reina adhered to the knight's code and spoke in a fair and impartial manner.

This made Xifei very unhappy, and she said angrily: "Let me guess who the witness is. Is it Flora Evelina, the former Holy Lady and the current Windsor Division Priest?"

"High Priest, although Your Excellency Flora has resigned, she has served the church for many years and worked hard to promote the glory of the goddess. Please do not call her by her full name."

Rena's face turned red from the rebuke. Despite his dog-licking attributes, as a knight, he was quite qualified.

For example, the shame was revealed by Xifei on the spot, and she felt ashamed.

If this problem doesn’t change, I will never be able to see Flora’s thighs in this life.

"It looks like it is. Come on, bring Priest Flora here." Xifei yelled at the door, and the assistant trotted away.

Reina calmed down and said solemnly: "High Priest, please don't misunderstand me. Your Excellency Flora is not aware of the evidence I have. The reason why I invited her to testify is because I have no one I trust in Lundan."

It's okay if you don't explain it, but you won't be able to do it if you explain it.

You boy must have seen the saint's thighs!

Wayne rolled his eyes: "Knight Reena, I met another investigator in Winches yesterday. He is also from the headquarters of the Natural Knights. To be fair, his image is much better than yours."

"Which knight is it?"

"Gavin Fellowes."

"He turned out to be the deputy captain..."

Reena was shocked and wondered why the deputy commander arrived in Lundan in person and whether he had other secret missions. Then he thought about it, if it was a casual deputy commander, it seemed reasonable.

"The investigator was very satisfied with Veronica and I and gave us full marks." Wayne said quietly.

Young man, your leader has spoken. Be wise and destroy the photos quickly.

Also, if you open your mouth to be the deputy leader, your future is limited!

Reina's breath was stagnant. After a moment, he shook his head: "The deputy captain is tolerant and not bound by trivial matters. He is willing to give you full marks. It must be because of your talent. I am different. I pay more attention to details. You are more principled. You made a mistake, and I don’t recognize you as a qualified first choice person.”

Veronica tilted her head, she was more curious about the photos in the document bag than the power and sex deal.

Apparently, the social waste was photographed cuddling with other little girls.

If she guessed correctly, it was Willy.

Those who seduce others... Humph, I'll peel off your skin when I get back!

Soon, Priest Flora walked into the conference room.

Wayne saw Flora in person for the first time, no, for the second time, and she had to admit, she was a beauty.

No wonder Rena couldn't bear it, Flora was not only a great beauty, but also had the aura of a saint. If he saw the former saint's thigh, he would most likely touch it.

However, if you look closely, that's all.

There is nothing to say about Flora's figure, appearance, and temperament, especially her temperament and elegant charm. It is far from what little girls like Veronica and Willy can compare with. But compared with Philomena, Flora has all aspects. Not as good as.

From the perspective of lsp, the hexagonal warrior met the hexagonal warrior. Philomena completely surrounded Flora, who had no chance of winning at all.

From the perspective of a Heaphy student, Wayne remembered this face, slightly squinting his eyes to hide his murderous intent.

"High Priest, are you looking for me?"

Floro bowed and saluted, looking at Rina from the corner of his eye, his heart suddenly thumped.

Reena didn't tell him that he was going to visit today, which caught Heaphy off guard and Flora.

"Priest Flora, this is Knight Rena. You should know him. You may have met him recently."

Xifei sneered: "Knight Reena has evidence of the candidate's impurity and wants to confront me face to face. He cannot trust my character and has specially invited you to be a third-party notary."

Flora felt her scalp tingle when she heard this. If this was a surprise from Rena, she said that she was licking the dog carefully and was not surprised.

"High Priest, you misunderstood. Knight Rena and I met at the church headquarters. Although we met recently, it was because of the relationship between friends and we did not do anything unnecessary." Flora smiled bitterly. She paid great attention to her own image. But Verina told him in advance that she would not let the other party mess around.

If word spread that Rina's actions were all directed by her, wouldn't her character collapse?

The matter has reached this point and cannot be undone. Flora can only hope that Reina's evidence is powerful enough to pull down a candidate.

"High Priest, Your Excellency Flora is here as a witness. This is the photo I took. Please watch it together." Rina was very satisfied. He prepared a gift for the goddess and rushed to deliver it to the goddess before the investigation team finally confirmed the score. in hand.

In this way, the goddess's student can replace Wayne. He successfully completes the task and once again protects the saint as a knight.

Rena doesn't have high requirements, just watch the goddess's back silently.

He held up the folder with both hands. Xifei glanced at Flora, saw her looking sideways, and secretly cursed Bichi.

You've obviously seen it before, and you're still pretending to be innocent!

Xifei snorted and took the folder, slowly pulling out the photos inside, lamenting in her heart that it was so unlucky that both the student and her daughter were disqualified at the same time.

What's even more unlucky is that Flora won one of the places and won twice.

Veronica took a step forward and accidentally stepped on Wayne hard.

She wanted to see if Willie had kissed a social trash.

Several people looked at the photo with different expressions, including expectation, anger, helplessness and curiosity.

In the photo, Wayne and the artistic girl Otilia are sitting side by side in the library. Because of the good angle, the two are cuddling together in several photos, not to mention how close they are.

Otilia smiled brightly, and Wayne seemed to be talking about something with his brows dancing. No matter how you looked at it, it was the girl looking at her lover, listening to the sweet words with affection.

There is nothing wrong with couples.


"Who is this?" x2

Heaphy and Veronica's eyes widened. The former didn't see their daughter, and the latter didn't see Willy. They stared at Wayne with four eyes, asking him to give an explanation.

Wayne swallowed secretly, but he could fool anyone like Willy or Chris, even Philomena.

Unexpectedly, the investigators had already arrived and took photos of him and Otilia.

Wait, this photo is nothing!

"Candidate Wayne, as an investigator, I suspect that your body is not pure. Do you have anything to say?" Riner cast a judgmental gaze, his voice was loud and his waist was straight, as if he was a judge questioning the defendant. .

He glanced at Flora out of the corner of his eye, hoping to get the goddess's rewarding smile.

However, it didn't happen. Flora lowered her head and stared at the photo, with a look of... confusion on her face.

"I want to say too much. These photos seem to be nothing. I was reading with a female friend in the library. There was something wrong with the shooting angle, so there was a misunderstanding."

Wayne explained dryly, gradually understanding Auston's difficulties, and being stared at by two dragon bloods at the same time was extremely stressful.

He added: "The girl in the photo and I are book friends. She likes to read and I like to read, that's all."

"What's her name?"

Veronica stepped hard on Wayne's foot. It was because there were so many people, otherwise she would have ridden on him.

"Uh, Otilia..."

Wayne admitted his mistake in a low voice: "She is a believer of the Church of Nature. I met her in the library. She has few friends, so she often asks me to read books."

"She asked you to go?!"

Veronica raised her voice: "Tell me, what is your relationship with her, and how far has it developed?"

Veronica sister, which side are you on? Didn't you see the teacher winking at me desperately...

Oh, the teacher is also glaring at me, so it's okay.

"It's unfair, it really doesn't matter, just ordinary friends."

Wayne secretly had a headache, and once again understood Auston's difficulties. He wanted to quibble, but Veronica and Xifei didn't give him a chance at all, and both stood on Flora's side.

What should I do!

"I believe the explanation of candidate Wayne. He and Otilia are just ordinary friends, not lovers. Knight Reina deliberately took misleading photos, which caused unnecessary trouble to Wayne and Otilia's reputation." Flora said.


The scene was silent, all in disbelief.

"Flora, are you crazy?"

Syphi blurted out, clenched her fist and coughed lightly: "Priest Flora, what did you just say?"

"Knight Reina, the evidence is too heavy to frame. As a third-party witness, please allow me to refute these evidences." Flora looked at Reina dimly, her eyes full of coldness.

Reina's face turned pale, and she hurriedly said: "Sir Flora, take a look again, I was at the scene and saw them with my own eyes..."

"Enough, Knight Reina must have seen it wrong, I firmly believe in the character of candidate Wayne, he is pure."


Syphi: Flora is really crazy!

Veronica: What did you see with your own eyes, tell me quickly, it's really annoying.

Wayne: My teammates are standing on the opposite side, and the opposite side is standing on my side. What do you mean by this bitch? Are you trying to improve my favorability?

There was Philomena in front and Flora in the back. Are the aunts now so caring?

The atmosphere fell into silence again. Flora's face was terribly cold, and Reina was trembling, like a child who had done something wrong and did not dare to face the majesty of the teacher.

The key is that the child did not know what he had done wrong.

"Come here!"

Xifei took the initiative to break the silence and shouted to the outside of the door: "Check the list of believers in the Lundan Division. Is there anyone named..."

"What's her name?"

"Ottilia!" Veronica replied viciously.

"That's the name. Transfer her file immediately."

"No need, high priest, I am very familiar with this believer, and the Lundan Division does not have her detailed information."

Flora felt that she was going to lose, and looked at Reina with cold eyes: "Her full name is Ottilia Ferdinand, and she is my student."


Yes, it's a bit messy, I'll sort it out first. x4

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