Restarting the myth

Chapter 151: Reincarnated Angel, Stigmata, Holy Light Descends

"Okay, okay, don't be sad. The Headless Horseman just said that because he was controlled. He didn't really want to scold you.

In the sewer, Wayne comforts the depressed Yulia.

"What I said is what I said, even if I was controlled, I said it. Yulia, your former master doesn't love you at all. There is no need to be sad for him." Abin snorted coldly, defending his friend's injustice.

It's fair to say that the Headless Horseman is a big pig's hooves!

"Abin, it is immoral to speak ill of people behind their backs. Although I am very good to Yulia, it is undeniable that the Headless Horseman is not bad to her either." Wayne reprimanded him with a straight face, not wanting to hear similar words in the future.

Yulia was dejected and found a corner to squat. The low air pressure was visible to the naked eye.

"Yulia, actually you don't have to be sad. Think on the bright side. You had a master who loved you before, and now you still have a master who loves you. You have nothing to lose." Wayne patted the horse's back, kfc road.

"I don't think so. The Headless Horseman treats Yulia as a tool. Unlike you, the master, you will only feel sorry for Yulia." Abin continued.

"Hey, why are you still talking?"

Wayne glared at Abin and said, "Well done. As expected of his dog, this is what he should do."

"Of course the master is good, but the headless horse...the previous master was also very good to me."

Yulia was almost taken into a ditch by a man and a dog. He said gloomily: "I'm not sad because he is cruel to me. He is controlled by the devil. No matter how cruel he is, it is not his intention. When I think that he hasn't come to me for so long, it's because of me." Well, he endured the torture alone, but I found a new owner outside, and I really hated myself. "

The undead war horse looked at Wayne: "Master, am I the kind of frivolous horse that doesn't know how to love itself?"

"That's definitely not the case!"

Wayne shook his head in denial. Yulia was a licentious man, so what the hell was he? He was really a loser.

The God of Pure Love cannot bear this kind of grievance!

"Then what am I?"

"Yulia, you just released your nature."

Wayne continued kfc: "Do you still remember what the Headless Horseman said? You did not betray him. The reason why I can ride your horse and gallop is because of his secret instructions. Because he nodded, we can be happy."

Headless Horseman: I'm not, I didn't say, how can I nod even if I don't have a head!

Wayne smacked his lips, feeling that the taste was not right. The more he spoke, the more he sounded like a fool. He then said, "That's the situation. Even if you really betrayed him, it was still within his plan. There is no need to bear any psychological burden. Isn't this not him?" mission.”

Hey, it seems even more wrong!

Yulia seemed to understand, but after thinking about it carefully, it seemed that this was true.

However, when he thought of the Headless Horseman being tortured and unable to maintain his independent will, he became depressed and depressed.

It will take a few more laps for Wayne to get better.

Okay, okay, wait for me here, right?

Wayne complied with Yulia's request, transformed into a death knight, sat on horseback and strolled through the sewers. He noticed that the sound of horse hooves gradually became lighter, and said: "Yuliya, you are still thinking about the Headless Horseman, right?"

Yulia was silent for a while: "Master, do you think I am betraying you?"

That won't happen, I'm not a sufferer.

Wayne stroked the cold horse's neck and said with a smile: "How could it be? Keeping me in mind shows that you are a loyal war horse. It's not too late for me to be happy."

"That's right, this isn't betrayal, it's gold plating. The master can ride you, and the headless horseman's face will shine." Abin helped.

"Abin, don't talk, it tastes too strong."

Wayne tried to change the topic out of the weird circle of yellow hair, and said to Yulia: "Cheer up, neither the Headless Horseman nor I want to see you like this. As for his current situation..."

Wayne paused and continued: "It's just a temporary downfall. He is a knight chosen by God. He will not be controlled by the devil forever. After this test, his faith will become more pious."

"But the devil is so powerful, and he is still in the Alliance. How long will it take for him to regain his freedom?"



"When we first met, I was nothing. Now I am a silver mage."

Wayne said to Yulia: "Give me some time, and when I am strong enough to defeat the devil, I will go to Paris to rescue the Headless Horseman and take his head away from the devil."

Wayne did not say whether he would return the head to the Headless Horseman after taking it back, but based on the context, normal people would understand it as returning it.

That’s what Yulia thought. He was very moved and turned back to rub Wayne’s palm: “Master, you are so kind.”

"I can't help it. Who asked me to love you so much? I don't feel good if you are sad."

"Then... what should I do if he regains his will and becomes a death knight again?" Yulia was extremely confused. Both masters were very kind to her, but she couldn't let go of either one.

Is there a possibility that the two owners could be more generous and let her be ridden by the Headless Horseman during the day and Wayne by night.

No losers, win-win-win-win, everyone is happy!

"It's simple. Just stay with him and I will call you when needed. Just be there at your call." Wayne said cheerfully.

"He will definitely be sad if he finds out..."

"Stupid, just come here secretly and don't let him know."

"Well, listen to the master."

The future is promising, double happiness!

Yulia thought about the future, swept away the gloom in her mind, and became the carefree and happy little mare she was before.

She ran with Wayne in the sewer, the sound of horse hooves was fast and rapid, as if only this could express the unspeakable pleasure.

Practicing skills, experience is being upgraded.


Wayne couldn't help laughing while riding on horseback. It was impossible for him to come secretly. He had to go through the shadow nightmare to summon Yulia.

If there really came such a day, how could the Dullahan not know that Yulia's self-proclaimed sneakiness was just the Dullahan turning a blind eye.

"Hey, why are you back to the strange circle of Huangmao again?"


Wayne's house.

After coaxing Yulia, Wayne asked her to hide the sealed book, and asked Valkyrie for swordsmanship after returning home.

In the ruins of Giant City, he was able to kill the Golden Mage with one sword. In addition to the Death Knight's vest being strong enough, the increasingly improved swordsmanship was the fundamental reason.

The sneak attack accounted for a small proportion, only one percent, no more.

Valkyrie is a qualified knight teacher. She is always willing to help and never spares her own knowledge. She only keeps what the students cannot learn.

As Wayne gradually practiced swordsmanship, he gained some experience in swordsmanship and found that the dragon-slaying swordsmanship taught by Valkyrie was different from that taught by Willy.

The swordsmanship taught to Willy is more feminine, with more detailed operations.

The swordsmanship learned by Wayne abandoned these details. The moves were open and fierce, and the main focus was to kill one thousand enemies and lose eight hundred of their own. Once many sword moves were performed, they completely gave up their own defense.

Facing Wayne's question, Valkyrie's answer was very simple. She was armor, she was responsible for defense and protection, and the knight only needed to hold the sword to kill the enemy.

Willy continued to practice swordsmanship. Wayne finished the course half an hour early and followed the car to the academy to pick up Chris from school.

The senior sister had prepared the university textbooks. This knowledge corresponds to the "emptiness" of the Silver Cross stage. It is very important and an indispensable part of Wayne's practice.

When the car returned from the women's college, it was just dinner time.

"Master, there is a lady looking for you. She is in the living room and calls herself Mona. She is your good friend." The maid reported.

"Why is she here?"

Wayne was quite puzzled: "She came at the right time. It's dinner time. Go and prepare a set of tableware."

The maid nodded and left. Chris followed behind Wayne and asked curiously: "Who is Mona? Don't you have few friends? When did you get a new friend?"

Three questions in a row, very curious.

Wayne heard the meaning of protecting food from it, and silently praised it. It's worthy of him. After unremitting efforts, he finally made the senior sister have improper thoughts about him.

"Mona is an employee of the detective agency. You are an accountant and should have seen her name."

Wayne asked back in a puzzled way: "Strange, I remember that you have a photographic memory, how come you even forgot the name of your colleague?"

Chris certainly remembered the name Mona and had read her resume. She was a mature and beautiful big sister. She pretended not to know and was curious about why the other party came to visit.

Just when she was about to explain, she saw Wayne looking at her with a half-smile, lowered her head and kept silent, looking for ants on the ground.

Yes, who Mona is has nothing to do with her. Veronica and Willie should be the ones to worry about.

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In the living room, Mona sat upright with a cup of black tea in front of her.

Opposite her was Willie, who was on guard, and she would sneak a glance at Mona from time to time. With red lips and glasses, long breasts and legs, and Wayne's favorite stockings, the old woman must have bad intentions when she came to the door at this time.

Fully armed, I'm afraid she's going to eat people!

Mona smiled at the corners of her eyes. She was a very interesting girl, and her thoughts were written on her face.

Willie was a clerk in the detective agency. Relying on her status as a classmate of the rich woman, she skipped work every other day. Mona didn't often go to the detective agency, and the two rarely met.

Willie didn't know Mona, she only knew that she was a colleague, skilled in detective business, and had a 100% commission completion rate. She was the trump card of Wayne's detective agency.

Before Mona entered the detective agency, she investigated Wayne's social circle. She often complained that she couldn't get close to Wayne because these girls were too young.

They are so beautiful and young, pagans are really annoying!


"Wayne, you're back!"

Willy jumped towards Wayne, raised her hand to hug one arm, and turned back to glare at Mona who came uninvited.

You are a golden retriever, not a golden retriever, be good, be friendly to your own kind!

Wayne tried to pull out his arm, but the resistance was too great and he failed, so he just let it go: "Detective Mona, why are you here? If it's still about that thing, don't mention it."

"Boss, can we talk alone?"


Wayne was about to agree, but his arm tightened, and under pressure, he changed his words: "Let's eat first, I asked the maid to add a set of tableware, and we'll talk after we finish eating."


After dinner, Mona followed Wayne into the study.

Willie leaned over and looked towards the stairs, feeling restless and uncomfortable. She said to Chris beside her: "Senior sister, you still have the mind to drink tea, the women outside have chased you home."

Chris was choked and coughed repeatedly. This was said as if she was the woman at home.

She took out a handkerchief to wipe the corner of her mouth, raised her hand and tapped Willie's head: "Don't talk nonsense, Detective Mona is for official business, and... it has nothing to do with me, understand?"


Willie looked at her fiercely, and the lingering sound was very long, and she said mercilessly: "Just lie to your sisters, don't lie to yourself, you think it doesn't matter, why do you tutor homework every day, I also want to learn, why haven't I seen you teach me?"

Christine blushed and argued that how could she slander someone's innocence out of thin air, because Wayne was a friend who saved her life, and she was embarrassed to refuse so she tutored him every day. Then she repeatedly reiterated the word friend, pure friendship, nothing else.

At the end, she grabbed Willie's cheek and pinched it.

You can't talk nonsense!

Willie didn't believe these nonsense, and she sneaked up and pressed Chris's chest, forcing her to withdraw her hand to defend herself, and whispered: "Senior sister, the breasts of women outside are so big that even you can't compare."


Don't make such a boring comparison!

Moreover, the other party's file stated that he was 32 years old, and he had absorbed nutrition for ten more years, so this comparison was unfair.

"Tell you a secret, Wayne likes big breasts."

"How is that possible!"

"Why would I lie to you? I once asked him what kind of figure he liked when looking for a girlfriend, big breasts or small breasts?" Willie whispered in Chris's ear.

"Then, what did he say?"

"He said that you don't have to find a girlfriend with big breasts, and body shape is not important, you have to find someone you like."

Willie complained: "I asked him what type he likes, and he said he likes big breasts."

Chris was speechless for a while: "Don't be silly, he's teasing you!"

"No, he was super serious at the time."


Then Veronica was out long ago. In the final analysis, he just simply likes beautiful women.


In the study room on the second floor, Wayne invited Mona to sit down across the desk: "What's the matter? Why don't you go there specifically? Can't you go to the detective agency?"

"Boss, you didn't go to the detective agency today."

"Uh, that's right."

Wayne patted his head, it was indeed like this: "Tell me, what's the matter, let's be frank, if it's an angel or something, don't mention it again."

"Boss, Archbishop Gunther of St. Paul's Cathedral wants to meet you, anytime, he has been waiting for a day, and will continue to wait in the future." Mona said.

Wayne felt a toothache: "What do you mean, threatening me, I must meet him?"

"No, he insisted on meeting you."

Mona corrected: "Unlike the angels summoned by the Golden Rule Bible, you are special. If you don't want to, he won't appear in front of you."

With such a high status, can't he do whatever he wants?

Wayne blinked. The warehouse of St. Paul's Cathedral should be very large. If the devil, no, if the angel went in for a stroll, would the archbishop take the initiative to take the blame?

It's a pity that he can't take the blame. He is really not an angel.

Mona held her breath and waited for Wayne's reply. After a while, she said pitifully: "Master, the archbishop..."

"Don't talk nonsense, there is no such relationship between us."

Wayne interrupted and asked bluntly: "If I don't meet him, will you ask me every day?"

"Yes, as long as the sincerity is enough, I will definitely impress you."

"Sincerity is written on the Queen's head portrait. What you are doing can only be considered sexual harassment."

Wayne shook his head: "Then let's meet once. The facts will prove everything. I am not the person you are looking for. Don't harass me later."

It's so funny, how could he be an angel!

Mona nodded repeatedly and went to drive immediately.

"Don't worry, I still have to go to class."

"But the archbishop..."

"Let him wait!"

Wayne stood up and walked towards another study. The fragrant and intellectual senior sister and the archbishop who likes little boys, it is clear at a glance who is more important.


Eleven o'clock in the evening, St. Paul's Cathedral

As soon as Mona's car stopped, Gunther and Atley came to meet her.

The two looked at Wayne carefully. According to Mona, this man was not only an angel, but also Bruce who was undercover in the devil's camp.

He really looked righteous!

Wayne appeared in Dragon Heart Island, and the Blood Tyrant was driven back to hell;

Wayne was undercover in the Thousand Eyes Demon camp, and the Thousand Eyes Demon plan failed and returned to hell in disgrace.

What a big hatred!

No wonder Mona was full of confidence and determined that Wayne was an angel. Gunther and Atley believed it 80%, otherwise there would be no explanation.

In the quiet room of the cathedral, before Wayne's identity was officially confirmed, Gunther did not use the honorific title, waved his hand in front of him, and took out a thick golden book.

The Bible of the Golden Rule!

As soon as this book came out, it immediately attracted the Book of Greed to look out, and Wayne's eyes became sharp.

"Mr. Wayne, have you seen the words above?"


Wayne has not only seen the Golden Rule of Angels, but also the Seven Deadly Sins, but there is no need to tell Gunther about these, so he casually said: "I should have seen it, I saw it in a Bible, but I can't remember it clearly."

I know you have seen it!

Gunther's eyes lit up. The Golden Rule Bible and other Bibles are two different concepts. This statement can't fool him. He subconsciously used honorifics: "It's normal to remember it. Your coming is very special. There is no memory of heaven."

"You really make me an angel..."

Wayne was helpless: "Come on, what should I do to prove that I am just an ordinary human?"

"Please wait."

Gunther chanted a spell to open the Golden Rule Bible, placed it flat in front of Wayne, and said respectfully: "Please put your palm on it, the Bible will respond to you, although your soul has been reincarnated, the holy marks of heaven will also come with it, and the Golden Rule will stimulate the holy marks..."

"Don't say so much, I am not, and I don't need to know these secrets, so as not to kill people to silence them."

Wayne interrupted Gunther and raised his hand to press on the page of the Golden Rule Bible.


Holy Light Descends!

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