Restarting the myth

Chapter 165: Forbidden Magic Field

The shadow nightmare is as fast as lightning, roars of death, and the gray ball expands and spreads, impacting all tangible and intangible objects around it.

Even the incombustible Holy Flame showed signs of decline under the powerful death impact.

Very strong!

But it's not strong enough!

Wayne held the Holy Spear to block the Shadow Nightmare, and the golden light flashed in his eyes. Although the Death Knight was extremely powerful, the strength shown by the opponent was far less terrifying and invincible than he imagined.

Wayne silently made an assessment. Not to mention compared to the Headless Horseman in his heyday, even compared to him wearing a vest, his understanding of facing death was still three points weaker.

Moreover, it is not as good as him in terms of strength.

Then there is nothing to be afraid of!

I can't beat the Headless Horseman, so I can't beat you!

The ferocious light in Wayne's eyes surged, the magic wave swept away, and the holy flames that surrounded him exploded. He held the Shadow Nightmare with the Holy Spear of Heaven, pressing the death knight forward to charge forward.

boom! boom! boom!

Walls were shattered one after another. These brick walls, corroded by the breath of death, were loose and soft. They were unable to withstand the force of Wayne and would have turned into a shabby project if touched.

"You said that I betrayed the goddess, haha, as pious as you are, this is nothing more than that!"

After confirming that the opponent was not as scary as he imagined, Wayne's words became more flexible: "You have a weak body, poor spells, loose spirit, slow reaction, and none of your movements are decent. You are the only one who is a death knight. Bah, I saw it." It’s all embarrassing.”

The death knight roared again and again, and Wayne was so angry that he became angry. The ruby ​​on the hilt of the Shadow Nightmare glowed, and a portal opened beside him.

The undead horse jumped out, spitting purple flames from its mouth and nose and burning towards Wayne.

"Yulia, even you betrayed me?"

Wayne waved his hand and sprinkled the holy flames to act as a barrier, angrily scolding Yulia for his traitorous behavior. He had previously said that he would never leave her, and she gently expressed her joy under his crotch. As soon as the camera turned, he forgot about the old yellow hair when he got the new yellow hair.

It’s okay if you don’t want this horse!

"You are not a death knight, and you have never been loyal to the goddess, so how can you talk about betrayal!"

Seeing that Wayne was furious, the death knight laughed and ordered the undead horse to continue charging. Today he vowed to cut off Wayne's head.

"When I became a knight, you, a tadpole, hadn't found your mother yet!"

When it comes to talking skills, Wayne is much better than the Death Knight.

He waved the holy spear to sweep away the death knight, facing the impact of the undead war horse without dodging. He stepped sideways, clenched a fist with one hand, and the edge of his fist exploded with magic power, rounding it and hitting the undead war horse in the face.

There was a muffled sound, and the undead war horse staggered back. Wayne's eyelids twitched, and the holy light covered his palms, dispelling the stinging pain that penetrated deep into the bone marrow.

I was careless and forgot that there were bones on the other side.

However, after a brief moment of contact, Wayne found that 'Ulia' was far from the cheerful little mare he knew. She was lifeless and not happy at all.

Not the lifelessness of the skeleton, but the emotion.

Both the Headless Horseman and Wayne take great care of Yulia. In this environment, Yulia is carefree and innocent, but stupid and not very smart.

Yulia was happy because she didn't have to think too much.

The undead war horse in front of me was different. It exuded a gloomy and dead energy from the inside out, like a walking corpse, with no free life at all.

At first, Wayne thought that the other party was nostalgic and was forced to attack his former master, so he was depressed and lacked energy.

Looking into those eyes, he realized that it was not his horse at all.

Never ridden one!

A death knight suddenly appeared, an undead horse that he had never seen before. Wayne became more and more confused as he fought, having no idea what he was fighting.

On the roof, Mona waved her wings and landed. She was bathed in holy light, her wings extended, and she shed swords of holy light.

At the same time, the voice of her thoughts reached Wayne's heart.

The voice within the team exists due to the establishment of the master-servant contract.

"Master, I just met myself, a negative version of myself. If I guess correctly, the death knight you are fighting against..."

Mona didn't say the next words, it was too offensive and contrary to her faith.

She believed that with the master's intelligence, he would react with a little reminder.


Wayne was surprised to receive the message. He reacted and looked at the knights and horses on the field in surprise.

The feathers of the Holy Light fell interspersedly, densely as rain, exploded with rumbles and vibrated continuously, hitting the floors and collapsing layer by layer.

The death knight is entangled with death energy, not afraid of Mona's thin holy light, even itching is too weak.

The space door opened beside him, and he stepped onto the undead war horse. His breath was connected with the war horse, and the sword as pure as snow was dazzling.

Wayne knew what would happen next. The space door opened, and the death knight appeared behind him on a war horse, swinging his sword and cutting off his head.

He had practiced this move many times.

Wayne stayed put, put away the holy spear and dispersed the holy will of the Golden Rule.

If the other person was really him, no, he was very sure that the other person was not him.

So, if Yulia is not Yulia, and Shadow Nightmare is not Shadow Nightmare, then...

The dark portal opened behind Wayne, and the undead warhorse spewed purple flames and jumped out. The death knight raised his sword and slashed straight at Wayne's neck.


Mona was shocked, flapping her wings and descending, rushing towards the center of the battlefield as fast as possible, trying to block the blow with herself.

Wayne's eyes filled with gray, he waved his hand to pull out the Shadow Nightmare from the air, and struck back sideways, blocking the impact of the knight from the opposite side.


Wayne plowed the ground with his feet and was knocked ten meters away by the powerful force.

When he stabilized his body, the shadow nightmare in his hand reflected a skeletal face filled with black smoke.




The death knight and the undead war horse were both stunned. Mona fell into the air with a look of horror on her face. Without stopping, she smashed into the wall with a bang and fell into the ruins.

Her angel master is broken!

"You said I betrayed death, then what is this?"

Wayne swung his sword light, cut through the space with thick death energy, and opened the dark portal with a hiss.

Yulia jumped out of the portal, lowered her head and rubbed Wayne's cheek affectionately. The close contact between bones made Mona, who was leaning her head, feel cold in her heart.

She hasn't posted it yet.

Thinking of what 'she' had said, that once she lost everything, she would degenerate into a devil, her heart clenched so hard that it hurt beyond words.

She is more afraid of losing everything than falling into a devil!

"Master, what is that?"

After Yulia finished posting Wayne, he looked at the knights and horses opposite in surprise, as if he was looking into a mirror, a dirty mirror.

"I don't know. It should be related to the barrier I'm in."

Wayne jumped on the back of Yulia's horse and pointed his sword pointed at the ground: "Yulia, that horse hit me just now and used your face to make me sad for a long time."

How unreasonable!

Yulia instantly turned on the rampage mode, stomped on the ground with her front hooves, and breathed purple flames from her mouth and nose, trying to give the Bichi opposite her some color.

The portal flashed, and Yulia jumped into it with Wayne.

On the opposite side, the death knight also rode the undead horse and rushed into the portal. The sound of clanging echoed in the air, and from time to time there was an explosion, or a wall or ceiling collapsed.

The dark portal of the portal flickered, gray mist flew wildly, and the terrifying corrosive force corrupted the surrounding things, causing the ashes to be blown away by the storm and filled the entire space.

The gloomy mist intertwines the dilapidated reality and the decadent illusion, forming a strange and confusing picture.

Mona stared blankly at the changes in front of her, her ears lingering on the conversation between Wayne and Yulia. She heard clearly that Yulia called her master master.


‘Master’ is not her exclusive title, there is another horse who shares her honor.

boom! !

The portal tore apart, and a black shadow fell from the sky, hitting the ground heavily, crushing the ground and falling into the corridor on the next floor.

Wayne swayed out of the portal on Yulia, looked down from a high position, and said disdainfully: "Your death is nothing more than this, you are too weak. Your weakness is the greatest disloyalty to the goddess!"

The death knight roared in his throat: "The barrier cannot project all my strength. I didn't lose to you, I just..."

"Shut up, only the weak will find excuses, the real strong are not afraid of any challenge."

Wayne's words were flying, repeatedly trampling the opponent's self-esteem, and Yulia followed up by spitting purple flames, silently taunting Bichi below.

The effect was average, the undead war horse felt as if its heart had died, and it was numb throughout the process without any ripples.

"You are too weak. How can you protect the goddess if you are so weak? Hand over the Shadow Nightmare. You are not worthy of the title of knight." Wayne increased his output and took a fancy to the sword in the death knight's hand.

Although he has a handle, there is no such thing as too much of a good thing, and perhaps this is an opportunity to unravel his inability to meet the Headless Horseman.

The death knight was furious and waved his sword to create a death vortex.

The twisted air mass expanded rapidly, with a bang, like a balloon exploding, and all elements were silent at this moment.

Wayne looked at his body in surprise as an unspeakable power enveloped him, suppressing his power of death. It was not a seal, but it did affect his ability to control the shadow nightmare.

Yulia snorted, but did not spit out purple flames. She shook her head and shook her tail in confusion: "Master, my nose is blocked. Do I have a cold?"

"No way, you are dead."

Wayne replied angrily and looked intently at the death knight below, suspecting that it was the other party's fault.

No, the death knight was worse than him. Suppressed by invisible forces, he was unable to maintain his knight form. The black armor disappeared, revealing his original appearance.

The undead horse under his crotch remained motionless and tried to open the portal, but failed.

Wayne looked at the knight's face, which was exactly the same as his own, and the white light in his eyes danced violently.

He was very sure that the person facing him was not him, but when he saw this face, he still couldn't help but feel a little suspicious.

Is it really him?

Whether it is yes or no, you will know after you try it. Wayne jumped off Yulia and came to the death knight with the Shadow Nightmare in hand. He pointed his sword directly: "You can't maintain the face of a knight with just a few restrictions. It's so embarrassing. Now, get off your horse and fight with me, I will give you a decent death, and let you die with the last bit of knightly dignity."

The death knight's face was ashen, and the hand holding the Shadow Nightmare was shaking. He abandoned his horse and turned to infantry, and walked towards Wayne with bloodshot eyes.

Only then did Wayne realize that the other party was in rags and was dressed like a beggar.

The two raised their swords and crossed each other in mid-air.

The death knight said coldly: "I can't believe that you have a disgusting mouth, but you still retain the spirit of a knight."

"Idiot, this is the privilege of the strong. You are weak, you don't understand, you only deserve to be pitied."

Wayne sneered, and at the moment when the Death Knight was furious, he violently suppressed the Shadow Nightmare. Powerful force surged toward the opposite side, completing the suppression in an instant.

"Despicable, it hasn't opened yet..."


The sword edge scratched his neck. The death knight held the sword in one hand and covered his throat with the other. Blood spilled from his fingers and he coughed repeatedly.

Wayne waved his sword, shook off the blood that didn't exist, and shook his head: "Wayne, you are really not me."

The death knight staggered and knelt on one knee. Boundless coldness hit him, and the world in his eyes was dark.

The undead horse behind him remained motionless, not expressing the slightest grief because its master was about to die.

"I am you...a you wrapped in negativity..."

He struggled to raise his head, his fierce eyes filled with hatred: "I will not die. Next time the mirror world comes, I will definitely chop off your head."

The words fell, the mirror shattered, and the death knight and war horse disappeared without a trace.

What is the mirror world?

Wayne raised his eyebrows. He tried, but the opponent's strength was too weak, and his speed and nerve reactions were completely unable to keep up.

It means that the opponent does not have the Book of Greed, and the essence of life has not been greatly strengthened. He is just an ordinary magician. He can fight him with the Shadow Nightmare in his hand. Without the bonus of the Shadow Nightmare, he is just a piece of cake in front of him.

If the mirror world is literal and can reflect the exact same version of himself, Wayne has reason to suspect that the mirror has not been refreshed and is not reflecting him, but the Wayne before him.

Thinking of this, Wayne took a breath. When he first arrived, he was entangled by the Death Church, and the Observer, one of the three major agents, personally issued an invitation.

Xifei was not the first beard cutter, Chrissy was the one who snatched him away from the arms of the goddess of death with her own hands.

"Master, I cannot open the portal."

Yulia jumped off the high platform and told Wayne about his condition. The latter smiled and waved away the shadow nightmare.

Yulia disappeared along with the Shadow Nightmare.

After taking off the death knight's vest, Wayne let out another sigh. He could clearly feel it. Not only did the four elements in the air disappear, but the magic power in his body was also suppressed to the point where he could not move.

Empty thoughts but unable to release magic!

"How can magic be such an inconvenience? Although I don't know what the restriction is, for a truly strong person, this restriction can be broken at any time."

Wayne was very sure that he might not be able to resist this restriction, but the Death Knight's vest could, and he could also sense the Shadow Nightmare and could summon it to him at any time.

in addition……

The chest is squirming, but the hook is not sealed!


Mona jumped off the high platform and stood helplessly behind Wayne, as aggrieved as an abandoned puppy, not even daring to breathe loudly.

"Don't tell anyone what you just saw. This is my trust in you. Don't let me down." Wayne confessed. When he turned around, he saw Mona's aggrieved expression. She was so pitiful that she almost cried.

He thought for a moment and roughly understood the reason, and waved to Mona with a smile.


"Still sad?"



"Much better."


"Stop blinking. Just two blinks. Any more will be your reward. It's not that easy to lie to me."

Refuse to be deceived, start with me!

Wayne held Mona in his arms, air waves exploded under his feet, and he jumped up to the top.

It has nothing to do with magic, just physical power.

"Mona, can you still sense magic?"

"The magic power is sealed, and the Holy Light cannot be released directly. You can use the Stigmata, and your thinking will be much slower than usual." Mona raised the back of her hand, and the light of the Cross Stigma remained undiminished.

Wayne nodded: "At first, I thought this was a trap of the Death Knight, but he was too weak to pose a threat to me, and you also saw it in the mirror..."

He looked at the messy corridors. The space was intricately folded, and no overlapping space sections could be found when it was perfectly closed.

"They are not here for us. There are other magicians fighting in the hotel."

"Boss, do we want to join the fight?" Mona knew that her master would not remain silent.

"Of course, not to mention dragging me into the battle for no reason. The other party must apologize. I can't just sit back and watch this kind of large-scale killing move that ignores ordinary people."

Wayne squinted his eyes and gave a third reason in his mind. He smelled a business opportunity.

Such a luxurious handiwork must have a huge purpose. Whether it is the ambusher or the ambush, especially the unlucky one who is ambushed, he must have a heavy treasure on his body.

He felt a little wronged, and with tears in his eyes found the lost treasure. Isn't it wonderful that the two sides made peace with each other?

Wayne rubbed his hands with a serious face: "Let's go, I sensed the magic wave during the previous battle, follow me to carry out justice."

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