Restarting the myth

Chapter 167: A fatal injury, not fatal at all

The second floor of the hotel.

Around the second floor, the originally spacious and bright corridor now has only broken walls.

The air was filled with the smell of dust and blood, the collapsed ceiling was covered with traces of smoke, and traces of blood splatters could be seen everywhere.

Beside the collapsed walls and broken doors, several cold corpses stared with wide gray eyes.

Philomena came to the corridor with a sword in hand, and looked at the scene in front of her, with a fierce look in her eyes.

No matter who the attacker was or who was ambushing them, it was an indisputable fact that the Moonlight Church and his party suffered heavy casualties. If it was really the Windsor Ministry of Magic, she would definitely make the other party pay for this hatred with blood.

Ahead, the sound of fighting came.

The fighting was fierce and the screams continued.

Philomena tapped her toes on the ground, the sword blade swept through the air and spread the silver light, her figure flickering like a phantom.

At the end of the corner of the corridor, the Moonlight Church group was forced into a utility room. The human wall acted as a human shield, blocking the big tattered iron door.

The 'self' in the other world rushes like a mad dog, loses magic power, only looks at the essence of life, and is also a strong man per person. It is easy to tear down bricks and walls. At this time, the wall of the utility room has been demolished to pieces.

Seeing themselves with despair on the other side of the hole, the mad dogs became even more malicious and charged like they lost their minds.

Silvery white light crossed the flowing clouds and water lines, and the sharp howling stopped abruptly. Heads fell to the ground one by one, and their hands and feet twitched.

The mirror shattered and these figures disappeared.

"High Priest!"

Seeing the female war goddess in their hearts appear, the remaining five people were overjoyed. Everyone was injured, and their smiles looked particularly sad.

Looking at the last five people, Philomena felt deeply guilty: "I'm sorry, I was late."

"High Priest, what kind of magic did those people do just now?"

"Our magic is sealed..."

"Everyone is dead..."

Philomena raised her hand to signal everyone to be quiet: "They are us from the other world. I just met myself and managed to get rid of their pursuit."

"Inside the world?!"

It was the first time that everyone heard that such a world existed in the world.

"Mirror space, a world opposed to the God's Chosen Continent, a world abandoned by the gods..."

Philomena briefly explained, frowned and said: "The reason why you can't use magic is because the enemy has set up a forbidden magic area. They won't stop there. You can't directly participate in the battle. Protecting yourself is the priority. I don't want to see it again. Someone is injured."

Everyone was very angry when they heard this. If you fight in an upright manner, you will die. There is nothing to say if your skills are not as good as others. It is too humiliating to die by such despicable means.

"High Priest, who is the enemy?" one person asked.

"It's not certain yet."

Philomena looked very sad. She had some guesses, but she couldn't talk nonsense without evidence.

"High Priest, the hotel has been placed under a forbidden magic field, and in the other world you mentioned, the enemy will encounter the same situation when they come in. How can they continue to attack?"

"It's not that simple. Since the enemy dares to do this, they must have their own methods."

Philomena sighed helplessly, thinking about what to do next.

She first thought of the Golden Mage on the fifth floor, who was also ambushed. It would be beneficial to both of them if they could join forces to fight against the enemy.

After all, the enemy's large array made it clear that they would not leave anyone alive, and there was reason for cooperation.

Furthermore, according to Philomena's opinion, the golden mage on the fifth floor should be from the Heavenly Father's Holy See. Luzerburg belongs to the Heavenly Father's Holy See's sphere of influence and can put pressure on the attackers.

Unknowingly, Philomena has identified the murderer as the Windsor Ministry of Magic.

It was outrageous. She couldn't figure out why the Ministry of Magic killed the people. What benefit did the evil Moonlight Church bring to Windsor? Could it be that members of the Church of Darkness and Death had entered the upper echelons of the Ministry of Magic in Windsor?

Another point is that Philomena is curious about the identity of the golden mage on the fifth floor. Shengyan has seen it with his own eyes. It is extremely pure and cannot be mistaken. But if it is a mirror space, what about the death faith that fights against it?

Philomena had no clue and didn't want to wait for the enemy to come to the door. She opened the suitcase and looked at the few items inside.

Book of Moon Shadow!

Manuscripts of the Forgotten!

The flesh and blood of the starry sky beast!

Ring of Fire Element!

And a bottle of sealed dragon blood.

These five treasures are from the collection of the Moonlight Church. The senior officials of the Ministry of Magic in Windsor asked for them. Five people asked for five things each.

Among them, the most precious one is undoubtedly the Book of Moon Shadow, which involves the Moonlight Church’s belief in magic. Even if it is repeatedly deleted, the recorded content is still precious.

In order to better develop in Windsor, the Moonlight Church Headquarters made a decision that went against their ancestors and reluctantly took out the secrets that were not passed on, deleting and deleting them for trading.

In comparison, several other items are valuable, but because they have nothing to do with faith, their value is greatly reduced.

Such as dragon blood!

There are no giant dragons in the God's Chosen Continent, and there is no dragon blood circulating in the market. Only a few churches have reserves. The source cannot be studied. I only know that it was many years ago.

Philomena looked over one by one, staying for a long time on the flesh and blood of the starry sky beast and the dragon's blood. She thought for a long time and held the sealed bottle containing the flesh and blood of the starry sky beast in her hand.

"High Priest, what are you doing?"

A silver mage noticed Philomena's choice and took the initiative: "If it is used in that way, why not let me do it. As your subordinate, I am more suitable to bear this responsibility than you."

Philomena rejected it and said simply: "I am a golden mage. Even if I can't use magic, my mind can suppress erosion, and long-term use will not be affected."

"What about after that?"

The silver mage smiled bitterly: "How do you take out the flesh and blood? If your life goes on the wrong evolutionary path, it will be difficult to correct it in the future."

"I have my own way!"

Philomena answered confidently. Now is not the time to think so much. Survive first. Only if you survive can you be picky.

She led the team members out of the church headquarters. Losing most of them was a serious dereliction of duty. The remaining people must survive. This is her responsibility and persistence as a leader.

The group rested for a while, protected the suitcase in the middle, and followed Philomena into the fifth floor of the hotel.

To be precise, there is no fifth floor anymore. The death aura eroded and wiped out the space where the fifth floor was located.

This is just the edge. There is nothing left in the central battle area. Looking down from a high place, three of the five-story hotels with folded mirrors collapsed, and the bottom was as dark as a cliff.

Failure to find a partner made Philomena worried, and she prayed that the other side would shake hands and stop fighting, and everyone would join hands to fight against the unknown enemy.


A loud noise came from the side and the window of the outer wall of the hotel was broken, and more than ten people in black robes slowly walked over.

Philomena looked closely, and the four people in the lead were wearing white masks, and their true faces could not be seen clearly.

The mask is very interesting, it is some kind of magic prop, which is related to the barrier, ensuring that the four people can move freely in the mirror projection without being affected by the inner world.

The remaining eight people in black robes did not have masks, and they were described as cold and professional soldiers, each holding a submachine gun.

They were well prepared, and they clearly knew the existence of the forbidden magic field early on.

Seeing these people clearly, Philomena waved her hand to let her people retreat to the corner, and said coldly: "The Ministry of Magic in Windsor, right?"

Chester sneered and said: "You can think so, or you can treat us as Frank's black magician. It doesn't matter what it is. You will all die today."

"What if I destroy the trading items?" Philomena did not show any weakness.

"I don't know what trading items are. Our mission is to kill you all and never let the Moonlight Church enter Windsor." Chester said ambiguous words, resolutely not giving the other party a chance to trick him.

Considering that too much talk will lead to mistakes, he waved his hand and commanded eight soldiers to step forward, staggered into a queue, and pulled the trigger to start fire suppression.

Da Da Da Da————

In the narrow corridor, the submachine gun is the absolute king. Just one shot can dominate the scene and declare that all beings are equal.

Because of the forbidden magic field, Philomena could not open the life barrier. Facing the powerful firepower, she had to retreat to the corner.

The eight soldiers were well-trained, marching forward in formation, one firing, the others following, completing the suppression without wasting a single bullet.

Seeing this, Philomena had to think of another way, and gestured to let the five team members cover the suitcases and leave, and destroy them directly when necessary.

She was responsible for the rear guard.

The five knew that they would be a burden if they stayed, prayed that the high priest was safe, and took the suitcases to evacuate to the stairs.

The soldiers came to the end of the corridor with guns, and swept the guns towards the place where Philomena was hiding, but saw nothing.

At this moment, the wall on their side exploded, and the silver-white sword light cut through the air waves.

Philomena flipped over the wall, and the phantom figure left many afterimages, and the long sword in her hand slashed the necks of the eight soldiers, almost passing them in the blink of an eye.

She kept running towards the end of the corridor.

Behind, the necks of the eight soldiers were cracked, but no blood flowed out. The white flesh was squirming, and the wound closed in an instant.

Four black gun muzzles were pointed at Philomena, and bullets rained down like a torrential rain, covering Philomena's back and passing straight through.


Behind the corner, Philomena changed her arm to hold the sword, her right hand drooped at her side, and her eyes were even colder: "Alchemy into a formation, magic-modified life forms, it is indeed the Ministry of Magic in Windsor..."

She looked at her bleeding arm, without thinking about it, crushed the sealed bottle containing the flesh and blood of the star beast, and used this piece of flesh and blood to block the gunshot wound.

Only magic can fight magic. The other side modified life and interfered with evolution without regard for the consequences, so she also changed it!

"Chase after it, her body is very important, I want to confirm it myself."

Chester ordered, changed the road to chase the suitcase alone, leaving three colleagues to command the soldiers.

As a golden wizard, he had heard of Philomena's reputation. She was a crazy woman. She looked dignified and elegant, but she could do anything when she was forced.

Just in case, the silver wizard over there is easier to bully.

After Chester left, three masked men commanded soldiers to chase Philomena, saying foul language constantly, trying to provoke her anger and make her lose her mind and choose to fight head-on.

The sound of gunfire led the way, attracting a sneaky figure.


Wayne looked out and saw three black-robed buttocks with their backs to him. The distance was fifteen meters, and he could complete a triple kill in the case of a sneak attack.

Mona followed behind Wayne with bated breath, and when she looked out, she also saw a buttock facing her sideways.

Want to pinch!

"Stand here and don't move. I'll be back soon. Don't reveal that you can use magic without my order."

Wayne's mind transmitted, and he carefully touched the three black-robed figures. The situation in the field was clear, and even a blind man could see that the group in black robes was the villain.

They set up a mirror barrier and a magic-forbidden area, ignoring the ordinary people in the hotel and carrying out an inhumane massacre.

They also had a submachine gun in each hand!

Wayne sneaked ten meters away, crouched and charged, and suddenly accelerated his pace. The whistling sound of the wind reached the ears of the three black-robed men. Without thinking too much, they turned around and pulled the trigger.


The afterimage passed by quickly, and Wayne crossed his hands in front of him. At the position of his arms, two long knives squirmed, turned into gray and white flesh, and turned back to the original shape of arms.

Three heads soared into the sky, and the headless corpse did not fall down for a while, waving his hands and feet on the spot with the trigger pulled.

The bullets were fired aimlessly, some hit the wall, and some shot through Wayne's chest and head. The white foam on his face squirmed, squeezing the bullet out of his body.

It was just a fatal injury, not fatal at all!

After killing three magicians of unknown strength in seconds, Wayne found that they were also under the suppression of the forbidden magic field. He called Mona forward and took away the submachine gun and replaced the magazine in front of the owner.

His fist was big, and the owner dared not say a word when being robbed, and could only watch him change the magazine.

"Do you know how to use it?"

Wayne stuffed a submachine gun into Mona's hand, and when the latter nodded, he said, "Don't use it even if you know how to use it. Hold it for me. When I run out of bullets here, give me the gun."

Wayne held the gun with both hands, a submachine gun in his left hand and a submachine gun in his right hand. He felt that there was nothing to be afraid of.

He asked Mona to continue to move aside and came to the corner with two submachine guns.

To his surprise, there was a loud gunshot behind him. The unlucky guy who was ambushed was furious, and his blood rushed to the ceiling. The eight soldiers still didn't care and only knew to chase their prey.

"Then I can only accept it with a smile."

Wayne held the gun with both hands and pulled the trigger at the eight backs. The flames spewed out rapidly. There was no need to aim in the narrow corridor. A slight shake of the muzzle would be a dense firepower network like raindrops.

Chi Chi Chi————

Eight soldiers were attacked from behind and staggered and fell one by one.

Wayne emptied the magazine and threw away the submachine gun in his hand. He was about to comfort the victim and see what treasures the other party had, but suddenly realized that something was wrong.

The smell was wrong!

There was no smell of blood.

Under Wayne's surprised gaze, the eight soldiers slowly got up from the ground, their hands and feet were stiff, their eyes were dull, and they looked like zombies that could not die.

But they are more advanced than zombies and can't die even if they are shot in the head.

Wayne saw the white foam on the neck of one of the soldiers wriggling, and the wounds broken by bullets healed themselves, and he couldn't help but take a breath.

"Too weird!"

He is always double-standard. He can be weird, but others can never be weird.

Besides, there were eight of them at once.

The eight soldiers stood up and stood still as if waiting for orders. They did not fire directly at Wayne. Seeing this, the latter raised his eyebrows and said, "Listen to my orders, all commit suicide."

The effect was outstanding. The soldiers looked at him one after another and pulled the trigger without thinking.

The order was wrong, kill!

Wayne shrugged and stood there, letting the bullet pierce his body with an innocent look.

Realizing that this monster could not be killed with hot weapons, the eight soldiers decisively abandoned their guns, pulled out the military daggers at their waists, and formed a siege formation in pairs.


The afterimage flashed by, and a soldier's chest was sunken, and he smashed to the end of the corridor like a cannonball.

The person was in mid-air, and a lot of white foam overflowed from his mouth, nose, ears and eyes.

Wayne clearly heard the sound of fractures. He had a spine but soft body, and defined the eight soldiers as magical life.

He had seen similar life and created it. In terms of appearance alone, the eight highly anthropomorphic ones in front of him did not have the uncanny valley effect.

Wayne kicked the nearest soldier away. His speed, strength and other attributes were absolutely overwhelming. He was so thick-skinned that he ignored the sharp weapons and rushed into the formation. He punched and a ball of white foam splashed, and he easily beat the eight soldiers into a state of disfigurement.

The white foam squirmed, and the eight soldiers stood up at the same time. Their muscles swelled, their bodies rose to two meters, a tail grew from their backs, fine scales covered their bodies, and their hands turned into claws.

Wayne was horrified. He had seen this scene before, such as Dragon Heart Island and Landau Manor.


"Dragon blood?!"

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